Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #40

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In the Berreth case, they still called the owner of that video camera to the stand (IIRC). I think it was very brief (a few minutes).

He’s an important part of this, as I don’t know how that video can be anything other than completely damning.

I think they’d call him to provide context.
Yah I fully expect him to testify as well, but I was kind of surprised that he wasn't listed. Although I'm sure there will be many more added by the time we see a trial.
MOO RD went through hundreds motion event clips. A lot of security cameras detect motion recording a video clip of the event and a before and after several minute bracket period.
A 6 minute video of a 4 hour span is the relavant condensed clips.
i would like to see the part that came after she got back. Did she really put the pickup out in the street so HH car could park? Did she take off in the pickup right after the girls left? I don't think we saw all the relevant parts, but maybe RD didn't recognize the significance of what came after she got back. Or, maybe he did and decided not to release any more than we saw, IMO
JMO but I don't think any guy dumped Gannon who was inside a suitcase.
I think LS did this all on her own.

Who do u think drove the truck to FL? Someone drove the truck. That’s probably where his body was. If anyone was in a caravan with her to FL I don’t see how they couldn’t have seen or smelled that body in suitcase. How could she at 135 lift 90+ lbs. My sister is 98 lbs and can barely lift 10 lbs. Even if T could lift almost her own body weight up into a high truck, anyone witnessing this feat would surely suspect something was up, especially in light of the fact that her stepson is missing and she’s in a hurry to flee the state and not return. I think there are other people in the know here, at best. I also think there are going to be a lot of bombshells dropped at trial that will be a shock many.
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Was the neighbor of Kelsey Berreth called as a witness? Her video was used because it captured Patrick Frazee going in or out. I can't recall if she was listed; I just remember she wasn't home at the time of the video capture and murder.
Maybe the officer who collected the video is enough to substantiate where the video came from originally without calling RD.
I just checked, she was called, and she described her camera setup (among other things).

I expect the same from RD here.

Interestingly, there was no witness list attached to the complaint in that case, so we’re ahead in that regard here.

Patrick Frazee murder trial: Family, police describe suspicions after Kelsey Berreth’s disappearance
Whoever that guy was driving the moving van is probably the same guy who dumped the body. If HE was driving it at interview and she was driving her car what makes anyone think they switched drivers. Obviously he wasn’t a moving man, bc they don’t sit there waiting for you as you ramble on in long interviews. And do you seriously think she’s going to trust a stranger to move her “stuff.” She must know him. So who is he??? And more importantly how did he NOT smell death in the truck!? Or did he. He must have helped her move her stuff. Surely he smelled or saw something. W.t.h. is he???
I have wondered this exact same thing and have posted my frustrations about the man numerous times. Once G was found in Florida and that there were 4 other people going to SC with her, someone or some people know something. And the man in the van has been on the top of my curiosity list.
If she stabbed him Monday he was still able to walk to the truck IMO - I think the stabbing and gunshot were later and the beating was Sunday night

Yep. I think she hit him Sunday during rageful altercation, shot him Monday morning to finish him off quickly, and stabbed him sometime later to release abdominal gases to fit him into suitcase.
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Just fwiw I am in the camp that the release of what we saw was indeed orchestrated by LE. I think that the portion of video/videos that really cracked the case has not been released. I think there is something sinister and undeniable in a longer/different version than what we have seen this far.

I think LE knew that t had the propensity to try and defend herself and the pressure might make her slip, or just continue with the word vomit.

Just sharing why I think that way.

Fair enough.

As I said, I don't buy it. It's one thing for LE to keep saying publicly, "Our goal remains to bring GS home safely" when they all but 100% knew he was dead. It's quite another IMO for LE to create an elaborate scheme to release the video without releasing it, a scheme that would likely have had to involve RD.

While the public might support LE's purpose in creating that sort of charade (to solve the case and to help the family) I'm not sure creating the perception LE actively colludes with private citizens to plant false stories in the media and actively favors certain media outlets over others would be worth it in the long run.

If the goal was to rattle TS, better to have "anonymous sources close to LE" tell media outlets LE has received video of the Stauch driveway on Monday suggesting.... That gives LE more plausible deniability (because the actual video isn't released, a video RD claims weeks after the fact he didn't release so where did it come from?) And IMO it's more powerful in terms of the potential to rattle TS because she couldn't be sure exactly what angle/side of the truck was shown or even what time.

As it is, RD has been interviewed by everybody and his grandmother. And not surprisingly he's said some things that likely weren't helpful to LE and weren't planned by LE. (NOT blaming him. The media can be relentless but LE should know that.) Plus, if LE really did collude with RD, and did ask him to release the video while both LE and RD denied that and blamed the media, all that may come out if he's ever put on the stand. Any collusion could support an "I was framed" defense.

