Cindy's Inconsistencies

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Why did Cindy wait until today to tell the media that SHE had a phone number (disconnected) for the babysitter?

I'm not going to comment on Cindy's 81 YO mother saying she spoke to Caylee after the 16th, i don't know the details of her mother's mental/physical state as she is elderly....(my own mother has age-related dementia, her story changes hourly).
I hadn't heard about the phone call news! Let's please try and give sources or links whenever possible, because I had to track this down in a long transcript:,2933,402098,00.html


PETRIMOULX: It was a call supposedly, you know, coming from (SIC) the Anthonys from Zenaida Gonzalez in which it came in from a private number, and she heard Caylee in the background of the phone call.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Private member -- so they weren't able to determine from certain who the phone call came from, right, just that it came from a private number?

PETRIMOULX: Well, investigators say this call never happen. I mean, that's what comes from the -- that comes from the Anthony family.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So there's that dispute. Now, did Cindy, the grandmother, say that she had actually spoken to the baby-sitter and herself heard Caylee in the background, or is it simply the jailed mother who says that she heard Caylee in the background on July 16?

PETRIMOULX: Well, a new twist that came out today was Cindy Anthony actually said what would be Caylee's great-grandmother actually received a call at some point during while she was missing and that she may have heard Caylee in the background of a call. That's something that we hadn't heard before today, but during an interview, she had said that it wasn't only Casey that had heard Caylee during a phone call, but also the great- grandmother had also been involved in a phone call in which she heard Caylee.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, was that on July 16, as well, or was that some time earlier that the great-grandmother supposedly got the phone call?

PETRIMOULX: She didn't clarify. I would imagine that -- she didn't clarify, so I mean, I'm not going to speculate on when that was. You know, she didn't clarify that.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Has anyone located the Zenaida Gonzalez yet? I mean, is that -- is there any more information on that?

PETRIMOULX: Well, there was only one Zenaida Gonzalez that was ever linked to the apartment complex where Casey said she dropped Caylee off, and that woman has basically been cleared from the investigation. She did an interview with one of our local TV stations down here, where she basically said she's never met Casey, Caylee or the Anthonys, and has no idea why she was brought up in this investigation by Casey.
OK, here's the part about Cindy suddenly having the phone number in her records:

Cindy said she shared new information with investigators Monday about Casey's phone records that she says shows Casey really did get a call from Caylee on July 15 from a "private number." She's even claiming that Caylee's great grandmother heard from Caylee during the time she's been missing.

"We had a long conversation about that today. Some of the stuff that got leaked out is erroneous and they're looking at some of those things today," Cindy said.

"How did the person who had Caylee get your mother's phone number?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked.

"She was programmed into my daughter's phone," Cindy said.

*more news at link*
I hadn't heard about the phone call news! Let's please try and give sources or links whenever possible, because I had to track this down in a long transcript:,2933,402098,00.html

I first read this on one of the many threads i read before I actually saw it on TV last night...i decided to post my comment here, it seemed the best place. i didn't even see a link to post.
Curious to verify what date Cindy's myspace page was created, and last updated with the "July 3rd" entry.

During the bond hearing, Cindy states that she does not know how to do things like myspace, and that Casey did all the work on the cayleeismissing page.

1) WHEN was Cindy's myspace created ?
Hopefully for her is was before June 15th...

2) WHEN was the July 3rd post actually posted ?
I hadn't heard about the phone call news! Let's please try and give sources or links whenever possible, because I had to track this down in a long transcript:,2933,402098,00.html

I first read this on one of the many threads i read before I actually saw it on TV last night...i decided to post my comment here, it seemed the best place. i didn't even see a link to post.

That's fine - I didn't mean to blame you! :blowkiss: I figured you may have seen it on another thread. If I sounded frustrated it's only that I don't have time to keep up with all the news!
it was also pointed out that media links go in the media links thread.....sheesh! now i am more confused....:bang:
it was also pointed out that media links go in the media links thread.....sheesh! now i am more confused....:bang:

It's the custom here on the forum to tell where you saw something or read it - on which news channel for instance if you saw it on TV. If you saw it on another thread, that's fine, too.

And usually when people quote news stories they give a link, but it's not a rule or anything. Just courtesy.

This thread is for "listing" inconsistencies, and just to be organized, I've tried to post a link to what I've quoted.
thanks for telling me, everything is moving fast and it's hard to keep up....i need to get back to my real life litterbox and stop obsessing about this.
Here' my take on Cindy (JMO). She has a daughter who has never lived up to her expectations - even the lower ones. She doesn't finish school (I think this is true), can't hold a job, gets pregnant and no father is around, lies, steals, and in her own words "has no future". But along comes a second chance - little Caylee. From at least Casey's perspective, as warped as it may be, her mom is controlling and probably handles most aspects of Caylee's life. Either forcefully, or more likely because Casey isn't doing the job and is too busy out partying. Casey resents it even though she probably doesn't want the responsibility anyway. Casey is very immature. She and her mother probably fight over the things she is and isn't doing right with respect to Caylee. Casey finally decides she has had enough and decides she is going to pack up and move out. She is resentful of her mother's attention towards her daughter, and tired of her mom picking on her about her responsibilities. She leaves and takes Caylee with her - probably to spite her mom.

