Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #76 *ARREST*

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That's how the God I was raised with thinks (used to think?)

I was raised Southern Baptist (so was Barry, IIRC). A person who is saved and joined in union in Christ can still go to hell by a process known as backsliding.

Within our actual local church, there were a minority of people who disagreed and said "Nope, once saved, always saved," but my parents and most of the rest of the church were very clear: you stop sinning when you are saved. Each sin (no matter how small) is backsliding and only God knows whether it's enough to send you to hell (so you should stop immediately, never do it again, because lying to God about your intentions is one of few sins that's bigger than all the rest). For example, my Sunday School teacher said, "I never sin, I haven't sinned in years" and I believed her (I was 5-7 years old when I was in her class).

That, in a nutshell, was the theory of God with which I (and many other Baptists, though not all) were raised with. I thought of it immediately when we heard Barry's remark.

Could he actually be thinking that he humanely took her out? You know, like with humanely tranquilizing the deer so that they don't know they're having their antlers removed brutally or humanely shooting every chipmunk before it becomes a pest who will meet a worse fate. I've considered this (and do not mean to be discussing religion per se, but only religion as it relates to doctrines Barry may have encountered and which could explain his (bizarre) statement about one person getting or being saved. And one of his motivations (besides money) for killing her.

And when he uses the past tense with LE, it's partly because she was amazing (Godly) woman but she fell and was no longer that. In some sense, he regarded her as spiritually "dead to Christ" before he killed her.
Yes.....fortunately for Suzanne...she has Barry here, left behind to let the world know that she would be perfectly content knowing that one person was saved as a result of her misfortune. After all, living in Heaven is better than living in hell with Barry.....right? Even Barry would agree.....
Suzanne is recovering from her second cancer battle, and her loving husband judges her for wanting to (allegedly) use CBD and alcohol as stimulants. Surely if the love of your life found something that was helping with the side effects of cancer and treatment, you’d support it (unless of course it was becoming a problem or was illegal).

There could be a good chance Suzanne was drinking alcohol and using CBD for medicinal purposes, but nothing has been reported to suggest that she was “abusing” either. JMO. We only have Barry’s comments and zero proof, and we all know by now that we can’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
I wonder what his daughters think of this testimony?
According to Grusing, #BarryMorphew said all he had left in his life was hunting. Barry had hunted since he was 7-years-old. "If I have to live this life without her, at least I can hunt."

Yeah, it’s not like he had two daughters or anything.
Good heavens. Every day I feel worse for those girls. Dad kills mom. Dad manipulates them into thinking he didn't kill mom and is a great guy--and their hearts will break into a thousand pieces when the realization comes. Dad cares less about them than... hunting. :mad:
According to Grusing, #BarryMorphew said all he had left in his life was hunting. Barry had hunted since he was 7-years-old. "If I have to live this life without her, at least I can hunt."

Agent Grusing said #BarryMorphew mentioned multiple times during the investigation that "This is in God's hand. He allowed this whole thing to happen."

Agent Grusing road in the back of the car when #BarryMorphew was arrested on May 5, 2021. Morphew said, "How could you do this to me? I trusted you."
Everything he says is a lie. But think of being married to this controlling freak. You would drink too! Of course, we know better. She was finally over him. He hated that.

BUT, this freak, as others, will be bombarded with love letters, when in Prison.
That will give him, and his ego happiness.:D
So look forward to happiness in prison, poor old Barry, as there is no stopping now.
AND, no money left for goodies.:D
It does not. I take CBD everyday, and it has no narcotic effects, no THC. I don't drink alcohol or take any non-prescription drugs (not that I judge those who do! I don't) so I'm pretty sure I'd notice if it did! It's kind of like melatonin. Mostly known for hardcore athletes, people with epilepsy, and yoga moms like me taking it. If you asked a street dealer for it I'm pretty sure they'd laugh you off the face of the planet. You're better off going to Vitamin Cottage for it! ;)

Edited to add: Here's the company where I buy mine, based in Boulder, CO. Apparently there can be trace amounts of THC in CBD, but not enough to make you high.

