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boldd by me......

CA talked about CAYLEE's nanny she NEVER met for years???? ODD!
I know address, phone numbers, all important info about my grand childrens babysitters. PLUS there are pictures of them at birthdays parties etc.

also, how many people wondered about KC's pregnancy, yet mom an experienced nurse never noticed???? ODD!!! As controlling as CA is,
and with Kc having no money who bought the personal items needed if kc was not pregnant! and new clothes for a bigger kc??

kc yelled at GA as much as CA.........what the heck? and this man took it?
No wonder he moved out of that house. GA should of ran away! IMO

I originally believed CA was "mistruthing" when she said she heard name Zanny before, but...????? For years Casey has been using this name?? This certainly throws some confusion in there.
What blows me out is that a woman like Cindy, described here as contolling among other things, would have allowed Caylee to be with a babysitter that she had never met, never nothing about. Makes no sense to me. :confused:

After reading comments from her co-workers I believe contrary to what CA wants us to believe - she often complained about taking care of Caylee and having her all of the time - and I bet she saw the times when Caylee was with the "nanny" as a breaka nd Casey being responsible and didn't want to insert herself and didn't really care whot his nanny was.

Too bad for her that she has to live with those facts now.
I interpret it differently, though your answer did cross my mind. The fact that she complained about always having Caylee sounds like she was reluctant to have full-time responsibility. Granted, the statement lacks details and "couldn't afford it" might refer to either lacking the financial resources to raise a child through adulthood, or not having the funds to hire an attorney to fight for custody. That the co-worker describes her as agitated makes me think she implied the former.

There are two possibilities:
Either CA wanted custody, but KC wouldn't comply; or
KC wanted to give the A's custody, but CA didn't want it.

In either case, parental responsibility was a point of contention. It was never a matter of just simply handing Caylee over to the A's.

I agree,
I don't think CA or GA wanted full custody of Caylee. What they wanted was for Casey to grow-up and be responsible for her mistake. That was not going to happen, in Casey's world.
Here's what I've discovered about repeating comments. When you push *post reply* and you see things are hung up, just stop. Don't even re-load other pages while you wait because your comment will repeat anyway. Just... wait. It's been working pretty well for me so far. :)

Even if it appears to *time out* when you get back on the site your comment mysteriously appears.
Cindy was actually at Universal on July 3rd. Cindy wanted to take Caylee to the fireworks. Casey told her mother Caylee was at Universal. Cindy went to Universal but didn't find Caylee.

IMO, that is WHY Cindy wrote on her MySpace page on July 3rd. (Please don't ask for a link because it is in one of the interviews. I can't bare to listen to them again! :eek:)

I have often wondered if Cindy didn't find out that day, July 3rd while she was there , that KC did not work for Universal. I believe it was also that night that Lee went looking for KC.
I am still having a problem understanding why CA allegedly went to Universal looking for Caylee.

The A's are all but broke at the time. Universal was no doubt full to capacity over July 4th weekend, and CA is going pay for a ticket to enter the park and to look for Caylee. :waitasec:.

I think if Universal had been contacted by CA PRIOR to LE contacting them, LE would know now.
Did they really say "years and years" that they've heard Cindy talk about Zanny? I thought it said "months and months".
And...Debbie P, CA's supervisor stated that CA complained to her that she "always has Caylee". DP advised her to seek custody. CA became agitated and remarked that she couldn't afford it.

So much for: "If I wanted to get rid of my daughter, I would've just given her to my mom."

Or CA's claim that KC had no reason to get rid of Caylee because she would've gladly taken her.

So by CA saying she couldn't afford it, did she mean getting a lawyer, etc. to achieve custody, because she certainly was paying everything else in regards to Caylee. :confused:

ETA...I see this was already discussed on page one, sorry.
I don't think CA saying she couldn't afford it meant that she wouldn't gladly take Caylee, I think
"afford it" referred to getting an attorney, especially since she was already supporting Caylee anyway.
Maybe CA had talked to an attoney or someone to see what was involved in trying to get custody from KC. I think CA threatned the custody thing and KC probably told her "no way" so CA knew it would be a custody battle.

I agree, but also think Cindy was advised that she would not win custody. It boggles my mind when everyone asks why CA didn't just "go get custody"...that's a battle she wouldn't win if Casey fought even a little. It is VERY rare that a grandparent would get custody from a parent against their will to begin she would have to prove Casey is LEGALLY unfit to parent and that would be difficult since Casey had no criminal record, no child services record, and everyone around her thought she was a good mom at the time. She would DEFINATELY fight to avaoid child support and I bet many of her friends would rally around her because she could play up how her "evil mom" is trying to take her daughter (Casey is the eternal victim). I mean, really, they can't take your kid for not having a job, leaving the kid with relatives to party, and mooching cash off the grandparents. Nothing she did before mid-June reaches the legal standard of being an un-fit parent...not even close.

