CO - Possible Serial Shooter Has Colorado Drivers on Edge #1

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Before I forget, (going back to catch up---looks like some good stuff upstream), my jmo speculative moo attempt at a profile. I've never attempted to profile a serial shooter, only abductors---it seems imo they might not be that far apart, no regard for human life.--, COWARDS. Only a pu$$y would do what this person is doing.

So, it will be interesting to see how close, or how far away I am on this, if they ever catch the person(s), which I do believe they will. I've been really close before, and really far in my predictions/profiles in other cases---no telling where this one will fall. Here it is fwiw:

1. Single shooter (or does he have a buddy with him?)
2. Male
3. Age 17-25
4. Lives approx 15 miles, maybe 30, within the crime scenes; I'm going to guess somewhere around Longmont, CO?
5. Works a minimum wage job, possibly pizza delivery or fast food.
6. Attends community college, possibly Front Range Community College.
7. Divorced Parents (perp was deeply affected by the divorce as a child).
8. Plays violent video games all day long whenever he can and has for years.
9. High School Reject.
10. Social misfit/Introvert.
11. Lives with parents or in college apartment.
12. Uses parents' car or drives crappy car.
13. Unsuccessful with females / dating--maybe even has struggles with gender identity/sexuality.
14. Colorado Native.
15. Emotionally numb, no conscience, no regard for human life, zero inter-personal/social skills.
16. Rides a skateboard.
17. Has shot at dogs/cats, etc.
18. Small in stature.
19. White.
20. Poor personal hygiene.

*I could be soooo way off here!!!!! AgaIn all speculation JMO!

Or you could be right on, magz. These is a great profile only someone who knows their stuff could come up with. I wish I knew all you do to be able to do it so well. I don't which is the reason I love following you on a thread, the way your mind works and all that you know. I'm sorry that this is happening in a place you that you love. Your deep knowledge of the area shows in the guesses your making I think, and the profile seems completely plausible to me.

Could this shooter be motivated by the Holmes trial getting underway? Long shot, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

I'm glad you did put it out there, PoppyFlower, as it must have crossed more than both our minds. IIRC, will have to go back and check, but around the time the one victim was fatally shot twice the theater gunman's case was remarkably in the news, but not sure if it was different than what has been going on in the case continuously. People following the case locally and intensely would have better sense of that. The attention the case is getting may have a motivational aspect that impacts, but how would one even begin to judge that?

Police: Someone shooting people at random on northern Colorado highways
By David Mitchell, CW2 KWNG, May 29, 15, 10:32 pm


John Jacoby, 48, was riding his bike when he was shot and killed on Weld County Road 15 near Weld County Road 72. A passing motorist found him on the ground. He had been shot twice.

Jacoby was a part-time park caretaker with the Town of Windsor.


Thank you for the news linked. This quote is from the same source I just wanted to note, though much more has be published about how loved a member of his community John Jacoby is and his family's strong commitment to public service in the community. He is the one fatality the shooter seems to have possibly targeted perhaps deliberately, that may tell something about the motivations, access, comfort zone of the shooter, if he was not just picked for convenience.
Oh Margarita, where are you??? Lol
Being local and driving those roads, do you think the shooter could be on the side of the roads? Is there enough cover? If I recall the land is pretty flat? Not a lot of overgrowth? Or do you think they would pretty much need to be driving down that road while shooting??
Apologies in advance if I post anything that doesn't make sense. I feel a migraine rearing its nasty little head. If anyone finds me spinning in circles in the rabbit hole please drag me out! Lol
Oh Margarita, where are you??? Lol
Being local and driving those roads, do you think the shooter could be on the side of the roads? Is there enough cover? If I recall the land is pretty flat? Not a lot of overgrowth? Or do you think they would pretty much need to be driving down that road while shooting??
Apologies in advance if I post anything that doesn't make sense. I feel a migraine rearing its nasty little head. If anyone finds me spinning in circles in the rabbit hole please drag me out! Lol

I have no excuse for not making sense, missing words, weird sentences and what not, so you're on solid ground with me, SugarQueen. I've been thinking about John Jacoby, who was murdered. The shooter/s preferred taking a close range shot at their first victim who survived, though I think the shot was meant to kill brave Cori Romero, so then why switch to being snipers when those skills haven't been demonstrated before? I think Mr. Jacoby was murdered at close range.

If evidence emerges to link the other incidents, than you still may have that thrill aspect verses the doing as much damage as possible and going for the kill. The shattering could have been practice runs or it could be a shatter and shoot, two shot routine the shooter falls into, that's only worked twice. If, again, the shooting are linked, and they started out perched and taking aim from a hidden spot, then they may have escalated with the thrill of the ride, or for the shooter to broaden the area they strike to avoid detection and increase their impact. It seems to me whomever is doing this has a conversation going on in their head that's just so full of anger that they may pick people randomly to kill, by opportunity.

Whomever it is, they are busy doing something on the weekends that's not easy to get away from or maybe the shooter has access to a different cars at the times of the shootings. So, the shooter may spend some time stalking and planning to be able to get away with it during the times noted, probably cruising or hovering at the time, waiting for just the right moment, maybe at the time, scouting areas off the roads the shots were taken to assure a perfect escape. What could the shooter be doing when he's not stalking victims that makes him so angry? I read somewhere a chain of Safeways recently closed in the area, could it be something like that? Some mini-mall that went fallow along the highway? The timing bespeaks some kind of commitment, to either work, or family, something where people may have noticed this brewing anger and probably more, but just haven't made the connection yet.
I've tried to lay out the specifics of the various incidents in a spreadsheet. It's a different style than you suggested above, but I hope that it might serve your purposes. You can add columns or sort the rows to help organize your thoughts. It's set to a chronological sort at the moment.

