Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #17

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Ooh, you've educated me! I had to go look it up because that word logorrhea sounded soooo familiar, but unknown to me at the same time. Who knew that diarrhea-of-the-mouth would have a similar sounding legitimate name?!?!?!
Trust me on this, I drove to the beach w/ my bipolar sister who was in a manic phase. 3 hours of what I called diarrhea of the mouth. We always did the first week at the beach, National Spelling Bee. one of the final 5 words, I kid you not...Logorrhea. Of course I can never remember how to spell it!
psychotic babble, unceasing, out of any order or rhyme or rhythm, once you’ve experienced you’ll never forget it. Shudder!
Although from what we know of the investigation LE is looking one way.
But what if we don't know everything (we don't).
What if the silence is being smart? What if there is something else going going on?
An example but absolutely no accusations.
What if SM had been embroiled in an affair? And tried to break it off? Just thinking about possibilities.
I feel that’s an unlikely scenario, as LE would have sniffed that out by now through cell data. Clearly, they took the initial “story” and ran with it and apparently discovered something that directed their attention to BM. If they believe the bike was “staged”, as the dogs did not pick up SM’s scent, the story becomes suspect. Why would an angry lover need to stage the bike, he’s not driving the narrative of a bike ride, BM is. Sorry if this sounds a bit confusing but it’s late and the brain cells are going into hibernation :)
Oh, I'm not implying the cases are the same. They are not. Let me explain what I meant.

After the boyfriend gave that disastrous TV interview, everyone was calling for his head. Why, why, why wasn't he arrested, we asked? He's obviously guilty, we said.

Well, NOW we know that LE had much more information that led in another direction. Very soon and away from the boyfriend. BUT ...the public didn't know any of that. LE could have announced before the friend's arrest that the boyfriend was already cleared. But they didn't.

That's why my perspective (from the outside looking in) was changed by Broussard. (R.I.P)

Of course. And you’re right. They didn’t clear him first.

But as an aside, most of us who have been following these cases for decades were not wondering why he wasn’t arrested so quickly. Even if we suspected him.

This stuff usually takes time.

And that is one bizarre as hell case.
I was on of the few that believed that disastrous interview. I could relate as I realize that I'm awful under stress. My brain turns to mush which then dribbles out of my mouth. Physically and in my head I'm good. I function, but don't look at me or talk to me. Lol moo of course.

Me, too! I saw a human being truly suffering and felt he had nothing to do with it. Yes, it was a feeling not based on any facts. Honestly, knowing what we knew about their relationship you'd think I would have been positive he did it or had it done to her. He simply came across as genuine. What a tragedy all the way around.

I knew immediately that Scott Peterson did it, so I'm no "everyone innocent until proven guilty" although I should be I suppose. To be fair, I assumed SP did it before ever hearing or seeing him and after that, he was obviously a creepy creep. I made my mind up from the very first news report. Seriously, what man would leave his 8 months pregnant wife ALONE on Christmas Eve to go fishing, no less. Riiiiiiight. Not many women, pregnant or not, would be happy to be left alone to prepare for Christmas. No freaking way did he NOT do it.

Actually, I can't remember seeing anyone in recent missing woman cases that I thought was innocent other than in HB's, but I haven't seen many.
Wait, other than the DC mansion murders (nothing to do with love partner stuff) - I just knew (yeah, felt) that the driver had nothing to do with it. Gosh, that poor guy got reamed by so many people. :(.
@rainbowshummingbird Like others have said here - if encouraging ppl not to talk about it is BM's or atty's strategy, quite unusual, not one I've seen w a person who wants spouse back home. At least on the surface, in conjunction w BM's own $ 100,000 offer for her safe return, seems counterintuitive. just my 2 cts.
It’s my opinion that Barry doesn’t want his spouse back home. That’s the reason Suzanne no longer resides in their home.
@FelicityLemon I have to disagree with you on this one. You took the one sentence out of context. The whole section of this PR states as follows:

Salida, Colorado

May 13, 2020

On May 10, 2020 the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office responded to County Road 225 and West Highway 50 on a report of a missing woman. Investigation revealed that Suzanne Morphew, age 49, from Maysville had gone for a bike ride in that area and had not returned home.

