Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia

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parkie said:
Even used today but most machines now you just key in how much ink to be released onto the ink rollers

Now there is a proof file that carries the data in XML to the printer anywhere in the world. This person may have just been selling flags or something, hence knew the inner style-guide requirements of the St Patricks day branding. Was the mystery man in the video selling StPats paraphernalia or similar? Did he have keys to a retail store after hours?

I did ponder whether the mystery man in the video had changed his look. Jane doesn't appear to recognise him then appears shocked that he changed his look. Was jane eg; expecting the blonde guy?
Julie Cutler went to Notre Dame University Fremantle. Julie lived in Freo flat?

The Irish know a thing or two about brand standards. A document describing the protocol for displaying the Irish national flag calls for using Pantone colors green 347 and orange 151.

It is fitting, too, that the University of Notre Dame’s shamrock should only be displayed using Pantone 347, according to official University branding standards.

–Christian O’Schrader

Notre Dame university was founded in 1989 and Julie Cutler was abducted in June 1988. I know for a fact that she attended another university and that she had studied journalism. In fact she had applied and been accepted as a journo cadet with the Sunday Times newspaper.

And Julie lived in Fremantle only for a short while. She actually lived in East Victoria Park for a length of time before Fremantle.

Think you're grasping at too many straws Crab.
I'm just purely speculating here.. but for all we know, the killer could have spent time inside the clubs, chatting girls up and making himself look harmless. Or he could've been a face they'd seen many times before, somewhere or other, without necessarily being someone they knew personally.

We tend to trust familiar faces.. especially friendly ones, even if we know nothing about the person. I have even speculated that the killer was a club employee, after seeing the Jane Rimmer CCTV.. incredible, that she was picked up in that few seconds the camera wasn't on her. I think that was probably just the killer's luck, though.

Going on a bit of a tangent with the Jane Rimmer CCTV here... what made me think it was someone she'd met inside the club was this:

-- she ditched her friends, then waited outside the club. Why? For whom? I think she was probably waiting for someone, she looks at her watch. Looks up and down the road repeatedly, like 'where IS he'? But she *also* watched the club door now and then, and she can be seen standing by the pole, not watching the road at all. Like, she's been told to wait right there, but not how the person would be coming, or from where. So she watches the door, and then the footpath, in case he comes from there. Watches the road, in case he's gone to pick the car up first.

My question there is -- if this is so, why on earth wouldn't she tell her friends she was meeting someone? Was he someone she knew her friends wouldn't approve of? Someone who clearly had a girlfriend? Maybe an older guy?

If it was someone who'd approached her inside. surely her friends would have remembered that and told police. So I was thinking (but seriously doubt now) for a moment there, "staff" - someone who'd have made contact, and no-one would think it was anything worth mentioning. But then, of course we have to assume that all club staff were investigated very thoroughly, and cleared. It'd be an obvious step in the investigaton, so I'm guessing the police have no interest in club staff at all.

Looking at some of the CCTV.. I notice Jane takes a long look at one guy going into the club, who is tall and dark. I thought maybe she was just checking him out, but then, maybe he looked a bit like the person she was waiting for? She looks intently, then casually looks away, to continue watching the street.

Jane's expression and body language is interesting, when approached by Mystery Man, who is also tall and dark. His hand gestures look to me a bit like supplicating, his hand is out mid-waist level, extended to her. Apologising for making her wait? Showing her something? and then she laughs widely, but her body language isn't wide open as it likely would be if she knew the person well. If Mystery Man was her killer, though, and had made only causal contact, how could he be sure that Jane would be waiting there? So if he is the killer, he would have to be the person she was waiting for. And if he is, the cctv might be showing an exchange like this, "Oh hey, sorry that took so long, lost my keys (in his hand)" and she laughs.. the footage cuts out there, sadly. But Jane keeps waiting. Only now she's definitely watching the road, looking at her watch...

I don't think she was waiting for a taxi, at any rate.

As for the printer's ink --- where has it been said by police that the ink was a particular colour? I must have missed that.

