Cindy's New Theory??!!

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have said all along that unless they can prove beyond a doubt that the car was under surveillance 24/7 I will not believe there was a dead body in it prior to it being abandoned by Casey at Amscot.
Wouldn't it have been much easier for Casey to just push the car into a lake somewhere if it contained damaging evidence?
I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way or create animosity towards myself for having a different opinion that the majority of posters here, but I still stand by my belief that there is a serious lack of evidence in regards to Caylee being dead.
And that really bothers me because the poor child will almost have to lay down and play dead if she wants to be found at this rate.


Hmmmm..... if I had to hide a dead body what would I do? Hide it in a random car at a tow lot? Then retrieve it and put it someplace else? No. I would expect the tow lot to have security cameras for one. Unless I was the tow lot owner... but then I wouldn't bother contacting the real owner of the car. The car would have been crushed and never seen again.

The evidence is that there was a decomposing body in that car. The possibility that it was someone other than Caylee is remote. In my opinion Casey is not smart enough or ambitious enough to push the car into a lake... I doubt she thought anyone would NOT believe her story.
I agree with both sides of the fence on Cindy. I can't even fathom what she is going through and I think it was a phone conversation with Casey from jail when she said something to the effect, "If something has happened to her (Caylee) I will just die" that made me feel so very bad for her. You could feel her anguish.

On the other side, I feel anger toward her for not making Casey take responsibility & defending her. You can love your child & still be disappointed (putting it mildly in this case!) and disagree with their behavior without defending them. If she were my daughter, I know without a doubt one of my first questions would have been how could you go out partying & having fun when Caylee was missing and why in the HELL did you not call us??? It is just bizarre they are so afraid of her they don't even confront her. That is what makes my blood boil. All these other ridiculous comments to the media (hocus pocus, she's not going back to jail, etc.) there are just no words. long will it be until we see Cindy accept the reality of the situation?

Will we see her snap and go into 100% total mental breakdown?

Or will we never see acceptance??

Kind a like that old song "Delta Dawn" about a young woman who is abandoned by a love who vows to return but never Delta Dawn in total denial snaps into maddness and every day dresses nice, puts on an wilted flower and waits

for her lover to return. (everyday for the rest off her life)

Will we see Cindy go total "Delta Dawn"?

Getting up every day for the rest of her life wearing a faded Caylee T-shirt and wander around the streets alone looking for Zanny? :confused:
New here,,,,,but I have been following this from the beginning.
I went through something similar, where I believed in someone, stood up for them, had their back but then the unspeakable happen. She harmed her baby, and while I spent 6 days in the hosp. with that baby and mom and dad were there at times (no charges brought down), I found myself having to maintain a false face, per sey, and not let what I was feeling, be known. I just went into this robot mode and stayed there. If someone had said "did she do it?" at that time I would have not stated what I was really fearing to be the real answer, I would have said the opposite and tried to believe otherwise,,,,,,,,in fact I did with the nurses. I had to let the detectives do their job and just get through what ended up being the last days for the baby (8 months old). I believe I was in shock.
I work with detectives, have worked with FBI agents and have clients that I help through adoption scams,,,,,,,,,I know all the signs, I know better, I know how to put two and two together,,,,,,,but when I was in the midst of that horrible time and so, so close to the situation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I did not function as I normally do. Could I kick myself now???????????? a million times over.

I guess I try and see where Cindy maybe emotionally in all of this. I cannot, in my wildest dreams imagine what it would be like to be Casey's mom.

Gosh I feel so bad for her. Bless her heart.
I am not suggesting that anyone killed Caylee:) I do not believe Caylee is dead. I can't venture a guess as to whose body was decomposing though. About 6 months ago I had to take my daughter to pick her vehicle up from the shop. She drove my car to the shop, I was a passenger. When she shut my car off, she pulled the key halfway out of the ignition and left it like that. When I got into the drivers seat and tried to start my car, I didn't know she left it halfway out and I twisted the key. She had to take me to Lowe's to have a new key made. No one asked me for any kind of ID or proof. It took about 5 minutes.
The fact that Casey's purse was found in the car (sorry, do not remember where I read that) leads me to believe that she misplaced/had it stolen prior to abandoning the car. I have seen the theories about her hoping someone would find it and think she was abducted too, but that makes no sense because she didn't try to hide. Hiding people don't frequent nightclubs, get pics taken and call people that are accessible to the people they are trying to hide from.
I have always felt that because Casey is a known liar and a known theif, she made herself an extremely easy and vulnerable target to someone with a lot more brains than she has.

But, see, you HAD the key. Someone would have had to get the key from Casey to make a copy (and then why copy it???). So either it is someone who Casey knew who had access to her keys OR her keys were stolen.

If it is someone she knew, again, why would she cover for this person? I can see covering if it were a minor issue, but why cover for a MURDERER??? When she is risking a murder conviction? When she has already spent a month in jail???

If her keys/purse were stolen why didn't she report it? And what a coincidence that the person who stole her purse was considerate enough to track down the car where she left it and put it back inside (after using it to temporarily store a dead body). Remember, she called and had someone pick her up AT THE CAR and said her dad would take care of it.

Dang. I keep hoping you will come up with something to sway me. I wish I had a thread of hope left for Caylee. I want a miracle.
I agree with both sides of the fence on Cindy. I can't even fathom what she is going through and I think it was a phone conversation with Casey from jail when she said something to the effect, "If something has happened to her (Caylee) I will just die" that made me feel so very bad for her. You could feel her anguish.

