GUILTY CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy Hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #2

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I have not heard one peep about family members from either the mom or dad's side.....kinda odd. Makes me wonder if their lifestyle and behavior has alienated anyone close to them. (no pun intended) Has anyone heard anything? Maybe they really are from another planet? Just sayin.....

i think that mr. Heene shows signs of being a narcissist. if this is true...... it is very common for people with narcissistic personality disorder to alienate their families from relatives, friends, "outsiders" so that the narcissist can have exclusive control over his family and the family won't have access to others' opinions, help, or points of view.
As distasteful as I found "that guy" and "that guy's wife," I agree that there is no reason to arrest them in front of their children.

Reality sucks, Heenes, doesn't it?

Careful what you wish for, you might just get it and then some. :crazy:
Attorney: Heene to Plead Not Guilty

Posted Oct 19th 2009 12:37PM by TMZ Staff
A lawyer for Richard Heene says he expects the suspected mastermind of the "Balloon Boy" hoax to be charged by Wednesday -- and when that happens Heene will plead not guilty.

Read more:

"On April 15, 1997, Heene pled no contest to vandalism and the other charges were dismissed. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail, 2 years probation and ordered to pay restitution of $100. It appears from the court record Heene served only 4 days and was then placed under house arrest."

Uh-oh. Gotta love TMZ!
i think that mr. Heene shows signs of being a narcissist. if this is true...... it is very common for people with narcissistic personality disorder to alienate their families from relatives, friends, "outsiders" so that the narcissist can have exclusive control over his family and the family won't have access to others' opinions, help, or points of view.

Here's a little clip from his myspace page:
"Heroes: Anyone who can stand up to the system, and non-conformists. "

I guess we'll see if he can stand up to the system.
OMG, the dude that went to prison for his Howard Hughes autobiography hoax says that Bloony dad (and mom) should not go to jail... becasue... BECAUSE... the balloon incident was all fun and games, and he said something like it brought fun and pleasure to those that followed the story, that no one was hurt by it. :rolleyes:

ETA: he also said arresting them in front of the kids is child abuse.

Crack is a horrible drug. Just say no kiddies!! Puhleassse! Fun and games? Brought pleasure?

[ame=""]YouTube - cuckoo clock 2[/ame]

The lawyer was on the Today Show this morning also. Doesn't want the parents arrested in front of the children saying it would be child abuse, but what about all the things the parents did which didn't seem to put the children first. For one, teaching their children to lie among many other things. Doesn't want it to be a media circus.....I thought that's what this family thrived on....a media circus.

I agree with you, calling that child abuse, after what they put their own kids through, is dubious at best.

You're right they do thrive on publicity circus', but publicity circus' of the type they can manipulate and come out smelling like roses, and not elephant dung, for. They wanted it to be a; "Oh my little scamp! Look what he did!" cue laugh track story.

Ahh Man . . . I bought this hook line and sinker. Jeesh.

I even defended the parents on this board no less saying it wasn't a hoax.


My favorite part of that article; "He may be nutty, but he's not a professor," Alderden said.


The sheriff said all three of the Heenes' sons knew of the Thursday hoax, but likely won't face charges because of their ages. The oldest son is 10. One of the boys told investigators he saw his brother get in the balloon's box before it launched.

What a great way to raise your kids. I hope the kids grow up to be media *advertiser censored* too. I want to read a tell all book about that family. They should pitch that to a network. Maybe Kitty Kelly can write one! :crazy:

I think it would maybe be best if this family became a divorce statistic. There are much worse statistics to become. In everything that I have seen, all the craziness is Dad, Mom just follows along, and the kids get dragged blithely into it.
He is too immature to be raising kids, and I am amazed they all made it through the crying baby stage.
She just follows along, but might do okay by herself and the kids if forced/allowed to think for herself.

I'd watch a reality show about her leaving him with the kids and how he handles it. If he'll throw a glass of milk at somebody just think what he would do for the camera's in that show. His actions would probably be enough for him to see the pokey for awhile I'd guess.

BTW, does anyone know if it was whole or skim milk he threw? :waitasec:

Ummm... they would not be prosecuted on the word of a six year old, but on the video of them launching the balloon and their own lies (and maybe what was found on the compuer). The six year old has not said - at least not on television - that he was told to lie. He said "we did it for the show". I do not need to assume the parents are guilty because it is quite obvious - the kid was NEVER in that balloon and the parents knew it all along. They are a couple of fruit loops and I think they should pay for what this cost, including diverting airplanes.