Everytime I hear it I just think that the person saying it is just reaching for ANOTHER reason to blame CA for this horrible crime instead of Casey (isn't Casey lucky that nothing's her fault even now) OR that the person just has a gross misunderstanding of our constitutional rights as parents and how the court system views interfereing grandparents.

There was no shot, no way, that CA could have gotten custody in a fight. And I believe she would have been told that her best bet was to hope Casey grows up (which almost always happens in that type of situation) or to just keep her mouth shut and try to convince Casey to GIVE her custody at some point.
The twist to that story about Cindy saying she needed time to bond with Casey and Caylee .... well Cindy stated Casey and Caylee left June 8 or 9th as Casey wanted to bond with Caylee. :waitasec:

Yup...shows Cindy also uses a little bit of truth in her statements...

apple<----->tree :rolleyes:
omg was little caylee nothing but a burden to all of them ? god i hope not .. cindy seemed to have loved caylee ..but now to hear this that she complained about having her all the time? .. i hope that doesnt mean anything .. mabey she was just stressed out from watching the baby and trying to work and support everyone ? i always had hope that cindy didnt know what happened to caylee and that she really loved caylee i dont know what to think
I cannot believe that CA told her co-workers that the car was a MESS!??? Very interesting considering just how clean it was by the time LE arrived!

I agree, but also think Cindy was advised that she would not win custody. It boggles my mind when everyone asks why CA didn't just "go get custody"...that's a battle she wouldn't win if Casey fought even a little. It is VERY rare that a grandparent would get custody from a parent against their will to begin she would have to prove Casey is LEGALLY unfit to parent and that would be difficult since Casey had no criminal record, no child services record, and everyone around her thought she was a good mom at the time. She would DEFINATELY fight to avaoid child support and I bet many of her friends would rally around her because she could play up how her "evil mom" is trying to take her daughter (Casey is the eternal victim). I mean, really, they can't take your kid for not having a job, leaving the kid with relatives to party, and mooching cash off the grandparents. Nothing she did before mid-June reaches the legal standard of being an un-fit parent...not even close.

Everytime I hear it I just think that the person saying it is just reaching for ANOTHER reason to blame CA for this horrible crime instead of Casey (isn't Casey lucky that nothing's her fault even now) OR that the person just has a gross misunderstanding of our constitutional rights as parents and how the court system views interfereing grandparents.

There was no shot, no way, that CA could have gotten custody in a fight. And I believe she would have been told that her best bet was to hope Casey grows up (which almost always happens in that type of situation) or to just keep her mouth shut and try to convince Casey to GIVE her custody at some point.

I agree with you entire post. This has driven me crazy for months. No way would Cindy have gotten custody of Caylee.
:mad: Who acts like this when they haven't seen their daughter and granddaughter in a month, the car was towed, and it smells like a dead body? I'll just go back to work. She didn't think that perhaps something happened to both of them.

Well she knew something hadn't happened to both of them because she talked and texted with KC every day.

I am not sure what I would have done in her shoes. I mean, we hope KC has never killed anyone before. So we would guess that wouldn't be CA's natural assumption as her mother. :waitasec:

I have a family member who had a "fake job" that she went to every day (no kids, thank goodness) but used the fake job to get her parents off her case while she lived in their home. She put on a uniform every day and got in her van and drove to the park and slept all day. One day she got in a fight with them and ran off, no word at all for a month. I am sure if the van had gotten towed and was a mess and smelled horrible they would have been worried for her safety. But if she had been in touch nearly every day? They would have just been pissed off at her and wanting an explanation. They would never had thought she murdered someone, you know? :confused:
CA told one of her colleagues that she hadn't even seen KC on her Birthday (June 5th)...Well something isn't quite right because I remember LA telling LE that the first time KC mentioned the smell in her car was on June 5th. It's also the last time he said that he saw Caylee, over at the A's for CA's Birthday.

The only way this could all "fit" is if KC dropped Caylee off to LA outside of the house and didn't go in to wish her Mother a happy birthday???

Hmmmm...Thinking out loud here???
omg was little caylee nothing but a burden to all of them ? god i hope not .. cindy seemed to have loved caylee ..but now to hear this that she complained about having her all the time? .. i hope that doesnt mean anything .. mabey she was just stressed out from watching the baby and trying to work and support everyone ? i always had hope that cindy didnt know what happened to caylee and that she really loved caylee i dont know what to think

There are two ways to interpret that comment:

a. Watching Caylee all the time is an unwanted burder = complaint about Caylee

b. Casey is continuing her pattern of lying and avoiding responsibility, I really wish she would take a more active and responsible role as a mother = complaint about Casey
I always thought it was much worse than this, the drug use.

Waaaay back in the beginning, before this story hit big time - I actually figured this mother got soo stoned that she truly did not even remember what she did with the child.

Marijuana doesn't cause "blackouts", no matter how much you smoke.
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