CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Media, Maps and Timelines *NO DISCUSSION*

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NOV 15, 2019
Kelsey Berreth murder case: Jailhouse witness says Patrick Frazee asked him to kill key witness
A man who met Patrick Frazee in the Teller County jail testified in court Friday that Frazee asked him multiple times to kill Krystal Lee Kenney, the prosecution’s key witness in the murder of Kelsey Berreth.


Bentley said he told Frazee he was part of a prison gang and that Frazee offered to help bail him out of jail if he arranged the killings of Kenney and other witnesses in the case. Bentley testified that Frazee also asked him to kill the lead Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent on the case, relatives of Kenney, Frazee’s friend who testified in court, and others.


The notes, some written on paper towels, described how to find Kenney and others in the case and to destroy the notes afterward. Prosecutors displayed the notes to the court and Slater said that multiple people named in the notes had not previously been named by news reports.

“They all need to disappear unseen until after Nov. 22 after the trial,” the note read. “My life and my little girl’s life depends on you!”

Josh Whitston on Twitter
BREAKING #PatrickFrazee Prosecution just rested their case. Quick break before Defense starts @DenverChannel

1:11 PM · Nov 15, 2019

Clayton Sandell on Twitter
Prosecution and defense have just rested in the #PatrickFrazee murder trial. Closing arguments Monday at 8:30AM. #KelseyBerreth
1:24 PM · Nov 15, 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
BREAKING: prosecutors have rested their case in #PatrickFrazee’s murder trial. Defense rested without calling a witness. Judge ruled closing arguements will be Monday at 8:30 a.m. says they are still working through jury instructions. Jury sent home for the day. #KelseyBerreth
1:25 PM · Nov 15, 2019
is still inside listening to jury instructions.
1:26 PM · Nov 15, 2019

Josh Whitston on Twitter
BREAKING #PatrickFrazee the Defense just rested WITHOUT calling a witness. Closing arguments will be Monday morning.
1:28 PM · Nov 15, 2019

Vicente Arenas on Twitter
Breaking: FRAZEE TRIAL UPDATE; Both Sides have rested. Closing arguments set for Monday Nov 18 at 8:30 am in the trial of Patrick Frazee accused of murdering his fiancee #kelseyberreth last thanksgiving in Teller County.
12:31 PM · Nov 15, 2019
Last edited:
Sam Kraemer TV
NEW: The state has rested its case. Judge Scott Sells informed Patrick Frazee of his rights. Frazee chose to remain silent. Additionally, the defense rested its case without calling any witnesses.

Closings will not happen until Monday, though, because both attorneys are still deciding on final jury instructions. The defense is trying to get at least one of the first-degree murder charges dropped to lesser charges. The court expects to finish jury instructions today, and the jury has been sent home for the day.

#KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney KOAA 5
Lauren Scharf on Twitter
In Teller County Court, an inmate who passed notes with Patrick Frazee in jail said he wanted him to murder witnesses in exchange for bond money.

One letter said, “I’ve never been a criminal, but all this planning and talking gets my blood flowing...” @FOX21News


2:33 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Lauren Scharf on Twitter
“If I walk out, you and me can pull all types of hits.” Another letter reads, “I’d really like Krystal with a bullet in her head.” The inmate who gave the letters to investigators said if Frazee got famous he would sell them on EBay. @FOX21News
2:36 PM - 15 Nov 2019
NOV 15, 2019
Inmate says Patrick Frazee asked him to kill witnesses; closing arguments in murder trial set for Monday

While they were housed near each other in jail, Bentley said Frazee asked him to kill Frazee’s on-again, off-again girlfriend, Krystal Lee, who testified that her lover asked her to help clean up the murder scene.

Bentley also testified that Frazee wanted him to kill lead investigator Gregg Slater, Lee’s relatives and others. Slater said notes provided by Bentley appeared to be in Frazee’s handwriting.

NOV 15, 2019
Murder suspect wanted trial witnesses killed, inmate says in testimony

The inmate said Frazee asked him about his tattoo representing a prison gang, and eventually asked him if he could help eliminate a number of witnesses set to testify against him.

