CLOSING ARGUMENTS (Tues 09/04/2012)

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In Session “We asked you to serve, and we appreciate that. No matter what your verdict is, we appreciate that . . . we know how hard that is. Let’s talk about the case; I want to say a few things . . . one of the things the State told you is they want you to use your common sense to rely on hearsay. What is hearsay? The judge will define it for you . . . you heard about circumstantial evidence . . . if you leave a pie at home with your kids and tell them ‘don’t eat it,’ and you leave and come home and somebody’s in the pie, ‘the cat ate it,’ you look at the cat to see if he’s got any pie on his face. And then you realize the cat has pie on his neck. Does that mean the cat ate it, or the kids smeared pie on the cat, to make it look like he ate it. So it’s not that clear. Circumstantial evidence is not that clear.”
Lopez: "You have to be careful with circumstantial evidence. It's not that clear."

Lopez finally finds his definition of hearsay and reads it to the jury
It was sickening watching the defense trash Stacey this morning in their pre-trial press conference.

One thing I haven't heard anybody mention yet is why Stacey might have sat on that information about Drew killing Kathy, and the way I see it is she was still married to him and scared to death. So when she gets up enough courage to get a divorce she goes to the attorney who most likely can fight for her as he did for Kathy. And she feels that at least she has somebody who can be on her side. As far as her asking if she could use that against Drew, why not? He apparently had law enforcement on his side, she needed to use everything she could get.

All you have to do is read the anonymous letter sent to Kathleen telling her about Drew's affair with Stacey. The writer warns Kathy that even the top brass were aware of what he was doing and it would be a waste of time, if not dangerous, to try to get any support or help from them.

I can't even begin to imagine what terrors these women endured at the hands of this monster.
wish there was more about the woman's clothes. What were they? What happened to them after they were washed? Why would he be washing them just to have to dispose of them afterward anyway. Doesn't make sense.......

He probably was getting rid of any trace evidence on the clothes in the case they were found. Look how well he took care of SP. No one has found hr yet.
"That's what this case is about, nothing else, indictments aren't convictions" Lopez tells jurors...

Lopez says about indictments "They don't mean anything, state must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt"

Lopez on reasonable doubt: "it's something you feel in your heart."

[ Oh Lord. Is he really telling the jury to ' go with their heart' in assessing Drew's guilt or innocence? Risky. ]
atty Lopez says this case is "riddled with doubt like a piece of swiss cheese."

Lopez: "It's all spec-u-lation," he enunciates.

"It's speculation, it's not right...this is America..." Lopez says

Good grief!:banghead:
Lopez: "Poor Dr. Mitchell, who's dead. Let's pick on him. The dead guy." #DrewPeterson

[ wth?]
In Session ‏@InSession
Lopez: "The State hasn’t proven anything in this case; this case is riddled with holes, like a piece of Swiss’s all speculation."
He probably was getting rid of any trace evidence on the clothes in the case they were found. Look how well he took care of SP. No one has found hr yet.

I just can't get past the fact of him bringing home the crime scene and still having to dispose of the items.
tty Lopez reminds jury that Savio's death initially was ruled an accident.

atty Lopez tells jury that prosecutors haven't even told them what day or time Savio died.

Lopez says state didn't say when Savio died. "Was it daylight? Was it dark out? Were the dogs barking? None of that."

Lopez: "They proved it was an accident all right. That's what they proved."

Lopez "Do u think Drew hated her that much that he would take the mother away from the children?". { Ummm... YES.]
As far as the washing of the clothes go, I have an opinion as to why he washed them. First of all, he could not leave them at the scene for obvious reasons. Secondly, HE KNEW Stacy had been calling him on his cell, which tells DP she is AWAKE and his plan has gone off the tracks a bit due to her being awake.

He certainly did not have time to just dump them in the trash to be discovered. He HAD to wash them and put them away and hope SP did not find these clothes until he has ample time to dispose of them.

SP foiled all of that. IMO, this is what happened.
I just can't get past the fact of him bringing home the crime scene and still having to dispose of the items.

Why not? That's how he rolls. He broke into her home wearing a SWAT uniform and told her she was going to die. Was that a smart move? He had no worries.