When I saw him say that my jaw dropped and I began to laugh because I knew that kid had opened a rotten can of worms for that whole family. I particularly loved how the father became all indignant; "How dare you accuse us of that....", as soon as I saw his reaction I knew it was a big conspiracy.

I was telling the hubby about this before I knew it was a hoax and was getting teary-eyed because I was so upset. These people are freaks. I can't imagine what this has done to that little boy.

I cannot imagine what Dick Henne has done to Falcon since his comment opened up this entire investigation?

Good! Any other wing nuts that want to try something like this might think twice.

I just scrapped my plans. :angel::crazy:

Not to get off topic, but you are so right about children. I do believe they know right from wrong, at a very early age. I learned it first hand when I asked my son to tell a vendor he was younger than he really was (so I could get a cheaper rate). BAD mommy - and I deserved the embarassment when he said "my mom told me to tell you I was 8, not 10). He even cried about it. When I saw Falcon throwing up, I said "that child isn't sick - he's nerve stricken". The parents are not consoling him, they're blaming him. He's going to need a lot of therapy to get through this!


There are tons of parents that have done that. It's definitely not right and it teaches kids the wrong thing, but that's like comparing apples to elephants.

I wonder if the parents fed him some ipecac laced food just before the interviews.

I know -- we were all frantic, glued to the television, praying, etc. To find out it's a hoax and the damage it will cause to little Falcon is heartbreaking. And to see how the dad treated him on TV? I can only imagine how he's being blamed at every turn for "screwing it up". I hope they both get a good ol cavity search when they're arrested!


I agree! The dentist scares the crap out of me too! :innocent::crazy:

I hope they throw the book at this idiot and his wife. Some people will argue I am sure that oh its a harmless stunt... but enough is enough. I am tired of people doing crap (dangerous, reckless, illegal, etc.) and then getting off with just a half hearted apology (Chris Brown for example). Make these goobs into examples... villify them, fine them, jail them. take their kids and give them to a family that will take better care of them...

What she said! :thumb:

A family like the Manson's would be a step up. :cow:

I wonder, aren't there any grandparents who might be able to step in and help, during this. I know the family moved only a year or so ago to the Colo area from Calif, but I'm hoping if there are any, now'd be the time to come for a friendly family visit, for the sake of the kids at least.

Aren't his parents aliens? If they never got green cards then they might be afraid to come forward.
Here's a little clip from his myspace page:
"Heroes: Anyone who can stand up to the system, and non-conformists. "

I guess we'll see if he can stand up to the system.

that brings to mind another classic narcissist trait: they think the rules don't apply to them and often consider themselves "above the law."
I was watching as this event was unfolding as well as when the balloon came down. My heart was in my throat just before it was determinded that Falcon was not in the balloon. I was worried that he could have fallen out as was once stated.

I was so angry when it was determined to be a hoax. I fear for Falcon's safety in this and his future wellbeing. These charges should be very serious as should the consequences, IMO. This mad scientist should be stopped in his tracks so that no future scams/hoaxes can be done.

O/T. Please understand that I am not making fun of the Sheriff, but I knew he reminded me of someone. Take the glasses and the mustache off and he favors Aunt Bee of the Andy Griffith show. He really does to my old eyes!
Did any of you watch the first session with the Heene family?
I didn't and was just wondering for those of you who did see it...what were your impressions on the family dynamics??
The Mommy and Daddy have taught their kids that being a potty mouth is totally acceptable, and in fact cool, ta boot, not to mention burping and farting.. I mean how low can you go here????!
Teaching them that it is AOK to lie to the Police....??? I'm soo hoping that this is only one in a million that dare would bring their children up with no moral or civic standards whatsoever? :waitasec:
If these were my next door neighbors and I heard this on a routine basis, I would take action of some kind! The Dad, I think we all agree in the blank______________. Don't want a time out. The Mom is just OUT there, Party on, free spirit, look alive, jump the hoops, get Adventure going, see the sky, be a scientist, swear at whoever disagrees with you, and all that.
Those 3 boys are all going to need some serious counseling if this is what they think the normal childhood is all about. :shakehead:
(Snipped a bit by me for space)

I saw that episode and wrote about what I saw earlier on. It was post number 565 on this page: [ame=""]Breaking news! CO-Boy Floats Away In Homemade Balloon Craft Urgent search underway - Page 23 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I was going to write a similar post but you said it all for me.

