GUILTY CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy Hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #2

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Even these kids, who have been brought up with no rules and a disrespect for authority, felt very uncomfortable with the whole thing. You can read it on the older two's faces. Children have an inherent sense of fairness and justice and I'm sure when they saw the ruckus caused by this stunt and the concern of LE, the media and neighbors, their inner radar told them what was happening was wrong. Yet, their role models continue to forge ahead with the hoax. What kind of twisted message is that?

What really creeps me out is how the children had to witness their mother crying and upset during the 911 call and then how the dad smothered Falcon with hugs and kisses and fake cried with "relief", all the while knowing their dad was faking. I can't imagine what message that sends. It's telling these kids that the ones in charge of them, their parents, are liars and cannot be trusted and that even their apparent concern for the welfare of their kids is false. (Well, I guess I can imagine what message it's sending!) I think these boys will likely feel very insecure with their parents from now on.

... I do think the family should be put in the juvenile dependency court system and be forced to go to court where the boys can listen as a judge reads their parents the riot act and explains to the boys that what their parents did was a very dangerous and bad mistake and that they are now getting help to learn to be better parents. What creeps those two are.
I was going to write a similar post but you said it all for me.

The thing that creeps me out the most was the way the parents were prompting this poor kid to lie on national television. This is how parents end up raising con men, liars, and cheaters.

It reminded me of the movie "The Truman Show" after Jim Carrey knows his whole life is a fake. The contrast between the happy joking and laughing kid in the video before he runs to hide, and the pale-sickly child throwing up multiple times the next morning just says it all. Anyone would be sick to have parents like these.

This type of "stunt" as a way for exhibitionist parents to exploit young children has got to stop. :furious:
Their lawyer is on Goodmorning America... he said that they did take a lie detector test. He, the lawyer, made the statement that he was there to slap down LE if they get out of line. ("slap down" was HIS exact words)
To add: the lawyers "slap down" comment was about the family not wanting a spectacle in front of their kids when and if they are arrested... he is pointing towards: that if LE does not wait for them to come in on their own, by going out and arresting them in front of the kids and neighborhood, would be unconstitutional.
OMG, the dude that went to prison for his Howard Hughes autobiography hoax says that Bloony dad (and mom) should not go to jail... becasue... BECAUSE... the balloon incident was all fun and games, and he said something like it brought fun and pleasure to those that followed the story, that no one was hurt by it. :rolleyes:

ETA: he also said arresting them in front of the kids is child abuse.
Sheriff said they contacted a professor with the parameters the father told them, and professor said it could lift the kid. Voices out there didn't even have the parameters to accurately calculate anything.
I don't see how sheriff should have just assumed the balloon couldn't lift the kid when the professor said it could based on the parameters given.

That's not what I'm referring to. You are misconstruing my point. I'm talking about the insistency that this was a real event after the craft landed. The professor was relying on the father's dimensions and the father lied. Helium is sufficiently expensive that I doubt that this father didn't know the dimensions before buying helium. He knew to lie. I think the margin of helium that would be necessary is sufficiently large that others could come to a reasonable contrary conclusion without examining the actual balloon. People acted somewhat reasonably in the moment. After the fact, things are quite questionable.

I doubt that any of the people who did offer calculations to the contrary in real time would have told the Sheriff to ignore the balloon had they been the actual person contacted by LE in the moment. Nobody would take that chance with a kid's life. Nor was it reasonable to doubt that father's calculations in the moment, but by the time the statement that it was a real event was made, there was plenty of writing on the wall. Perhaps LE was lying for manipulative purposes (some people seem to think that), perhaps not.