He was sleeping with a 16 yr old girl in his basement while his wife and kids were upstairs. Did that worry him?
In Session “Sometimes people go fishing and tell their friends. Before you know it, it’s a ten pound fish, instead of a two pound fish. You not only have to believe it beyond a reasonable doubt, but you have to believe that the person who said it said it accurately, didn’t put their own spin on it, or their interpretation of it. It’s dangerous. Circumstantial evidence is dangerous. That’s what this case is about, only this and nothing else. And that’s something you can’t forget. What are the charges here? Indictments aren’t convictions . . . all it is is a document, a piece of paper . . . they’re just accusations, and they’re not proof of anything. All they’re good for is a paper shredder, or to be put in a garbage bag . . . the State must prove guilt – GUILT – beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s something you feel, that’s what reasonable doubt it. When you look in the mirror, you have to be perfectly content with what you do in this case. It’s not like going to Walmart or Target; you can’t change your mind at the end of the case . . . once you ink it, it’s forever. It’s forever. The State has failed to prove Drew Peterson is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Let’s start with Dr. Mitchell, the poor dead guy . . . Kathy’s death was already ruled an accident. The death certificate says accident . . . and it says the date of injury is unknown. Has the State told you when she was supposedly killed by Sgt. Peterson? Absolutely not . . . not one micron of evidence, one hair, on follicle, one print, nothing. We don’t even know when it happened . . . when did it happen? Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard here. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt. And they haven’t even proved that. They’ve proved it was an accident, all right, they’ve proved that. Do you think Drew hated her so much that he would take her away from the mother of the children he loved? Absolutely not! Do you think Tommy Peterson would have come in here and testified as a defense witness? Tommy said Drew broke down . . . it breaks your heart . . . imagine how that must have felt? And Tommy picked up it. Kids pick up on all the things their parents do.”
In Session “The judge is a very important person, isn’t he? A distinguished jurist, important person; he’s got the robe on. That’s because he’s the judge of the rules. But the jury is just as important, because you’re mini-judges. You’re judges of the facts . . . you don’t have to believe any of it, not one word of it. Whatever comes out of that witness stand, you determine whether or not you’re going to believe it. Just because someone says something doesn’t mean it’s so . . . and let’s not forget that this case was a divorce case. I guess in a divorce case, everybody’s truthful, huh? People say things because they’re mad, they want the advantage, they want sympathy from other people. They’ll blow their horn, and blow it until somebody sympathizes with them. It’s the same on both sides; there’s no such thing as a divorce without tears. But the State hasn’t proven anything in this case; this case is riddled with holes, like a piece of Swiss cheese . . . it’s all speculation. Speculation. You just heard Mr. Koch tell you he drowned her in the tub. How did he get in the house? How did he restrain her? . . . they can’t even prove how it happened. It’s speculation . . . you don’t have to like Drew Peterson; you don’t have to like Sgt. Peterson at all. You know what you have to like? You have to like that flag, the principles that we live by in this great United States of America, no other country like it. We’re exercising through the Bill of Rights the U.S. Constitution.”

:banghead: Geesh.........I guess if the jury returns a "Guilty" verdict, they are unpatriotic.....right.
n Session “Sgt. Deel finds a condom upstairs. And Steve Maniaci says it was downstairs . . . how embarrassing; I hope I didn’t offend anybody, but it’s important . . . it’s part of the evidence, because of what Deel said. Did Steve forget he put it on downstairs, they went upstairs and he tossed it? Probably. Probably that’s how she got bruises. Nobody can say she got those bruises at the hands of Sgt. Peterson, not one person. They can’t even tell you how those bruises occurred. They can’t offer any evidence of how the injuries happened, except in a slip in a fall. Are you gong to tell me that no one’s suffered a slip and fall in the bathtub before? Why do you think they sell those rubber bath mats with the little suction cups?”
19 seconds ago · Like
Why not? That's how he rolls. He broke into her home wearing a SWAT uniform and told her she was going to die. Was that a smart move? He had no worries.

He was sleeping with a 16 yr old girl in his basement while his wife and kids were upstairs. Did that worry him?

I don't see the connection between all this and bringing blood stained clothing home from a crime scene to wash.
In Session “Is this a massive conspiracy between the FBI and the Illinois State Police to protect Sgt. Peterson? Of course not! It’s an accident. An accident!”
atty Lopez asks jury if they think "Tommy Peterson" would come in here and testify on his father's behalf if DP killed his mom..

"How do u tell your children that (their mother died) How can you say that?". Lopez says

Lopez: Imagine how it must have felt for #DrewPeterson to tell his kids their mother was dead. "It breaks your heart."

Lopez: "Is this a massive conspiracy between the FBI and the ISP to protect Sgt. Peterson? Absolutely not! It's an accident." #DrewPeterson

atty Lopez says police looked for evidence of foul play at death scene and couldn't find any.

atty Lopez says state pathologist spoke to Kiwanis & pachiderm clubs, while defense expert DiMaio "solved war crimes for UN."

Lopez talks about condom found in Savio house, about Savio boyfriend, hints that bruises caused by (sex w/) him

bjlutz: Lopez: "The state cannot place Drew Peterson in the home at any point in that weekend."

Lopez "The state can't place Drew anywhere in that home when Savio died" Lopez says boyfriend invited Savio over that night...

Lopez says Savio was "miserable" because boyfriend didn't want to marry her...

"They (pros) wanted to make it a homicide but it was an accident" Lopez tells jurors
I'll bet DP is sitting at the defense table literally seething that the prosecutor is saying all of these things and he cannot say one single word! Wonder just how cute he thinks he is now?


Ya, and he can't leave a bullet on any of the PT's driveway, nor can he show up at their house in full swat gear. Poor Drew, probably looking around the room assuming any tears are for him, rather than the victim, his sons deceased mother.
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