While I have serious doubts as a WS member that TS is innocent, if I were on a jury and a neighbor of the accused admitted LE asked him to lie to the press and do other things to help "trap" or even "rattle" the accused, I'd be concerned. Very concerned.

So I don't think that's what happened.
Edit: typo
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i would like to see the part that came after she got back. Did she really put the pickup out in the street so HH car could park? Did she take off in the pickup right after the girls left? I don't think we saw all the relevant parts, but maybe RD didn't recognize the significance of what came after she got back. Or, maybe he did and decided not to release any more than we saw, IMO

It was discussed that possibly LE, knowing reporters were itching to reveal the video, decided on a small portion that they gave the okay to release. Possibly there's much more. IMO
ahh. I see. Thank you for clearing that up for me. And LE stayed tight lipped on that for reasons.
Welcome @Plumeria6265
Please don't feel we are bombarding you in a negative way.
We all are here for #justiceforgannon
Sometimes we will dispute each other and toss ideas around but of course, we really do not know everything LE knows.
What we do know is that Dan May and company had enough without Gannon's body to arrest her.
Now that his body has been found, it is Checkmate, game over for LS.
Let's look at this another way:

Something happened Sunday night. Blunt force or stabbing injury....

TS finds herself with a decision to make. Clearly she chooses HERSELF.

JMO it seems likely she would've medicated him at this point. Not to treat an injury, not to provide him comfort, but to keep him immobilized and quiet while she tried to figure out her next worst decision.

I have to wonder if she'd hoped to overdose him.

I have to wonder why she didn't leave with Gannon during the night.... girls asleep. Gannon, injured, drugged, dying, she could've done everything she did by day under the cover of night....

Which makes me think she expected him to expire overnight....

I have to believe her options were restricted by the population in her house.

She had to be working out a story to fit a rapidly changing set of details...

Could she have plotted/concocted the runaway story overnight? But why? The girls likely saw him last Sunday night... so if she disposed of him overnight, she could have stuck to her He Left To Go To A Friend's House / He Ran Away / He Left With Someone at 3:15pm story....

This leads me to wonder conversely if, at least the night before, she wasn't premeditating murder. Could she have spent the night cleaning up and repairing evidence of ABUSE while expecting him to recover? Drywall repair, banister repair, flooring repair, etc? At this point, maybe she wasn't covering up for eventual murder but for abuse??????

Because why didn't she remove/murder him overnight?????

Whyyyyyy wait until broad daylight?

My head hurts.


My theory is the same as yours. Gannon did something by accident to cause LS to:

"I just flipped out, okay?" (It's your fault, Gannon.) By that statement she was trying to justify to Gannon what she had done to him and I think it was a reactionary "sharp object from the tool supply in the garage-attack." She may have already had the tool in her hand if she was cleaning up the tools in garage already. Gannon was bleeding and frightened (he didn't cut his foot at all, imo) ...and she "medicated him" to calm him down and, literally, to knock him out. The other 2 kids in the house would have heard Gannon suffering all night long otherwise. She had to quiet him down so it would appear to the other 2 kids that he was okay and not seriously injured.

This would also explain Gannon becoming incontinent and having an accident some time during Sunday night--early Monday morning. I don't believe LS's statement that Gannon's own medication caused the "incontinence problem" on a fairly regular basis at all. I believe it was the pain medication causing him to be unable to react quickly to get to the bathroom or not waking at all to use the bathroom, and being fearful about his situation that caused the incontinence problem. In spite of bandaging Gannon's wound, he may have bled on and off all night long. Puncture wounds can bleed out and internally.

LS was awake all night long on Sunday, imo... taking turns quieting Gannon down if he woke up in pain in spite of being drugged, observing him for changes in condition, cleaning up the blood... cleaning up the evidence of his incontinence, doing a laundry that resulted from that, repairing whatever "unforgivable and flip-out-over" damage Gannon had done by accident on Sunday, and gathering items to put into the truck (suitcase, 2 x 4, gun, etc.)

Pain and still being under the influence of the pain medication could explain how Gannon walked out to the truck on Monday morning. Perhaps she even medicated him again that morning while telling him she was going to take him to the ER. He would then have, hopefully, been sound asleep when arriving at his place of execution.

While she worked, she planned and plotted out his murder that she had decided would take place at her earliest opportunity on Monday morning. That way, she'd have time to get home and continue cleaning and checking for any remaining suspicious signs that would indicate that something very terrible had happened on Sunday night.

