Cindy's Deposition #3 *UPDATED* MOTION FILED

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My brother also said that the amount of the lawsuit was so insignificant that it was insane for Baez to answer it and particularly to file a counter suit. He said they could have let ZG win the suit by default and KC would have been out nothing as she had no assets. That way it would not have implicated the Anthonys or involved their insurance company, but instead Baez made a very foolish mistake in trying to defend the case, and even filed a counter suit.

Now if it goes to court, the amount awarded can and will be a LOT more than the lawsuit calls for because there will be damages added to it.

I'm sure I give JB more credit than he's due, but It's always puzzled me that he countersued and I figured there must be some strategic reason for it - ie must be serving some diabolical purpose that'll work to the defense's benefit.
I'm sure I give JB more credit than he's due, but It's always puzzled me that he countersued and I figured there must be some strategic reason for it - ie must be serving some diabolical purpose that'll work to the defense's benefit.

It might have been early on if he could have proved there really was a ZG involved, but that has all gone by the wayside now I am betting. All he did in reality was give the state a "free shot" at the Anthonys because of that counter suit. Those depositions told the SA how to question the Anthonys in court and how to rattle them. It was a very foolish move in my opinion and from every legal eagle that I have talked to about it.
Bigger than that is the fact that the suit opened the door to all the depos. I totally agree that a default judgement and no response to the suit would have been a far better course of action . A judgement on KC's record would have been the least of her probelms lol.

I just went back and added that right before your post. I had left it out. LOL
ZFG and her lawyers are doing exactly what they need to do..
if they dont clear all loose ends up - then guess who will be SHOVED under the truck?
My brother is an attorney. He has been asked a lot of legal questions about this by me but not really been interested except from the legal standpoint. I asked him to watch those two depositions and give me his opinion. Here are some of the things he said:

The attorney for the Anthonys was negligent and/or incompetent. He said if that were him and "his" client refused to answer the questions and was confrontational as they were, he would have personally taken them in front of the judge and Morgan would not have needed to. He said he would have fired them the minute they left the deposition as no client of his would ever show such disrespect for a "court deposition" and still be his client. He said he may have even asked Morgan to stop the deposition so he could resign immediately.

He said the Anthonys are hiding a lot, and they are a prosecutors dream for court.

He said he believes these people actually want their daughter to stay in jail, otherwise they would have cooperated fully in the deposition. He said that was more detrimental to their daughter than to Mr. Morgan's client and Morgan proved ,in his opinion, that Cindy A. slandered and accused that particular woman of being the ZG on TV not only as herself, but as an "agent" of KC.

He said Morgan really got what he wanted by getting the statement from Cindy that she stated on TV the information about ZG, which makes her homeowner's insurance liable. He said to expect a new attorney/or attorneys in this case before it goes to trial. He said we most likely will see her homeowner's insurance attorneys involved.

Turbo, thank you kindly for passing this along and also thank you kindly to your brother. He sounds like a good man to have in your corner. :blowkiss: I am sure he is correct. Good for J Morgan! I wonder if he will bring any of the A's back for more questions.
My brother is an attorney. He has been asked a lot of legal questions about this by me but not really been interested except from the legal standpoint. I asked him to watch those two depositions and give me his opinion. Here are some of the things he said:

The attorney for the Anthonys was negligent and/or incompetent. He said if that were him and "his" client refused to answer the questions and was confrontational as they were, he would have personally taken them in front of the judge and Morgan would not have needed to. He said he would have fired them the minute they left the deposition as no client of his would ever show such disrespect for a "court deposition" and still be his client. He said he may have even asked Morgan to stop the deposition so he could resign immediately.

He said the Anthonys are hiding a lot, and they are a prosecutors dream for court.

He said he believes these people actually want their daughter to stay in jail, otherwise they would have cooperated fully in the deposition. He said that was more detrimental to their daughter than to Mr. Morgan's client and Morgan proved ,in his opinion, that Cindy A. slandered and accused that particular woman of being the ZG on TV not only as herself, but as an "agent" of KC.

He said Morgan really got what he wanted by getting the statement from Cindy that she stated on TV the information about ZG, which makes her homeowner's insurance liable. He said to expect a new attorney/or attorneys in this case before it goes to trial. He said we most likely will see her homeowner's insurance attorneys involved.

Thank you so much for sharing your brother’s insight.