"He would pass me notes if his information was too sensitive," the man said, claiming Frazee told him he'd take care of him financially when he got out.


In court, Colorado Bureau of Investigation Agent Gregg Slater read from a number of those notes, which were written on paper towels and napkins. The notes, Slater testified, contained hit lists, along with detailed instructions on where to find the witnesses.

The hit list included Lee, her parents and her ex-husband.


"I'd really like to see Krystal with a bullet in her head," read Slater from the handwritten notes. "No video, no weapon, no body, no forensics."


"Flush when you're done," Slater read from one letter.

Instead, the witness kept the letters and presented them to investigators this week.


A former homicide investigator took the stand earlier Friday, telling jurors that the amount of blood reportedly found in the victim's home suggests it may have taken 10 to 15 blows from a baseball bat to kill the young mom.


The 15-minute video begins with Lee pointing out a spot where she says she found blood spatter on the rocks around the fireplace.

"Is that consistent with someone being beaten with a bat?" prosecutor Dan May asked Priest.

"Certainly it is," Priest responded.

As Priest testified about the blood stains, Berreth's father put his head in his hands and sobbed.


Priest testified that the type of radiating blood patterns Lee described finding on the wall are consistent with what he called blunt force impacts.

NOV 15, 2019
Frazee trial: Letters say Frazee asked inmate to kill witnesses

In one letter, Frazee allegedly wrote he’d “really like to see Kenney with a bullet in her head.”


Letter 1 read, “You know where to find Krystal Jean Lee Kenney? Chad Lee? Michelle Stein? John Moore? Wendi Clark? They all need to disappear until at least Nov. 22 after the trial.” The letter listed out who each individual is. The writer instructed the receiver to call or text “her” using a fake name to say the horses have been taken care of the elk hunt was successful. While Sheila Frazee’s name was not on the note, her landline and cell phone were. “My life and my little girl’s life depends on you!” the letter read.


In letter 15, he allegedly wrote: “I’m excited if we can pull this off, only thing better would be if Krystal sent someone a text from her home confessing and telling the truth that I didn’t have anything with it to do at all. Slater and then all five disappear," referencing Kenney's family, including her children and Chad Lee.

NOV 15, 2019
Former inmate: Frazee asked him to kill Kenney, others - KOAA

Before proceedings wrapped up today, Frazee was reminded by the judge he has the right to testify in his own defense or remain silent. He replied, "I will remain silent." ...


... “There’s nothing reckless or negligent about this. He wasn’t re-enacting the World Series and accidentally hit her..... He went to swinging," said Jennifer Viehman. She says there’s strong evidence to support first degree murder.


Agent Greg Slater with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation is called to the stand again. He says he learned of John Doe's existence last Saturday.


Here are excerpts from the notes entered as evidence.
  • "You know where to find Krystal Jean Kenney Lee? Chad Lee? Michelle Stein? Joe Moore? Wendi Clark? They all need to disappear unseen until at least Nov 22 after the trial. Wendi is the cash cow. Joe has all kinds of **** to sell... pass a message to her or call. Use a fake name that all the horses are taken care of? Or have her tell me the elk hunt was successful? Help! Help! ME PLEASE MAN! I repay however my life and my little girl’s life depends on you. Throw me down your plans and ideas...."
  • "do you have funds or resources to go to Idaho and back? Was thinking if you could cap em in the desert."
  • "It would be nice if she disappeared for trial. Just turned one way and never seen again."
  • "I’m not the monster they say I am. I don’t know what happened or where she went. Honestly, my wheels are spinning out of control the closer we get to trial. Any advice how to defend my innocent?"

Doe says described how to "carry out the hit" on witnesses and shared names, phone numbers and addresses. Doe says he has heard of people's names on the list, including Kenney and Michelle Stein.


Before heading to break Priest is asked if the evidence he's seen is consistent with a bat being used as a weapon. He tells the court the blood pattern suggests a minimum of two strikes on the victim.

Given the description, he estimates between 10 to 15 strikes, if not more. May asks about evidence of Berreth saying “please stop,” and is that indicative that the first blow didn’t kill her. “In my experience, people aren’t easy to kill,” Priest says.