Again, I've made my point. You are certainly free to come to your own conclusion, as did this Sheriff and his professor. Others came to a different conclusion. I side with the others.
The parents really sicken me. Before Falcon blows his parent's cover, they repeat, "didn't you hear us calling you?" and you can see the mom nodding her head vigorously at Falcon as the question is asked. She's cuing him on how to respond. After he makes his "you told me to do it" comment, his mom utters, "Nooo?" Like a kid saying "uh uh". Then, later, you can see Falcon is not sure whether he did the right thing so he climbs on dad's lap. Watch as dad then carefully but purposefully shoves Falcon off him. You can tell the dad's upset.
Even these kids, who have been brought up with no rules and a disrespect for authority, felt very uncomfortable with the whole thing. You can read it on the older two's faces. Children have an inherent sense of fairness and justice and I'm sure when they saw the ruckus caused by this stunt and the concern of LE, the media and neighbors, their inner radar told them what was happening was wrong. Yet, their role models continue to forge ahead with the hoax. What kind of twisted message is that?
What really creeps me out is how the children had to witness their mother crying and upset during the 911 call and then how the dad smothered Falcon with hugs and kisses and fake cried with "relief", all the while knowing their dad was faking. I can't imagine what message that sends. It's telling these kids that the ones in charge of them, their parents, are liars and cannot be trusted and that even their apparent concern for the welfare of their kids is false. (Well, I guess I can imagine what message it's sending!) I think these boys will likely feel very insecure with their parents from now on.
I truly do believe this is emotional abuse and neglect. They taught these kids to lie to the very people who they are supposed to go to for help. While the rest of the world's children are taught the boy who cried wolf story, these kids are taught the very opposite. And they are not old enough to rationalize, like we are, that their parents are wacko, narcissistic and immature. All they know is that they are mom and dad, the people the boys need to rely on to survive.
It's horrible and the ramifications are many - not viewing LE with respect and as an entity that you turn to for help and safety, not learning that telling tales can create dangerous situations if later, you really need help, but no one will believe you, and learning that the love of one's own family is not necessarily real.
Poor kids. I really hope there is some serious intervention here, with mandatory family counseling, individual counseling for the parents with a therapist who won't let them get away with it and parenting classes, at the least. I do think the family should be put in the juvenile dependency court system and be forced to go to court where the boys can listen as a judge reads their parents the riot act and explains to the boys that what their parents did was a very dangerous and bad mistake and that they are now getting help to learn to be better parents. What creeps those two are.

This is an assumption that the parents are guilty. While I truly believe they are, it may be a fight to the finish to prosecute them on the word (or misword) of a six year old.
Their lawyer is on Goodmorning America... he said that they did take a lie detector test. He, the lawyer, made the statement that he was there to slap down LE if they get out of line. ("slap down" was HIS exact words)

The lawyer was on the Today Show this morning also. Doesn't want the parents arrested in front of the children saying it would be child abuse, but what about all the things the parents did which didn't seem to put the children first. For one, teaching their children to lie among many other things. Doesn't want it to be a media circus.....I thought that's what this family thrived on....a media circus.
Exclusive: I Helped Richard Heene Plan a Balloon Hoax

DISCLAIMER: This guy was PAID for this story, apply salt to taste.

"...For the first time, 25-year-old researcher Robert Thomas reveals to Gawker how earlier this year he and Richard Heene drew up a master plan to generate a massive media controversy using a weather balloon. To get famous, of course..."

I wonder if he's pizzed that he helped with the planning, got left out of the "glory" phase of plan.
Exclusive: I Helped Richard Heene Plan a Balloon Hoax

DISCLAIMER: This guy was PAID for this story, apply salt to taste.

"...For the first time, 25-year-old researcher Robert Thomas reveals to Gawker how earlier this year he and Richard Heene drew up a master plan to generate a massive media controversy using a weather balloon. To get famous, of course..."

I read the story, and it seems Robert Thomas did not help to draw up the hoax, only that RH stated to him that a balloon could create havoc - no indication of the boy's involvement. My guess is 15 minutes of fame...
Ahh Man . . . I bought this hook line and sinker. Jeesh.

I even defended the parents on this board no less saying it wasn't a hoax.


Just want to say that I only decided it was a hoax after seeing the stuff the amazing sleuths here on this board found on the family. That you-tube video was it for me, any parent that would allow their 3 young sons to video that garbage was in my mind very capible of doing something like this for attention.

I feel so sad for those kids. I would prefer the entire family to get some help and learn to function normally vs. either of the parents getting jail time. Those poor kids already have been put through enough.
Just want to say that I only decided it was a hoax after seeing the stuff the amazing sleuths here on this board found on the family. That you-tube video was it for me, any parent that would allow their 3 young sons to video that garbage was in my mind very capible of doing something like this for attention.

