closed KC has checked into Probatio .2011.08.24 - 6:00 PM EDT

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Most hated woman....wasn't that a newspaper poll that JP used for an excuse not to give the names of the jury?? He also said the jury had received death threats....which, at the time, wasn't true.
Let's face it whatever she does is going to be wrong, if she gets a job, somehow it would be unfair, if she doesn't get a job then she is copping off.
I am shocked at the uncharitable attitudes shown towards her by mature adults, utterly shocked :(

I for one will show no charitable attitude to anyone that I feel, has gotten away with the death of her child. I'm happy to hear that I have shock value. In this instance, I take that as a compliment. Thank you.
Forgot to ask. How would anyone say it was unfair if she got a job? I'm mean, besides Casey and her crew? "WE" want her to get a job. If she doesn't get a job then she can still be considered indigent and the state of Florida tax payers will be footing her bill for her att. fees and court cost. I, as a tax payer do not want my money paying for anything where she is concerned when she is capable of working herself.
Most hated woman....wasn't that a newspaper poll that JP used for an excuse not to give the names of the jury?? He also said the jury had received death threats....which, at the time, wasn't true.

...the only actual "threats" I recall were those HHJP read at the hearing where an internet poster wanted to "filet her and feed her to the pariahs" (sic)

ya know, this tells me that a few folks haven't visited very many message boards. Moreover, if this were true, I believe making threats over the internet is a federal offense* and I sure ain't seeing anyone arrested or prosecuted...

*not quite sure how it works - it may need to be directed to the person via email or some such - it's part of the electronic communications laws...
Last night I got a telemarketing call entirely in Spanish. I actually understood a lot of it but I said "no tengo dinero" and "yo hablo Ingles". Sorry for the o/t
She could help in the back rooms of a funeral home.
She could clean equipment ,bathe dogs and clean out kennels at a vet or dog groomers.
She could work the night shift doing janitorial work at a school .
She could be a pollster.
She can answer phones for an office that doesn't see clients on site.
Don't think I'd trust her bathing dogs, she might try to Chloroform them! Doing a little Bamboo research...
She could help in the back rooms of a funeral home.
She could clean equipment ,bathe dogs and clean out kennels at a vet or dog groomers.
She could work the night shift doing janitorial work at a school .
She could be a pollster.
She can answer phones for an office that doesn't see clients on site.

BBM: :seeya: Hi MissJames !

:floorlaugh: CFCA working in the back rooms of a funeral parlor ... :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

But ... the one that worries me is CFCA being around dogs and pets ... :innocent: Remember all those pets the Anthony's had that got "mysteriously" ill ... :innocent:


MOO ...
I know many of you were hoping casey would face some kind of justice with her pathetic, one year probation. She won't. She just won't. The fact is, casey got away with murder and is facing virtually no legal consequences for that or any other crime she has committed thus far, nor will she.

But...IMO, she will face justice eventually and I believe it will be sooner than later. This is not a normal person. She is narcissistic, sociopathic, twisted and unhappy. She is a criminal, with a criminal mind.

And no one likes her. She is incredibly despised. She cannot integrate into society. She is a pariah. And yet, she craves fun and popularity and will kill or otherwise break the law to get what she wants. Her intense desire to have what she cannot means she will get into trouble quickly, somehow.

I just hope that no one else is harmed before she is over. But I really believe she will be over, whether by re-incarceration or otherwise and I will be seriously satisfied when that happens.

Is that charitable? No. But casey is an authentic danger to society and an evil, hateful, soulless, monster so I think satisfaction being felt by otherwise compassionate and fair people, is completely justified.
You're welcome! I got a nice screenshot. Wonder if it's a violation, "if" it is her. "Beyond juvenile" certainly describes FCA.

Me too. It's funny how many from WS got a snapshot of this photo that was up for less than a minute. :websleuther:
I know many of you were hoping casey would face some kind of justice with her pathetic, one year probation. She won't. She just won't. The fact is, casey got away with murder and is facing virtually no legal consequences for that or any other crime she has committed thus far, nor will she.