“There’s nothing here that tells me this death was accidental. This is very consistent of a homicide,” Priest says.


May asks Priest on redirect if he saw anything inconsistent with the description Kenney gave of the scene and he replies no. He also said the cleaning and blood on the couch was consistent with Kenney's story.

"Her description of her observations were very consistent with my observations," Priest says on Kenney's description.

NOV 15, 2019
Inmate: Kelsey Berreth murder suspect had asked for help murdering Krystal Lee before trial

Bentley first spoke to the Fourth Judicial District Attorney’s Office over the weekend, and said he tried to approach them sooner but on cross-examination he admitted he accidentally called Frazee’s public defenders initially and refused to speak with him.

During cross-examination, the defense asked Bentley if he gained anything from testifying during the trial. Bentley said he approached law enforcement with the hope he might get some benefit, but has not been offered any sort of plea deal. Bentley conceded when he was in jail he did know who Frazee was and that he saw a 48 Hours special about the case.

The Fourth Judicial District Attorney’s Office had asked the media not to name Bentley. During his testimony, he said that was on his behalf.

Since Bentley’s testimony was in an open courtroom accessible to the public, 9NEWS has chosen to identify him.

NOV 15, 2019
Kelsey Berreth murder case: Jailhouse witness says Patrick Frazee asked him to kill key witness – Canon City Daily Record

The surprise witness, Jacob Bentley, said that he was housed next to Frazee until October of this year and the two started talking.

Bentley said he told Frazee he was part of a prison gang and that Frazee offered to help bail him out of jail if he arranged the killings of Kenney and other witnesses in the case. Bentley testified that Frazee also asked him to kill the lead Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent on the case, relatives of Kenney, Frazee’s friend who testified in court, and others.


“I will remain silent,” Frazee said, the most he has spoken to the court throughout the three-week trial.


The CBI agent, Gregg Slater, testified that Bentley provided investigators more than a dozen handwritten notes provided that appeared to be in Frazee’s handwriting. The notes, some written on paper towels, described how to find Kenney and others in the case and instructed Bentley to destroy the notes afterward. Prosecutors displayed the notes to the court, and Slater said that multiple people named in the notes had not previously been named by news reports.


Bentley testified that he was not promised anything by prosecutors in exchange for his testimony. told the court that Bentley had asked that his pending cases from multiple counties be resolved in one county.”]


Before Bentley took the stand, prosecutors called a bloodstain expert who explained that the blood spots found in the Berreth’s condo were consistent with Kenney’s account.


Kenney’s description of the blood patterns she found are consistent with a high-impact attack with an object, which would spread a large quantity of small blood spots across the condo, Priest said. When Fourth Judicial District Attorney Dan May asked if the stains were consistent with an attack with a bat, Priest said, “Oh, absolutely.”

“The fact that there are small bloodstains supports my opinion that we have a forceful incident, not a passive one,” Priest said.


Holding a sample of the floor from Berreth’s condo, Priest also described two indentations on the wood plank, though he couldn’t tell exactly what hit it.

“So something substantially heavy and substantially hard had an impact on this area and certainly a baseball bat is consistent with that,” he said.

NOV 15, 2019
FRAZEE TRIAL DAY 10: Judge says if jury doesn't convict on 1st-degree murder, lesser charge is an option

Patrick Frazee's prison friend took the stand on Friday. His name is not going to be released to the public.

He testified that while in prison, Frazee asked him to kill all of the witnesses in the trial. He claims that Frazee gave him a list of witnesses to kill, and specifically asked him to kill Krystal Lee more than once.

The friend said that Frazee told him that by murdering Krystal, he would help get him out of jail.

He also said that the letters were instructions and suggestions on how to carry out the hits for the witnesses names, location, and phone numbers. There were 17 letters in total.

He quoted Frazee, "They all need to disappear, unseen until after the trial."

