Clay is gay folks...

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Someone, somewhere....PLEASE tell me why this is newsworthy? How ridiculous....I don't ever see any "breaking news stories" about John or Jane Doe being STRAIGHT.

IMO, who someone chooses to show their romantic love to has no bearing on...well....ANYTHING.

The fact that Clay is gay rates a negative ten on my What Matters Meter. I'm more interested in WHY People Magazine deems this newsworthy.

Well, I'm straight but I but People doesn't even care to report it.

My bold....but, where does that statistic come from? 11%? LOL, there's no way it could have any validity.

How could they have possibly quantified that? Even a very rough estimate would be hard. Don't forget, some of biggest gay-bashers are, in fact, gay themselves. Count all those and no doubt that percentage would be much higher.

One day this will all not matter, hopefully.

Doesn't matter at all to me now. But I think 11 to 15 percent sounds right.
I have always heard 11-15% as the working statistic of humans who are homosexual. I do not know if this includes bisexuals.
I've heard for about 30 years now that it's around 10%, so 11% sounds about right. I started working at PP when I was 19, we had a lot of research material available to us. I think that statistic originally came from the Kinsey Report.
Why are people's sexuality so news worthly???? Live a full life and it will be colored by a varity of folks who will expand your view of the world!!!
LOL. I can't believe this was ever in question. It was so obvious.
I've heard for about 30 years now that it's around 10%, so 11% sounds about right. I started working at PP when I was 19, we had a lot of research material available to us. I think that statistic originally came from the Kinsey Report.

The 10% figure does indeed come from Kinsey, but it's based on misreadings of his research in the 1940s. (Edited to add: I don't mean misreading by you personally, Shadow.) Nearly all social scientists recognize this now, though the phrase "One in 10" survives and carries a lot of emotional weight.

I don't think anybody really knows the exact figure. (And how could they, since being "gay" is at least in part a subjective determination and respondents in any poll may have very good reasons not to admit to being gay?) But the best estimates nowadays seem to be about half the 10% figure.

Although given Aiken's considerable influence in the Claymate community, I'm sure we'll see a rash of conversions in the days to come. :purplebananna:
I admit I laughed when I saw some snippets from Clay's fan sites. Women declaring they were so upset they had to stay home from work, women who were so upset they couldn't eat ....

I'm NOT surprised....I am only sorry CLay seen fit to "come out" since he had a child. $500,000 crap I'm NOT gay, but I could profess to be for that amt.
Hmmm...same thing I thought when Ellen came out. Who didn't know and why does it matter?!
Well, its about time. I mean, everyone already knew it and he just called more attention to it when he refused to answer the question. Of course, he is right, its not anyone's business, but when it is so patently obvious, why the subterfuge? I guess I can understand when he was on American Idol, not coming out, but since AI is over and everyone has been speculating about it, just come out and get it over with. Its not a big deal. So what, who cares? I agree with everyone elses sentiments. Hopefully, some day it won't matter one iota what a person's sexual orientation is, the only thing that matters is the love and acceptance in your heart.
I'm NOT surprised....I am only sorry CLay seen fit to "come out" since he had a child. $500,000 crap I'm NOT gay, but I could profess to be for that amt.

Me too, White Rain! I'll split it with ya!
Ha Ha I think the whole world knew.. Don't know why he was trying to hide it.
I'm glad Clay fiiiiiiiinally came out.
I'm happy for anyone who can finally profess who they are and BE who they are, without having to live a lie.
I find it hard to believe that anyone was shocked...:rolleyes:
And what's our culture's obession with sexual orientation?!:waitasec:
I'm glad Clay fiiiiiiiinally came out.
I'm happy for anyone who can finally profess who they are and BE who they are, without having to live a lie.
I find it hard to believe that anyone was shocked...:rolleyes:
And what's our culture's obession with sexual orientation?!:waitasec:

I do agree with you, Just wanted to point that out. :cool:
Honestly, I could care less. I will very happy when the day comes that this is not "news" and any person can just *be* who the are regardless of their sexual preference. I still find it very sad that being gay or not gay makes the media on any level. When will all just grow up and let people simply be who they are no matter "what" or who they are????

Apparently, not for a long time....

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