The Anthony’s attorney, Mr. Conway, either was completely incompetent when preparing his clients and guiding them through the depositions, or he really tried and they completely ignored or refused his advice. The latter is why Mr. Nejame quit, IMO.

Interesting about the Anthony’s being a prosecutors dream at trial. Would love to hear from trial lawyers on that subject.

I don’t agree that the Anthony’s want KC to stay in jail. I think they are just not very intelligent and they actually believe they are helping KC by being evasive and uncooperative. To me they present themselves with a combination of ignorance and arrogance.

My favorite part was Morgan getting Cindy to say that yes, she was speaking on behalf of KC, with KC’s knowledge, when she told the media that KC was never shown a picture of ZG. I’m not sure she meant it to sound the way it did, but it seemed like she was implying that LE was lying.
My brother also said that the amount of the lawsuit was so insignificant that it was insane for Baez to answer it and particularly to file a counter suit. He said they could have let ZG win the suit by default and KC would have been out nothing as she had no assets. That way it would not have implicated the Anthonys or involved their insurance company, but instead Baez made a very foolish mistake in trying to defend the case, and even filed a counter suit.

That opened up everyone to being deposed and ,now if it goes to court, the amount awarded can and will be a LOT more than the lawsuit calls for because there will be damages added to it.

Wow, I didn't know that they could have just let ZG win. Is it like pleading no contest or something? Sorry, I know very little about legal proceedings. I heard that the counter suit was a ridiculous move. Do you think maybe Baez and Kasen (i think that's KC's attorney in the civil case) advised KC to just settle the suit and not counter sue but KC said "No way!" Wouldn't the lawyers have to go along with the client's wishes?

Also, it's always bothered me that not one of KC's lawyers has attended these depositions. Don't they have the right to be there, and if so shouldn't they be, or not?
The Anthonys just baffle me. Help me on this one guys, did Cindy, other than during the bond hearing, ever say that she wanted to get Casey out? IIRC, during the bond hearing she said she would do whatever she had to do to get Casey out on bond, but after KC was rearrested, I don't recall hearing her talk about anything but finding an alive Caylee. George did say he wanted them both home, but I don't recall Cindy saying that.

It amazes me that this mother-daughter battle continue to this day.
My brother is an attorney. He has been asked a lot of legal questions about this by me but not really been interested except from the legal standpoint. I asked him to watch those two depositions and give me his opinion. Here are some of the things he said:

The attorney for the Anthonys was negligent and/or incompetent. He said if that were him and "his" client refused to answer the questions and was confrontational as they were, he would have personally taken them in front of the judge and Morgan would not have needed to. He said he would have fired them the minute they left the deposition as no client of his would ever show such disrespect for a "court deposition" and still be his client. He said he may have even asked Morgan to stop the deposition so he could resign immediately.

He said the Anthonys are hiding a lot, and they are a prosecutors dream for court.

He said he believes these people actually want their daughter to stay in jail, otherwise they would have cooperated fully in the deposition. He said that was more detrimental to their daughter than to Mr. Morgan's client and Morgan proved ,in his opinion, that Cindy A. slandered and accused that particular woman of being the ZG on TV not only as herself, but as an "agent" of KC.

He said Morgan really got what he wanted by getting the statement from Cindy that she stated on TV the information about ZG, which makes her homeowner's insurance liable. He said to expect a new attorney/or attorneys in this case before it goes to trial. He said we most likely will see her homeowner's insurance attorneys involved.

Turbo............thank you for sharing your brother's opinion with us. I think he's right on the mark about BC, as I couldn't understand why he would first, not prepare his clients for the depositions, and secondly allow them to behave as they did. It amazes me that BC didn't even inform his clients that in a civil deposition the attorney can ask any question, and the client is to answer it, even if they think it's irrelevant to the case at hand.

I think JM and KM were very professional in the the way they handled the depositions. They were working with very difficult witnesses, who were rude and hostile. The attorneys were civil and polite throughout both depositions in spite of the terrible behavior of the witnesses.