Megnut, I think she didn't dare take Gannon out to kill him during the night hours between Sunday night and Monday morning because the other 2 kids might be wake up and LS would have no explanation of why she was heading out with Gannon at a time like that. I also think she wanted the house to look somewhat "put back together" and "normal" by the time they woke on Monday morning. That's one reason she drugged Gannon, imo... so they would think he'd had a little accident but, oh good!.... he's fine now and sleeping soundly. Maybe HH was out of the house when the Sunday incident took place so she would have been none the wiser if Gannon was in bed sleeping when she got home.
I have wondered this exact same thing and have posted my frustrations about the man numerous times. Once G was found in Florida and that there were 4 other people going to SC with her, someone or some people know something. And the man in the van has been on the top of my curiosity list.

Hey, sorry I have not seen your posts. Have been very busy, and this site moves fast. No time to read everything. But I’m right there with you on this.

* Please pray for those on the front line.
Hey, Massguy and Gordianknot, if one wanted to get technical, it seems like your bet hedges on whether the unsealing hearing is held before or after the previously scheduled hearing on the 14th. It can still be before or after, even if it is on the same day.

Although, I realize that that fact isn't really within the spirit of the bet. I'm just trying to cause trouble. : )
I am several pages behind as usual, but this! The level of rage and hate I have inside me is very unsettling and toxic feeling. I hate feeling like this, especially right now with all the other crisis’ going on. I would like to get rid of my rage and anger towards her, so I can move on in peace.

Anyone have any tips or outlets they can share? To de-stress I currently exercise, go for a walk, and wine. (guess which one is the most fun?!)

Somedays it just doesn’t seem enough to rid one’s self of the toxicity and evil in the world.

The best advice I have is to forgive. Not forgive LS right now but forgive yourself for being upset in the first place. You have every right to be raging mad. That woman did terrible, horrible, unthinkable to a boy! I have a boy, just 1 child and he’s almost 19 and some days are a real challenge, especially when he was younger. No one gets justification for harming a child. They are the only pure thing we have left on Earth. It’s our job, as adults, to nurture and guide children. Help shape their growing minds. The life she took was not hers to take. I’m beyond angry and it’s ok. Forgive yourself, it’s perfectly natural to be really upset by this. I am. My single worst fear is something bad happening to my son. I think we all fear that. But if that happened by the hand of someone else, especially an ADULT who was supposed to protect him, I honestly don’t know what i would do. I think Landon is being held right now by God. I know she’s a Christian and I can only believe that that family’s Faith is the single thing that’s getting them through each day. So just be kind to yourself, do something nice just for you. It’s hard right now with the chaos but even a bubble bath with candles or a long walk. We’re all going to get through it. Hugs.
Hey, Massguy and Gordianknot, if one wanted to get technical, it seems like your bet hedges on whether the unsealing hearing is held before or after the previously scheduled hearing on the 14th. It can still be before or after, even if it is on the same day.

Although, I realize that that fact isn't really within the spirit of the bet. I'm just trying to cause trouble. : )

Ha! Nothing would make me happier than a bet btwn GK and MG that ends in a tie. Like kissing your sister :D:p
All good points. She was seething that whole weekend. Took his kids on a hike and sent pics to AS and I bet he didn't respond, or not the way she wanted. Their marriage was crumbling. I can't wait to see the texts in evidence between TS and AS that weekend.

Whatever stupid **it happened, I do believe as most that she overreacted and may have harmed him in some way, but NOT critically. I believe the catalyst for her murdering him was the impending breakup of the marriage. She wasn't getting the attention she deserved and AS wasn't being swayed by the happy family pictures from that weekend. This was building.

re attention: I was thinking about how parents of young kids oftentimes obsess over and brag about and really really love those kids right, sometimes to the ad nauseum of others. And G was def the apple of his father’s eye. So handsome, well behaved, smart, tall, worshipped the ground his military hero father walked on, etc.... everything a dad would want. And the little girl so sweet and beautiful. Now imagine a personality like T’s having to share the attention with kids like that, kids she knows she can never compete with for AS’s attention. I bet whenever he called or FaceTimed he spent more time talking to G than her. And for years they lived without the kids, then they move in with them. Now it’s not all about her anymore. Maybe 5%. Money too, has to be shared, and we all know how fondly she thinks of that.
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Yeah, I fully expect him to testify. I don’t know why he’s not on that witness list, but perhaps that’s because he was mentioned in the arrest affidavit or something.
I haven’t followed this as closely as I would like but the trial order would have deadlines - when we get ours we have to list any and all witnesses and you don’t get to amend it unless there is some perry mason moment - Dan May is on this and so I won’t worry but it is odd that he isn’t listed unless they don’t need him because they have the video from LS home and it shows even more and sound? Possible ? JMO
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