CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #40 *ARREST*

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I don't understand why she would do this at all. If she wasn't intending on doing what he wanted her to do, according to her, then why bother taking a Starbucks coffee at all????

IMO -- nosiness and jealousy. She just wanted a reason to meet the woman who snagged the man she's always wanted. (Despite how ridiculous this seems... I think KK still wanted to catch a glimpse into their life.)
Yeah, I think she was just trying to indicate that a body was certainly inside, even without being able to see it.

A lump would make sense.

ETA: I was open to dismemberment early on, but I’m absolutely not now.

I think kk is also minimizing for self preservation. Using words like lump depersonalizes. If she has to get on the stand, you know that description is going to become very vivid. I can I imagine that saying some of these things out loud, even more so retrospect is more damning. I think she may have answered many questions with direct consultation with her lawyer. Careful wording to meet the plea requirements but attempting to minimize her guilt. I think she deserves a heavy sentence, 3 failed murder attempts and a planned cleanup.
1. Owned by Nash Ranch LLC. Previous owners were a couple named Nash. My guess would be no one currently lives there full time.
2. Investigator Gregg Slater implied that the body was in a black tote. He didn't make it any clearer, that I heard.
Property Detail
Thanks @Dave F. So PF just used a barn at Nash Ranch to store KBs dead body in the black tote bag? I suppose the answer is yes. So bizarre.
At that point they couldn't even prove a murder had occured unfortunately much of the critical evidence in the case was only found after KK started talking

Yep, and ab01, I think it's probably true to say that much of the critical evidence in the case was only found because KK started talking, so there's that.

That's why she got that sweetie beauty of deal from the DA.

Dan May (my new hero) knows just what an evil, heinous snake PF is, and he knows he has to remove him from society for the rest of his life, no matter what.

Both as just punishment, and for the public safety.

PF is an extremely dangerous creature.

Please remember that this story is the story of liar. Please do not take anything she has said as fact.

I think it's safe to take some of what she says as fact. The site of the murder, the burning of the black plastic tote, bone chips at that site, the cell phone records, Kelsey's gun which they recovered in Idaho....I'm too exhausted to think of more....somebody help!
Back in thread 39 somewhere, I believe KK said PF placed the bag with KB's body next to KB's car (where the cadavar dog caught scent) Was KK in Colorado on the 22nd? How does she know this?
No, this was reported by CBI Agent Slater and not KK. The scent was detected near the bumper of KB's sedan.
Did the DA show evidence of solicitation today?
No, the aluminum bat was the one KK used on her third attempt on KB's life. i don't think they identified what bat was used on Nov 22

And watch it have both their DNA on it if they do or have found it...
Yep, and ab01, I think it's probably true to say that much of the critical evidence in the case was only found because KK started talking, so there's that.

That's why she got that sweetie beauty of deal from the DA.

Dan May (my new hero) knows just what an evil, heinous snake PF is, and they know they have to remove him from society for the rest of his life, no matter what.

Both as just punishment, and for the public safety.

PF is an extremely dangerous creature.


I agree there are 100's of thousands of potential KK 's out in society, But those like PF are far and few between IMO. A rare breed that can never see the light of day IMO
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Quite interesting that after he brutally murdered KB he made two phone calls. One to KKL...and one to mommy
Am wondering how much some people knew -- before the murder and after ?
Were the two people who went with PF to the landfill just thinking they were helping a buddy out ?
And did we ever learn what was recovered by LE after they left ?
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