CLOSING ARGUMENTS (Tues 09/04/2012)

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Verdict just has to come in tomorrow. I will not be available on Thursday morning.

well.. good luck with thaaat :lol:

the last several trials I watched where instruction was given first thing they went up to lunch... had lunch... continued a bit and deliberated for a few hours before going home for the day... :-(

hopefully these instructions will be short and sweet though!
hey guys... are they going to be sequestered during deliberations?

(please don't whack me with the stick smilie... I am a little behind the eight ball)
I'm thinking we may have a verdict by 1pm tomorrow

fingers crossed
This has been a nail biting case. I cringed everytime the state made one of its blunders. But now that the evidence is in and the CAs done I feel very assured that Peterson will be found Guilty.

Of course I felt very confident that the CA jury was going to convict too and was sadly mistaken.

I hope this jury doesnt do like the Anthony jury did and overburden the state and want proof of when, what, how, and where when that is not their burden to prove.

I dont know the makeup of the jurors except there are 7 men and 5 women on it. I do hope there are critical thinkers on the jury but not ones that want to over-think the evidence.

Maybe someone here knows or has already answered this and I missed it but Im asking again. Is this the first case tried under the new "Drew (hearsay) Law" in Illinois?

I am still very worried about the case though even if there is a guilty conviction. I wouldnt be surprised at all if the case is overturned on appeal and it has to be done all over again but the good thing about it is DP will remain in prison for years waiting for the process to move forward.

I am praying for the jurors to have wisdom and common sense as they deliberate so that Kathleen can have the justice she deserves.

I wouldnt be surprised at all if the case is overturned on appeal and it has to be done all over again
Based on what? Judicial errors? The judge bent over backwards to favor the defense. Incompetent representation? uh nope. Not with a bunch of high powered attorneys.

What else?
It was soooo good to see the Prosecution end on what i thought was a very high note. Considering how they started. It was a rough start. Whew.
I am still trying to catch up here, but am I ever glad that the DT is done. WOW. I am trying not to peek ahead, but it's hard!!! If he walks, I will, keep the faith I guess. I just do not seeing him walk.

And I was glad to hear the jury wore regular clothes...I don't know why , but I am.

Please, I pray for Justice for Kathleen Savio!!!!

:please: :please: :please:
This has been a nail biting case. I cringed everytime the state made one of its blunders. But now that the evidence is in and the CAs done I feel very assured that Peterson will be found Guilty.

Of course I felt very confident that the CA jury was going to convict too and was sadly mistaken.

I hope this jury doesnt do like the Anthony jury did and overburden the state and want proof of when, what, how, and where when that is not their burden to prove.

I dont know the makeup of the jurors except there are 7 men and 5 women on it. I do hope there are critical thinkers on the jury but not ones that want to over-think the evidence.

Maybe someone here knows or has already answered this and I missed it but Im asking again. Is this the first case tried under the new "Drew (hearsay) Law" in Illinois?

I am still very worried about the case though even if there is a guilty conviction. I wouldnt be surprised at all if the case is overturned on appeal and it has to be done all over again but the good thing about it is DP will remain in prison for years waiting for the process to move forward.

I am praying for the jurors to have wisdom and common sense as they deliberate so that Kathleen can have the justice she deserves.


Ditto Oceanblueeyes, This case reminds me so of Jason Young's. We had the pre-jury deliberation jitters he would end up walking. Same with Scott Peterson. We had studied the cases so hard and were worried about all the Circumstantial Evidence, that it wouldn't be enough to convict. Turned out there was so much it turned the key in the guilty direction.

With CA's trial I think it was a different deal altogether. The jury read something into the physical closeness between her and her attny - and probably thought she would have to be innocent for him to respond to her flirtations. To me they almost looked like they were star-crossed for each other. I think he planned all that to send a message to the jury even if he truly couldn't stand her. IMO

We about fainted with relief in both Jason and Scott being found guilty just as we were dumbfounded when Casey wasn't.

I don't expect a verdict tomorrow as I think they will have to justify their decision. Of course I think he's as guilty as sin. ;}

I, and I think we, are confused about this. Judge White on IS today said something along the effect that if the jurors didn't reach a verdict tonight (he thought they would be in deliberations by 5 tonight) that they would be sequestered. He predicted that they would have a verdict by 9 tonight meaning they wouldn't have to decide if they would be sequestered or not. So, in other words, I dunno. :banghead:
I, and I think we, are confused about this. Judge White on IS today said something along the effect that if the jurors didn't reach a verdict tonight (he thought they would be in deliberations by 5 tonight) that they would be sequestered. He predicted that they would have a verdict by 9 tonight meaning they wouldn't have to decide if they would be sequestered or not. So, in other words, I dunno. :banghead:

Hi Shelby, It is a hard one to call because the personalities of the jurors will enter into the play somehow IMO

Reminds me of the Monk TV episode where he was on a jury panel, looked out the window of their deliberation room to spot something in the dumpster down below and that solved the case for him. He motioned to Natalee his assistant to check it out which she did, pulling it out of the garbage. The jury did their pre vote and he was the only one {I think} who voted guilty. One by one he had to win over each juror to see the truth and they ended up convicting the guy.

