Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #72 *ARREST*

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Grusing stated that his belief is the employee is mistaken about the timing. Whenever Barry went there, he could not have been there long if it was on Saturday, because of the tight timeline.

Salida Stove & Spa is on the same road and within 1 minute of DSI. Was it a quick visit before or after the blade replacement at DSI? Lauren tweeted that Barry texted the owner of Salida Stove on Friday at 1:18 pm (thx cindizzi) about getting the hot tub fixed. Could Barry have been there Friday?
Yes, very possible. BM texted SS&S on Friday to come out to the house to fix the hot tub. He may have stopped in later on Friday as a follow up to the text when he went to Moonlight Pizza for takeout. That would put him there closer to the owners remembered time of late afternoon, (4:00 - 5:30).
SM texted BM on Saturday to “get the Hot Tub stuff”. Did he also stop in SS&S on his way home Saturday?
Im not sure where MG lives but if I recall, BM picked her up for work that morning right? Maybe he was dropping her off at her home/apartment since they quit early that day and that is what he was doing at Tailwinds.
I”m not sure where she lived either, @EggSalad, but it is very possible he was dropping her off around that time. It would fit. Why didn’t he mention the Broomfield job to her then?
Just an FYI, the sunshine in Colorado is glorious. Even at 60°, you find a nice spot out of the wind, and it is sunbathing gold. It should've been a JOURNAL ENTRY day for Suzanne, not the abject tragedy it became at the hands of her unhinged husband.

Some people do dye and sell the feathers. They are sold at craft stores. Turkey feathers are sometimes dyed to resemble Golden Eagle feathers (which are, I think, illegal to pluck or own). Most of the feathers used in costumes where an Eagle feather is called for...are turkey judging, just saying.
Where we lived in northern lower Michigan, chipmonks were horrid. Everywhere!! Got under hood on our brand new car, ate the wiring attached to battery. But having said that... he never considered shooting one.
I never felt that they had a smoking gun, or they would have arrested him much sooner. The prosecution will put this together just like a jigsaw puzzle.. While one piece of the puzzle may not be very helpful by itself, when all the pieces are put together the picture will become clear IMO.
Plus, even when a piece or two is missing, you can still figure out the whole picture.
Imagining this exchange:

Investigator: IF Suzanne died or was incapacitated in and around 2:47 pm on May 9th, where were you, Barry, at that time?

Barry: I was in my back yard.

Investigator: and what were you holding?

Barry: my .22.

Any questions?

Yes, I have considered that. But I have also considered, that as a listener to true crime podcasts, he would know that the police always scrutinise those closest to the victim/missing person first. Then work outwards. So it doesn't add up why he would dump in the way that he did.

He had plenty of time. Why not dump in the same manner in which he hid Suzanne? Highly concealed.
I think that he wanted all evidence far from the body so that in the event the body was found, nothing would tie back to him. For instance, he dumped his camouflage jacket in Broomfield. He can say it was old and he just decided to get rid of it. If it was found near the body in the middle of the woods somewhere, that would be a wee bit harder to explain.
ETA: Another thought about BM reaching out to SM, allegedly to "make the wife happy" - I think this was typical BM still trying to manipulate SM when she was standing firm, only engaging to be civil. I don't believe BM ever had any intention of spending time with SM because he had an appointment to have the blade changed on the bobcat. I understand there was testimony that this appointment was booked far in advance. Just another facade by BM! MOO


I don't recall seeing this info before. Can you share a link to this testimony?
Im not sure where MG lives but if I recall, BM picked her up for work that morning right? Maybe he was dropping her off at her home/apartment since they quit early that day and that is what he was doing at Tailwinds.

Yes, in MG's "not the other woman" interview with LS, she did state that Barry picked her up that morning. So it stands to reason he'd have dropped her off as well.

Oh I hate when this happens. Was trying to reply about chipmonks....they can be and are distructive little buggers. We lived in lower northern Mich. Chipmonk got under hood of brand new car and ate wires attached to battery. Hubby is a hunter, but would never consider shooting chipmonks.....ever.
Yes, in MG's "not the other woman" interview with LS, she did state that Barry picked her up that morning. So it stands to reason he'd have dropped her off as well.
I believe her home was on the way, between the jobsite property and Tailwinds. I would assume he would drop her off since he went right past her house.
God I'm old.
Once upon a time, people had actual cameras that did not make phone calls (I'm dying laughing here). Mine was fancy - it was a digital. You would take pics and upload them to your computer with a thingy. That computer is looong gone but I could then print said photos on a photo printer (also long gone) with another thingy. This was probably 15 years ago or so. Maybe one of the thingys was a thumb drive. Is that like a usb thingy? Looked like that.
To be honest, I didn't know if taking the picture of the photo was even going to work or if I could send it. I did. I was pretty amazed that it even worked!
God I'm old. :D
I still have one of those...
Just an FYI, the sunshine in Colorado is glorious. Even at 60°, you find a nice spot out of the wind, and it is sunbathing gold. It should've been a JOURNAL ENTRY day for Suzanne, not the abject tragedy it became at the hands of her unhinged husband.

Having lived there, I can attest to that! Low humidity, bright blue skies and sunshine. A day in the 60s in May would be quite a respite from the long winter.
Since I think we mostly don’t believe that BM was down by the river in late morning searching for a turkey shot weeks prior……what do we think he was doing down by the river that he didn’t want to admit?

If he’d settled on the tranquilizer dart as a plan, maybe he was scoping out worst case scenarios. What if Suzanne ran and made it to the river before passing out?

Do sportsmen/women travel along that river? Or is it too shallow? Private property?

yes - and I believe he was stalking her in a camo coat - and that's why he threw the coat away. It's the 2:47pm that is bugging me - I've looked through her pictures to see if she has a fitbit or smart watch and am not finding proof - someone upthread mentioned she wouldn't wear that while sunbathing and I will have to differ - 3 IN girls at the beach this weekend all had fitbits/apple watches on - cool tan lines and all.....
Wonder if he went into the garage safe and found 70 grand missing, and flipped.
totally unconfirmed that $$ was missing...besides...this was Barry's safe...I would be surprised if Suzanne even knew the combination.
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