The people the jail friend claims Frazee asked him to kill are as follows:
Agent Gregg Slater, CBI
Sydney Kenney, Krystal's dad
Deddy McIntyre, Krystal's mom
Kolton Kenney, Krystal's brother
Kristi Kenney, Krystal's aunt
Joe Moore, Frazee's friend
Wendi Clark, Joe Moore's wife
Chad Lee, Krystal's ex husband
Michelle Stein, Krystal's friend
Krystal Lee
Cheryl Berreth, Kelsey's mother
Kendi Kenney, Krystal's brother

The Defense and Prosecution have rested their cases.

Closings arguments will be Monday. Frazee chose not to testify on his behalf.

Sam Kraemer TV
6 hrs ·
Note: This post was edited at 3:30 p.m. MT with more accurate information.

NEW: The state has rested its case. Judge Scott Sells informed Patrick Frazee of his rights. Frazee chose to remain silent. Additionally, the defense rested its case without calling any witnesses.

Closings will not happen until Monday, though, because both attorneys were still debating jury instructions. Sells agreed to allow the jury to charge Frazee with second-degree murder and manslaughter *IF* they find him not guilty of first-degree murder. Those charges carry a sentence of 8-24 years and 2-6 years respectively.

#KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney KOAA 5

Sam Kraemer TV

7 hrs ·
• An expert in crime scene reconstruction and blood stain pattern analysis was first on the stand. He said Kenney’s story of Frazee beating Berreth with a bat is consistent with the blood evidence Kenney described and what was discovered by police. We saw body camera video of Kenney walking police through Berreth’s townhome on Dec. 21 to show where she saw blood. She describes an arc of blood on the east wall, which the expert says was consistent with Kenney’s story. He also says the small spots of blood are indicative of large force on a blood source. Additionally, the expert says the blood stains found in the floorboards are indicative of a significant amount of blood. DA Dan May handed him a specific piece of the floorboard. The expert said it has two significant round indentations, and when asked, said they could come from a wooden baseball bat.

• The state then called a former Teller County inmate. He was housed in the same pod as Frazee. At the district attorney’s office request, we are not using his name out of fear of prison retaliation. He said after Frazee learned he was in a prison gang, Frazee sought his help in “taking out witnesses”. The inmate kept many of their handwritten notes, which were published in court. CBI Agent Gregg Slater said the handwriting looks to be Frazee’s. Frazee talked about getting rid of Krystal Kenney and her family, Michelle Stein, CBI Agent Gregg Slater, Joseph Moore and more. He talked about “just kidnapping them until Nov. 22”. He also referenced Kenney’s likely address, where her kids went to school, how nice it would be if she confessed to everything and more. Frazee also noted there’s rural area near her home in Idaho, so it wouldn’t be hard to hide her. Another note from Frazee said this planning and talking “gets his blood flowing”. On cross-examination, Adam Stiegerwald pointed out this witness only came forward this past weekend. He was hoping for a plea bargain on other active cases in different counties. Instead, the DA’s office will try to try those charges together in one county. Stiegerwald also points out this man’s first intentions were to sell the notes on eBay, noting Frazee’s fame.

Wow. Tonight’s Facebook live will be interesting.

Note: This is a photo from a previous hearing.
NOV 16, 2019
Patrick Frazee murder trial: 10 key moments from testimony

Here are 10 key moments from the last two weeks of trial, in order of when they happened.

Kenney testifies about multiple plans to kill Berreth

“People go missing every day. … She had gone to an alcohol and drug rehab facility. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary,” she testified Frazee told her, claiming Berreth had been to rehab in August.


Kenney testifies about the cleanup


“It wasn’t like a can of paint thrown on the wall,” she said. “It was like if you took a paintbrush and flicked paint on the wall.”

... She followed bloody footprints up the stairs, she said, and found the candles that Frazee had mentioned to clean. Kenney described the footprints as being larger in size and appearing to be from boots.

She said they were all over the kitchen, near the bedroom and in the bathroom.


Kenney: Frazee detailed the alleged murder

“He told me how hard it was to eat Thanksgiving dinner with my family when the mother of your child is in a tote in the back of your truck,” Kenney said in court.


