Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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But the topic of the thread is do you think CA has gone over the edge (not how much to you despise/hate CA.
:waitasec::waitasec: It sort of evolves into Cindy/George..... Cindy is a BATTLEAXE.......She can't go over an edge that she never had?? but she has brought many other people "over the edge"

To clarify, I do not despise CA, I loathe people like her, as they are a poison to everyone they conquer & I believe that's her MAIN Goal.....I feel for George, as he has FEELINGS, & I believe he was on the right path when HE filed for divorce in 2005!:clap::clap:
My father was murdered. I understand where you are coming from. If it had turned out that it was someone in my immediate family, I don't know how I would handle that. I do know that I would still love them although I would never ever forgive them, but I also wouldnt air my dirty laundry for the whole world to see. That is what I think the Anthonys are feeling. I think they know deep down and are holding onto any bit of hope that it wasnt there daughter. But either way I don't think they will ever come out to the public and bad mouth their daughter. JMO

I am very sorry about your father, its a club none of us every want to be a member of. I feel exactly the same I would still love them but as far as forgiving them never. This happened to our family in 1977 my aunt knew one of the anchors on abc news who wanted to tell what happened to Danny , she refused to let him she was so ashamed that she failed to protect her son. I agree if they speak against thier daughter then they will seal her fate and I just dont think a parent can do that.
If they stayed in their home and hid from the world, people would have said they were hiding because they know their daughter murdered their granddaughter and they can't face the public. I am quite normal, and I think the Anthony's showed great restraint at some of those protesters!

They did not have to bring KC to their home. Arrangements were made for her to stay in a safe house. That alone would have kept almost all protesters away from their house. They were warned by LE about the chaos that would bring to them and their neighborhood. They brought her there because THEY LOVED chaos and CA LOVED her "cameos" on TV.

It would have been better in my opinion to stay quietly in their home or if they had been half way normal people they would have had all kinds of family and friends they could have stayed with. But we sure did not see that did we?

People KNEW their daughter murdered Caylee, so what would it have hurt them for that to be said? That has been said since day 31.
:waitasec::waitasec: It sort of evolves into Cindy/George..... Cindy is a BATTLEAXE.......She can't go over an edge that she never had?? but she has brought many other people "over the edge"

To clarify, I do not despise CA, I loathe people like her, as they are a poison to everyone they conquer & I believe that's her MAIN Goal.....I feel for George, as he has FEELINGS, & I believe he was on the right path when HE filed for divorce in 2005!:clap::clap:

How can you say that about a man who in the last twenty years wasnt there for his family. He has not supported CA or Kc or Lee or Caylee. He left that all to Cindy.If he was any knid of man he would have been working a steady job for the past 20 yrs. He sponged off of his wife, He taught his daughter well didnt he.
I am very sorry about your father, its a club none of us every want to be a member of. I feel exactly the same I would still love them but as far as forgiving them never. This happened to our family in 1977 my aunt knew one of the anchors on abc news who wanted to tell what happened to Danny , she refused to let him she was so ashamed that she failed to protect her son. I agree if they speak against thier daughter then they will seal her fate and I just dont think a parent can do that.

Thanks. I'm sorry for your loss too. Until you are in the position you can't understand. I don't wish that on another and can't even imagine what they are going through, with this being their own daughter. I love my child and no matter what would stick by him. Like I said before, I wouldnt forgive and but I also wouldnt let the whole world bash him.
Oh, geeze..I think that's a bit overly-dramatic.

I had a very wise therapist once who liked to say to me "Do you really think you are that powerful, that you can control another persons mental health?"

love it! When I was younger I would spend time fretting over what he said or she said, blah, blah, blah, giving other people power over me. One day it dawned on me not to care unless someone approached me with a true concern like "When you said that, it hurt my feelings". That, I respect, and I can humble myself to hear the person (and maybe even apologize:)) It's called growth. But no one can tell me who I am and I've learned to trust that the truth WILL set you free.
They are FINALLY listening to what they should have done since day one. And that is keep quiet! (Its about time I say)
No, not all bloggers have been nice. With the bizarre actions of this family, people began to catch on. Negative actions have negative reactions. If the lying hadnt become an issue, public opinion of them would be better. They brought this opinion on themselves.

Having been the victim of a horrible crime myself, I know exactly how far one can be pushed, and what happens when people turn a blind eye to the crime and anyone involved. Justice is not always served up on a silver platter. Children, especially deceased ones, have no voice. It is not up to LE alone to guarantee justice. It is the voice of the people. The courts were designed to hear our voices in a controlled setting.

Spinning the publics head was done by Cindy and George as well as Casey. I have heard more from Cindy on tv than I have from Casey. Cindy knew full well that her daughter was a liar and a thief.. yet she has done her best to portray her as a good person. Maybe that was her right as a mother, but the head spinning that was started by Casey, was carried on for 6 months by her mother.