Great post Ausgirl. I think there were 2 guys working together. When you view the video footage, check the guy standing at the post to the south of Jane. Notice how when the camera pans his way he looks the other way. Was he trying to avoid a front-on camera shot? Who does he look like? Notice how he brushed his shoulder as the mystery man approaches. Was this 'brushing' a signal? Who had the same hairstyle as the mystery man?

And to answer your question about Dixie that you posed to me the other day. Apologies for not answering you beforehand. Yet another one of those occasions when I had prepared something, tried to post it and it disappeared. The answer is; if I was able to face him and I had the ability to apply a tattoo to his forehead, it would read 'I am the killer you are looking for". "I am the rapist you are looking for". I am the person responsible for the sexual assaults that you are looking for". "I took the items of clothing and jewelry that were missing from the victims just like I did with the victims in the UK".

Why do you think the 347 degrees was chosen?
Why do you think the 347 degrees was chosen?

I'm not convinced it was. To be honest.

Is 347 degrees actually a non-fact, like "taken on Saint Patricks' day"? I'm betting it is, for at least one of the bodies. If not, then colour me wrong (just not in apparently irrelevant green ink ;) )

Here's something weird!!! I was looking for news articles pertaining to poor Gerard Ross' murder and found this account of the 1979 murder of Felicia Wilson, in Kwinana. It's worth reading the whole page, as eventually there's info related to Claremont.
If Rimmer was taken Australia day. What Pantone color would she have been? If indeed it actually relates to Australia day. What was the ink colour on the rope of, Was it Ciara?

I still think it all relates to the 3 Irish patron saint feast days
Not really. lol I didn't know about Pantone colours. I know about the xml file for different reasons. Hewlett Packard has a special PDF file that carries the .xml data anywhere in the world. The printer must print that colour.

If ever I need advice on printing ink and colours I know where to go hey.

Im sure I read somewhere they said Cutler went to Notre? Cutler was Fremantle. With someone with a psych degree?
During the Claremont murder investigations , it was reported that Julie had attended classes at the University with a man police said was their prime suspect.

The spiders are fast. This thread content is in the engine already.
Julie and Nicole attend Iona Presentation College when the family lived in Perth.
Julie was at Iona between 1975 and 1982

With advances in technology, we hope DNA can be obtained off cigarette filters that were found in Julie's car," she said.
"They were from a type of cigarette we know Julie didn't smoke and it might prove to be the lead we need."

So the smoker didn't step forward either. If it was me, Id be down there in a second.

What I just found trying to find out St. Julie founded the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Coincidence

Julie went to TAFE. Notre Dame was opened in 1989. Someone knew it was coming?

Notre Dame university was founded in 1989 and Julie Cutler was abducted in June 1988.

Julie went missing June 20 , 1998 - Irish Saint Cormac ua Liatháin feast day 21st June. Concidental?
Ausgirl you have raised something that I was not aware of and that is that Ciara was at the RFYC the night prior to her abduction organizing catering. Makes me consider that Dixie may have had a connection to RFYC or their catering team perhaps? Are you aware if the caterers there were an outside firm on contract or in-house caterers?

Both Sarah and Jane had attended the OBH the night of their abductions. Perhaps the girls met the perpetrator there? That then makes sense that Jane wanted to hang back and stay adjacent to the Conti doesn't it? Her friends had wanted to go to Club Bayview, Jane wasn't keen or interested in going there because she had made a prior arrangement to meet at the Conti. All the girls went back to the Conti but didn't enter. Her friends departed and Jane stayed behind, waiting, waiting, waiting. She was waiting to meet someone that she had met earlier on in the evening and he must have impressed her with his smooth style and he was well known to be a smooth talker matching his good looks - she had met him at the OBH is more than highly likely in my opinion. That is why she was hanging around outside. Again, the meeting between Jane and D was organised outside the hotel - too risky for him to meet her inside.

I think the mystery man was used by D and that the mystery man had no idea of what D's intentions were at that time. Mystery man had an alibi for Sarah's abduction night and that alibi has been verified by investigators. Jane's abduction and murder coincided with the mystery man going off the rails.

Police concentrated on the Conti and Club Bayview crowds. They didn't do anything about looking at the OBH as far as I am aware - biggest mistake of all time there. They narrowed their focus too much.

