CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #12

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I also remember watching this on Oprah. I've always thought that I'd be able to fight off an attacker by kicking, screaming, and beating the ever living crap out of him. After following the Mickey Shunick case, though, I don't feel nearly as confident as I once did. Mickey fought tooth and nail, was armed with pepper spray, and even managed to gain control of her attacker's knife and cut him up badly enough that he needed surgical treatment. And yet she still didn't make it. I've got to be honest with you... this scares the daylights out of me.

Agreed and I hate to say it but men are stronger than women especially when they are nuts and their motive is to rape, kill and mutilate.
Now that I am older there is no way I could fight off an attacker like when I was younger if I could even do it then.
I really need a gun.
There are soooooo many illegals around here, there wouldn't even be a driver's license or anything...
What if this guy is an illegal immigrant with no paper work to tie him to the United States? That would present quite a challenge for investigators trying to find him around here...Can anyone recall any similar cases? Ugh.

(my thoughts during the immigration portion of the Presidential Debate last night)

I have been thinking of that myself. And I am sure LE is too as of the large mexican population in Colorado. They are looking at all the angles.
I remember taking some risky chances when I was growing up, but things were so different back then. My best friend and I would walk a couple miles to and from town on a busy highway at night and wave at truck drivers who would honk their horns at us. If my parents had ever found out we were out walking after dark, and waving at truck drivers, they would have grounded me for the rest of my life!
I've never been in a situation like you described, I take it you and your friends accepted a ride with a stranger? With 3 of you, I doubt he would have been able to subdue all of you at one time unless he had a gun, but you did the right thing when you all jumped out of the car.

ETA: I was replying to Bravo's post, but forgot to quote, and several more posts were added after hers.... just so you all won't be confused.
Here is an article about a man arrested in walmart there for trying to molest a child in the store.

What a hero. Thanks for sharing the link, Soulmagent. Hopefully that guy is still locked up?

I had to take a break from this for a while. I was watching a movie that included many child abuse/rape scenes, and it really upset me and made me mourn even more for Jessica. Normally things like that don't affect me on such an emotional level, (I've been a true crime junkie for years), but then yesterday evening it came out on the local news here that a woman witnessed a child being abducted in broad daylight. Their bike was left behind on the street. But, the LE can't figure out who the child was. Anyway, I was just overwhelmed with anger and sadness yesterday ... it is a very dark, scary world out there.

I'll bet the perp was at the memorial. If not at the actual service, maybe he drove by or stayed close to the area in hopes of seeing her family.

On another tangent, I walked to the store yesterday afternoon. On my way, I was thinking what someone could approach me with that would give me pause. Normally I ignore men TOTALLY (I'm married & I watch too much Criminal Minds ... :rocker:), whether I'm walking, in line at the store, at the gas station ... if it's a group conversation or a simple "How are you? Nice day isn't it?" I may nod or smile... that's it though, even if it seems innocent or just small talk, I never want to give someone that opportunity to catch me off guard. Now, Jessica wasn't hyper vigilant about RSOs and strange men (I'm sure she was aware, just not to the degree that an adult would be IMO).

The only thing I could come up with that might be plausible in this situation is the "lost puppy" scenario. I know there was an attempted abduction in the area using that ruse. It didn't work that time, so maybe he did things to make it seem more truthful ... printed out a picture, bought a leash ... Personally, I am an animal lover, and I have had animals lost in the past, so if someone were to ask, have you seen my dog?, I would at least stop and look at the photo from the outside of the vehicle. Most people drive around when their dog is lost. However, a ten year old may not take the proper precautions. If it were me, I'd be asking lots of Q's. Where do you live? Is that where it got lost? Does it come to it's name? What is your phone number so I can call you if I see it? A ten year old might have been lured into the car to go look, or something of that nature. I'm chilled when I remember Jessica's family stating that she liked to pretend to be grown up ... someone probably took advantage of that fact.
Law enforcement was visible inside and outside the memorial.

The FBI believes the killer is closely following all the media coverage, and may want to see the spectacle for himself.

Westminster police and the FBI are urging the public to keep their eyes open.

Former FBI Colorado Special Agent in Charge Bob Pence says now is the time to keep your kids close because whoever killed Jessica is still out there.

"I think everybody needs to be careful. In this case we have what I consider a pretty clear and imminent danger that it could very well happen again," Pence said.

Pence says a number of factors indicate the suspect is probably a local.
Immigration and Customs has actually been here helping in the search from the get go. Materasso (WPD) attributed their presence to their expertise in searching open areas. Even DEA was here too searching.

I wonder what the specific 35 Agencies are that are working this case. This has got to be one of the biggest man hunts in recent history. If we can just figure out who he is, I believe we'll get him.
The only thing I could come up with that might be plausible in this situation is the "lost puppy" scenario.

Jessica was a dog lover, like so many kids... She is seen in videos and photos with her dog, bless her sweet heart. :please:
The remains were beside a black plastic bag. Isn't it possible that it was put at the culvert and that animals dragged the bag out of the culvert, under the fence and onto the grass?

Oh, that's probably exactly what happened, it's just me and my over active imagination....LOL
And, again, nobody has said anything about seeing an ATV, just suspicious cars...back to the drawing board...LOL
Wonder if any locals recall any neighbors having any outside fires after the date Jessica was taken? Especially anyone that normally doesn't have any burning stuff going on in the yard. The perp may have tried to burn any clothes, blankets, etc... that may have head evidence on them.

Of course this could be attempted in a fireplace too or campsite. Or just tossed the clothes or threw them in landfill or lake.

Just thinking about any trail of evidence that could be found.
Oh, that's probably exactly what happened, it's just me and my over active imagination....LOL
And, again, nobody has said anything about seeing an ATV, just suspicious cars...back to the drawing board...LOL

I don't know for sure, but she was discovered while maintenance workers were cleaing out the culvert. We have also heard that there was something, like maybe a piece of the black plastic bag, snagged on the barbed wire fence, and that some remains were found on the grassy area. That suggests to me that an animal moved the bag containing the remains. An adult that could place the remains in the culvert could also lift them over the barbed wire fence. Furthermore, it seems to me that anyone that will go to the trouble of dismembering the body (not intact) is going to great lengths to cover his tracks. What he didn't count on was that animals may try to take the remains to a different location.
my thought this morning: I wonder if from the get go they have had volunteers sign in for the search (re: esp the earliest searches when it was first breaking). Past cases show that the perp could involve himself in some way in the searching.
What he didn't count on was that animals may try to take the remains to a different location.

Respectfully, I would think that if he's a local, he would know that this is coyote country. But then again, if he's new to the area, especially as an illegal immigrant (my possible theory for the day), he may not...

He may even have used this to his advantage, just like this Speer dirtbag knew about the grizzlies...
my thought this morning: I wonder if from the get go they have had volunteers sign in for the search (re: esp the earliest searches when it was first breaking). Past cases show that the perp could involve himself in some way in the searching.

Good question. I know there were 800 volunteers the day after she disappeared...
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