I have an infinite amount of compassion for victims, but not for those who cannot be honest. Justice for Caylee and the crimes against her,laying taped and forlorn in a garbage bag for months. I have a grand daughter that is two. If she were missing right now I would be looking for her everywhere-dead or alive, while praying every minute that she is alive. I would be thanking everyone who took even 30 minutes to help.

So pardon me if I seem cold or uncaring. That is certainly not the case. I have priorities, and empathy for the Anthony's , but my concern is for Caylee Marie. Those who harmed her or helped to decieve or cover it up will gt no tears from me.

Yes, Cindy knew her daughter was a liar and a thief....but a liar and a thief doesn't = murderer. George and Cindy did not harm Caylee and there is no evidence that they were intentionally trying to cover for Casey. Casey is responsible....only Casey. Caylee is in heaven crying because of the hatred being shown to those who loved her the most.
They did not have to bring KC to their home. Arrangements were made for her to stay in a safe house. That alone would have kept almost all protesters away from their house. They were warned by LE about the chaos that would bring to them and their neighborhood. They brought her there because THEY LOVED chaos and CA LOVED her "cameos" on TV.

It would have been better in my opinion to stay quietly in their home or if they had been half way normal people they would have had all kinds of family and friends they could have stayed with. But we sure did not see that did we?

People KNEW their daughter murdered Caylee, so what would it have hurt them for that to be said? That has been said since day 31.

no they brought her home desperate for the truth. IMO
This is my first post (and a long one at that) so go easy on me. I've been lurking for awhile and really think this site is a great place to come to for details on the case, theories and evidence.

I'm posting now because I just feel that I have to say something in regards to the hate of the Anthony’s (not KC). As a parent I can't even imagine what this family is going through. I honestly feel that anything they do would be criticized in some way or another.

There are a lot of people who are mad that they were out there looking for their granddaughter even when everyone else thought that she was dead, but I can’t fathom why people would be surprised or upset that they would be in denial and that they believed she was alive. I know I wouldn’t want to believe that she wasn’t, no matter what was shown or told to me. They loved that little girl and wanted so much to believe that their daughter would never do anything to her. Of course they fell for her lies, because she was their last hope. Yes, they enabled Casey, but sometimes love is blind, especially when it comes to your children. This doesn’t mean that they are horrible people. Who in their right mind would want to believe that their child killed their granddaughter? We know that Casey wasn’t the greatest daughter, lying, stealing, etc. but sometimes it easy to forget the bad things when you want so much to believe that your child is good.

For example, think of a long relationship that you had with someone who broke your heart, then years later when you think of the person you remember the bad things they did, but most of the time you remember all the good things. It happens all the time with people who get divorced. They hate each other but as time goes by they wonder if they made a mistake. Why? Because they remember the good times and sometimes the bad doesn’t seem “that bad”. The same can be said about a job. You hate your job, you leave, you start another and start to not like it and before you know it, you’re talking about all the great things at your old job. It’s easy to do and I don’t know one person who hasn’t had this experience.

So, when your own child is accused of killing your grandchild, of course you don’t want to believe it. The public can see things differently because they have no attachment or history with the actual people involved. Casey and Caylee are there flesh and blood, not a name in the paper.

We all care about Caylee, but before this got into the news, we knew nothing about her and they did, they knew and loved her. So no matter how much we get upset or hate what has happened or hate who did it, we will never know what or how the grandparents feel, because this was their life.

I don’t care if they told lies, if they supported Casey, if they were mean to protestors on their property. Their goal was to find Caylee and yes, to even believe that Casey didn’t do it. It obvious to all of us because we can look at it clearly, we are outsiders looking in. When everyday life and love and family history come into it, it’s not always so black and white. Sometimes we can confuse reality and see what we want to see because it’s easier. I don’t see why it’s hard to believe that they held onto the hope that she was alive and that their daughter had nothing to do with it. I think they do know deep down that Casey is involved (you can see it in their jail sessions), but I also think that they would never admit it because they can’t accept that their daughter did this to their granddaughter. I don’t agree with obstructing justice but I think if they did indeed do this it wasn’t because they weren’t honoring Caylee, I think they really wanted to believe that Casey couldn’t do this and felt if they couldn’t save their granddaughter that they would save their daughter because they couldn’t bare with the thought of their whole lives falling apart. So whether or not their reactions were right, we will never (God willing) know what they have and are going through.[/Q Well said!:woohoo::clap::woohoo::clap::woohoo:
I am very sorry about your father, its a club none of us every want to be a member of. I feel exactly the same I would still love them but as far as forgiving them never. This happened to our family in 1977 my aunt knew one of the anchors on abc news who wanted to tell what happened to Danny , she refused to let him she was so ashamed that she failed to protect her son. I agree if they speak against thier daughter then they will seal her fate and I just dont think a parent can do that.

