Cindy's Coworkers @ Gentiva

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She is a very beautiful child. I see she's standing now and soon, at 42, you won't be able to keep up with her anymore :)

I say that as a 44 year old. :thumb:

The best thing about having an 18 year old in the house too is a free babysitter. :thumb:

Im 42 and have a 20mth old ! Ha i wish I had a 18 yr old sibling ;) lol to help
but my 5 yr old does well ;)
IIRC, someone in another thread said that they paid the house off recently.

Wow! They must of used there equitable right of redemption.They would have to pay the loan in full plus cost:eek:If its true of course:) I havent read the docs yet but it looks like Im in for a long night:crazy:And to think I should be studying:crazy:
yep, I heard they paid the house off. Rumor has it that TV appearances made it happen.
Reading through this thread and finding out what CA's coworkers thought was enlightening. With that in mind, I have to add that in the first two weeks of both girls being gone, Cindy never initiated any contact. Casey called or at least tried almost every day. Cindy nor George never returned calls on the 16th. Cindy an Casey didn't really start conversations that were of any lenght till July.

Is it possible that C & G knew from the first day what had happened but were just avoiding the situation. Cindy seems to do a pretty good job at avoiding unpleasant thoughts or behaviors. I suspect she can't deal with the truth. If she accepted it, she would have a mental breakdown and she knows it. She may have prescribed tranquilizers to deal with any problem....trouble is many people who are control-freaks will not take meds. She and Casey have a severe anxiety problem. kc treats hers with pot and booze....don't know about CA. But wouldn't be surprised to hear she drinks to relax.
Reading through this thread and finding out what CA's coworkers thought was enlightening. With that in mind, I have to add that in the first two weeks of both girls being gone, Cindy never initiated any contact. Casey called or at least tried almost every day. Cindy nor George never returned calls on the 16th. Cindy an Casey didn't really start conversations that were of any lenght till July.

Is it possible that C & G knew from the first day what had happened but were just avoiding the situation. Cindy seems to do a pretty good job at avoiding unpleasant thoughts or behaviors. I suspect she can't deal with the truth. If she accepted it, she would have a mental breakdown and she knows it. She may have prescribed tranquilizers to deal with any problem....trouble is many people who are control-freaks will not take meds. She and Casey have a severe anxiety problem. kc treats hers with pot and booze....don't know about CA. But wouldn't be surprised to hear she drinks to relax.

What leads you to state that Cindy didn't initiate any contact with Casey during the first 2 weeks she and Caylee were away from the Anthony home?
A cursory pan of Casey's cell records reveals that Casey was receiving apparently unanswered calls from the Anthony home from 6-16 forward:

6-16 7:45
6-18 18:55
6:20 20:33
6-21 9:30
6-21 16:52

This doesn't include calls from Cindy or George's cell or workplaces. Nor does it include email correspondence. I think Cindy was making a lot of attempts to contact Casey during this period?
The notice that there was a registered letter was stuck to the front door and was not seen until Sunday. George started his new job on Monday and did not go to the PO until Tuesday. It was at that point that they find out it is about the car being at Johnson tow yard and the concern is that up until this point Casey was suppose to be in Jacksonville.

I think that the fact George nor Cindy went and found out what the registered letter was all about was because they were used to getting them due to financial problems in the past. Then when they found it was for the vehicle that Casey was using and it wasn’t in Jacksonville they were ticked about yet another lie. Cindy had been getting texts and some voicemail calls from Casey so the first thought was not of Casey or Caylee being hurt.
Then when the dead body in the car smell was found I would think, based on Cindy going back to work and her ‘I’ll deal with this later attitude’ was possibly because they wanted to find Casey because of being afraid of what she had gotten herself mixed up in, such as transporting a dead person or being involved in some crime where someone ended up dead and her trunk. At this point I don’t think it crossed their minds that Casey would have killed Caylee. I think they were worried about what had done by Casey but not in regards to Caylee.
In George’s interview he mentioned that Cindy asked him if the smell was from the pizza [which we now know was just a pizza box] and he told her yes. Considering how Cindy has to be right in every thing I do wonder if George just went along with that comment because it was just plain easier to let Cindy think that or if he was just trying to be kind and let her keep thinking that. Basically no sense in getting Cindy a riled up about stuff until they found Casey and tried to get an explanation out of her of what the heck is going on. I think by the time LE arrested Casey George knew that the decomp smell in the car was from Caylee but he was hoping against hope that LE would find something to make it not so. By the LE interviews George was very upset by the smell and although it took a couple of detectives to drag the words out of him he finally spoke the dreaded word Decomp.

