GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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I’m absolutely convinced that the opposite is true, and they were alive.

The detail was too specific to be a lie, to include:

Bella’s comment about the smell of Shanann’s body.

The interactions between CW and the kids.

Bella unbuckling her seatbelt.

There was more than that, but that’s what I remember.

If he was going to lie about this, it would be something self serving.

This wasn’t.

It was as detailed as it was horrific, and I totally buy it.

Yes. Good points. And it wasn't simple filler detail. It was sad detail.
I kind of wonder if CW creates a new kind of killer profile for the FBI that could only exist in this era of society. At the end of the day, this guy was like an UberSimp. He had never been pursued by a woman before. He makes that clear. And other than Shanann he only dated a few women for short times. He even commented that once in a while a woman would have smiled at him but he didn't really know what to do with that. But because NK pursued him, he threw away all his boundaries to be led around by her, threw away everything that was in his life. He literally did not sleep at his own home while his family was in NC. Like he was her puppy. The investigator said wow this all happened so fast, you were already living with her, his reply is it was so soon after they met, and he otherwise wouldn't have, but because she wanted him there that made it different in his mind, so he did that.
Does his explanation about why he took down his FB page make sense to anyone?

He said NK told a friend about the relationship and he took it down because he thought the friend might look him up and find out SW as pregnant. But NK could just have looked him up. Something hinky there IMO
Who is the worst family annihilator?

I vote for him. I could never fathom an entity like him.

The most stunning is that he was as old as he is and he had never dropped rhe mask, that we know of.

He is a totally made up thing. Cannot say person
"They still think I was like railroaded"
-Chris Watts-

referring to his parents

Me: I just vomited a little in my mouth, not gonna lie

Same. It's sickening.

It's a theme. He's been railroaded. He's the abused spouse. Poor, poor Chris. Please.

Now, it's a conspiracy and he's lying with his confession, of course. All the ranting and raving from his "supporters" about nothing of substance (that stupid fake letter) while they ignore the fact that he MURDERED his innocent family and is now admitting to it.
District attorney: Chris Watts' recent murder confession mostly 'truthful, credible'
Prosecutors and investigators believe Christopher Watts' recent confession as to how and why he killed his wife and daughters in August is largely truthful.

Weld County District Attorney Michael Rourke previously invited Watts to one day come forward with a full, truthful confession after he was sentenced Nov. 19.

Rourke told the Coloradoan on Thursday he was surprised to hear how forthcoming Watts was when investigators from the FBI, Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Frederick Police Department unexpectedly came to the Wisconsin prison and asked to speak with him Feb. 18.


After Watts was sentenced to three consecutive life terms in prison, Rourke said he doubted Watts would ever give an honest account of the killings. But on Thursday, Rourke said he believes Watts' recent confession to investigators is a "truthful, credible account" of the killings.


“I’m assuming what he is telling is truthful,” Rourke said, adding that the skilled investigators who interviewed Watts also believe he was honest in his most recent confession. “I don’t think that everything that came out of his mouth during those interviews was the truth because I honestly don’t believe that this monster has the ability to have remorse at all.”

Rourke said some pieces of evidence match Watts' most recent confession, including footage from a neighbor's security camera that shows another shadow aside from Watts' by his truck when he was loading Shanann's body into the back seat.

In the video released by the Weld County District Attorney's Office, Watts is seen standing by his work truck when another shadow appears to be moving toward him, and Watts leans down to pick something up, likely one of the girls.
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District attorney: Chris Watts' recent murder confession mostly 'truthful, credible'
Prosecutors and investigators believe Christopher Watts' recent confession as to how and why he killed his wife and daughters in August is largely truthful.

Weld County District Attorney Michael Rourke previously invited Watts to one day come forward with a full, truthful confession after he was sentenced Nov. 19.

Rourke told the Coloradoan on Thursday he was surprised to hear how forthcoming Watts was when investigators from the FBI, Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Frederick Police Department unexpectedly came to the Wisconsin prison and asked to speak with him Feb. 18.


After Watts was sentenced to three consecutive life terms in prison, Rourke said he doubted Watts would ever give an honest account of the killings. But on Thursday, Rourke said he believes Watts' recent confession to investigators is a "truthful, credible account" of the killings.


“I’m assuming what he is telling is truthful,” Rourke said, adding that the skilled investigators who interviewed Watts also believe he was honest in his most recent confession. “I don’t think that everything that came out of his mouth during those interviews was the truth because I honestly don’t believe that this monster has the ability to have remorse at all.”

Rourke said some pieces of evidence match Watts' most recent confession, including footage from a neighbor's security camera that shows another shadow aside from Watts' by his truck when he was loading Shanann's body into the back seat.

In the video released by the Weld County District Attorney's Office, Watts is seen standing by his work truck when another shadow appears to be moving toward him, and Watts leans down to pick something up, likely one of the girls.

Glad to hear his thoughts.
I've taken a break from this case for a few but had to put my two cents in:

His new persona is that of a born again CHRIS-tian. He has found the Lord and all is forgiven, right? New man, new morals.

