Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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I highly doubt he was fired on the actual day of the arrest. I suspect he was fired (notified) on the Thursday but with effect from the Wednesday. There is no way he would have been at work on the Tuesday or Wednesday and they would have fired him as soon as he was arrested on the Wednesday evening, with effect from close of business Wednesday.

In Colorado, as in other states, employees work at will. This means an employee can generally be fired at any time and for any reason, or for no reason at all. But there are some exceptions to the at-will rule.

Good riddance -- I'm not losing sleep over his employment!
I know we need to stay away from sleuthing the mistress so I won't go there, I promise.

I'm curious about how long the affair was going on. If it had been going on awhile and things were getting more serious that may explain why this happened now. He began to view a future with her as a real possibility and Shannan and the kids were a roadblock to that.

I'm also curious as to what he has told her because that's going to be very telling. Did he tell her he had a wife and children but was unhappy in his marriage? Or did she had no idea and think he was a single bachelor? The reason this is relevant, IMO, is because if she didn't know he had a wife and kids and their relationship was beginning to become a lot more serious he needed to end that part of his life ASAP before she found out. Or, was he worried Shannan knew or was starting to find out who she was/that the affair was going on and would go blow his cover?
His phone records, text messages, other electronic communication will answer many of those questions. I'm sure LE has them as evidence. I want to read them all!
I really think in this digital day and age it would be nearly impossible NOT to know that the man you're dating has another family. Who doesn't cyber stalk someone new they start dating?

I don't think he was with the mistress for very long. Several weeks to a few months tops.
In Colorado, as in other states, employees work at will. This means an employee can generally be fired at any time and for any reason, or for no reason at all. But there are some exceptions to the at-will rule.

Good riddance -- I'm not losing sleep over his employment!

Yep I know this but they wouldn’t fire him unless they had evidence he did it otherwise it’s a PR nightmare, firing a man who’s wife and children are missing. That’s why I believe they fired him at or after 11pm when he was arrested and released the media report on the Thursday saying fired on the Wednesday as he technically was (although he probably didn’t know it)
Thank you for the link/live view, Nali. This is heartbreaking, seeing her father like this is especially hard. :(
It is heartbreaking to see her father's shattering grief. But I admit I did get some satisfaction from watching CW's face while the charges were being read.
Someone posted an excellent link to a behavior analysis of CW during his TV statement, and I enjoyed seeing the difference in his demeanor and body language.
During the first few minutes as the judge addressed him, CW's mouth was hanging slightly open as if he was aghast to find himself in this position. As the judge started reading out the charges, he folded his lips together, closing and opening his eyes, and sighing heavily as he was confronted by his actions, translated into that dry legal jargon. And then finally, he was biting his lip and looking down, blinking heavily when the judge read out the possible sentences - basically, life or death.
No duper's delight smile today!
Just saw this:
Man admits slaying wife, blames her for daughters' deaths

Posted 8:19 a.m. today
Updated 8:20 a.m. today
DENVER — The father of two young girls found submerged in oil tanks after being missing for days told authorities his pregnant wife killed the children after learning he wanted a separation, and that he erupted in rage after witnessing the killings and strangled their mother inside the family's suburban Denver home, according to court documents.
. . .
Watts, an operator with Anadarko Petroleum, said he loaded his wife and daughters' bodies into the back seat of his truck and drove to an oil work site about 40 miles (65 kilometers) east of the family's home. There, he buried Shanann Watts' body and "dumped the girls inside" oil tanks, according to the court document.

Father of slain Colorado woman sobs, seethes in courtroom ::
Yep I know this but they wouldn’t fire him unless they had evidence he did it otherwise it’s a PR nightmare, firing a man who’s wife and children are missing. That’s why I believe they fired him at or after 11pm when he was arrested and released the media report on the Thursday saying fired on the Wednesday as he technically was (although he probably didn’t know it)
I think physical evidence that he was wandering around a restricted site during odd hours of the night would be enough for instant dismissal. Especially if this was called to their attention by police looking for 3 bodies. It's forgivable if his employers didn't follow their usual policy procedures completely to the letter in this case!
A Relationship without Empathy (a Narcissist) ...

So much time, energy and emotion is spent trying to understand why emotional manipulators do what they do. The answer has never been a secret. It’s always been in plain sight, but perhapsdue to its simplicity and our inability to relate, we shrug it off and continue the search for some way where we can blame ourselves.