Interesting to me is that both the man leaning on the post and the mystery man are both wearing light fabric shirts. Other guys in the footage are wearing jackets. The mystery man appears to be wearing a t-shirt under his shirt as you can see the outline of the shortened sleeves if you zoom in. These light shirts tell me a few things about these men. All of the photographs I have seen of D have shown him to be wearing light shirts and t-shirts only.

Perhaps D was working at the OBH and told Jane he would meet her outside the Conti after he had finished his shift? Perhaps D and the mystery man were together at the OBH when Jane had met them? That is the reason why she is hanging around outside, checking the time, looking in all directions. She was certainly waiting for something to happen. The way that mystery man gestures shows me he is likely to be lefthanded.

How many days in between Jane's abduction and the murder of a certain male person the following year; I'll make it easy - here's the answer - 347. Was he murdered because he knew too much? I think that is very very likely.

Sarah attended the Australia Day fireworks, then went onto the OBH, then driven by her sister to the Conti. This leaves it wide open that she had met her abductor at the OBH too. Therefore leaving it wide open to the probability that he had found out a bit on information from her about what her plans were for the rest of the evening? I have not heard anything that suggests Sarah was in the company of any friends. So is that the reason she hung around Club Bayview until the early AM. a prior arrangement to meet with her abductor. He wouldn't want to go inside Club Bayview for fear of being identified would he? He's hung around outside in wait. He didn't want to be identified within the Club talking to Sarah far too risky for him.

There has been information posted online elsewhere where a woman has written that she had left Club Bayview at the same time as Sarah. After exiting in St Quentin Ave, Sarah turned left, the woman turned right. At this time a guy approached her and asked her if she needed a lift - he had blondish hair (D had blondish hair when he was in Australia). She said no. She posits in her blog that the guy may have then followed Sarah who had turned left heading towards Stirling Road and the phone booth. She also wrote that she had been interviewed 4 times by investigators.

So was this guy D and I think we know who the mystery man is?

Hori: There were a series of vicious sexual assaults and rapes that occurred in the Claremont locality, in the leadup to the Claremont abductions and murders. I will be posting some data in the next couple of days.
Crabstick. There is absolute nothing to link PMS colours, Irish green etc etc to anything. Are you replying to your name of Always Question? Seems you are acting very similar to how you were on Big Footy. Grow up. Honestly grow up ! How about writing to Dixie? Get his take on everything? Now that Felicia link was interesting to the poster who linked us to that. Tis getting hard to navigate on this page. Gets bogged down in order to comment.
If you have the right program, you can have that program examine anything anyone has said. Not only can you see if they have something to hide, ie; about a person of interest or suspect. But you can find similarities in their writing wherever that may be.
You don't need the right program to do a trace route and RAS into their computer :happydance:

If you have the right program, you can have that program examine anything anyone has said. Not only can you see if they have something to hide, ie; about a person of interest or suspect. But you can find similarities in their writing wherever that may be.

You keep telling yourself that. I think 347 is Bibra lake in the road book too. That road adjacent (EAST) is nigh on parallel.
A vector that passes through the Claremont hotel between two bodies is a deliberate act. Someone teasing police because only police have the good info that we are not privi to. Someone is saying to the police, I am better than you. Its a game for the culprit to the police. Public will never know it.
I do wonder if Ciara was, if say Pantone 347, are bodies laid in a flag manner according the Irish flag style-guide?
Does anyone have the exact coordinates of the 2 victims found? Jane » Ciara
Bayview tce is at exactly 0 degrees. Someone with cartography or surveyor? Where's the datum pick up?
Pippidinny is 90 degrees. A surveyor would know this ground intimately.
Was there an old fence where Jane was found? There looks like old fences?

Crabstick. There is absolute nothing to link PMS colours, Irish green etc etc to anything.

77 is 0
Was this map stored in Claremont council house. The same building victim of arson? Did someone try to hide something?
Now that Felicia link was interesting to the poster who linked us to that.

Cheers. It made me wonder if there was any similarity or parallel between Felicia and the CSK murders! And that was before the part where Claremont even gets a mention.
Someone will have an original cadastre. Did someone burn them down in the Claremont council house? Surely Landgate may have a digital copy? Claremont museum? Fremantle, Claremont, Eglinton? Entire metro area? Are the points original cadastre points?