The thing that creeps me out the most was the way the parents were prompting this poor kid to lie on national television. This is how parents end up raising con men, liars, and cheaters.

It reminded me of the movie "The Truman Show" after Jim Carrey knows his whole life is a fake. The contrast between the happy joking and laughing kid in the video before he runs to hide, and the pale-sickly child throwing up multiple times the next morning just says it all. Anyone would be sick to have parents like these.

This type of "stunt" as a way for exhibitionist parents to exploit young children has got to stop. :furious:

I agree. I think they are activeloy raising these kids to be sociopathic narcissists. Scary.

This is an assumption that the parents are guilty. While I truly believe they are, it may be a fight to the finish to prosecute them on the word (or misword) of a six year old.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt, although I too smelled something fishy, until LE announced it was a hoax. They put crime scene tape up early on at the house and later, got a warrant and took away computers, etc.. They apparently spoke to people who the Heene's approached to create a publicity stunt. LE also apparently has evidence showing this hoax had been in the planning for 2 months. So, I think they have much more with which to prosecute this family than the 6 year old's statement. Thankfully!
Here's a little video tour of the balloon...notice the power source that Heene claimed would deliver a Milllllion volts per minute. :rolleyes:

The lawyer was on the Today Show this morning also. Doesn't want the parents arrested in front of the children saying it would be child abuse, but what about all the things the parents did which didn't seem to put the children first. For one, teaching their children to lie among many other things. Doesn't want it to be a media circus.....I thought that's what this family thrived on....a media circus.

I think an arrest in front of the kids may be just what the kids need. Traumatic? Yes. But it will let them know for sure that what their parents did and involved them in was criminal. How else will these kids grow up with some sense of values? Their parents sure aren't teaching them any.
frankly, i think the children SHOULD see the parents get arrested, they need to start learning soon that lying to the police is not OK. call me harsh, but i think it would be a valuable and much-needed lesson for them. and then they should get foster parents and a ton of counseling.

I didn't read your before posting! I agree. because having one's own parents teaching them to do the wrong thing is very dangerous - much worse for them than seeing their parents arrested.
YES. After I read everything that our amazing members came up with I had major doubts but all my doubts are gone.

AmyinTheHam, agree about them getting help. Also, according to the article I posted the Sheriff was/is worried about the mom's safety it seems like. They wanted her to go to a safe house because of her husband's temper. That is scary. If true and this guy blows then God knows what he will do.
My husband summed it up best: "Who calls a news station before calling 911???":waitasec:
Also, the fact they were video taping the balloon take-off is fishy, yet they supposedly didn't see the boy???
I have a feeling Mr. Heene has alienated everyone. Does anyone know where his wife is from originally. Not that it matters,but she has an interesting look.
To me she looks and sounds of Japanese heritage, including her name, not alien!!! She also seems extremely passive in going along with whatever her hubby wants.
"Lane, their attorney, said his first concern is still the well-being of the Heene children, who include Falcon’s older brothers, Ryan and Bradford."

I wish their parents had put their first concern with the children. If they had, none of this would have happened.
There is one thing that I want to point out, after Wolf asked the question for "that guy" to pass on to Falcon to answer, the middle boy says, Don't say anything or Don't say it , not sure. Does anyone have the link real quick? I know it's on here somewhere. If anyone gets time, take a listen, can somebody tell me what he says? Thanks. I'm looking for the link but it's going to take some time.
To me she looks and sounds of Japanese heritage, including her name, not alien!!! She also seems extremely passive in going along with whatever her hubby wants.

Rumors(so take it with a grain of salt) that her parents are in Japan.
This is awful. I watched that video on the news thinking that little boy was on that balloon and praying I was not about to watch a little boy die. Those people don't deserve to be parents. Using their kids....:furious:

I had a strong feeling he wasn't in the balloon, after watching an episode of myth busters. It took I think about 10,000 balloons to lift a child who weighed about 45 lbs. She only got about 3 ft off the ground. That balloon "that guy" had took off like a kite, and there were no openings where he could have fallen out. Then they brought up the basket or box, which still would have made it heavy. I think they had all the boys out to watch and I think "that guy" being a Science Detective would know exactly how much weight was needed to lift the balloon. JMO.

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