A search began immediately. Over the past 4 days (this section is now bringing you up to 5/13) over 100 search personnel from Chaffee County Search and Rescue, Department of Corrections, and the Chaffee County Combined Tac Team have scoured the area. Numerous Drones have been used for countless hours to assist in the search. 8 different tracking and scent dogs from the Department of Corrections and the Search and Rescue Dogs of Colorado were deployed to aid in the search. Members from Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the South Ark Swiftwater Rescue Teams have searched area watersheds and Reach Air Ambulance flew search missions as well, however Ms Morphew has yet to be located.

End of press clipping

I have written more police reports than I care to remember. If you are dispatched on a call, you always write your report based on what is initially reported. In this case the call was for a missing woman. It would probably start out: On Sunday, May 10, 2020, at 5:46 p.m., I was dispatched to_____________ on report of a missing woman. The next sentence of the actual police report probably reads something like: Upon arrival I was met by xxxxxxx who reported that her neighbor appeared to be missing. Upon investigation we learned that her neighbor SM, reportedly, went on a bicycle ride and did not return. (This is taken from the actual original press release)
This initial report would go to explain steps taken by the responding officer to verify the report.
On May 13, the Sheriff’s PR is bringing you up to date. The first section is a recap of the original call and how it was reported. It tells you that a search was begun immediately. The next section goes on to tell you what LE has been doing since then.

Thank you - this is how I learn, so please don't get mad if I ask questions. :). I understand what you're saying, I did read the entire PR and the others, and I thought that because only the first PR used the word 'report' and this next one used 'investigation' I thought for sure that someone must have told LE that they had actually seen her on bike on the road or a trail or somewhere.

It's very confusing because I think most people would think what I did; LE investigated and learned that she did indeed go for a bike ride, etc. The lack of mention of a bike in subsequent PRs never occurred to me to be other than LE preventing sounding like they're doing a cookie-cutter word for word PR each time because of no new information (for public consumption)

*sigh* So frustrating, and a little embarrassing to fall off my soapbox lol, but always great to learn.

Thank you, I appreciate not only learning from your information, but also your kindness in the way you didn't try to make me feel stupid.

eta: I have no idea what happened with the quotes above.
Of course. And you’re right. They didn’t clear him first.

But as an aside, most of us who have been following these cases for decades were not wondering why he wasn’t arrested so quickly. Even if we suspected him.

This stuff usually takes time.

And that is one bizarre as hell case.
Yes, that was one bizarre case! One of the differences to this case is that people who knew the couple well were talking, a LOT. Some of those things gave one pause along with the SO giving insignificant details and completely ignoring a large chunk of time during the day she went missing. Yes, many of us came to the wrong conclusion, but the SO provided some of the fuel for that. When I think of his tears, I see a young man ridden with remorse, for not appreciating what he had until it was gone. To this day I hope he pulled up his socks and became the man he should have been all along for his children. Very sad indeed. Yet, BM is emotionless. The “I want you back so bad” came off so fake, more like, “I NEED to get away with this so bad!” JMHO as always.
Oh, @FelicityLemon , I hope I would never embarrass you! The whole point of WS is to toss around ideas on these cases. Furthermore, the best part of that is good, well thought out discussions of differing viewpoints. We all learn a lot when someone coaxes us outside the box. It helps train our analytical minds. ;)

And to be clear, we can all think what we like, but no one here knows for sure whether SM rode her bike on that beautiful Mother’s Day in Colorado.

Thank you - this is how I learn, so please don't get mad if I ask questions. :). I understand what you're saying, I did read the entire PR and the others, and I thought that because only the first PR used the word 'report' and this next one used 'investigation' I thought for sure that someone must have told LE that they had actually seen her on bike on the road or a trail or somewhere.

It's very confusing because I think most people would think what I did; LE investigated and learned that she did indeed go for a bike ride, etc. The lack of mention of a bike in subsequent PRs never occurred to me to be other than LE preventing sounding like they're doing a cookie-cutter word for word PR each time because of no new information (for public consumption)

*sigh* So frustrating, and a little embarrassing to fall off my soapbox lol, but always great to learn.