No. Charlotte’s Web comes from hemp plants, not marijuana. Hemp and marijuana are close relatives, but not the same. By definition, hemp contains no more than .3% THC - the psychoactive compound that is found in higher concentration in marijuana. By contrast, hemp naturally has higher levels of CBD, a non-psychoactive compound known for helping human bodies maintain health and overall wellness.*

What Is CBD? CBD 101 | Charlotte's Web™️
Thanks @Lore Listener much appreciate the explanation and link. I didn’t think CBD had any THC in it so was wondering why Suzanne would need to buy it from a drug dealer? Sounds like even the CBD with small % THC is legal in CO and there are many other options to purchase it that don’t require a visit to “CBD Tim” :rolleyes:
Why wouldn't the investigator ask the hotel this question? Why did the investigators miss so many opportunities to "investigate" more. Or is this investigator being purposefully evasive? And to the Judge? I don't understand that.
Don't answer questions that y0u aren't asked....and I doubt the defense is asking those.
Ashley Franco [URL='']@AshleyKKTV [/URL]1m
On the day #BarryMorphew was arrested Grusing was in the back of the car with him and Barry allegedly said "how could you do this to me? I trusted you." @KKTV11News

Ashley Franco [URL='']@AshleyKKTV [/URL]9m
#BarryMorphew told investigators that he voted in the 2020 election on #SuzanneMorphew behalf because he wanted Trump to win and said he knew the other guys were cheating. @KKTV11News

Ashley Franco [URL='']@AshleyKKTV [/URL]12m
According to investigators during the April 2021 interview with #BarryMorphew they questioned him a number of times and he answered "I don't recall" over 95 times. When asked if he shot tranquilizer gun on May 9th he said "absolutely not" @KKTV11News
Ashley Franco [URL='']@AshleyKKTV [/URL]19m
Investigators say after April interview they interview Parks and Wildlife vet Lisa Wolf asking what impacts a person would feel if they were shot with a tranquilizer dart. She said it would cause considerable hematoma and someone of #SuzanneMorphew size would be out in 8 min
Well, exactly -- that pesky airplane-mode butt dial, happens all the time. Like those flimsy data-pipe connections in your fancy new truck that reset at the most inconvenient times, or those free-roving tranquilizer darts that find their way into dryer lint traps and random trash bins. Or perfectly ordinary landscaping boo-boos that oddly resemble the unhealed fingernail marks of a desperate victim fighting for her life. Nothing to do with Barry -- kinds like that fabulous steak n' sex enjoyed by the chem-free Suzanne. If ever a meal seems like a last meal, it was that one.
That's how the God I was raised with thinks (used to think?)

I was raised Southern Baptist (so was Barry, IIRC). A person who is saved and joined in union in Christ can still go to hell by a process known as backsliding.

Within our actual local church, there were a minority of people who disagreed and said "Nope, once saved, always saved," but my parents and most of the rest of the church were very clear: you stop sinning when you are saved. Each sin (no matter how small) is backsliding and only God knows whether it's enough to send you to hell (so you should stop immediately, never do it again, because lying to God about your intentions is one of few sins that's bigger than all the rest). For example, my Sunday School teacher said, "I never sin, I haven't sinned in years" and I believed her (I was 5-7 years old when I was in her class).

That, in a nutshell, was the theory of God with which I (and many other Baptists, though not all) were raised with. I thought of it immediately when we heard Barry's remark.

Could he actually be thinking that he humanely took her out? You know, like with humanely tranquilizing the deer so that they don't know they're having their antlers removed brutally or humanely shooting every chipmunk before it becomes a pest who will meet a worse fate. I've considered this (and do not mean to be discussing religion per se, but only religion as it relates to doctrines Barry may have encountered and which could explain his (bizarre) statement about one person getting or being saved. And one of his motivations (besides money) for killing her.

And when he uses the past tense with LE, it's partly because she was amazing (Godly) woman but she fell and was no longer that. In some sense, he regarded her as spiritually "dead to Christ" before he killed her.
Good point, he could very well feel he "spared" Suzanne and saved her soul. That's incorrect of course and just an excuse he used to vindicate himself, to remain (in his mind) a "good Christian husband".
#BarryMorphew is sitting up in his chair with his arms on the table with his hands folded leaning in as the state asks Agent Grusing questions about the arrest.

Agent Grusing told #BarryMorphew in the car that they presented the audit to the District Attorney's Office and that there had been arrest warrant for murder.

Agent Grusing and #BarryMorphew are just staring at each other as the state talks between themselves to figure out any more questions for Agent Grusing.

According to Grusing, #BarryMorphew said all he had left in his life was hunting. Barry had hunted since he was 7-years-old. "If I have to live this life without her, at least I can hunt."

6:09 PM · Aug 23, 2021
This sorta further tells me that he wasn't going to let her live without him. That type of wording just isn't normal. If my husband was gone, I wouldn't say at least I have true crime cases to follow. His statement puts an over emphasis on hunting to me... that was his #1 in life.. he hunted animals and it would appear in the end Suzanne too. He has his kids, his mom, his sister, his business.. all of that is just nothing without her? Then that tells me she wasn't going to leave him, no way would he allow that.
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