On the other side, I feel anger toward her for not making Casey take responsibility & defending her. You can love your child & still be disappointed (putting it mildly in this case!) and disagree with their behavior without defending them. If she were my daughter, I know without a doubt one of my first questions would have been how could you go out partying & having fun when Caylee was missing and why in the HELL did you not call us??? It is just bizarre they are so afraid of her they don't even confront her. That is what makes my blood boil. All these other ridiculous comments to the media (hocus pocus, she's not going back to jail, etc.) there are just no words.

That call was Cindy? I thought it was Christina?( Who i'm guessing is Casey's friend?)
Something that makes no sense is that shes not explaining (yet) is , If someone put a body in the car, to 'frame' Casey - Why would they remove the body? They'd leave it there.
I wonder if there was any evidence of the trunk forcefully being opened..I don't recall hearing anything about that. I guess someone went and got the keys from the tow yard and opened the trunk?

Not bashing anyone but how does one get a body in a trunk with no keys?

I understand everyone is grasping at straws in regards to the family..but at some point reality is going to come knockin'. JMO.

I think that specific kind of car might have had a trunk release inside the door on the floor next to the drivers seat.
Something that makes no sense is that shes not explaining (yet) is , If someone put a body in the car, to 'frame' Casey - Why would they remove the body? They'd leave it there.

Right.... not another framing ala Peterson family. Why would someone frame Casey? Who's body could it have been? Where is Caylee?

Really if someone were out to frame Casey she sure is making it easy for them with all of her lies - just like Scott Peterson made it so easy for someone to frame him. There is just no way.

I cannot believe the George and Cindy have not confronted Casey and demand to know exactly what happened. Even if they buy her story of the nanny why don't they want to know why she lied about having a job, why she was stealing money, why she was out partying and bonking several men while Caylee is missing, why she talked/texted her mom every day and never let on anything was wrong? Heck... if her dad was former LE woudn't that be the FIRST place she'd go for help if the nanny story were true?
I feel really badly for Cindy. I agree, the last couple years for her have had their fair share of crap. I'm sure little Caylee was the ray of hope for her that things would be ok, and now that she is gone, I think its really just too much for her to bear, and she just is holding on to the hope that she's alive with every fiber in her being, because if she loses that hope, she loses so much more. I used to think that she was just trying to protect Casey, but as the truth began coming out, I am leaning more towards the fact that deep deep down, Cindy knows the truth but she is trying to protect herself from losing what little bit of sanity she has left and she just can't accept it. Now, I don't agree with alot of Cindy's actions, and I think that she has said some things that are downright ridiculous, and most definitely Cindy made some pretty big mistakes. For example, I think that if Casey didn't want the baby, Cindy should have either adopted her herself, or let Casey give her away. But, as a parent, I'm sure she thought what she was doing was right and that it would force Casey to grow up. Obviously, that didn't work out as she had hoped. But, I know I've made some parenting mistakes too, and I'm sure we all have in some degree. She just made a very big one. And now she will have to live with it. My heart is breaking for her, too. I think she will go on believing that Caylee is out there somewhere for the rest of her life unless that poor child's body is found. I think right now, that is probably all she has to live for.
IMO, the woman is hanging on by a thread. If it helps her to say it's not Caylee, so be way or the other, it doesn't change the facts of the case.

I think deep down she's hearing it..but is resisting digesting it until she absolutely has to. We all have our own way of dealing with trauma. You draw on every survival instinct you have for yourself. Cindy is doing what she has to do to survive this.
You mean people don't put random decomposing bodies in trunks at tow yards all the time?? :waitasec:

Really this woman has lost her mind some days I feel bad for her and others well, my feelings are less than nice. The funny thing is she doesnt seem to realize how rediculous that theory sounds, wonder where Casey gets it from.....

It's kinda obvious to me who Casey gets it from.:rolleyes:
I am pretty sure it was Cindy because it struck me how anguished she appeared. I'll try to find it.

You were right, it was the friend Kristina. I heard it so long ago I thought it was Cindy. After listening to the phone call again, it really showcased what a total jerk Casey is. That reporter that called her a punk was right on the money!!
Denial is not just a river in Africa.
Did anybody see the Sherriff's press conference @ 10:30? if so where?
I cannot believe the George and Cindy have not confronted Casey and demand to know exactly what happened. Even if they buy her story of the nanny why don't they want to know why she lied about having a job, why she was stealing money, why she was out partying and bonking several men while Caylee is missing, why she talked/texted her mom every day and never let on anything was wrong? Heck... if her dad was former LE woudn't that be the FIRST place she'd go for help if the nanny story were true?

I can't understand why they haven't confronted Casey either.

I often tell my son...When it comes to the welfare of my grand-child, I could become your worse enemy.
Cindy Anthony said she now has a new theory."I felt rotten. Whatever it was, something decomposing in there, maybe someone put a body in the car after it was towed to the tow yard," Cindy Anthony said.

My isn't that convenient. A month ago, the smell was pizza. 2 days ago, the DNA was hocus pocus. And today. Today someone randomly put a decomposing body in the trunk of the car that just happen to have been being driven while her daughter and granddaughter were missing. And while her granddaughter continues to be missing.

These people really do believe that someone is out to get them don't they? People randomly putting dead bodies in their car and all. Too bad they haven't accepted who really is out to get them.

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