I've wondered if ZG can now sue GA and CA? They've both done more to perpetuate the defamation of ZG than Casey ever did.
I really doubt if BC didn't tell his clients how to act in the depo. I had one one time and my lawyer told me what to expect and how to act. You are possed to answer with a yes or no and if there was more to add not to go on and on with it. Short answers as possible. He told them-----they just didn't abide by the rules------as usual. I kinda felt sorry for BC. I don't know why he don't back out of this mess.
snipped by me

Cindy's lie that Zanny became "whoever was watching Caylee" -- what a whopper. Puuuhhhhhlllllllllleeeeeezzzzzzz!!! Grown people can't use real names? What kind of goofy line is that?? Zanny as a generic term for babysitter-du-jour? could be true that Zanny was "whoever was watching Caylee" after all, Xanax comes in various milligram tablets, different shapes and colors. So one day it could have been a peach colored football shaped Xanax, the next, a blue one. The next a white xanax "bar" or a green xanax bar. So, yes, the generic "zanny" could be an umbrella for all kinds of them!
Anyone notice how CA minimizes EVERY flaw of Casey. She lowers the amount of any money stolen. She suddenly does not recall exact amounts but cuts them in half. She recalls page numbers and paragraphs of what everyone else says but can't remember the amount of two checks..

She says, "You have to ask George about that"....then when GA is questioned, she answers for him. She completes his sentences.

Cindy A has orchestrated the entire defense for the public. She is vile and does not care what other people think of her. She is on a mission. She will not be stopped. She has a CAUSE.

Oprah is way over the top and she has lost all credibility...not that she had much from me since last year. I am in shock over the subject matter she discussed recently on her show. As far as I am concerned it should have never aired. If the public tolerated that, then they will fall for whatever she wants to discuss. We have watched the masses fall and follow what she believes. Her following is huge and they worship her. I am concerned. I wish this segment would not air.
This ZFG lawsuit is totally frivolous IMO. If she has in fact lost her job because her name was used in this case then her ambulance chaser lawyers need to go after the employer that fired her because THAT is against the law. And as Seagull stated above its been said since the beginning that she was NOT the ZFG that took Caylee.

Pick an Apartment Complex in FLA.........Any complex

Now, Pick a name out of a hat......Any name.....There are 1,000's to choose from

Finally.....Pick any day of the year.

What are the odds that a person that goes by the name that you chose just happened to show up at the Apartment complex that you chose on or around the date that you chose?

I'll bet the odds are astronomical & if you believe Casey this is all just some random coincidence.

Casey can deny that this Zenaida isn't the Zenaida she was referring to all she want's but the fact remains that there was never any other Zenaida connected to Sawgrass Apartments.

Also, Casey filed a Counter suit against Zenaida. You would think that her attorney would suggest to her that she has "Bigger" things to worry about right now.

This Lawsuit is a perfect example of Jose's incompetence & why he should not be allowed to represent Casey

The depositions of Cindy, George & Lee are going to be very damaging to Casey once her Murder trial gets under way & for Jose to have allowed them to happen is borderline "Criminal"

He should have filed a motion to delay the civil suit until after Casey's criminal trial under the grounds that any evidence gathered from the depositions could be used against his client.
Originally posted by Seagull65
(frankly I don't understand why ZG's lawyers are not facing disciplinary action for all the irrelevant questions that were so defaming and vilifying toward KCA, and the hostile, bullying tone they used toward CA,...

I disagree with the characterization of the questioning. CA was belligerent from the beginning . For instance, she was asked who was living in the home and she responded that it was not a relevant question. It was up to Mr. Conway to object--not CA. ZG's attorney's showed increasing frustration, but I thought they were very professional and admirably restrained in their questioning and responses to CA's inappropriate behavior.
I thought CA was very co-operative for the bulk of this depo. She began to get frustrated and annoyed only when the questioning attorney started repeating questions she had already answered, and asking questions in a confusing format. She clearly lost her cool when JM started wading in during the later part of the depo and frankly I'm not surprised. She obviously thinks this lawsuit is frivolous (one thing I agree with her on) and tried repeatedly to point out that no one in the A camp had ever said that this particular ZG was the person claimed to have taken Caylee.

JM's behaviour WAS bullying and intimidating. He made a point of reminding CA that the depo was a court procedure and that it could/would be used in court, but then proceeded to badger and bully CA (who is a witness) into a confession of her own 'guilt', as if she was actually in a court room and on trial herself!