I'm not surprised he's never had a serious relationship before Shanann. I assume due to Mother Watts. No woman can compete with Mother Watts which is why none of the women he dated stuck around. My feeling is Mother Watts resented Shanann because she was the only woman with enough nerve to stick around which must have threatened Mother's delicate ego.

He can lie all he wants about his "rage" but we all know it was pre-meditated. He had a plan, he killed them in cold blood (and enjoyed it too). He feels no remorse. No amount of Bible-reading and praying for his victims will cure his lack of emotion. He's an empty vessel. I don't believe he and Shanann had a discussion when she came home. If they did, it was brief. He doesn't like confrontation. He would not have admitted anything to Shanann. My guess is their "emotional conversation" they had for 20 minutes was him killing her and putting her corpse in his truck. The emotion that Chris is referring to was probably the release of his emotions after killing her. He probably felt in control and some form of satisfaction from his crimes.

I watched an interview with Sharon Rocha (Laci Peterson's mother) and she said that sociopaths only kill when they feel backed into a corner and are about to be exposed. This is why she felt Scott murdered Laci. I feel that this also happened with Chris. He felt backed into the corner: Shanann was onto his affair, there's a baby on the way and his mistress is putting pressure on him.

As for those precious babies who didn't deserve any of this, I am heartbroken for the Rzucek family.
I don't believe he gave any thought into Bellas death over Cece. He had just pulled SWs body out the door and I think Cece was sitting next to the truck door so she went first.

As for his comments on strangling SW.. He's holding back a lot of information. I don't think he can go there in his head regarding what he did. As that will unmask him. All through this interview he's able to play the good guy (eg he confessed, he plead guilty to spare everyone) and play the 'I was overtaken by rage' card.

I question the level of premeditation in this. I still believe it was premeditated (or at least fantastised about) and he used sex to lure her at some point nto that bed and to help relax and disarm her (eg stop her questioning him about their marriage given they weren't sleeping in the same bed for weeks etc). With her disarmed he could murder her that night. You also don't talk straddled over someone for 20 minutes then fly into a rage?

I also think he had previously thought about dumping the girls in oil tanks. You don't just spontaneously rock up to an oil site with your dead wife and murder your kids, then instantly know to take them up to oil tanks and dump them? Natural thing to me would be to dig a bigger hole and bury them together.

As for his mental state, I do believe he felt intense rage and hatred. That's usually the case with family annihilators. It would be years of pent up rage. What I'm not buying is his line that he felt rage towards anyone in his path that morning (eg the girls) . Doesn't explain why he didn't kill himself given his claims to care about hurting or killing other people when he was raging towards anyone in his way??

He is incredibly narcasstic..insanely so. Mr good guy. I'm not buying any of his crying and stuff. If the report on his IQ is correct than that is an important factor in this case. Most criminals are lower functioning and it shows. People with higher intellectual functioning have greater ability to manipulate emotions and speech etc to say what others want to hear. They can be dangerous.

I believe a lot of what he is saying regarding the story.. Particularly the bits where he is coherent and can elaborate with ease. He has issues when asked about the actual crimes (typical for offenders) and deflects quite often, part of that will be because if he goes there his mask comes undone.

Those poor poor girls.. Especially wee Bella.. He would have been crazy driving out there too like a raging maniac. They would have been terrified beyond belief. I'm 99% certain he said yes when she asked if the same thing would happen to her. Sick .

Personally, I will believe he has an IQ of 140 when the person administering the test comes on here personally, to tell us so. Not a chance, IMHO
District attorney: Chris Watts' recent murder confession mostly 'truthful, credible'

“I’m assuming what he is telling is truthful,” Rourke said, adding that the skilled investigators who interviewed Watts also believe he was honest in his most recent confession. “I don’t think that everything that came out of his mouth during those interviews was the truth because I honestly don’t believe that this monster has the ability to have remorse at all.”

Rourke said some pieces of evidence match Watts' most recent confession, including footage from a neighbor's security camera that shows another shadow aside from Watts' by his truck when he was loading Shanann's body into the back seat.

In the video released by the Weld County District Attorney's Office, Watts is seen standing by his work truck when another shadow appears to be moving toward him, and Watts leans down to pick something up, likely one of the girls.

RSABBM. :eek::eek::eek:

Okay, okay. If Rouke sees the shadows then I'm inclined to believe it. Horrific. :mad:

(Probably the fastest I've ever changed my opinion on something :oops:).

Well I have not finished all the interviews yet but I'm not yet convinced that CW took the girls to the oil site in the truck alive. For one thing, the detective was the first to say "Were they still alive?" and CW says yes so quietly I can't hear (perhaps he was nodding his head?). He starts talking in his halting fake crying soft voice. And partial sentences. I think he didn't have a convincing story planned for why and how he killed the girls. They had to pepper him with leading questions and drag the story out of him. I think he only agreed about the girls being alive after he put SW in the truck because he thought that was what the detectives wanted to hear (they suggested it after all just as they suggested to him SW might have killed the girls first). They offered CW a temporary reprieve from telling when and where and how he murdered the babies and he took it IMHO.