Cindy’s co-workers really give some insight into how much Cindy wanted everything to appear normal. She even had to break protocol and mention the smell at work but.. even when advised to go the heck home she choose to ignore the what every sane person would not ignore. If Cindy was worried about what Casey had gotten herself into then Cindy was not all that concerned about Caylee, at least not yet. [That changed when after finding Casey and no reasonable answer to where Caylee was, hence the panic in her voice when she finally made that last 911 call. It had building all day] I also have to believe that based on how we see Cindy lie so easily in front of the camera that she has been telling some mistruths at work. Her co-workers are only repeating what Cindy has told them. Same as Cindy’s mother can only tell LE what she knows from what Cindy has told her.
Cindy has complained about having to take care of Caylee but only when it suited her purpose. Cindy has only complained about George when it has suited her purpose. Cindy wanted to complain so she received sympathy but never did anything about the root cause of her complaints. Going for custody would have been the last thing to even attempt to do. At that point there were no grounds for a judge to even except a motion to take custody away from Casey. If Cindy hadn’t bailed Casey out of all of her thefts and actually checked to see if she was working or not she may had a least enough evidence to force Casey into thinking that maybe Cindy could gain custody. But, there again, that would mean that Cindy would have had to give up the perfect imagine look that she had tried so hard to maintain.
Cindy did not want to change anything, really, she just wanted Casey to do things her way when she wanted Casey to do them her way and the rest of the time Cindy was content to have Casey to do them Casey’s way.

Doing the same things over and over the same way and then expecting different results is one definition of insanity

Im 42 and have a 20mth old ! Ha i wish I had a 18 yr old sibling ;) lol to help
but my 5 yr old does well ;)
kiera is 19 months and 3 weeks old born june 6th :) ok trying to go back to sleep now lol
She is a very beautiful child. I see she's standing now and soon, at 42, you won't be able to keep up with her anymore :)

I say that as a 44 year old. :thumb:

The best thing about having an 18 year old in the house too is a free babysitter. :thumb:
thank you :) ya its hard for me to work and keep up with her now as it is .. i call her little miss hands cuz they get into everything lol .. but because of caylee i pay extra attention to everything she says and does and i lock it in my mind take more pictures ect ect .. she is my heart and if god were to take her i dont think id make it pine away
Excellent observation Countzero! Those theme park tickets are not cheap.

they certainly are not. I was down there in May and there are 2 different Parks within Universal. One for the rollercoasters n' at and one for the studio part. You have to buy a ticket for each park.
thank you :) ya its hard for me to work and keep up with her now as it is .. i call her little miss hands cuz they get into everything lol .. but because of caylee i pay extra attention to everything she says and does and i lock it in my mind take more pictures ect ect .. she is my heart and if god were to take her i dont think id make it pine away

Years ago I lived with a woman who had a 1 1/2 year old and I lived with her for two years. That little girl was like my own daughter and it tore me up inside when her mother broke up with me.

According to that ex-girlfriend when she told her daughter she was going to ask me to leave her daughter told her she hated her.

I cannot for the life of me imagine anyone wanting to hurt a child that age and if anyone had hurt her I'd be writing this from prison because I would have committed murder.

I can easily understand the need to take more pictures and be more protective.

She is cute as hell. :)
Would Casey have fought her for custody? I think not. I was taken aback by the interviews with the coworkers who mentioned Cindy said it would be too expensive. IIRC wasn't there a doc dump that included statements from a counselor Cindy had been seeing? It might have been mentioned in an email from her mother to someone else-but the email stated that the counselor recommended that Cindy kick everyone out and get custody of Caylee. Cindy said that she could not afford to divide her assets...

I understand where you're coming from, but here's why she'd absolutely fight:

1) She used the "single working Mom" angle way too much to get sympathy and respect. She'd lose that.

2) When people get divorced and a Mom ends up with visitation instead of primary custody, people ASSUME she's an aweful human being. They don't make those assumptions about a guy. She would have to have some plausible reason why SHE doesn't have custody of her kid, and there would be almost no excuse that would make her look good.

3) She would have to pay child support. BY LAW.

4) Her lies about having a job would be OVER when she couldn't produce paystubs for child support court.

5) She wouldn't have anything to use as a power play against her family. Caylee was a big reason her family let her slide on things.

6) She'd want to stick it to Cindy for even DARING to file. Her court appointed lawyer would absolutely tell her Cindy had a snowball's chance in heck.

To paraphrase Casey, her "whole life would be taken away". Forced to get a job, forced to pay child support, no way of manipulating things from her family, possible lost friends when her Mom starts calling around to her friends and telling them she doesn't pay child support, etc.