She testified that Frazee told her he “swung away” but called the method “inhumane” and said in the future he would stick to “normal weapons.” She said that he told her he brought a tote in from the back of the truck after he killed Berreth and put the bat inside, then washed his pants and tried to clean up.

Frazee's friend says he told him 'I found a way to kill her'

He said, ‘I figured out a way to kill her,’ ” Moore testified, “And I went, ‘Don’t even talk about things like that. Get that s**t out of your head.’ He just kind of grinned and said, ‘No body, no crime, right?'”


During that summer, Moore said, Frazee told him about how he had people spying on or watching Berreth and taking pictures of her because he said he wanted to sue her for custody of Kaylee.


Moore replied that a white, beautiful, young mother had gone missing, so it was what the media cared about.

He said Frazee’s response was: “Man, if I had known it would have blown up this big, I never would have —” and didn’t finish sentence.


Analysis of blood found at Berreth's home

The blood sample from the bathroom toilet was at least 108 septillion times more likely to be from Berreth than someone else, Rogers testified. ...

Partial tooth on Frazee's property had female human DNA
Prosecutors then asked Rogers about one of two possible tooth fragments, both of which appeared to have come from where Frazee had allegedly burned Berreth's body. ...

Rogers said she analyzed the fragment, which tested negative for blood and saliva. But a DNA test detected female human DNA , Rogers said. ...

Agent: Doesn't know where case would be without Kenney testimony

When asked where the investigation would be without Kenney's testimony , lead Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent Gregg Slater responded: "I honestly don't know."

He said before Kenney's Dec. 20 interview — when she spilled her testimony to law enforcement and investigators — Slater believed something had happened in Berreth's bathroom and home, but that was it. He said they didn't know about the tote, burn pit, Nash Ranch or Frazee and Kenney's meet-ups at a Florissant Conoco on Nov. 24. ...


Records tracked Berreth's phone and Kenney's phone together

Kevin Hoyland – a cell phone expert with the FBI who helped track the cell phone activity of Frazee, Berreth and Kenney – testified that cell phone records showed that Kenney's phone moved from Idaho to Colorado on Nov. 23, arrived in Colorado on Nov. 24 and left later that day, arriving back in Idaho on Nov. 25.


Analyst: Blood stains consistent with someone getting hit by bat 10-15 times

Jonathyn Priest, a former Denver police officer who now specializes as an expert in blood stain pattern analysis, testified that the blood stains found inside Berreth's townhome matched what he'd expect to find in a case of a bloodied person getting struck repeatedly by a baseball bat. He said the victim in this case — he didn't name Berreth — could have been hit 10 to 15 times.


Letters, former inmate: Frazee wanted witnesses dead

Prosecutors showed 17 different letters that a witness, who's a former inmate and convicted felon, said he exchanged with Frazee, who was in the same jail. The man is on probation now. In their passed notes, Frazee asked the man to kill witnesses — Kenney, Michelle Stein (Kenney’s friend in Idaho), John Moore (Frazee's friend who previously testified), Wendi Clark (Moore’s significant other) and lead CBI Agent Gregg Slater — and described where they live now and what they look like. In a testimony, Slater confirmed the descriptions of each person and their places of residences were all accurate.

In one letter, Frazee allegedly wrote he’d “really like to see Kenney with a bullet in her head.”

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
A lot has happened over 10 days of testimony here at the #PatrickFrazee trial.
On Friday, a surprise witness testified that Frazee asked him to kill Krystal Lee and other witnesses set to testify at trial. …
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth
6:25 AM - 18 Nov 2019
Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Also, a reminder: The judge in this case has imposed strict limitations on media coverage in the #PatrickFrazee trial, meaning I can't live-tweet proceedings. But myself and @lancebenzel will try to give updates during breaks in the action.@csgazette #KelseyBerreth
6:26 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Ashley Franco on Twitter
#PatrickFrazee trial set to start closing statements today. Each side will get 90 minutes and then the case will be handed to the jury. I’ll update you with the latest. @KKTV11News #KelseyBerreth
6:30 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Good morning, everyone. I'm back in Cripple Creek this morning, alongside @lancebenzel as we both cover closing arguments in the #PatrickFrazee trial. Follow both of our feeds for updates throughout the day.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth

