CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #40 *ARREST*

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Colorado man tried to have his fiancée killed 3 times before fatal beating, investigator says
Wed February 20, 2019

“Frazee tried to enlist Kenney to dispose of the body in Idaho, but she refused, according to Slater. Instead, he removed the body to a farm in Fremont County, where it was left in a black tote bag in a stack of hay while he went to Thanksgiving dinner, Slater testified.
The suspect later moved the body to a water trough and added gas and wood before setting it ablaze, Slater said. Frazee allegedly scooped up the remains and disposed of them either at a dump or in a river.“

Investigator: Colorado man beat fiancee to death with baseball bat, burned her body

“Later, Kenney said she and Frazee went to Nash Ranch in Fremont Count to retrieve the black tote, which Frazee told her contained Berreth's body and the bat he used to beat her with.

Then, Kenney said Frazee placed the black tote in a trough, poured gasoline on it and lit it on fire, Slater said. Kenney told investigators she never saw Berreth's remains in the tote.“
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I think SF is actually behind all this

That's why she was items #1 on the agenda today. Her plead of the 5th. LE knows more about her and wanted to establish her as being very uncooperative

LE knows she has been the driving force behind the murder of KB and PF has been her very useful tool.

KKL is just a distraction. SF likely sized her up quickly as a manipulable fool soon after meeting her and figured out what she was useful for.

Is it any coincidence that the LE sibling of PF was at the quickie T-Day dinner that PF attended at Chez SF?

Remember how the sister of PF filed for custody of Baby K?

The destruction of KB's remains occurred on her property, and apparently she was noted to observe the odd goings on.

I 100% agree with this. It has been my theory since the beginning. I’m just waiting for “act 2” when PF spews his fictional account and claims that KK did it all, in a moment of insanity”. This was a carefully orchestrated plan and KK is the pawn in the chess game. If they were caught KK would be the fall guy, providing the “reasonable doubt
An ulcer that was diagnosed one day before her muder no less! My bet is he was feigning that illness for sympathy from the woman he knew he planned to kill the next day.
He was "sick" he played on her ability to feel sympathy and the need to nurture him.
Without a key, he knew she'd open the door and allow him in. Moo

I would not be surprised if you are correct. He may even had planned to use that reason to get her to leave overnight, perhaps so he could set up and prepare for the next day's slaughter. He had to even make her last hours alive, miserable.
Thanks Margarita...from one of your links...

Krystal Kenney, Frazee's mistress has played a huge role in the case, and now new information reveals her friend had known about Berreth's murder. According to the affidavit, Kenney's friend Meghan Garrison helped Kenney travel between Idaho and Colorado.

Kenney used Garrison's car to travel to Colorado. Garrison later heard about Berreth's disappearance and realized that her gun, that she carries in her car, was in a different condition after Kenney returned.

New documents released surrounding Patrick Frazee and Kelsey Berreth

Sitting on hands awaiting mainstream media and or Daily Mail to tell us who MG is as they did with MS.

And yet another person who never went to law enforcement! What is wrong with these people!
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I am curious as to what the black tote looked like. I assumed it was the normal tool compartment contraption that a lot of pickups set right behind the pickup cab and stretches the length of the pickup box. This is made of hard plastic (more often aluminum). When I think of a tote, I think of the plastic boxes many people use to store stuff in their garage and made of rather flexible plastic. When the burning of the body and tote was done, there was a description of the remnants being a few pieces of hard black plastic, I envisioned not a flexible tote, but the hard rigid material placed in pickups to hold tools, etc. I would like to see a photo of what this tote looked like. It is easy to totally burn up the common totes.
The first thing that went through my mind was some sort of zip up bag with handles.
Does anybody else wonder if KK did take KB’s remains and dispose of them along with the phone?

I can’t help but wonder why she even brought that up to police.

I feel like as deep as she was involved in this, she would know what PF did with the remains. If nothing else, in the aftermath of the murder, she would want to be assured the evidence would never be found.

She had 800 miles to dispose of KB. Whereas, due to PF being stupid enough to let his phone and KB’s tracked pretty much every step of the way, I feel like if KB was local, police would’ve found something.
Man....go away for a couple of hours, and there's another 16 pages. Certainly seems like a ton of info was released today. I read up on some of the happenings just before the news conference this afternoon, and then read more and peoples' posts reporting on the conference when I got home. Just keeps getting worse the more I hear. Great to come here and read people so passionate and distraught about the circumstances behind KB's murder. I am in complete agreement with almost all of it.