In fact, I've never thought the girls were killed first but so far this interview has stunningly convinced me that they were already dead before SW was strangled to death in her sleep. IMO he has denied every shred of anything that can be remotely construed as planning-- even things that are obvious lies. He lies precisely because he planned this, he thought about it, he dreamed about it and then he did it. Then he had to lie about what happened with the girls because what's more evil than murdering your children because they witnessed you murder mommy? Murdering them before you murder their mommy. In cold blood. With no provocation at all. Because murdering them all was his plan all along. If there is anything that CW has had time to figure out by talking to others in prison and reading the news it's that there is really no good explanation for why he murdered his innocent toddlers. I think that is why he started his fake crying and saying he didn't want to talk about it-- because he knew he would look monstrous no matter what story he told. He can blame SW and say she provoked him all he wants but he knew that wouldn't fly when it came to murdering the children.

I think he was ready to grasp at whatever explanation the detectives gave. 6 months from now they should do another interview and say, "Now Chris we know the girls were dead first." "Will you tell us what really happened?" Just to see what he says. He will probably deny it and sputter another tale out if lead again. If one were to suggest that maybe SW made him angry when she said her flight was delayed and ask if he murdered the girls to get revenge on her (so she will never see them again) he will probably agree to THAT scenario next time. Because I'm convinced CW wants to say whatever will get him out of the hot seat. He will say what he thinks they want to hear him say-- as long as it doesn't involve him admitting to being the inhuman monster everyone knows him to be. As long as it doesn't involve him actually taking the blame for his actions. He blames everyone else for what happened. Things don't happen because of him. Things are always happening to him. And he's just a hapless fool who doesn't know why he would climb on top of his pregnant wife in bed to have a 30 minute conversation (when she supposedly said he was hurting the baby). He just did it. He doesn't know why he couldn't stop strangling her from 2-4 minutes, he just did it. Just a powerless fool. :rolleyes: Yeah, right. :mad:


Exactly this! In his sick mind it looks better to say the girls were alive in the truck verses they were dead before shannan got home. Also if they were alive in the truck I would think he would talk about the video at the neighbors and him being afraid they saw the girls walking to the truck.

I think he was truthful in how he killed them and what Bella said; but it was in the kids bedroom not the truck. Which is why he stripped their beds.

I get that the investigators lead him to get him talking; but unfortunately it backfired many times by implanting a story for him.
RSABBM. :eek::eek::eek:

Okay, okay. If Rouke sees the shadows then I'm inclined to believe it. Horrific. :mad:

(Probably the fastest I've ever changed my opinion on something :oops:).

Although I believed that the girls were killed at CERVI, I couldn't come to a conclusion about that shadow stuff, but I feel the same way. If Rourke believes it, that's good enough for me. :)
Honestly, I'm not sure I can watch/read/listen to any of this...except to maybe hear the zingers Tammy throws in there. Otherwise I think I'll barf. But the Tammy one-liners...I totally want to hear all of that!

Don't forget Coder. I've burst out laughing numerous times at his questions. I'm listening now and he said something like, "so Chris, we all know you care about others deeply, I can tell..." and Chris doesn't have a clue he's having smoke blown up his *advertiser censored**. Cracks me up.
District attorney: Chris Watts' recent murder confession mostly 'truthful, credible'
Prosecutors and investigators believe Christopher Watts' recent confession as to how and why he killed his wife and daughters in August is largely truthful.

Weld County District Attorney Michael Rourke previously invited Watts to one day come forward with a full, truthful confession after he was sentenced Nov. 19.

Rourke told the Coloradoan on Thursday he was surprised to hear how forthcoming Watts was when investigators from the FBI, Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Frederick Police Department unexpectedly came to the Wisconsin prison and asked to speak with him Feb. 18.


After Watts was sentenced to three consecutive life terms in prison, Rourke said he doubted Watts would ever give an honest account of the killings. But on Thursday, Rourke said he believes Watts' recent confession to investigators is a "truthful, credible account" of the killings.


“I’m assuming what he is telling is truthful,” Rourke said, adding that the skilled investigators who interviewed Watts also believe he was honest in his most recent confession. “I don’t think that everything that came out of his mouth during those interviews was the truth because I honestly don’t believe that this monster has the ability to have remorse at all.”

Rourke said some pieces of evidence match Watts' most recent confession, including footage from a neighbor's security camera that shows another shadow aside from Watts' by his truck when he was loading Shanann's body into the back seat.

In the video released by the Weld County District Attorney's Office, Watts is seen standing by his work truck when another shadow appears to be moving toward him, and Watts leans down to pick something up, likely one of the girls.


ETA - I guess I was subconsciously hoping some magic fairy was going to come around and debunk this whole thing somehow...

Believe it. (Shudder)

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