Why do Narcissists make such terrible partners? Why are they so hurtful? The answer is of course empathy, or rather a lack there of.

Empathy is defined as – the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings and thoughts of another, of either the past or present, without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner. – Webster

The DSM tells us that psychopaths lack empathy and that a Narcissist’s ability to feel empathy is impaired. This means that they cannot understand or have concern for the feelings of others.

Why are Narcissist’s so self-centered? – Becauseyour feelings, your needs do not compute. It’s as if they are emotionally color blind,thus, missing colors in their emotional color palette.

What does a relationship look like with someone that lacks empathy?

Lack of Empathy Symptoms in a Romantic Relationship

Everything is always about them. Your thoughts, feelings, needs and wants are not considered, unless they serve a purpose.

Emotional Manipulators ruin the holidays, birthdays or any special event that is important to their partners. They do not like to share attention and therefore, do not care to be a part of anything that doesn’t thrust them in the spotlight. They have an expectation to receive and feel uncomfortable with the concept of giving. They will, on occasion give, but the gift will often be off somehow, usually not exactly what you wanted or asked for. They do the absolute minimum in terms of effort, when it comes to bestowing something that does not directly benefit them.

When their partners are ill or have some type of pain or injury, the Narcissist will view this as an inconvenience to them and either be bothered by it or ignore it. They are not caregivers. They don’t do nurturing – unless it’s to get praise by others – “Look at how great Tom is being while Anne gets over her appendicitis.”

They are never wrong, so don’t expect to get an apology. You will always be wrong, and they will always be the wronged party.

No issue is ever resolved. They thrive in ambiguity. When you can’t pin them down for a time or a decision they can never be held accountable when they disappoint. Disappointment is what they do. Don’t expect to be able to count or rely on them for much, unless there is a benefit to them.

They have a real problem discerning cause and effect. They cannot see a link between their behavior and your reaction. They will look at your reaction to what they’ve done as the problem, rather than their behavior.[CW will never see that what he did was wrong; his vicious act was, and will always be, somebody else's fault. Also, if CW perceived anarcissistic injury from either SW's or his family, (which is a perceived threat to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth), it would serve to fuel his fire, and justify his actions. Undoubtedly, CW suffers from more than a personality disorder, but omitting the definitions and discussion of psychopaths and sociopaths here is intentional. I believe it's very serious stuff, and I'm not qualified to present it. Providing link below. All MOO].

Because of their fear of abandonment, they will try to control you through emotional, psychological and sometimes physical abuse. They will not care how this abuse affects you. They will not care if they have traumatized you, hurt you or that they are grounding your self-esteem into dust. The effects of their abuse do not generally even register with them.

Even if a Narcissist targeted you because of your wealth, business, fame, talent or connections, they will quickly start to resent you for these things. They are not supporters. They don’t do the cheerleader role. They will try to assert their control and methodically try to take over and try to take credit for your success, by undermining, demeaning and manipulating.

They will attack you verbally, emotionally sometimes physically if they feel that their ego is being threatened. You will usually be their emotional punching bag when things go wrong for them.

They have no interest in your growth and expansion. They don’t care about what’s best for you, your happiness or success. They will try to suppress these things, to maintain your compliance and their control.

They will make it very unpleasant for you to maintain outside relationships with family and friends. They want you there, focusing and serving them. They don’t want you to get any ideas, any hint of a better life. They don’t want people that love you to reach out and give you options, so any time you want to go out and socialize without them there will be a problem.

They will think nothing of flirting, spending time with or giving attention to another in your presence. They seek to be revered and the center of attention, it will not compute that their behavior is inappropriate or upsetting you. In fact, they will thrive on pitting one against the other, a term called triangulation. They love the feelings and attention that your jealousy gives them.

Nothing is ever equal. On matters that they care about they will insist on complete domination. In matters that don’t, they will not lift a finger to help or compromise.

They will not love you for you. They will constantly be trying to change you. They will criticize you and never let you feel comfortable in your own skin.

Their presence and energy will dominate your space. You won’t be able to work or focus on your own projects.

You will never be able to trust them. You will walk on egg shells because you will never know what’s coming or when the next shoe will drop. There is no relaxing, only high stress and anxiety.

You will never feel truly loved. You will never feel comfortable. You will never feel safe.

