Cindy was going to commit Suicide?? CLOSED FOR REVIEW CHECK BACK LATER

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CA can't stand it when someone else may get attention that she feels she deserves...she's definitely narcassistic IMO:mad:
At one point Cindy did mention about wanting to do herself in. We all know how the Anthony's pick and chose their situations to fit into other areas of their lives. So when Cindy's says: "I considered suicide", it may have been true however it wasn't at the time of when Caylee was missing BUT at the time Cindy was dealing with all that had happened with George's gambling and what Casey was doing with talking money from the family. Cindy just took a part of her feelings/desperation/depression during her dealings with Geroge and Casey and just moved it over to after Caylee went missing.

Shirley's email was written June 5, 2008 and if we all recall, at one point Casey left with Caylee to bond on or about June 8 or 9th. IIRC.

That's a classic example, Patty G. CA is exploiting her own situation to garner sympathy! This is deception that she hopes will benefit a child killer.
My initial reaction is that I don't buy it. CA suddenly announces on national news that she's thought about committing suicide? How convenient. It also softens GA's incident, provokes sympathy for CA, and makes KC look good at the same time. I think it's a cooked-up publicity stunt.

I couldn't agree more with this!! :clap:
Poor George ... he can't even have his own pity party without Cindy trying to one up him by throwing a pity prom on the same night.
I could hardly hear CA discuss her "suicidal tendencies" because she was talking so low and soft, I had to turn the volume on my TV up just so I could hear her. (Such a huge difference from the depositions). She, like KC, is an attention seeker, and wants to take away sympathy from him. Again, her story doesn't make sense because why would she want to do herself in before she finds out Caylee is deceased? (Unless, it's true that a pathological liar will throw in a bit of truth with their lies, and in this story - she already knew what had happened to Caylee and KC came home after her first arrest and talked her out of it by telling her some kind of BS plan of how they could blame it all on "Zanni.") Just a thought.
Why the decision to give the interview with CBS instead of (or risking losing) the Oprah show? Wasn't she offering them any money? Did CBS?

Oprah probably wouldn't agree to the clause in their contract that said "The Interviewer must maintain, throughout the entire interview, a soft hushed tone, head tilted slightly to the side and camera angles to show the interviewers sympathetic gaze at least 25% of the time."
:banghead: I have just been feeling like they are not only delusional, but are imune to the suffering poor little Caylee had at the hands of her loving MOMMY....:Benny_monkeysmilies
this is how I see them now.....

See no evil
Speak no evil
Hear no evil

Caylee......unfortunately saw all of the above.....:(
I just saw the 2nd part of the video. I do not like Cindy and George's new persona any better than the old one. Cindy tries to speak in a new 'soft' voice and it is just not working for me. They had been consistantly angry and confrontational since July 15th. They had hard, angry voices. This ploy to soften their 'image' is one that people are not buying.

I am so sick of these people! :behindbar
Oprah probably wouldn't agree to the clause in their contract that said "The Interviewer must maintain, throughout the entire interview, a soft hushed tone, head tilted slightly to the side and camera angles to show the interviewers sympathetic gaze at least 25% of the time."

gotta think that Oprah is relieved that she wasn't the one----can you imagine an hour of looking at the atty for any answers that could be asked.......would have been a wast of time---huge waste of time.....
She was no more thinking of suicide than I was. Just makes me want to hand her a quarter and tell her to call someone that might really care. She gives fake a new meaning. Good try ole Cindy but I ain't buying it!

I really cringed when she once again took the interview over to "it's all about ME". She might as well raised her hand and said "oh, oh, oh, I tried to commit suicide too -- it wasn't just George". Or, "oh, don't pay any attention to him, I DID IT TOO".

If KC sat and prayed with her, wouldn't you have the wherewithall to leave that as a private moment? Do you really want to spew your dirty laundry on the air?

If you left suicide notes, why didn't you bring this to your show and tell interview?

I just saw the 2nd part of the video. I do not like Cindy and George's new persona any better than the old one. Cindy tries to speak in a new 'soft' voice and it is just not working for me. They had been consistantly angry and confrontational since July 15th. They had hard, angry voices. This ploy to soften their 'image' is one that people are not buying.

I am so sick of these people! :behindbar

Now, sweetheart, you know when I speak in this soft voice, I'm not mad anymore and you are again my darling daughter. Forget that two minutes ago, I told you loudly that you would never amount to anything and were useless - and by the way, Caylee loves me best. (My very best Cindy speak) sorry.
You know....... Unless you have walked a mile in her shoes you really have NO idea if she did or did not think of ending her life. Some will say but why would she if she thought her grand daughter is alive?? WEll maybe she REALLY DEEP down knows her granddaughter was not here on earth. Maybe the pain of losing her Granddaugther and her child was and is just to painful to her. I can't say I wouldnt feel the same.... No matter what others think These grandparents has had a great loss and shock over the last year.

I am not saying the grandparents have not lied or told mistruths. I am not saying they do or dont TRULY believe their daughter did it. I am not we should all pitty pitty pitty them. What I am saying is. IT IS possiable she really did think about ending her life. I can not say I would of been strong enough to walk this road. IMO it does not matter WHAT they say someone will come and judge them. JMO. Some of the post on this thread is not only Cruel but IMO should not be allowed to stay up, I am not a mod but I think the attacking of everything the grandparents say or do has gone to far. jmo.

