Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #52

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I feel the same way. I also can’t stop thinking about her parents and brother. Monday will be especially hard for them. Thanksgiving, Christmas....
It's gonna be the worst. Those poor people.

OT, but a lot of people are gonna have bad holidays. Just want to remember everyone affected by the hurricanes this year and the fires out west. Bless all the missing and their families and everyone who lost their homes. (And the firefighters and workers helping in the aftermath) There must be some members of WS affected. I'm thinking of you.
He pled guilty to murder with deliberation and premeditation.

That belies "snapping".

BBM Since he pled guilty to deliberation and premeditation, I wonder if LE has found some evidence which indicates he was out at the crime scene (perhaps digging a grave) prior to the early morning hours on Monday (when he put her in the grave and covered her). He was sure pressed for time that morning and apparently left home at his normal departure time.
It will be interesting to see. He can make a statement. I wonder if he will?

Poll anyone? How many believe he will make a statement apologizing or otherwise taking some responsibility and how many think e won't make a statement at all?

I do not think he will make a statement. Unfortunately I believe that his mother will.
That or he will give a statement and he'll finally break down and cry, garnering him sympathy from his fan club forevermore.
I wonder if he would be allowed to have someone else read a written statement by him. I can see him doing that rather than standing up and speaking. But I don't know if it would be permitted. Does anyone else know?
It appears CW, his mom and Dad all hated and blamed SW. So sad I bet she didn’t know that. She probably thought CW loved her. What a waste she made such a nice home for her family trying to be the perfect Wife and Mom and this is hows she repaid. I hope he rots but he won’t he will probably take on a new wife with a prison wedding. Some women already want to visit him. Pathetic.

CW is an adult why didn't he file for divorce why stay and plot to murder her and his entire family?
BBM Since he pled guilty to deliberation and premeditation, I wonder if LE has found some evidence which indicates he was out at the crime scene (perhaps digging a grave) prior to the early morning hours on Monday (when he put her in the grave and covered her). He was sure pressed for time that morning and apparently left home at his normal departure time.
I read here that his normal time for leaving was around 7 or maybe even 7:30. So he left a couple of hours earlier than usual that day.
In the sentencing of Tex McIver the victims were stopped by the judge (mid-flow) from speaking directly to the convict. That is from memory, I haven't watched it back to refresh my memory, but I know they had to leave out pages of what they had written and they weren't prepared for that.

That's too bad. Often they're allowed to speak directly to them. Ask them to look at the person talking. Etc.

Hopefully the court has received all the statements in advance and can be prepared and Shanann's family can be prepared too.
That's if you believe it was planned.

I think a possible scenario is that she came in from her trip and there was an argument, possibly about the affair. He snaps and kills her first and then the girls. Perhaps they were witnesses. This has been my theory from the beginning and I haven't seen anything yet that would change my mind. Hopefully we know more on Monday.
* This has always been my theory too. If he had planned it he would have for one thing parked the truck in the garage for later “loading” purposes. I don’t believe he planned anything for that night, and don’t think he ever planned on killing the girls. He and SW had an argument that went out of control, the girls heard and witnessed something and he panicked. This theory is supported by NK saying CW wanted to find an apt for himself and the girls. Pls don’t misunderstand. I have always thought CW is 100% guilty.

* I think he offered the plea deal because he couldn’t face everything coming out in court. There were four/five people in that house and now there’s only one left alive. He was probably told he would *have* to testify to everything that happened (there was no one else left to do so) and how he saw SW strangling Cece, and then what he did, etc etc, and he probably couldnt bear that thought or face doing that, and he just gave up.

* I want to thank OldLadyBlues for her poignant post on the previous thread. She expressed my thoughts better than I ever could. My heart goes out to all the survivors of this tragedy, including CW’s mom. There are so many thoughtful, loving, caring posters here. But I have been surprised and troubled by the Cindy Watts bashing. While she has said negative things about SW, they have a history that she is drawing from, and if you listen carefully, she’s just believing in her son with every fiber of her being, trying to make sense of this unimaginable horror, and desperately clinging to a possibility that what he’s saying is true, and if so, reasons to support that.

I am looking forward to next week when hopefully there will be answers to so so many questions.
This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. They haven’t been arrested for their comments.

No one is “entitled” to a platform to air their opinions. No one is obligated to listen to another’s opinion, take it on board, or respect it. Opinions are not fact.

I don’t respect their opinion at all.

They are deluded and have been spiteful and hurtful and people are reacting to their vile comments about an innocent victim of murder, at the hands of their own son.

That he murdered them all is fact, not opinion.

In a free country, people are free to react. Society has standards, and the backlash to their comments is reflective of those standards.

Listen. Some are intent on clinging to the idea that Shanann is a monster who killed her kids and CW was a poor "boy" abused by her.

Nothing will change their minds. The only thing left in the face of the decisive guilty pleas is to argue for the Watts' rights to continue to drag a dead woman's name through the mud.
I wonder if it is much simpler.

The Wattses are not exceptionally well off and can not afford a private lawyer for Chris. Were they able to, they’d have been coached what to wear, how to speak, what to say and not to say, how to present themselves with dignity, etc, etc. They would have never been on that podcast with weird name.

As it is, they were invited by some strange outfit...sorry, podcast, and consequently, they are presenting in the style and manner of the place, perhaps?

So we see them precisely as they are. Not too well aware of what is going on, trying to explain the inexplicable, average, occasionally, hysterical.

I am also thinking that Shanann-bashing sites they might have visited as well, and there is a huge group of people validating their way of thinking, and then some.

Those interviews were by major networks.
The last video of Shan’ann and the girls. Filmed at her parents’ home in NC.

What a horrible SOB he was! CeCe has this natural talent for posing, she is different everywhere, a little actress. How could he do it to the kids? To a pregnant woman, carrying his child? Who cares if emotionally he felt detached? Still.
I really believe CW would speak more freely Monday if Cindy was not present in the courtroom.

I think it would be just wonderful, if the Judge doesn't request that CW speaks.
Show the world, how insignificant this jerk now appears.:):):)
If the Judge states, something similar to 'We have heard so many lies, and are not interested in anything you now state. The evidence is .....'
So this Creep, comes down in history, that any of his statements now aren't required.
'There is enough evidence to satisfy the Court, that you are a ...............'
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