6:24 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Rick Sallinger on Twitter
Line forms early In Cripple Creek for closing arguments in Patrick Frazee murder trial. #kelseyberreth

6:47 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
FRAZEE TRIAL DAY 11: Good morning everybody. Each side gets 90 minutes for closing. The judge will read the jury instructions aloud, and then the case is in their hands. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
6:48 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
I’ll plan on another Facebook live around 8:30 p.m. MT. Of course, that’s subject to change if a verdict is handed down. I’ll share updates as we can. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
6:50 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Josh Whitston on Twitter
Day 11 of the #PatrickFrazee murder trial. Waiting for court to start. Expecting closing arguments this morning and then it goes to the jury. @DenverChannel

6:58 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Line outside the Cripple Creek courthouse is a bit longer than usual, as attorneys prepare for closing arguments. Doors opening now. Heading in. Stay tuned for updates. #PatrickFrazee #KelseyBerreth @csgazette
7:02 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Lauren Scharf on Twitter
Beautiful view from Cripple Creek, CO. @danielaleontv and I are back in Teller County to cover the murder trial against Patrick #Frazee Closing arguments are set for this morning. Head to @FOX21News for the latest info. : @KelseySouto

7:08 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Alex Rose on Twitter
Good morning from Cripple Creek. @vicentearenastv and I are in line ahead of closing statements for the Patrick Frazee trial. Doors open at 8. @KDVR @channel2kwgn

7:12 AM - 18 Nov 2019

Josh Whitston on Twitter (Video)
What looks like #PatrickFrazee entering the courthouse on what could be the final day of his murder trial. Facing 1st degree murder charge or the possibility of 2nd degree murder or manslaughter. The last two charges were added at the end of the day Friday. @DenverChannel
7:16 AM - 18 Nov 2019
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NOV 18, 2019
Facts from the Patrick Frazee trial; Closing arguments set for Monday