I respect your opinion 6angels and your awareness of other's pain. But I wouldn't consider others are attacking Cindy and George but that they pointing out the widespread contradictions between the previous things Cindy and Geoge said and what they are saying now. Throughout all of these past months, from last July until now, Cindy and Geoge has given us little reason to find them to be creditable about anything they say. If we have strong doubts about the sincerity of the Anthony's it's because their actions have cased that doubt. jmo
If she claims she thought about suicide back in late July, she knew Caylee was dead. JMOO
I agree that Cindy is a narcissist. I can though see many reasons why she trotted out this load of suicidal twaddle.
Did you notice the way George turned to her with "sudden" surprise?
"No one knows about this," she softly added to his bad acting.
Pure theatrics.
She thinks she is casting Casey in a altruistic light. She saved me from certain death, or whatever... This LIE serves several purposes. Yes, it puts the spotlight on Cindy. It also enhances the attempt made by George to end his life. (My guess is his suicide note will be released soon, and we need to make sure people see him as symapthetic, especially after he showed his a$$ during the depositions.
The depositions...they lied and lost any credibility.
She needs to be seen as a sympathetic soul or her foundation will sputter and die before it can make any money.
They were going to proceed with this farce and take up air at the conference, this was their segue.
I want to see tomorrow's CBS show to watch them lay the ground work for what will never be...

I get the biggest kick out of you! Julia
If CA or GA or both were to fall to the floor and scream and moan in grief for sweet lil CAylee------after all they have said and done-----well, I couldn't feel anythang for them but loathing.

That is what gets me. They don't cry when they talk about Caylee. My Father passed 2 years ago and I still have tears flow when I talk or think about him. If it was my Gdaughter it probably would be worse.
Who are we to judge which way they are grieving? THEY ARE victims here they LOST their grandchild! They could very well still be in shock deep down. I know I would be for years!! I pray for them. I pray that they are able to see the truth. I pray that they know their beautiful granddaughter is in heaven with no more suffering! I pray for their emoctional needs as I can't imagine how their heart is feeling. They seem to not beable to see the truth yet. Maybe they know deep down maybe they don't. They need to come to term that their daughter did this but they need to come to that term within them self not with me or you or anyone else in the public. They are fighting so hard as they have overwhelmbing fear of losing their daugther.... Although I would not do some of the things they are doing I can not judge them as I have not walked that same line. JMO This case needs to get back to beautiful Caylee and not bashing everything the grandparents do or don't do.

Well, mam, respectfully, the reason it is our business , ok I will speak for myself only, is because my tax payer dollars, well over a million , have been wasted on this case and they have impeded and extended the investigation for months and months and months. Do you have any idea how many detectives were sent out in how many states chasing down the false leads? Do you understand that other cases were pushed to the back burner while the entire OCSD concentrated on this and spent well over the annual budget? This is not to mention all of the SA staff, specialists and court staff time and money that is being wasted on this, while the Anthony's change their stories from week to week to le! Do you have an understanding of the immense expense this case has been to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and what effect that had on other cases they may have been working instead of getting the wild goose chase from KC and her folks? They make it my business when they harm and slander and accuse of kidnapping and murder one of my innocent citizens. It is beyond outrageous! If you want to have empathy for someone , have it for the innocent Jesse Grund, who they are openly trying to frame for this murder. Do you understand the severity of that? This is not idle gossip, the worst case scenario of their attempts would be that they young man would go to jail for this horrendous crime, even in the least point, he will be stained by the mere accusation (like the Duke LaCross boys). Are you kidding me? They make it my business when they go on TV
and throw his name out there, and say that Amy and Ricardo and Tony are drug dealers, and maybe they did this! They make it my business when ZG loses her job and place to shelter her children over this scandal and reporters following her around hounding her. Feel sorry for those small children of hers that other kids are being mean and hateful to! Judge G and C for how cruel they were to her in the Depo. Cindy saying that ZG didn't lose her job is incorrect or a lie. She did, and then she had to stay in a shelter with her kids. Lastly, and then I am finished I promise, they make it my business when they stand at a memorial funded by public donations and send messages to their daughter, and ask me to write to her, and the worst most revolting way they make it my business is when they ask for my money to go to their organization. Lee Anthony is able to remain private, so it is absolutely possible. These two want to be in the spotlight, seek it out, and want us to pay for it. I am sure you are a dear sweet person, and their character is so foreign to you, you cannot imagine, but mam I assure you there are much more sympathetic figures in this mess that really do need your compassion. God forgives them, I know, but I am a mere mortal and I am wholly offended by them. I do agree with you on one point, they need to refocus on Caylee and justice for her. May God bless you mam, your heart is pure. He sees you! He knows!
If she claims she thought about suicide back in late July, she knew Caylee was dead. JMOO

That is EXACTLY the truth ~~..............

She would never consider suicide if she thought Caylee was alive and she could find her. That one up-manship she tried will come back to haunt her in court.
I don't know I am starting to think they knew Caylee was dead. Especially now thinking about how CA was acting in all those "cameo" interviews. She was telling Casey she forgave her and such for doing the unthinkable. Back then I thought she was trying to play nice with Casey to get info but I think she already had the info she needed.

My only question is why did CA call the police in the first place? That part fits the least in this huge messed up puzzle.

I don't know if she contemplated suicide or not. I can honestly say it is way too difficult to judge these folks.

I believe KC told them after Cindy called 911 - I have always believed that George already knew before Cindy found KC.
Oh puuuuuuuuuleeeeeeeze.......just another example of how CA likes to make it all about her......poor GA can't even own his suicide attempt.......geeeez
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