But...IMO, she will face justice eventually and I believe it will be sooner than later. This is not a normal person. She is narcissistic, sociopathic, twisted and unhappy. She is a criminal, with a criminal mind.

And no one likes her. She is incredibly despised. She cannot integrate into society. She is a pariah. And yet, she craves fun and popularity and will kill or otherwise break the law to get what she wants. Her intense desire to have what she cannot means she will get into trouble quickly, somehow.

I just hope that no one else is harmed before she is over. But I really believe she will be over, whether by re-incarceration or otherwise and I will be seriously satisfied when that happens.

Is that charitable? No. But casey is an authentic danger to society and an evil, hateful, soulless, monster so I think satisfaction being felt by otherwise compassionate and fair people, is completely justified.


WOW, gitana, excellent ... you described CFCA perfectly !

I totally agree !

--snipped from liink--

Today, Strickland said he felt that the intent of his original order was finally being carried out.
"The system has worked," Strickland said. "My real question is: Why was it so hard?"

Strickland said corrections to written orders that have scrivener's errors are made all the time, but in this case the correction to Anthony's probation order led to a new round of claims of bias against Strickland by the defense team.

Strickland said he was shocked by some of the things he heard her attorneys say about him.

"To be honest, I still can't believe what I heard," Strickland said. "I'm stunned by what they said, but as far as I'm concerned that's the end of it…I'm not turning anyone in to the [Florida] Bar. I'm not holding a grudge."
But he said being called "stupid and a fraud" was highly offensive.

Bolding mine.

I understand his not wanting to belabor the point and prolong the ridiculousness of it all. He's a class act, clearly. That said, however, I will contact the FL Bar and file a complaint on his behalf. This whole business of NO ONE being subjected to consequences of any sort for their actions has to stop. What a horrendous message it all sends to everyone at all levels in our society, not the least of which is our children.

The bit that you highlighted in red, I agree with him 100%. It was all nothing more than legal posturing and manipulating of the system on an over-the-top, and embarrassingly ridiculous level.
How do you rehabilitate a pretender? A pariah?

You don't.

You can only hope you never cross paths with one.
I know many of you were hoping casey would face some kind of justice with her pathetic, one year probation. She won't. She just won't. The fact is, casey got away with murder and is facing virtually no legal consequences for that or any other crime she has committed thus far, nor will she.

But...IMO, she will face justice eventually and I believe it will be sooner than later. This is not a normal person. She is narcissistic, sociopathic, twisted and unhappy. She is a criminal, with a criminal mind.

And no one likes her. She is incredibly despised. She cannot integrate into society. She is a pariah. And yet, she craves fun and popularity and will kill or otherwise break the law to get what she wants. Her intense desire to have what she cannot means she will get into trouble quickly, somehow.

I just hope that no one else is harmed before she is over. But I really believe she will be over, whether by re-incarceration or otherwise and I will be seriously satisfied when that happens.

Is that charitable? No. But casey is an authentic danger to society and an evil, hateful, soulless, monster so I think satisfaction being felt by otherwise compassionate and fair people, is completely justified.

Well said gitana1 - but the thing is - just this one teeny win - that she does have to do this probation - helps me believe in the process of justice a bit.
It was just the concept of not letting Baez and FCA get away 100% with their bullcarp.

I think we all know this so-called probation is a piece of cake - and I think we know someone somewhere, despite all the assurances from the big media houses they will not pay her - will in fact. They lie - they know it and they know we know it.

Honestly I wish I could cut the chains that hold me to this case. I think I'm done and then Baez yanks another chain and I'm back being as angry as I ever was. Every time another ridiculous statement comes back from a "juror" about "don't hate me -my life is so awful - we did a great job and followed the law - it makes me crazy!

It's not like I don't have a life - a profession, my own kids, blah blah - but real injustice is hard to swallow - and high profile injustice is even worse. And yes, I agree with you, there is no doubt in my mind that she will reoffend - and badly. No doubt in my mind because I also believe she is exactly the person you describe and the public will NEVER forget that.
..gretlP said they were going off of the judge's Order, in which he said she was the most hated person in the country, therefore safety concerns blah di blah..