Caylee was well fed, clean, seemed happy, always had utilities and a place to sleep. My mom was a single parent, so we were in daycare 7 AM to 6PM and then many times went to a family member's house after being picked up so she could go to her second job. We saw very little of her for several years, but she always made sure SOMEONE responcible had us, and that is all the law requires. They couldn't have reassigned Caylee anymore than they could have taken me from my Mom...even if Casey was out drinking instead of working.

Plus I don't recall what type of counselor Cindy was seeing, but I know it wasn't a lawyer experianced in family law. It could have been a psychologist (credentials vary widely), a councelor from a stress hotline or even just a volunteer peer councelor from her church. People also tend to "vent" in counceling sessions and Cindy could have just given a run down of every bad thing Casey does or is suspected of...even though very little of it would be provable to a court.

Cindy also could have just SAID she was told by a "councelor" to seek custody so Casey might "step up". It's like telling your kids that the neighbor threatened to call the cops if they kept riding their bikes through their yard...the neighbor might not have actually said that, but you want to scare them into stopping.
The notice that there was a registered letter was stuck to the front door and was not seen until Sunday. George started his new job on Monday and did not go to the PO until Tuesday. It was at that point that they find out it is about the car being at Johnson tow yard and the concern is that up until this point Casey was suppose to be in Jacksonville.

I think that the fact George nor Cindy went and found out what the registered letter was all about was because they were used to getting them due to financial problems in the past. Then when they found it was for the vehicle that Casey was using and it wasn’t in Jacksonville they were ticked about yet another lie. Cindy had been getting texts and some voicemail calls from Casey so the first thought was not of Casey or Caylee being hurt.
Then when the dead body in the car smell was found I would think, based on Cindy going back to work and her ‘I’ll deal with this later attitude’ was possibly because they wanted to find Casey because of being afraid of what she had gotten herself mixed up in, such as transporting a dead person or being involved in some crime where someone ended up dead and her trunk. At this point I don’t think it crossed their minds that Casey would have killed Caylee. I think they were worried about what had done by Casey but not in regards to Caylee.
In George’s interview he mentioned that Cindy asked him if the smell was from the pizza [which we now know was just a pizza box] and he told her yes. Considering how Cindy has to be right in every thing I do wonder if George just went along with that comment because it was just plain easier to let Cindy think that or if he was just trying to be kind and let her keep thinking that. Basically no sense in getting Cindy a riled up about stuff until they found Casey and tried to get an explanation out of her of what the heck is going on. I think by the time LE arrested Casey George knew that the decomp smell in the car was from Caylee but he was hoping against hope that LE would find something to make it not so. By the LE interviews George was very upset by the smell and although it took a couple of detectives to drag the words out of him he finally spoke the dreaded word Decomp.

Cindy’s co-workers really give some insight into how much Cindy wanted everything to appear normal. She even had to break protocol and mention the smell at work but.. even when advised to go the heck home she choose to ignore the what every sane person would not ignore. If Cindy was worried about what Casey had gotten herself into then Cindy was not all that concerned about Caylee, at least not yet. [That changed when after finding Casey and no reasonable answer to where Caylee was, hence the panic in her voice when she finally made that last 911 call. It had building all day] I also have to believe that based on how we see Cindy lie so easily in front of the camera that she has been telling some mistruths at work. Her co-workers are only repeating what Cindy has told them. Same as Cindy’s mother can only tell LE what she knows from what Cindy has told her.
Cindy has complained about having to take care of Caylee but only when it suited her purpose. Cindy has only complained about George when it has suited her purpose. Cindy wanted to complain so she received sympathy but never did anything about the root cause of her complaints. Going for custody would have been the last thing to even attempt to do. At that point there were no grounds for a judge to even except a motion to take custody away from Casey. If Cindy hadn’t bailed Casey out of all of her thefts and actually checked to see if she was working or not she may had a least enough evidence to force Casey into thinking that maybe Cindy could gain custody. But, there again, that would mean that Cindy would have had to give up the perfect imagine look that she had tried so hard to maintain.
Cindy did not want to change anything, really, she just wanted Casey to do things her way when she wanted Casey to do them her way and the rest of the time Cindy was content to have Casey to do them Casey’s way.

Doing the same things over and over the same way and then expecting different results is one definition of insanity


Great post! I think you are right on!
I was surpised to hear CA went back to work after getting the stinky car back. I recall that GA went back to work, but this is the 1st time I've heard that CA went back to work.

Course, maybe I just missed that detail before.

Is this news to anyone else?