Correct me if Im wrong, Rimmer was found on Miller rd. I don't know the exact point the victims dumping. When I checked years ago Miller went around the bend up to around the point she was placed then approx that place Miller rd became Woolcoot?
Was this person a road surveyor? Main Roads department?

So, if Rimmer is Rymer, Jane means John, Glennon is Valley or Cloak, Spier is watchman and the compass spear? What's another word for watchman?

Cutler is the knife maker. eg:

What was the girlfriends name that a person of interest had been dumped by?
This will get your minds working in a different direction for sure and I sincerely hope you can wrap your brains around some figures because it is all about the figures.

Measure the degrees between Jane's exact abduction point and the location of where a man was found murdered outside the boundary of Graylands Hospital. You will find it to be 19.77 degrees from Jane's abduction point. The reverse degree from the position where the man was found murdered to Jane's abduction point is 19.77 + 180 = 199.77. 199.77 - 360 = 160.23. Jane was abducted on 9 June, but was waiting on the 8 June. 1996 was a leap year therefore 8 June was day 160.

Ciara's (meet) date 14/3/1997 was day 73. Man abducted/murdered (he was missing for 3 days) on 22 May 1997 (abduction day) which is day 142. 73 - 142 = 69 days. He was discovered on day 147. 73 - 147 = 74 which is the abduction date of Ciara. He and Ciara had worked together in the same legal team. He had left that firm prior to Ciara going overseas - she signed his farewell card. Ciara spent just on 12 months overseas and had been back in Western Australia for just one week prior to her abduction. Part of her overseas trip she was based in London.

If you draw a line between the OBH and Jane's abduction point it is 69 degrees. 69 - 360 = 291. 291 - 365 = 74 which is Ciara's abduction date 15/3/1997 and Ciara disappeared just after midnight on the 14th. If you draw a line from the OBH to Sarah's exact abduction point it is 73 degrees. 14th March is day 73.

If you reverse the degrees between the OBH and Jane's abduction point eg 69 + 180 = 249 therefore 249 degrees from Jane to the OBH. 249 - 360 = 111. 111 - 366 = 255 which is Sarah's birthday (12/9) in a non leap year.

If you draw line between Jane's exact abduction point and the last known sighting point of Sarah where she was standing adjacent to the traffic lights cnr Stirling Road and Stirling Highway, waiting for the taxi the line crosses over where 347 Stirling Highway used to be located, in behind where the printing/framing shop that became the focus of the police in 2011.

If you draw a line between Ciara's abduction point adjacent to 347 Stirling Highway and RFYC it is 193 degrees. 193 - 360 = 167! 193 - 347 = 154. 154 - 360 = 206. 206 - 366 = 160 = Jane's (meet) date of 8 June. 167 + 180 = 360. 154 + Sarah's 26/1 = 180.

To say Ciara and Jane were placed on a 347 degree line is a little bit of a furphy and to continually do this you narrow the focus far too much and don't see the bigger picture.

Jane was placed at 167 degrees ex abduction point not 347. It would be 347 degrees from Jane's final location to the abduction point. Ciara was placed at 347 ex Conti to her final location. When you draw line between Jane and Ciara starting at Jane's location it is 347, when you start at Ciara's site to Jane it is 167. Jane was placed at 180 due south of the General Post office. How interesting. RFYC is at 347.6 degrees to Ciara's location.

Now to figure out why he used 347. Well this could be the answer. D arrived in Australia on 18 January 1993. 18 - 365 = 347!

Sexual Assaults and these all occurred just around midnight.

The first sexual assault (in WA) occurred at midnight/early am on 31/12/1993-1/1/1994. This woman was dragged from her vehicle in the subway that is situated on Stirling Road Claremont - the subway is where Stirling Road runs under the Perth - Fremantle railway line. This girl had attended Club Bayview and the Conti.

The next sexual assault occurred on 31/10/1994 when a woman was attacked in Princes St Claremont whilst riding in a taxi, by a man hiding in the back seat of the vehicle. She jumped from the taxi and suffered a broken ankle. This day is day 303/304.