I believe they have "sealed her fate" with their lies. If they had not assisted her in telling all those lies and then lying themselves to back them up, she might have had to face the truth. KC believed her parents would get her out of this one too, but all that happened was she missed any opportunity to plead this case down and get out of jail in her lifetime. She could have said it was an accident and received maybe 15 years, then been out of jail in 7 1/2 with good time. NOW........between all her lies, and her parent's lies, she is DONE !! She will never see daylight again out of a jail house.
How can you say that about a man who in the last twenty years wasnt there for his family. He has not supported CA or Kc or Lee or Caylee. He left that all to Cindy.If he was any knid of man he would have been working a steady job for the past 20 yrs. He sponged off of his wife, He taught his daughter well didnt he.

it's still open isn't it?:woohoo:
I am just a dried up old grouchy hag...don't mind me :innocent:

lol JBean !! I know how you feel. not literally of course.:eek:

Cindy was probably very stressed out before this even happened to Caylee. No doubt this would have severely increased over the months. For anyone reading my posts tonight (which were many)- I want to make it clear that I am not one to hate Cindy, George, Lee, or even Casey. I feel that the truth will set some of them free from their torment. Only then can people begin the healing process. The worst prison is one that is suffered emotionally.
They did not have to bring KC to their home. Arrangements were made for her to stay in a safe house. That alone would have kept almost all protesters away from their house. They were warned by LE about the chaos that would bring to them and their neighborhood. They brought her there because THEY LOVED chaos and CA LOVED her "cameos" on TV.

It would have been better in my opinion to stay quietly in their home or if they had been half way normal people they would have had all kinds of family and friends they could have stayed with. But we sure did not see that did we?

People KNEW their daughter murdered Caylee, so what would it have hurt them for that to be said? That has been said since day 31.

I would have wanted her home too. With her there I would be able to question her, watch her, grill her, etc. Things that probably happened behind doors that the public didnt see. You have to remember that even though the evidence is pointing right at Casey, she is still innocent until proven guilty. Why wouldnt her family want to be with her, she was their only hope in finding Caylee.
Thanks. I'm sorry for your loss too. Until you are in the position you can't understand. I don't wish that on another and can't even imagine what they are going through, with this being their own daughter. I love my child and no matter what would stick by him. Like I said before, I wouldnt forgive and but I also wouldnt let the whole world bash him.

That would be so much more painful, to watch the world bash them. That is why I would have stayed on the down low as much as possible.
Why couldn't CA have been the "bigger person" and NOT GO OUTSIDE to be confronted like that? Why would CA see the need to confront any old citizen hanging around outside about anything?

For starters, CA did not confront that women....the women confronted her. And why should Cindy have to stay in her home and be the 'bigger' person...why didn't the other women act as the 'bigger' person...especially since she wasn't going thru a living nightmare!
Thanks. I'm sorry for your loss too. Until you are in the position you can't understand. I don't wish that on another and can't even imagine what they are going through, with this being their own daughter. I love my child and no matter what would stick by him. Like I said before, I wouldnt forgive and but I also wouldnt let the whole world bash him.

ITA I think the bashing would make me want to protect my child even more. You dont stop loving them, thats goes against a mothers nature.
That would be so much more painful, to watch the world bash them. That is why I would have stayed on the down low as much as possible.

I agree, but if they didnt get into the spotlight they wouldnt have gotten Caylee's name out there. IMO, It's a no win situation.
How can you say that about a man who in the last twenty years wasnt there for his family. He has not supported CA or Kc or Lee or Caylee. He left that all to Cindy.If he was any knid of man he would have been working a steady job for the past 20 yrs. He sponged off of his wife, He taught his daughter well didnt he.

Ummm I guess me not working for so many years means I sponge off my hubby :waitasec: Or is it because Im a women:confused:Only a man can be the bread winner :confused:
no they brought her home desperate for the truth. IMO

WHY would that give them the truth at their home? What should have TOLD them the "truth" was KC would not sleep in Caylee's room.

They could have visited and stayed with her in a safe house.

My opinion is they KNEW she killed Caylee and it was NOT DENIAL at all but something much more sinister - EVIL.

The evil that lies, the evil that hides evidence - the evil that falsely accuses more than one of KC's friends - the evil that sells "souvenirs" to pay their expenses - the evil that turns on anyone who did not agree with them - the evil the washed evidence and a knife in a murder investigation.

That is a DEEP, OLD, GENERATIONAL EVIL and it did not start the day KC killed Caylee but MANY years before.
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