I don't recall hearing that before, either. But, to me, it kind of explains why CA was so adamant that GA go to work that day. I think she knew something was majorly wrong and was worried that G might get to talk to KC without her.
I don't recall hearing that before, either. But, to me, it kind of explains why CA was so adamant that GA go to work that day. I think she knew something was majorly wrong and was worried that G might get to talk to KC without her.

or maybe since it was Georges first month on the job she didn't want him to lose it and have to support him again
or maybe since it was Georges first month on the job she didn't want him to lose it and have to support him again

Or just another family attempt to appear normal and send the "all is well" out as they always had done?
Charles a co-worker of Cindy's said that Cindy complained to Charles that "Casey yells at George as much as (cindy) does". Charles found it odd that Casey could talk to her father that way.

We don't find it odd do we? It's probably because George wasn't as much of the enabler as Cindy was. Cindy believed every lie Casey said.

In GA's statements to OCSO or FBI, or both, he said he suspected KC wasn't working but Cindy wouldn't hear of it. Could this have been one of the reasons for the GA-KC tension. I always thought GA knew/suspected much more than he said. CA seems to have been in denial a lot longer than since Caylee 'went missing'.
I was surpised to hear CA went back to work after getting the stinky car back. I recall that GA went back to work, but this is the 1st time I've heard that CA went back to work.

Course, maybe I just missed that detail before.

Is this news to anyone else?

Not to me. I read it somewhere before. At the time of reading it, I was just as surprised as you. I had been under the impression, prior, that CA had sent GA back to work and she immediately began washing the things in the car - possibly due to her nature of needing things clean. Suspicious, yes, but there was slight room for benefit of the doubt.

But going back to work, then going home to clean and wash gives a whole new angle to this. It seems a more deliberate cover-up this way. As though she was now convinced there had been serious trouble and she needed to cover for KC, especially after her co-workers insisted she should call the police.

That's how it seems to me. Although, there was the statement from the co-worker who asked CA if she opened the car's trunk and CA didn't answer. :waitasec:
And...Debbie P, CA's supervisor stated that CA complained to her that she "always has Caylee". DP advised her to seek custody. CA became agitated and remarked that she couldn't afford it.

So much for: "If I wanted to get rid of my daughter, I would've just given her to my mom."

Or CA's claim that KC had no reason to get rid of Caylee because she would've gladly taken her.

Obviously there was tension and Caylee was used as a pawn by KC in all this. If she didn't want her, it would have been very simple and cheap to give CA and GA proper custody of Caylee. No, I think KC was the one giving the trouble and claiming she'd fight them on it, simply because she didn't want CA to win, not because KC wanted Caylee so very much, which is now so sadly obvious. :furious:

KC was bilking her parents out of money, and stealing from everyone else, too. So CA & GA probably didn't have enough money for court costs and a legal fight at that time. :mad:

I have often wondered if Cindy didn't find out that day, July 3rd while she was there , that KC did not work for Universal. I believe it was also that night that Lee went looking for KC.

You are probably correct. That could be way CA posted "My Caylee is missing" to her internet page that night. (Don't recall if it was MySpace or Facebook or whatever.)

Did they really say "years and years" that they've heard Cindy talk about Zanny? I thought it said "months and months".

You are correct, Cherry Ames. Debbie P said "months and months". She was referred to as "Zanny" not Zenaida.

omg was little caylee nothing but a burden to all of them ? god i hope not .. cindy seemed to have loved caylee ..but now to hear this that she complained about having her all the time? .. i hope that doesnt mean anything .. mabey she was just stressed out from watching the baby and trying to work and support everyone ? i always had hope that cindy didnt know what happened to caylee and that she really loved caylee i dont know what to think

I don't think Caylee was a burden, but Cindy was complaining because KC wasn't doing her job as mother and leaving Caylee to the As all the time. I could be wrong but I think the fights and the complaints were more along the lines of KC's total irresponsibility. Remember, we've heard she was partying heavily by that time. I think C&G were tired of it. The bonding desire was hoping to get KC on track. KC probably said there was no way now that she was handing Caylee over to the As, blah blah, and we now see the result. She was holding Caylee over their heads.
I had heard Cindy say that she went back to work after picking up the in one of her interviews as well, but was told that was not true. But have always believed it.
I had heard Cindy say that she went back to work after picking up the in one of her interviews as well, but was told that was not true. But have always believed it.

I didn't find it to be out of the realm of possibility that they both went back to work. Shock does odd things to people.

My MIL was brutally murdered. When we got the news I went into "be there to pick up the pieces when your husband falls apart mode". He totally shut down emotionally and was flat for lack of a more descriptive term. He not only went to work while we waited for the crime scene to be released (nothing you can really do during that window), but he went to work, gave his presentation to a group, and didn't tell a soul.

Innocent people with no ulterior motive react in non predicatable ways after the shock hits you. I would hate to see how suspect he would have been had our case made it to the message boards.

MOO- and I have tons of issues with some of the Anthony's behaviors. I just don't find this one suspect.
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