Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #3

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Grief is what I am feeling tonight. Just grief and sadness.
I cannot imagine what the McStay and Arranda family members are each going through.
They've been living in this nightmare for 9 years.
I think that the jury has got this right.
Still. No matter what, these murders are heartbreaking and so unnecessary.
None of this horror should ever have happened.
The torture of Joey, Summer and the boys will always stay with me.
That's one of the things I loved about Sweden, no am or pm, lol! And walking streets and red mushrooms with white spots.....fellow viking, lol!
It must be interesting watching US cases and Swedish cases. The laws are different in so many ways as are the prisons.

Don´t eat the red mushrooms with white spots!!! To be honest I know more about the US courts then ours, live streams can be very addictive and we have none of those.
Not to sidetrack the thread but what other cases are people following? I’m in need of some reading!
I’m not sure I want to follow an ongoing trial again. This trial might have broken me.

If you want to go back & watch 2 very interesting , complex trials that were recently concluded & archived ,I recommend the Trial of Lyndsey Partin , the Ohio babysitter for 3 year old Hannah Wesche who collapsed( & later died ),within minutes of being dropped of at Partin’s home. It’s a short trial but complex with some solid medical witnesses .
The defense hired Cyril Wecht ,who, at 92 , probably should retire. He disagreed with the expert opinion that he wrote in his own book .

Another archived trial that was recent & very , very interesting ( like a circus you have a main center ring & several eye/catching side shows ) is the John Jonchuck trial . He threw his 5 yr old daughter, Phoebe, off of a bridge in FL.

Both can be found on youtube .
Is there any place we can see pictures of all the evidence? or at least the evidence we are allowed to see?
Sorry if this has been answered earlier in the thread — Does anyone know when exactly they’ll resume Monday morning? Is 1:00PM Eastern time accurate?
I guarantee you.
This San Bernadino courtroom is going to be packed with people inside and outside like they've NEVER seen before.
Surfers, families, friends, detectives and all law enforcement that can be there.
They have all been quite waiting for justice.
Tomorrow they will all be there.
To watch this quadruple murderer convicted.
Mark my words.
I’m not sure I want to follow an ongoing trial again. This trial might have broken me.

If you want to go back & watch 2 very interesting , complex trials that were recently concluded & archived ,I recommend the Trial of Lyndsey Partin , the Ohio babysitter for 3 year old Hannah Wesche who collapsed( & later died ),within minutes of being dropped of at Partin’s home. It’s a short trial but complex with some solid medical witnesses .
The defense hired Cyril Wecht ,who, at 92 , probably should retire. He disagreed with the expert opinion that he wrote in his own book .

Another archived trial that was recent & very , very interesting ( like a circus you have a main center ring & several eye/catching side shows ) is the John Jonchuck trial . He threw his 5 yr old daughter, Phoebe, off of a bridge in FL.

Both can be found on youtube .

I agree... I'm not sure I want to watch another trial ... at least not for a long time lol I am ready for this verdict. I was not sure in the beginning if I would be able to commit to watching it all and for 4-5 months.... 5 months later, here I still am! If he is convicted, I will listen to the sentencing phase, but then I gotta take a break from this place LOL I love WS's and most of the posters (haha @ most), but it is summer time, it's busy, I'm looking forward to doing some camping and enjoying not following a trial!

I watched bits and pieces of the trials you mentioned, they were quick and interesting trials, if anyone is interested in following more trials ;-) I watched a bit of that Winslow trial too, so I'm curious about that verdict (I think he will be found guilty on some of the charges, but I have a feeling that it won't be all).
Sorry if this has been answered earlier in the thread — Does anyone know when exactly they’ll resume Monday morning? Is 1:00PM Eastern time accurate?
The verdict is scheduled to be read at 10 a.m., according to the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office.

10:00 AM Monday, Pacific Time (PT) is
1:00 PM Monday, Eastern Time (ET)
Okay, I have officially delayed my meeting to late afternoon or Tuesday. Whichever is more convenient for him. (I'm so considerate, but he's a saint.)

10 hours. I actually fell asleep for an hour with my little long haired dude when I put him to bed. Not sure I'll sleep anymore tonight.

So, I'll go read about the last words of serial killers. That's appropriate bedtime reading right?
Monday, June 10th:
*Trial continues-Verdict will be read! (@ 10am PT) - CA - McStay Family: Joseph (40), Summer (43), Gianni (4) & Joey Jr (3) (Feb. 4, 2010, Fallbrook; found Nov. 11, 2013) - *Charles "Chase" Ray Merritt aka Charles Ray Mandel aka Charles Ray Morritt aka Chase Meredith aka Chase Jarvis (57/now 62) arrested (11/5/14) & indicted (11/7/14) of 4 counts of murder with special circumstance; plead not guilty. DP case.
Trial started 1/7/19. Dark on all Fridays. Jurors started with 8 women & 4 men; now have 9 women & 3 men (alternates started with 4 men & 2 women-alternates left 1 men & 1 woman).
Trial Days (1-61: 1/7/19 thru 6/5/19) reference post #979 here:
VERDICT WATCH - Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #2

6/6/19 Day 62-Day 5 of Jury deliberations who started at 9:50am to 12 noon. Back at 1:36pm to 3:47pm. Will continue deliberations on 6/7. Re affidavits: Defense counsel is not responsible for the actions of Robert Wallace. Defense's response says they shouldn't be held in contempt because there was no court order prohibiting contact with jurors. Defense attorney Rajan Maline's affidavit states he advised Mr. Wallace * others members of the defense team to never approach jurors. Defense attorney James McGee's affidavit states he doesn't remember specifically saying anything to Mr. Wallace about juror contact after jury selection but says he would have addressed it before jury selection. Robert Wallace took the 5th.
6/7/19 Day 63-Day 6 of Jury deliberations: Jurors started at 8:30am to 9:40am. The Jury has reached a unanimous verdict today. The verdict will be read on Monday June 10th at 10am.
Deliberations totals per Tortoise’s calculations: 5/30: 3 hours 15 mins; 6/3: 4 hours 15 mins; 6/4: 2 hours 30 mins; 6/5: 4 hours 30 mins; 6/6: 4 hours 30 mins; 6/7: 1 hour = ~20 hours total (or 26.5 hours if they deliberated during lunch) thru 6/7/19. L&C says 22 hours of deliberations.
Someone said my kid reminds them of Children of the Corn.
So I googled. Why did I google? No I'm disturbed.
I should have stuck with serial killer reading.
(I think it's a NAME association, not a personality one. lol)
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