I did a little experiment in my head last night related to Suzanne's BFF being the star witness... I, like Suzanne, have an out of state BFF, so I tried to use my experience to see how much info I think SO might have in regards to SM & BM's everyday life. Based purely on the way my BFF and I talk and text and when possible, interact in person, I would say SO is much more aware of who Suzanne is and was than Barry could have ever hoped to be. I am in a good marriage where we have an equal partnership, but my BFF still knows every single time my husband so much as irritates me, even if my husband is not aware that he irritated me. She knows literally everything about me. Female BFFs are gifts from God. I don't have to hide anything from my husband, but we don't have the DEEP conversations that her and I do. She knows the intricacies of my feelings, thoughts, and dreams that my husband just has the base level of. It's not that he doesn't care, but he can't relate to much of it the way another female can. I have a feeling that what Suzanne shared with Melinda will be very eye-opening, but I would bet 2 homicide lasagnas that SO has ALL the information that BM doesn't want anyone to know and that her testimony will be even more compelling than that text from SM to MM. SO is the person that is truly going to help us get to know Suzanne. I'm sad for her though. In my experiment, I wondered what it would feel like to be her on the stand at a murder trial where my BFF was the victim... I think her testimony will be insightful, but gut-wrenching. I hope when a jury is picked that it ends up being primarily women and women that have a soul-sister BFF cuz they will "get" SM & SOs bond. We don't lie to or sugarcoat anything with our BFFs. It is a raw, unfiltered relationship like no other. I am sending prayers of strength and healing to SO.