I obviously don't know what is permitted in an actual court room in the US, but I know that such intimidation of a witness, and the bullying that was used to get this witness to confess to being 'guilty' of defamation herself (even though it is not CA that ZG has sued) would never be allowed in a UK court room.
Originally posted by Devon

JM's behaviour WAS bullying and intimidating. He made a point of reminding CA that the depo was a court procedure and that it could/would be used in court, but then proceeded to badger and bully CA (who is a witness) into a confession of her own 'guilt', as if she was actually in a court room and on trial herself!

Would you give an example from the transcript where you consider JM to be "bullying" CA.
First of all, this was NOT a trial, they were not in a courtroom and Cindy was not a witness. This was a DEPOSITION and Cindy was being deposed. Yes, there are procedures for a deposition and those procedures WERE FOLLOWED by the attorneys conducting the deposition.

It was George and Cindy Anthony who were NOT FOLLOWING THE LEGAL RULES for a DEPOSITION.

Whether the Anthony attorney properly prepared them to be deposed or not (and I would think he did) they disregarded his legal advice. Throughout the deposition their attorney had the right to OBJECT TO A QUESTION. He did not do so because he ALREADY KNEW the question was not objectionable.

And even when the Anthony attorney WOULD feel a question fit into the "Objectionable" category, the person being deposed must STILL answer the question and the Objection is noted and a judge then decides if it was objectionable or not.

I think many who read here are confusing what goes on in a criminal trial and what goes on in a Deposition.

Yes, Baez made a huge, huge mistake by filing that countersuit. And yes, Cindy and George are any Prosecutor's dream. They are both transparent liars to the point of the ridiculous. Sad......sad.

Of note: "He said Morgan really got what he wanted by getting the statement from Cindy that she stated on TV the information about ZG......"
Yes, I noticed that right at the time. And that came rather early in Cindy's deposition. Right then and there the Morgan firm had what they needed. Everything else was "icing on the cake".

By the way, I would bet that these lawyers have dealt with many "George and Cindys" over the years. Their obvious experience in dealing with this type of witness was apparent. They did an outstanding job.

And I thought it was extremely telling that only after the Morgan firm stated they would be seeking "payment of attorney fees" did the Anthonys settle down even a little.
"I thought CA was very co-operative for the bulk of this depo." (respectfully snipped from Devon)

After ascertaining that she is Cindy Anthony, mother of Casey, and grandmother of Caylee, the Morgan&Morgan attornedy states that he is going to ask some questions about the time surrounding Caylee's disappearance. BEFORE he can ask one question, Cindy asks "what's the relevance?"

She signaled from the beginning that she was going to be difficult and went on to be insolent and rude to her questioners.

I'm sure her attorney had prepared her for the deposition, which is a fact-finding mission. Relevance is one thing that doesn't have to be proved. Cindy went on and on about "relevance" and attacked the Morgan&Morgan attorneys over and over.

They were very patient with her over a long period of time. They only "badgered" her when she went so far over the top as to be contemptuous of the proceedings. At that point, they mostly appealed to Conway to do something about her outrageous behavior.

Cindy's deposition:

Her attitude and behavior were disrespectful of the legal system and will come back to haunt her in future proceedings. Also, let's remember, the ONLY reason she is being deposed is that Casey filed that counter-suit saying that Zenaida has ruined HER reputation!

Read Casey's suit against Zenaida:

BTW, here is an interesting tidbit from Casey's suit:

P. 5, Para #8

"A picture of the Plaintiff was shown to the Defendant by the police and she did not identify that picture as the Plaintiff."

A few people are lying here! Wonder who?
I really doubt if BC didn't tell his clients how to act in the depo. I had one one time and my lawyer told me what to expect and how to act. You are possed to answer with a yes or no and if there was more to add not to go on and on with it. Short answers as possible. He told them-----they just didn't abide by the rules------as usual. I kinda felt sorry for BC. I don't know why he don't back out of this mess.

Both GA and Ca completely lost control of themselves many times during the depo, thats why we see their bizarre behavior. So I can see why BC cant control them, they cant even control themselves. GA actually sounded like he was having delusions of paranoia, certifiable. I had a relative that was eventually hospitalized for behavior not unlike his. (oh yeah wait he is fresh out of the psych ward, no?) Zenaidas lawyers handld it very very well.
By the end they were yelling at each other. Completely out of control.
Can anyone tell me what the basis for KC's countersuit here is? Do we have a copy of the document or something? I am assuming a countersuit would mean that KC is trying to prove some kind of damages to herself?


ETA: nevermind...the link was posted while I was composing.
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