The sheet is set so that anyone with the link to it can use and change it. I have a backup in case of problems.

The map should now be up to date.

Thanks again Forager.

Still catching up here, but you guys have come up with some good stuff here---and thanks SQ and DH for the experiments. :)
I'm not convinced that it is helpful to call just any sort of instance of serial crime as 'terrorism'. The FBI, and anyone contacted by the shooter, would know. But if there has been no statement to anyone about why the killings are taking place, there is no justification to call it 'terrorism'. Nobody called the 'Son of Sam' terrorism, as he was not fighting for any cause, other than his own delusions. The same could be true here as well; we just do not have any information to make a conclusion, IMO.

Interesting. Would there have to be a political motive for it to be considered Domestic Terrorism?

"According to *advertiser censored*memo*produced by the FBI's Terrorist Research and Analytical Center in 1994, domestic terrorism was defined as "the unlawful use of force or violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."[2]

Under current United States law, set forth in the*USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."[3]"
I agree with you both. The FBI takes a pretty broad view of what qualifies as terrorism, and I bet this would fit. And I agree that seeing it as terrorism is premature, and not obvious. His/hers/their choice of some of the targets suggests shooting for the fun of it. The vehicles shot in the first reports back in October and November of last year were all parked and empty. One of the trucks shot in mid-April '14 was sitting empty by the side of the road. The focus on car windows, which shatter so visibly and dramatically also suggests that motive. It requires heartlessness, but there are way more sociopaths out there to supply that factor than there are terrorists.

Anyway, if it is terrorism, it isn't working very well, to judge from the number of people who didn't bothered to call in their shot out windows to the authorities until after heard that it had become news. Tough cookies those Coloradoans!

Re: Coloradoans being tough cookies, aint that the truth...there sure doesn't seem to be a shortage of gun happy NUTJOBS running around this state.
Could this shooter be motivated by the Holmes trial getting underway? Long shot, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

The timing of the trial is indeed coincidental/interesting, as noted upstream!

Also, did something happen in the personal life of this shooter to trigger this homicidal urge? We see in cases with serial killers, patterns of when they are in an active vs nonactive phase...
Oh Margarita, where are you??? Lol
Being local and driving those roads, do you think the shooter could be on the side of the roads? Is there enough cover? If I recall the land is pretty flat? Not a lot of overgrowth? Or do you think they would pretty much need to be driving down that road while shooting??
Apologies in advance if I post anything that doesn't make sense. I feel a migraine rearing its nasty little head. If anyone finds me spinning in circles in the rabbit hole please drag me out! Lol

These roads are flat and not a lot of cover, imo. I think they are driving. Jmo.
Re: Coloradoans being tough cookies, aint that the truth...there sure doesn't seem to be a shortage of gun happy NUTJOBS running around this state.

I think the shooter has been careful to pick and strike victims in a way that would make it difficult for victims to chase the shooter down and shoot back.
I think the shooter has been careful to pick and strike victims in a way that would make it difficult for victims to chase the shooter down and shoot back.

(Argh, this makes me so angry---what a coward, this shooter.)
I think the shooter has been careful to pick and strike victims in a way that would make it difficult for victims to chase the shooter down and shoot back.

Jumping off your post, I know CR mentioned that a car pulled up next to her, but I'm wondering if in JJ's case if the use of a motorcycle could have been employed.
So, imo I visualize the shooter as a younger individual---not sure if this is the case or not. But if so, it makes me wonder how he has access to a gun, does he have his own gun? Using a family member's? Dad's gun? Grandpa's gun? Mom's gun?

Maybe he WAS in the military, maybe was overseas has PTSD, and has his own gun? I don't know about this, doesn't feel like that to me but throwing it out there.

Argh, I am at a loss right now.

Maybe a more intense look at the other shatterings could be helpful here--maybe take one or two specifically that IF there's a chance of a connection, which one(s) would it be?

Maybe the ones in which multiple shatterings occurred in one day?

Maybe the one with the wrist rocket?

Or the one where the guy swears he heard a shot, and iirc had a "baseball size" hole in his window...

So, jumping off this, "baseball size" hole...
Jumping off your post, I know CR mentioned that a car pulled up next to her, but I'm wondering if in JJ's case if the use of a motorcycle could have been employed.

Here's the car LE chased down. Does the red color of it stand out to you somehow, it looks too matted or that may just be the picture, to be that kind of car, could it have been repainted, as it does very much look like the car caught on the videos. Magz, I spent some time with those screen caps from the video of the shooter's car, the shape is very high on my hinky meter, but that would be true of any pickup truck in CO, I guess,

9NEWS viewer Hunter Searle shared this video showing police chasing a red truck on Highway 85.

CO car chase car crashed - Edited.jpg

CO car chase .jpg
Just a thought---maybe the perp has been arrested before some type of "vandalous act", or other violent incident, maybe cruelty to animals or assault, and a connection just has not been made yet by LE...
So, understandably, these shootings are a very hot local subject of discussion---

I asked my friend who she thinks could be capable and responsible for such a thing, and she said "Well you know its going to turn out to be someone you'd never suspect..."
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