Some opinions of my own....someone mentioned that if you believe KK left a trail and evidence, so it could later be used to help the police, then you probably fell off a turnip truck. TRUTH! Sometimes the most obvious explanation is the correct one, and THIS IS NOT IT. The obvious explanation is that she was ALL IN on the Cover Up, all the way to and including LYING to the authorities. Sometimes I get so frustrated with our justice system, that because people say something, or come up with a reason, we have to accept it until proven otherwise. She had how many minutes of opportunity to tell authorities? Including BEFORE the murder even took place. The only teeniest kudos is to the fact she at least didn't commit the murder, having been invited right up to the line with plans, before not going through with it for whatever reason.

Am I correct that she is not in jail, and will serve no time, or be charged with anything of significance? If so, that is obviously an absolute travesty. I can't believe the police had no case, or that they could not work on her some more before letting her off completely. Was not the mere threat to bring enough charges against her, that she would want to cooperate? While I can understand cutting a deal, it is truly disturbing that given what she knew, and DID to participate in the taking of KB's life, she is able to then lie in an obstruction attempt, only to be let off the hook for it all.

She doesn't appear to be facing much time if any. However, although they had enough to arrest her for accessory they may not have had enough to sustain a conviction. And her attorney is likely knew that. Furthermore, they probably didn't have anything at all that would allow for a murder arrest. Of anyone.

But she provided that.

I think it's simply that they wanted to bigger fish.

Sadly, there's a good chance she won't do time. I know it's hard to see that as justice. It's hard for me. Because I believe she knew he was going to kill KB on Thanksgiving. I don't think the call to have her come clean up the mess was out of the blue. Why would SHE have a mess to come clean up if she wasn't fully aware and part of the plan?

I'm glad there's enough evidence to charge a murderer. He would've gotten away with this otherwise. I hope her life is over.

At least she will lose her license.
Thanks Margarita...from one of your links...
Krystal Kenney, Frazee's mistress has played a huge role in the case, and now new information reveals her friend had known about Berreth's murder. According to the affidavit, Kenney's friend Meghan Garrison helped Kenney travel between Idaho and Colorado.
Kenney used Garrison's car to travel to Colorado. Garrison later heard about Berreth's disappearance and realized that her gun, that she carries in her car, was in a different condition after Kenney returned.

New documents released surrounding Patrick Frazee and Kelsey Berreth

Well, WTH does that mean?
CBI: Idaho nurse claimed Patrick Frazee fatally beat Kelsey Berreth, burned her body

Watch the entire press conference on the preliminary hearing presented by the district attorney
DA discusses Patrick Frazee's preliminary hearing
The DA discussed today's preliminary hearing for Patrick Frazee, who is accused of killing his fiancee Kelsey Berreth. A judge ruled that there is enough evidence for Frazee to stand trial for the charges against him. He is slated to be arraigned on April 8 at 8:30 a.m.
Published: 5:59 PM MST February 19, 2019
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The first thing that went through my mind was some sort of zip up bag with handles.

They have said tote from the beginning, and some people thought it was a bag. But from yesterday's testimony, and them talking about Big Balls of plastic, we now know it must have been a big thick plastic thing that goes in the back of some people's pickup trucks. In the old days they were metal, these days they are plastic. In my opinion.
Trial by twitter is confusing...more on KK timeline:

KK resides in Idaho as do her parents and extended family. KK spent Thanksgiving Day in Idaho with her family.

Relative to KK's Aunt Kristi, it's believed she resides in Colorado -- and KK used as excuse to travel to Colorado.

We learned in preliminary hearing that KK met with Investigators in Las Veges on 12/14/18 where she denied knowing KB, and denied having a personal relationship with PF.

KK refused to release her phone records to authorities. KK was in Las Vegas with her Aunt Kristi, who's believed to reside in Colorado, and who unknowingly went to KB's condo with KK last Sept 24 to deliver a coffee to KB at her front door. (Aunt Kristi waited in car).

12/18/18 Investigators went to KK's Idaho home and confronted her with proof she lied to FBI about her knowledge of what happened to KB. KK was then arrested for buccal swab, but refused questions until she could speak to attorney.

12/19/18 KK's Aunt (not identified but believed to reside in Idaho) is said to have obtained lawyer in Boise, and KK agreed to talk to Investigators with lawyer present.

12/20/18 With DA agreement in place, KK is interviewed in Colorado Springs, and takes Investigators to Nash Ranch where PF first stored the black tote containing KB's body on top a hay stack inside red barn, before transporting tote to SF place for burning. KK is said to have showed Investigators the burn area on SF property (black tote burn site).

12/21/18 PF arrested at SF home early morning hours.

Live blog: Patrick Frazee appears in court for preliminary hearing

Thank you so much.

The coffee thing is confusing. Why would she deliver coffee to someone she hadn't met? Why would KB say, "Oh, thanks stranger!" And take it?
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