..or---as colarossi of the sentinel calls her--

And now that she has been identified as one of the nation's most loathed individuals, Strickland added that he hopes no harm comes to her.,0,7589369.story

Spencer Pratt was second most hated and Nadya Suleman was third - neither of them are scared for their lives....well maybe Nadya, a titch.
Spencer Pratt was second most hated and Nadya Suleman was third - neither of them are scared for their lives....well maybe Nadya, a titch.

I guess if I knew who Spencer Pratt was I would hate him but I don't..:waitasec:
So which is it, she has to get a job or she doesn't have to get a job? :waitasec:

Thanks, strawberry...this got me thinking.
It was reported last evening that JB indicated she would be attending school, online.
Today @ the pc, we are told she will follow the court ordered probation. MANY offenders do not currently have jobs, are going to school, blah de blah.
Were FCA's attorneys with her when she reported? NO!
Was anyone else with her? She will find out & let reporters know.

Does DOC provide transportation? NO.

1) Someone had to drive FCA there.
2) Did this same someone enter the room with her & her probation officer? Or, was it just the 2 of them?
3) If just her & her prob off, then FCA reported to JB that she only needed to attend online courses.

Is it simply a matter of FCA heard what she wanted to hear & neglected to provide the rest of those nasty details of what she really MUST do?

Or, is DOC blowing smoke on her non-special treatment?

I have sympathy for the prob off. One misstep and he/she is going to be a goner in the press. Meaning, his/her job is on the line & will be scrutinized by all if found out.

btw: GR's proclamation that Casey will be seen in the near shoot. Done deal. Pics awaiting highest bidder. imo
Well said gitana1 - but the thing is - just this one teeny win - that she does have to do this probation - helps me believe in the process of justice a bit.
It was just the concept of not letting Baez and FCA get away 100% with their bullcarp.

I think we all know this so-called probation is a piece of cake - and I think we know someone somewhere, despite all the assurances from the big media houses they will not pay her - will in fact. They lie - they know it and they know we know it.

Honestly I wish I could cut the chains that hold me to this case. I think I'm done and then Baez yanks another chain and I'm back being as angry as I ever was. Every time another ridiculous statement comes back from a "juror" about "don't hate me -my life is so awful - we did a great job and followed the law - it makes me crazy!

It's not like I don't have a life - a profession, my own kids, blah blah - but real injustice is hard to swallow - and high profile injustice is even worse. And yes, I agree with you, there is no doubt in my mind that she will reoffend - and badly. No doubt in my mind because I also believe she is exactly the person you describe and the public will NEVER forget that.

If its any consolation Logical, I have no interest, absolutely none, in anything else any of the jurors have to say. When I heard they took umbrage that the prosecution did not say good morning, I heard enough. There was nothing about the two that gave the interviews that was in any way interesting to me after their interviews.

I remember thinking 'well if only the prosecutors explained circumstantial evidence better' and you know what. The prosecution did an incredible point by point job and they proved their case beyond any reasonable doubt. The fact that the women juror said 'I didn't say she was innocent...." means the prosecution did their job. The jury was sick about it? If they were so sick about it, then they did have an "abiding conviction" that she did it and that was all they needed 'an abiding conviction".

But I really believe that the woman who spoke first had an agenda and it started in the jury questioning process and she let everyone know (as people will do when they speak too much) that she liked the 'notariety'. It is a "case everyone is talking about". That should have been enough to dismiss her. Absolutely.

Vinnie on HLN listing the probation requirements which do include finding a job. Jean C confirming this but adding that DOC allowing her to take online classes. Gretl did not say that. She said other probationers are allowed to do this because they can't find work.

On some level, I get it, that some probationers are allowed to go to school "because they can't find work", as you say. But my biggest problem with this applying to Ms. Anthony is that she presumably hasn't even LOOKED for a job yet and the determination was somehow made that she "can't find work"?!?! Of ANY kind?!?!? Please. :rolleyes:

As a FL resident, I want to know..........did anyone ask at the press conference if FL taxpayers are funding these cases (not just Ms. Anthony's,) where school is the alternative to probationers holding down jobs (since it's apparently not such a rare thing)? If not, does anyone know how I can find out?
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