Why didn’t your relationship work? Stop searching. Stop looking for a way to make it your fault. If your relationship resembled many of the above behaviors, it’s time to stop obsessing. Stop the FBI analysis and start accepting the truth. Your relationship didn’t work out because you were involved with someone who has a Personality Disorder. It never had a chance.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer

This post is for education purposes only.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing., a website dedicated to educating and healing survivors of abusive relationships.

Psychopaths versus sociopaths: what is the difference?

LATE EDIT: Refresher since CW arrest. The signs are all there. MOO
In Colorado, as in other states, employees work at will. This means an employee can generally be fired at any time and for any reason, or for no reason at all. But there are some exceptions to the at-will rule.

Good riddance -- I'm not losing sleep over his employment!
Maybe they will assign him some jobs at the jailhouse -- mopping & waxing floors, cleaning johns, stuff that puts him on a level he deserves. That's who does the cleaning in the big house -- the residents.
I just finished watching his arraignment for the first time and I am very pleased with the prosecution in this case. They left NO wiggle room when they charged him. Bottom line is he is remaining in jail imho and the least amount of time he will be there will be 24 years.

They were very clever in charging him with what we assume are moving the bodies / mutilating, altering etc. It is FACT that he even admitted to doing just that simply by telling them where the bodies were, right? So there are various sentencing guidelines for this 2-4 years (not sure if it's each) right up to 24 years. So consider some juror holding out and saying they believed him that he did not kill her but did hide the bodies, if this person can not be turned around through further deliberation then the rest of the jury may go with a compromise verdict IF it gives the maximum allowed which is 24 years. I can't see anyone agreeing to let him go for less then maximum on this charge and he would have the murder charge he admitted to.

I still worrying about him walking or getting a hung jury is for naught because anyone with common sense can see clearly that his story just makes no sense. They will see he is just attempting to get away with 2 of the murders and perhaps sympathy for anyone who would willing to give him some. Don't think there would be much sympathy from anyone who believes he killed them all which is what I strongly believe will be the concensus of the jury.
I really think in this digital day and age it would be nearly impossible NOT to know that the man you're dating has another family. Who doesn't cyber stalk someone new they start dating?

I don't think he was with the mistress for very long. Several weeks to a few months tops.

I have a couple friends who don't have any social media of any sort (Twitter, FB, Insta, Snapchat, etc). Sure, they're few and far between, but they're out there.

And I've had friends date a person and do zero sleuthing on SM about the person they're dating.

This is not as far-fetched as people think it is. Some people just don't do that.

And half the time they come to me after the fact (red flags going up, etc) to sleuth who it is they're dating, because I'm pretty good at it. lol
You are right. That tank had been demolished earlier...maybe years ago. I didn't notice that in the Google photo, but could see better in the aerial. I thought it was a shadow in the Google photo. So if that tank had already been demolished, it is possible that this well site was not active and may not have even been online anymore with monitoring.
On the Weld County GIS Property Site, there is a layer to see all of the wells, the type they are, and whether they are active, abandoned, etc. I’m not in front of my computer at the moment to pull it up though.
I am having a hard time posting,,,is anyone else???

There is no factual proof of cocaine at this time that I have seen, another poster posted something they had seen on a FB page and last I knew on WS here there has been nothing in stone.....unless I missed it.[/QUOTE
Yes, and especially as SW and the girls had been in NC for 6 many cars, the GF, were coming and going and what times., etc.

I know on our security cameras we can review back 10 days from our phones, or computers, and for an additional fee the recordings can be viewed for 30 days. I wonder what the neighbors cameras caught the 6 weeks SW was away...probably pretty telling..
Good point. This will come out at trial.....if there is a trial.
On the witness list there are 3 names that are misspelled. Am I allowed to point out the specific names and errors on line? All 3 are CW's co workers with Thrive. AND INFORMATION.pdf

We are not allowed to sleuth people associated with the case (friends, family, etc). ... or if we do, we cannot post it here on WS.

It makes sense- think about it, how would you feel if you were a co-worker of this guy and a bunch of people started posting your name and your social media info?

Not jumping on you personally, just pointing out that these rules do make sense when you think about them.
I think he killed the girls first. Put them in a tank and then dug a grave for Shannan. He killed her when she got home and buried her. I wonder if they took soil samples from his clothes. Shannan did not kill the kids. She would have died for them.

No she wouldn't. In her own words...


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