Thank you, I appreciate not only learning from your information, but also your kindness in the way you didn't try to make me feel stupid.

eta: I have no idea what happened with the quotes above.
Thanks for posting this @susiQ Three things struck me as I watched this video again: 1) The police tape seems to be put up in a weird zigzag manner. 2) I wonder if BM took that flat bed trailer and little digging machine when he went to Denver to prep the job. (Notice I don’t know technical terms for certain construction/landscaping equipment?) 3) What a big, creepy, isolated place to spend a night in alone.
IIRC someone coined this term..dirt scoopie diggie thingie, works for me.
Doesn't it seem like BM is walking around with kit gloves?
I feel that’s an unlikely scenario, as LE would have sniffed that out by now through cell data. Clearly, they took the initial “story” and ran with it and apparently discovered something that directed their attention to BM. If they believe the bike was “staged”, as the dogs did not pick up SM’s scent, the story becomes suspect. Why would an angry lover need to stage the bike, he’s not driving the narrative of a bike ride, BM is. Sorry if this sounds a bit confusing but it’s late and the brain cells are going into hibernation :)
I think it's an unlikely scenario too.
But just trying to stretch my thinking.
About the tape being zig zaggy - is it police tape or was it taped in that manner for caution because of the condition of the walkway/driveway/ being worked on. Is it possible that it was put up by LE, but only to warn the many investigators, etc. to be careful of their steps?
Good question. I’m going to go back and watch that video one more time tomorrow to see what stands out.
(BBM and Clipped by me for brevity)
Isn’t it ABDUCTION 101??? ... that you get in front of cameras, contact every media outlet possible, not just to get the word out but to tell the viewers about Suzanne. Because when you tell readers and viewers about someone, they make a connection with that person and they are more alert and more aware of things going on around them - especially in nearby and local areas.
It is also important, I thought, in case the abductor is watching the News so that they view their victim as a human with family that loves them.
Is that just movie investigation stuff?
Does it really matter or change anything?
It would matter to me, and I’d be doing it for my “loved” one.
I see no show of GAD from any of them, which is more than sad. JMO.

I’ve read of a few cases where the victim humanized themselves, at least, to the perp and thus wasn’t killed. I just read about one case a few days ago, actually. It was a little girl, about 9 years of age. She was taken by a predator who chained her to some furniture and assaulted her for days:

"Killers often dehumanize their victims," said Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Matt Braker, who prosecuted the case. Jeannette might have kept herself alive by talking to her abductor.

"Every step of the way, she was not just quiet, not scared to death to the point where she wasn't talking. ... She kept interacting to the point where she became a real person to him," he said.

Jeannette said it was hard to speak to her abductor.

"I really just wanted to punch him and hit him!" she said.

But she says she treated him like a "normal" human being and her plan began to work.

"He started trusting me," she said.
Jeannette Tamayo: How Did She Escape Her Kidnapper?

That being said, not everyone is a true crime junkie. And when you’re actually in the position, everything is different than what most think it would be like.

His not speaking out right away or since that pre-recorded plea, isn’t what makes me suspect him. Although it does combine with other things, for me, to make me question.

But to play devil’s advocate, I remember when little two year old Emmet Trapp went missing in AZ. His mom answered the phone during the ordeal and was asked questions by a reporter. She said something to the effect of that she didn’t want to talk and asked them not to air a segment on her missing child.

That was a huge red flag to some. Nancy Grace jumped on it. But her child got out of the house while she took a nap, got lost, wandered for hours and succumbed to the elements. His little footprints told the story.

In the end I suspect having her child’s story on the news would maybe make it too real for her. I don’t know.
Third time thru , I think I got it. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Could the homeowner/ builder thru their lawyer, force LE to clear the slab in order to continue the construction as scheduled. What can builder do, if there is a question about evidence in the slab?
Obviously, IANAL, but aren’t these the situations y’all live for? Aren’t there remedies that benefit both parties?

Let my brain unscramble for a few, then tackle the slab.