The next sexual assault occurred on 12 February 1995. A brutal rape of a young girl which commenced with her abduction on Rowe Park Claremont which is in Gugeri Street and adjacent to the railway line. The girl had attended Club Bayview and was walking home along Gugeri St. She was dragged into a vehicle and taken a short distance to Karrakatta cemetery, stripped and raped. She had been bound with electrical flex. She escaped thankfully. She described her attacker as being 183cm tall with brownish collar length hair and he was driving a light coloured panel van. This description kind of matches the mystery man's description. This attack occurred on day 43/44 and just on midnight.

Add the previous attack day 303 and 44 = 347!

Is this a pattern - well it could be described as nothing else but a pattern could it!

The next assault occurred on 4 May 1996 and this occurred in between the abductions of Sarah and Jane. The girl had been to Club Bayview. She was viciously attacked in the carpark behind the Club. Had her skirt ripped off her and her head bashed against a brick wall 6 times. This day is 124 although there is something in the calculations that is absolutely personal to him so I think this was actually day 125 just after midnight and you will see the relevance below.

Now given this 125 day attack occurred in between Sarah and Jane take 27 - 122 = 98 days. 98 - 366 = 268. His birthday is 24 September which was day 268 in the 1996 leap year.

As detailed above. he arrived into Australia in 18/1/1993. His birthday is day 268 in 1992 (leap year) the year prior to his arrival. 268 - 366 = 98. 98 + 18 = 116 - 365 = 249. And that takes you back to the degrees between the OBH and Jane's abduction. 249/69.

AND going back to the 98 + 18 = 116. 116 - 268 = 152. 152 - 365 = 213. 213 - 180 = 33. Jane's final location in Woolcoot Road Wellard is 33kms (straight line) ex abduction point.

He is not only responsible for the Claremont girls. Another example of extremely narrow focus to call him the CSK or the Claremont Serial Killer. He has murdered in other places of Australia and that I am absolutely 100% certain of. This guy was more cunning than any knew or considered was possible.

I am still finalizing data that brings all victims together. I now believe he started his spree just after his arrival into Australia. Oh I forgot something important that shows something highly relevant.

He arrived on 18 January 1993 and 1st major sexual assault in Western Australia occurred on 31 December 1993 - 1 January 1994. That is 347 days after his arrival date!

And this may confuse you still further. I don't believe his degree numbers are always actually degrees as such, I believe they are sometimes calendar numbers and calendar numbers are actually degrees at other times. He liked to mix it up a little.

I haven't been able to remove Pamela Lawrence's murder from this pattern either. 23/5/1994 day 143. 31/10/1994 sexual assault on day 303/304. 143 - 303 = 160 (8 June) or 143 - 304 = 161 (9 June). See what I mean? and 143 - 267 (his birthday) = 124 = the sexual assault on 3/5/1996. I think the dates of his prior offending had been used continuously in his pattern.

And here's the cat amongst the pigeons. I really wonder if he returned to Western Australia under a different name and passport after he was deported on 23/4/1999??? There is a pattern that pops up very soon after that date that looks like his pattern.

Back to Jane and man murdered at Graylands data. Jane's body was located on 3/8/1996 = day 216. Graylands man located on day 147. 216 - 147 = 69/249 and there goes that number again relative to the OBH and abduction point.

Sarah's birthday in normal year is day 255. Ciara's is day 324. 255 - 324 = 69. Jane's is day 285 - from Sarah = 30. Girls were taken in birthdate order starting with Sarah/Jane/Ciara. Here's something interesting. Jane's birthday normal year day 285 - 365 = 80 + 267= 347.

Days in between find dates of Jane and Ciara. 216 - 93 = 123. Given Graylands man is after Jane and Ciara but connected with Jane by being abducted 347 days after her 123 - 142 = 19 - 365 = 347. Jane's find date 216 minus Grayland's man's find date 147 = 69.

Jane's find date 216 minus Ciara's abduction (meet) date 73 = 143 which is the Pamela Lawrence murder day number in 1994. A strange thing happens if you look at Ciara's date as 14/3 = 143. If you look at Sarah's date as 26/1 as 261 + Jane's date 8/6 as 86 = 347.