I feel so sad for those kids. I would prefer the entire family to get some help and learn to function normally vs. either of the parents getting jail time. Those poor kids already have been put through enough.

YES. After I read everything that our amazing members came up with I had major doubts but all my doubts are gone.

AmyinTheHam, agree about them getting help. Also, according to the article I posted the Sheriff was/is worried about the mom's safety it seems like. They wanted her to go to a safe house because of her husband's temper. That is scary. If true and this guy blows then God knows what he will do.

Records show that police have responded to the house at least twice in the past year, including a possible domestic violence incident in February. No charges were filed.

Alderden said officials tried Saturday to persuade Mayumi Heene, 45, to go to a safe house, but she declined
I think it would maybe be best if this family became a divorce statistic. There are much worse statistics to become. In everything that I have seen, all the craziness is Dad, Mom just follows along, and the kids get dragged blithely into it.
He is too immature to be raising kids, and I am amazed they all made it through the crying baby stage.
She just follows along, but might do okay by herself and the kids if forced/allowed to think for herself.
YES. After I read everything that our amazing members came up with I had major doubts but all my doubts are gone.

AmyinTheHam, agree about them getting help. Also, according to the article I posted the Sheriff was/is worried about the mom's safety it seems like. They wanted her to go to a safe house because of her husband's temper. That is scary. If true and this guy blows then God knows what he will do.

Thank You ----I too am worried about the fathers temper. I am very concerned for Falcons safety since he will probably take the blame for his "slip-up" (on t.v.) and drawing suspicion to the case. (I hope police are watching that house very closely)
This is an assumption that the parents are guilty. While I truly believe they are, it may be a fight to the finish to prosecute them on the word (or misword) of a six year old.

Ummm... they would not be prosecuted on the word of a six year old, but on the video of them launching the balloon and their own lies (and maybe what was found on the compuer). The six year old has not said - at least not on television - that he was told to lie. He said "we did it for the show". I do not need to assume the parents are guilty because it is quite obvious - the kid was NEVER in that balloon and the parents knew it all along. They are a couple of fruit loops and I think they should pay for what this cost, including diverting airplanes.
This is awful. I watched that video on the news thinking that little boy was on that balloon and praying I was not about to watch a little boy die. Those people don't deserve to be parents. Using their kids....:furious:
This is awful. I watched that video on the news thinking that little boy was on that balloon and praying I was not about to watch a little boy die. Those people don't deserve to be parents. Using their kids....:furious:

I felt the same way... kind of sick that a little boy might be in there or that he had fallen out and was dead somewhere. What kind of freaks would do something like this?

The Minneapolis paper has a story about some emails about this whole setup..

Thomas said the show would feature Heene as a mad scientist who carries out various scientific experiments.

"This will be the most significant UFO-related news event to take place since the Roswell Crash of 1947, and the result will be a dramatic increase in local and national awareness about The Heene Family, our Reality Series, as well as the UFO Phenomenon in general," according to a copy of the show's proposal provided to the site by Thomas.​

Pappa Henne is a j@ck@ss!
This is an assumption that the parents are guilty. While I truly believe they are, it may be a fight to the finish to prosecute them on the word (or misword) of a six year old.

Are you kidding? The sheriff explained that what the child said on LKL was an "ah-ha" moment, not "lets charge them because now we got enough evidence" moment.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that whatever the child said on LKL is enough to file charges.
But it's something that raised people's suspicions.
I felt the same way... kind of sick that a little boy might be in there or that he had fallen out and was dead somewhere. What kind of freaks would do something like this?

The Minneapolis paper has a story about some emails about this whole setup..
Thomas said the show would feature Heene as a mad scientist who carries out various scientific experiments.

"This will be the most significant UFO-related news event to take place since the Roswell Crash of 1947, and the result will be a dramatic increase in local and national awareness about The Heene Family, our Reality Series, as well as the UFO Phenomenon in general," according to a copy of the show's proposal provided to the site by Thomas.

Pappa Henne is a j@ck@ss!
I was telling the hubby about this before I knew it was a hoax and was getting teary-eyed because I was so upset. These people are freaks. I can't imagine what this has done to that little boy.
Mrs. Heene has her own attrny now. Just reported on Peter Boyles radio show. I'll try to find a link.

can't find a link, so just consider this rumor for now.

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