Yes we’ve seen that before - “please clear me so you can find who took my child“ - Elizabeth smart- Adam Walsh- Polly klaas - but we don’t even know if he was questioned - super quiet by LE - I believe I know what that means - we’ve seen this before

Yup. And if he isn’t cooperating with the cops that’s a monstrously huge red flag to me.
@gitana1 Thank you very much for letting me know, so let me try this:

Quickly Swerving from Generic 'MisPers' Case to 'Other Than MisPers' Case?
If (hypothetically) BM has/had special friend, and/or was (hypothetically) living separately from SM, and/or if (hypothetically) his/M-fam vehicle was parked in friend's driveway during time when BM was supposedly 'prepping' at Denver jobsite, since evd of the ^ could have been discovered within a few or several hours of 911 call, then collectively that could have prompted LE to turn its case-steering-wheel from the Initially Bland & Generic MisPers lane to swerve sharply into the Peculiar & Very Suspicious Disappearance lane.
And if LE entered M fam home that evening & found something amiss there, that mos' def' could have changed investigation's direction. Just my 2 cts.

Hoping ^^this is better. My apologies. Again thank you.

Thank you so much! Yes. Much easier to read!
I’ve read of a few cases where the victim humanized themselves, at least, to the perp and thus wasn’t killed. I just read about one case a few days ago, actually. It was a little girl, about 9 years of age. She was taken by a predator who chained her to some furniture and assaulted her for days:

"Killers often dehumanize their victims," said Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Matt Braker, who prosecuted the case. Jeannette might have kept herself alive by talking to her abductor.

"Every step of the way, she was not just quiet, not scared to death to the point where she wasn't talking. ... She kept interacting to the point where she became a real person to him," he said.

Jeannette said it was hard to speak to her abductor.

"I really just wanted to punch him and hit him!" she said.

But she says she treated him like a "normal" human being and her plan began to work.

"He started trusting me," she said.
Jeannette Tamayo: How Did She Escape Her Kidnapper?

That being said, not everyone is a true crime junkie. And when you’re actually in the position, everything is different than what most think it would be like.

His not speaking out right away or since that pre-recorded plea, isn’t what makes me suspect him. Although it does combine with other things, for me, to make me question.

But to play devil’s advocate, I remember when little two year old Emmet Trapp went missing in AZ. His mom answered the phone during the ordeal and was asked questions by a reporter. She said something to the effect of that she didn’t want to talk and asked them not to air a segment on her missing child.

That was a huge red flag to some. Nancy Grace jumped on it. But her child got out of the house while she took a nap, got lost, wandered for hours and succumbed to the elements. His little footprints told the story.

In the end I suspect having her child’s story on the news would maybe make it too real for her. I don’t know.
Wonderful story about the little girl! Given what we do know about SM, if she had a chance, she’s smart enough to do so also, that’s what I’m praying for. Thanks!
"ON A REPORT of a missing woman. Investigation revealed that Suzanne Morphew, age 49, from Maysville had gone for a bike ride in that area and had not returned home."

Yes. That was reported/stated on May 13th. The day the CBI and FBI got involved.
Six days later they had a sealed search warrant and were holding the Morphew home. Nine days later they were excavating his work site.

That suggests they moved past the abducted during a bike ride scenario.
Yes. That was reported/stated on May 13th. The day the CBI and FBI got involved.
Six days later they had a sealed search warrant and were holding the Morphew home. Nine days later they were excavating his work site.

That suggests they moved past the abducted during a bike ride scenario.

ITA ^^ IMO the revealing aspect of this story is that once a clear investigation ensued, the offer of this as an explanation was omitted.
Please don't be confused by the derivations of the word investigation.

The investigation began with the 911 call to Chaffee County Sheriff on May 10 at 5:46 pm. LE reportedly traveled to Maysville to take a missing person report from a neighbor that SM allegedly went on a bike ride and did not return.

LE pulled numerous resources and spent at least 3 days searching for missing SM. Take note that LE allegedly located the bike on Sunday, the same evening of the missing person report.

Until LE had reason to believe otherwise, they were going to search as reported by the neighbor.

This is not to say LE was blind to the evidence and clues found in their search efforts -- i.e., allegedly locating the missing bike within hours but not the rider.

It remains very clear to me that LE does not believe there was an alleged bike ride on Sunday, and I agree.

Agree completely that she never went on the bike ride.
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