Though "constantly in contact" - I would imagine Casey and her mom mostly talk by phone or by text once Casey leaves on the 9th. And I would guess many of those calls were arguements. Cindy starts to ask to see Caylee and Casey just makes excuses why she can't. Perhaps this even happened before something happened to Caylee. Grandma is upset with Casey, but doesn't report anything to the police because it probably doesn't enter her mind that Casey would harm her daughter. She keeps asking, but probably isn't panickingat that point.

She finds her daughter on the 15th. It has been a month of listening to Casey stall about letting her see Caylee and Cindy is now upset, frustrated and angry. She threatens to turn Casey in to police on theft charges if she doesn't produce Caylee right NOW. Casey finally admits she doesn't have Caylee and hasn't seen her for a month. Cindy is distraught, in shock, and upset with Casey that she didn't say anything before. She is probably also upset with herself that she didn't figure this out sooner. I imagine she blames herself for the delay in reporting the disappearance, but I believe she honestly thought Caylee was ok all that time. I think in all her shock and anger at Casey, she doesn't stop to think how she is incriminating her with her statements made to 911.

After things settle down, she starts to back pedal and tries to cover up the damage. Her anger has calmed and she is thinking less emotionally. She then starts to try and excuse Casey's behavior, explain factual inconsistencies, etc. in an attempt to cover up for ther daughter she knows is in trouble now. She has probably covered for Casey all her life. I don't think Cindy was involved in any way. I think she is trying to save both Caylee and Casey the best way she can. Sometimes that is with ridiculous excuses, but she is probably doing the best she can. She may be saying some goofy stuff to the press, but she seems to be coorperating with LE...and that is most important.

Ok sorry - long rant!

I think you've summed up what's going on very accurately.
Do you remember the old Warner Brothers cartoons? The ones where Bugs Bunny gets hit with a sledge hammer and it flattens his head, then he stands up (still flat headed mind you) and shakes his head and yells, "YABIDDY YABIDDY"

That is exactly what I did when I read this my space entry from Cindy that was posted on this thread;

Cindy's myspace:
Thursday, July 03, 2008
my caylee is missing
Current mood: distraught

She came into my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don’t know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother’s love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?

(shaking my head back and forth furiously) "YABIDDY YABIDDY"

I know I am waaaay behind here. Sorry for the late reaction but honest to God, it is all right here folks. Their relationship drama, Caylee being used as a tug of war rope.

Doesn't this remind you all of the old saying, "If I can't have her nobody will?"

Did Caylee "love" grandma more? Did Caylee run to grandma first and not to Casey? Did Caylee accidentally call Cindy "Mommy" one too many times?

This just sickens me. To post this about your daughter for the world to see? This is a grown up family. They should act like one. Not like 12 year old girls arguing over a boyfriend.
Curious to verify what date Cindy's myspace page was created, and last updated with the "July 3rd" entry.

During the bond hearing, Cindy states that she does not know how to do things like myspace, and that Casey did all the work on the cayleeismissing page.

1) WHEN was Cindy's myspace created ?
Hopefully for her is was before June 15th...

2) WHEN was the July 3rd post actually posted ?

Were you able to verify this or ? This is interesting.
snipped for space

This just sickens me. To post this about your daughter for the world to see? This is a grown up family. They should act like one. Not like 12 year old girls arguing over a boyfriend.
hey there.
I think sometimes when people post on their myspace or facebook or in the Websleuth's Jury Room, :eek: they forget that nothing is private online. I have seen many people post extremely intimate details about their life online and this passage is tame by comparison.
because it is written in the privacy of their own home it doesn't feel like it is public or, like here at WS, you get the feeling that only those you know are reading it.
That feeling quickly passes the first time your words come back and bite you in the a$$

There is no doubt that these two are clearly dysfunctional.

Sorry the post got away from me. I meant to say, is this able to be verified or would that information be sealed?
I can't believe these people at all.
So Cindy is implicating her own mother now in all of this. :waitasec:

She is saying that great-grandma heard Caylee in the background too...

How old is gr-gma? Does she live alone? What is her name? I know gr-gpa is in an extended care facility....

Sorry if this has been many threads to read :confused:
IMO, jealousy could be the motive for Casey! Caylee was probably spoiled by wacko grandma and Caylee probably cried for Cindy, etc. I read that Caylee had speech problems? true/false? Could Casey do away with her rival? Did she ever 'bond' with her baby with Cindy in the way??? Cindy and George created the enabled liar. Liars are not born, the are raised to lie. IMO
I really feel that somehow, Cindy is complicit in this terrible ordeal.
Here's a theory, story-line. What if all that "flurry" of phone calls made on the 16th went unanswered because Cindy arrived home while Casey and an injured Caylee were there? And Cindy, being a nurse, for whatever reason, advised Casey that Caylee would be alright. Casey used that as an opportunity to give-away, do-away with Caylee?
Wouldn't that help to explain Cindy's otherwise inexplicable behavior?
I feel like Casey is going to blame Cindy, sooner or later.
Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, said she washed the gray pants but told investigators early on in the investigation about that fact. Detectives said they learned about the pants being washed about a week ago.

Yes, I distinctly remember in one interview she states she asked LE if she could wash the stuff she found in the car and they told her "go ahead". Then in another she said she had told them she had washed them and they weren't concerned. So in one case she asks before she does it, and the other she informs them afterwards. I believe after reading the search warrant that it states she washed them BEFORE contacting police because they smelled like the car!
Another inconsistency is Cindy saying that there was never a need to ask Caylee or talk about the nanny Zani, but the flurry of unanswered phone calls on the 16th show a need. What if there was an emergency and the unanswered calls were about a sick child or a broken down car with the child along.
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