Here are the facts from the murder trial:
  • Frazee was described as a cold, calculating manipulator during opening arguments
  • Prosecutor Jennifer Viehman told jurors Frazee asked Krystal Lee at least three times to kill Berreth
    • Lee is a former Idaho nurse who pleaded guilty to evidence tampering for moving Berreth’s cellphone. Lee, who was in a relationship with Frazee, agreed to testify against him under a plea deal.
  • Frazee could be heard on a police officer’s body camera when he was asked if he had seen Berreth.
    • “We basically had a heart-to-heart and wanted to go separate ways,” Frazee is heard saying. “She request I give her all her possessions.”
  • Clinton Berreth testified that when he came to Woodland Park to help search for his sister, he grew more worried when “I looked down and noticed blood on the toilet bowl … and we called the police.”
  • During the trial, Lee said she grabbed several blood-spattered items from Berreth’s home to be burned, including a stuffed animal, children’s building blocks and what she thought was a Bible. She also testified that Frazee and Berreth’s baby daughter was in the home when the blindfolded mother was bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat.
  • Lee also said Frazee put Berreth’s body in a dry water trough and lit it on fire. At one point she said flames were as high as the nearby trees, so Frazee covered the blaze with what appeared to be metal roofing.
  • Jurors were shown a photo of what is believed to be a tooth belonging to Berreth. Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent Charles DeFrance testified the tooth shown in the photo was found in a burned area of land on a ranch belonging to Frazee.
  • Jurors were also shown video of a bloodhound named “Radar” who found evidence of a decomposing body at Frazee’s property.
  • A friend of Frazee’s said Frazee wanted to kill Berreth before. He said Frazee repeatedly said, “no body, no crime.”
  • One witness told the jury that Frazee said Berreth, “is never coming back.”
  • A horse owner testified that Frazee said he just wanted Berreth “gone” so he could raise their daughter with someone else.
  • Another witness said Frazee would never say anything kind about Berreth and claimed she was not a good mother.
  • A coworker of Lee testified that Lee said, “I did what I had to… to get out alive and keep my kids safe.”
  • Another coworker told the court that Lee said she had gotten herself into a bad situation.
  • A Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent testified, saying she found a number of suspected blood stains in Berreth’s condo even though it had been cleaned.
  • Jurors also heard from some of Berreth’s coworkers who say they were concerned about her before her disappearance. “She had gotten into a confrontation with Patrick… he was acting like a (expletive),” said one friend.
  • A forensic anthropologist talked about a tooth found on Frazee’s property. An image of the tooth was displayed to the jury on a large screen. “This tooth has been broken. This is not a whole tooth. I think it’s human,” the anthropologist said.
  • Another investigator later said the fragment did not provide enough DNA to determine its source. Investigators have theorized Frazee burned Berreth’s body and the tooth was left behind.
  • A social services worker with Teller County told the court she knew there were serious issues brewing between Frazee and Berreth.
  • The child and family services administrator — who was assigned to handle custody issues for the couple’s daughter after Frazee was charged with murder — said Frazee talked to her about how they agreed to separate.
  • The social worker also said Frazee spoke with her about his co-parenting plan with Berreth and how they planned to share custody.
  • Colorado Bureau of Investigation Agent Greg Slater said in the days before Thanksgiving, Berreth was expressing frustration.
  • Slater gave a detailed account of text messages between Berreth and Frazee. Slater said Berreth seemed to be upset about the promise Frazee had made to her about establishing a life together.
  • A Federal Bureau of Investigation agent told jurors phones belonging to both Berreth and Frazee were traveling together near Florissant even after she disappeared. He showed the court how he tracked a phone belonging to Lee to Teller County the day after Thanksgiving. Not long afterward, Berreth’s phone went off the grid in Idaho, Lee’s home state.
  • A jail inmate, Jacob Bentley, said Frazee asked him to kill Lee. Bentley also testified that Frazee wanted him to kill lead investigator Gregg Slater, Lee’s relatives and others. Slater said notes provided by Bentley appeared to be in Frazee’s handwriting. Frazee’s lawyer questioned Bentley’s credibility. He said Bentley was expected to testify in another case in which a defendant also asked him to kill a witness.
NOV 18, 2019
Patrick Frazee murder trial: Former inmate testifies he was asked to kill witnesses - CNN
As he waited for his murder trial to begin, Patrick Frazee sent letters to a man he met in jail asking him to kill some of the witnesses, the former inmate testified.


'People aren't easy to kill'
Investigators never found evidence to suggest Berreth was still alive, former Woodland Park Police Department Commander Christopher Adams testified during the second week.


Tooth and phone fragments
Rogers, with the CBI, was also questioned about apparent tooth fragments authorities found in a burned area on a ranch. That's where Kenney testified Frazee burned Berreth's body in a black tote.
A DNA test from the tooth fragment detected female human DNA, the expert testified.


A Teller County Department of Human Services employee testified that when she talked to Frazee after Berreth's disappearance, he told her they texted for two days after Thanksgiving.

Frazee said he spoke with Berreth again on the morning of November 25, Mary Longmire testified. He called her later that day and it went to voicemail, she testified that he told her.

The trial resumes Monday with closing arguments.
Prosecutor shows last picture of #KelseyBerreth alive -- one at a Safeway. "This is not consistent with someone who's suicidal. It's consistent with someone who believes she has a future. A future with the man who is about to kill her."
@csgazette #PatrickFrazee

And prosecutor Beth Reed showed a photo of #PatrickFrazee's truck after he apparently leaves #KelseyBerreth's house on Thanksgiving Day last year. The box, Reed says, is in a different position.

"Because #KelseyBerreth is in that box. Her beaten and battered body is in that box. And he's going to take it to his house, where he keeps it in the back of the truck while he eats Thanksgiving dinner with his family," prosecutor says.
@csgazette #PatrickFrazee

Prosecutor Beth Reed sought to bolster the testimony of her star witness, Krystal Lee, who was #PatrickFrazee's mistress. Lee endured an aggressive cross-examination from Frazee's defense team that hit on her credibility and motivations for testifying.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth

"Everything Krystal Lee said, testified to and told you about on the stand, is corroborated by all the the other physical evidence, and evidence this case," said prosecutor Beth Reed.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
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