Not really stranger than life when personalities can enter into deliberations even in a very subtle way. IMO
I finally got to read what happened today. thank you SO MUCH to the people who carry the IS and Twitter posts over here. I have to admit that I laughed (really hard) at this post katydid:

Lopez: "Poor Dr. Mitchell, who's dead. Let's pick on him. The dead guy." #DrewPeterson

[ wth?]

bbm. Probably because I read it out loud to my husband. Those ... defense attorneys ... give closings like their interviews. Arrogantly and full of bull and bluster. I can't believe they are high-price attorneys. Terrible. Anyway, thanks for the updates.
In Session “The blue towel’s a fallacy. It’s a fallacy. It’s what in law enforcement is called a red herring, to get your eye off the ball . . . when Drew left, the towel wasn’t there. The house is secured and Drew’s outside; he can’t go back in . . . the last time anybody saw Drew upstairs, the towel wasn’t there . . . so if somebody put that towel up there, it certainly wasn’t Drew Peterson, because he wasn’t there. Is this another conspiracy? Did somebody put that towel up there because they were down on their hands and knees? I don’t know. They’re all outside while [Rob] Sudd secures the scene. Who knows who put it there? Somebody put it there, or it was there and everybody forgot it was there. Steve [Maniaci] arrives, and has some words with Drew; Drew denies having anything to do with it.”

I had heard from the defense team that Lopez was supposed to be a great closer, Boy, they were wrong! The blue towel was not even brought up in the closing statement by the prosecution, therefore this train of discussion is like again...what the heck? Just like when Smith was on the stand I guess....oh, oh, oh, but I was surpised judge and jury. His entire closing was him looking....very very poor...
however that is not necessarily true by any means. I think it can work either way.
I think that they will take at least a couple of days to kick around all of the evidence.....If we get a verdict by weeks end, I will be pleasantly surprised. They will only begin deliberations tomorrow.
I would like to know soon too......:please:

I'm thinking we may have a verdict by 1pm tomorrow

fingers crossed
There was a post on here regarding the belief that Drew was on foot...I agree with that. It made it less conspicuous. He was dressed in black and could get in and out without causing trouble.
I think that accounts for why he had the clothes on his person when he returned home.
He and Stacy lived within walking distance to Kathleen's home too. Remember how her letter stated how they were tormenting her by roller blading in front of her home?

If Drew isn't found guilty in a criminal trial, you can bet that the family of Kathleen Savio will go after him tooth and nail in a civil suit to get money away from him. We cannot lose faith.
I wrote the same thing in a reply, then changed my mind. I was too :chicken: to post it!!! (Bwaaaak, bwaaaak, bwaaaaaak!!!) Hangin' my head.

Um, can we get one of these chicken smilies with sun glasses? :angel:

Still catching up.
In Session “Drew can’t go in there without her permission.<snip>

t way . . . whoever put that tub in right, it would be solid, it would be anchored. The whole thing’s framed out around the tub. Why does Drew have to have his gun out? ‘What am I going to tell my kid?’ are the first words out of his mouth. It’s ridiculous! He didn’t do it. Because it’s an accident . . . it’s ridiculous! That’s a ridiculous theory. They’re trying to nail Jell-O to a tree. It’s an accident. Pure and simple.”

The defense team stated that there would be surprises in closing, YES, it was the total THUD that Lopez had on closing. What an embarrasing joke it was! Oh, the tub was framed out and solid....

OMG, I never thought of that! Yes, it was framed in well!

What does that habe to do with anything. Lopez is now the laughing stock of the threads and media, and I am betting the law community also!

What a public failure and humiliation he must be facing right now!
And the tv shows he likes.

Well, I can now say "I've read a Joe the Shark Lopez closing."

I can also say imo it certainly did not live up to the hype.

BBM. Ditto! I'd call it a guppy.
Not sure about this but I believe the locksmith said he did not charge DP. jmo

This has probably been answered, but you are correct. IIRC, the locksmith said no charge this one was on the house or something along those lines.
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