Jane is linked with Graylands man by 347 day connection. Ciara is linked with Graylands man by work connection.

Graylands man's birthday is day 301. 310 - 365 = 64.

Ciara abduction day 74 to find date 93 = 19. 19 - 366 = 347.

Just found something in my data. A Claremont based prostitute reported an incident to police after the Claremont murders. She reported an incident that occurred on 1/12/1995 which is day 335. if we take from that date the sexual assault that occurred on 12/2/1995 on day 43/44 = 291. 291 - 365 = 74 = Ciara's abduction date.

There was a murder in Tasmania of a young tourist on 11/10/1995 - it should be noted this is the day before Jane's birthday. The murder day is day 284. 284 - 365 = 81. 81 - 366 = 285 which is Jane's birthday. This murder victim's birthday is day 159. 159 - 267 = 108. If we take the number of days between 284 and the Claremont prostitute day 335 = 51. Add to that the difference between Claremont prostitute day 335 - 365 = 30. Then add Sarah's abduction day 27 = 108. 108 from D's birthday 268 (leap year 1996) = 160 = Jane's meet day 8/6. or if we take 108 - 267 D's birthday normal year = 159 which is the murder girl's birthday.

The previous Tasmanian victim occurred on 12/3/1993 = day 71 her birthday is day 36. She was abducted on is still missing. And this is interesting because she had come from the same location that D did in the UK. Both of these Tasmanian victims were tourists and both victims eg the abduction and the murder occurred in the same beach area. The 1st victim had stayed at 2 backpacker hostels prior to their abduction.

Gerard Ross was located on Grayland's man's birthday. Gerard Ross was taken the day after Jane's birthday (286 in leap year) on day 287. 287 - 365 = 78 which is the distance between Ciara and Jane's locations. Gerard's birthday is day 321 the reverse of 123.

There was a woman murdered at Graylands after graylands man. she was murdered on her birthday day 237. 237 - 360 = 123. Back to D's birthday 267 - 365 = 98. 98 + 237 = 335 which is Claremont prostitute day. It was reported widely after the murder of his victim in the UK, that he had used prostitutes on a weekly basis in Perth.

Something tells me he might have been involved in the Walsham murder which occurred at Stirling Railway Station on 28/2/1998. that is day 59 and the next victim after Gerard Ross on day 287. 287 - 365 = 78 + 59 = 137 - 365 = 228. Something occurred on that day in another state in immediately after Jane 1996. Yes I think this guy traveled around.

And I think he had something to do with the abduction of Sarah Lee Davey in Broome on 14/1/1997. There are numbers that come up there that link back to a tragic family event in the UK.

And so it goes on.... and on and on and on. I believe I am onto something huge but then again is this all a figment of I imagination and I have been totally wasting my time? I don't believe so. Most of this data has been passed to investigators.
Crabstick: Julie went missing on 20 June 1988. I think the irish have feasts for basically every day of the year.
Cheers. It made me wonder if there was any similarity or parallel between Felicia and the CSK murders! And that was before the part where Claremont even gets a mention.

Ausgirl are you referring to Felicia Wilson? Because if you the perpetrator of that horrendous crime is not involved in the Claremont murders. They believe Garforth is responsible and he has basically admitted to that now.
The angles, degrees & dates are total baloney. Taken straight out of Ellis C. Taylors theories on numerology linking to SK`s. Bit like Astrology in Crime page, 1 & 2 & so forth. Oh well it keeps you occupied I guess.
Nah, forget Ellis Taylor. Not astrology or numerology.

For instance, Irish meaning of Ciara is 'saint'.

The angles, degrees & dates are total baloney. Taken straight out of Ellis C. Taylors theories on numerology linking to SK`s. Bit like Astrology in Crime page, 1 & 2 & so forth. Oh well it keeps you occupied I guess.
If you take a look at the map, the road curves around. On the road map, it was Miller up to about the drain. Actually I think it was up tot he kink in the road. At that point, became Woolcoot rd.
The road was then adjusted. Find a road book of the time? Someone posted a map a while back somewhere.
Im not sure exactly where Jane was left but someone made mention a drain?

Crabstick: "Correct me if Im wrong, Rimmer was found on Miller rd"

No she wasn't.
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