Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #20

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I think everything TN did was orchestrated by BM. BM wanted to fade into the woodwork, looks like extreme distancing. I agree. Moo
I agree. It’s like: don’t say my name, people won’t identify me with Suzanne’s disappearance, MSM won’t latch on to my identity, if you don’t mention my name then people won’t talk about me, and if no one’s talking about me then I’m not associated with a crime.

Plenty of religious people abuse or even kill their partners. Or sexually act out with children. Or sexually harass people.

A lot of times, abusers hide behind masks of Good Behavior, which is why the profile for some criminals (predators in particular) include "blends into society, is perceived as upright."

It can be a disguise. I think the jury is out on this one.

A pastor at a church about 20 miles from me is currently in jail on domestic violence and related charges. He came close to killing his spouse, and this isn't the first time (she took him back after the first couple of times). It's a much larger story of his violence and acting out - but both his wife and his congregation forgave him. This time, he has harmed one of his daughters and church is suspended by CoVid (which may be a factor in his behavior...) I don't think he's getting out soon on this one (wife refused to testify in the first case).

I can speculate either way. But I don't think praying and not cussing is any disqualification to domestic violence.


A man described as a devout Christian who volunteered at a local church was charged this week with killing his wife and two young daughters after their bodies were found in a home in western Canada.

Devout Christian was convicted of persuading his wife to kill herself so he could get her insurance money:
Australian jailed for aiding wife's suicide

Super religious Chris Coleman (the worst word his mother heard him use was “piss”) whose life revolved around religion. Murdered his whole family so he could be free to have a secret affair:
A Family Erased: The Chris Coleman Story

Devoutly Lutheran John List also killer his whole family:
John List - Wikipedia

The BTK serial killer was elected president of his church council. He worked at his church.
Dennis Rader - Wikipedia

I can provide link after link.

It is untrue that religiosity protects someone from violence or criminal behavior. Sociopaths or psychopaths can be born or created with any background. Religion sometimes acts as a front for criminals who want to prey on vulnerable people. Think of all the pastors and priests who have molested children or young women:

Plante casually claims that religious people are "better citizens" and "behave better." And without citing any sources, he tells us: "Research has consistently found that religious people are less likely to engage in criminal behavior, marital infidelity, alcoholism, unprotected sexual activity. . ."

Fortunately for atheists, agnostics, and secular humanists, there is no factual basis for Plante's claim that "research has consistently found" secular individuals to be more prone to such antisocial behavior. Consider, for example, a March 2009 academic article in Sociology Compass that extensively researched the subjects raised by Plante. The article, by Phil Zuckerman of Pitzer College, is entitled "Atheism, Secularity, and Well-Being: How the Findings of Social Science Counter Negative Stereotypes and Assumptions" and, unlike Plante's article, it cites detailed studies of the areas in question.

Zuckerman analyzed a wide array of data comparing religious nations to less religious nations and also, interestingly, religious states within the United States (i.e. "Bible-belt" states) to less religious states. While I encourage readers to examine the article directly through the link above, here are just a few of the highlights:

Criminal Behavior:

Citing four different studies, Zuckerman states: "Murder rates are actually lower in more secular nations and higher in more religious nations where belief in God is widespread." He also states: "Of the top 50 safest cities in the world, nearly all are in relatively non-religious countries."

Within the United States, we see the same pattern. Citing census data, he writes: "And within America, the states with the highest murder rates tend to be the highly religious, such as Louisiana and Alabama, but the states with the lowest murder rates tend to be the among the least religious in the country, such as Vermont and Oregon."

And these findings are not limited to murder rates, as rates of all violent crime tend to be higher in "religious" states. Zuckerman also points out that atheists are very much under-represented in the American prison population (only 0.2%).

Marriage and Family:

Zuckerman cites a 1999 Barna study that finds that atheists and agnostics actually have lower divorce rates than religious Americans.

He also cites another study, in Canada, that found conservative Christian women experienced higher rates of domestic violence than non-affiliated women.

Misinformation and Facts about Secularism and Religion

More at link.
There is a lot of truth in his statement. For those who don’t spend regular time on construction sites this may seem jarring or unreal. It’s not. As a woman who spent so many years in that environment, I could write a book on things I witnessed that outsiders would find a bit unbelievable. It’s still like the Wild West and maybe not so PC out there friends...not for the faint of heart. Physical altercations were some of the more tame expressions I came across. IME.
Clearly it is my ignorance since so many others have mentioned viewing altercations while at work. So perhaps it is not as big of a red flag as I had originally thought. I am not quick to anger at all.. so I guess it is very foreign to me. Live and learn.
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There is a lot of truth in his statement. For those who don’t spend regular time on construction sites this may seem jarring or unreal. It’s not. As a woman who spent so many years in that environment, I could write a book on things I witnessed that outsiders would find a bit unbelievable. It’s still like the Wild West and maybe not so PC out there friends...not for the faint of heart. Physical altercations were some of the more tame expressions I came across. IME.

So what was wilder than actual physical assaults? I'm trying to understand what the construction workers do that's worse than physical assault (I have several in my own family - but perhaps they're more mellow? And I've watched construction all around me for years at work - no fights so far).

Physical assault, even at its mildest form, is serious. And at the end of the continuum would be murder. So you seem to be saying that contractors and their crews have a tendency to physically attack one another and even kill?

Because in years of following crime stories, I've never heard of people being arrested regularly on construction sites (BM was actually charged for assault). I guess I'm surprised that this phenomenon is so common. At any rate, if true, it makes me even more suspicious of BM (and his crew).
I think that is a possibility, but very low on my list. Why would they remove her body? What would the advantage of her remaining missing and not found deceased? If it was a hit, wouldn't they want her found?

To me, a murder for hire is for monetary gain or for a removed way to solve an immediate problem. They would want her declared dead and the hiring party cleared. I personally don’t think they would wipe clean evidence, leave no trace, have a bike riding theory etc. It seems too close to the victim in terms of plans.
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Clearly it is my ignorance since so many others have mentioned viewing altercations while at work. So perhaps it is not as big of a red flag as I originally thought. I am not quick to anger at all.. so I guess it is very foreign to me. Live and learn.
( If someone is in my way tomorrow, I might try wacking them upside the head and see how it goes..I'll report back.) :D
I have had the same experience as you. Never have experienced or witnessed any sort of workplace violence. No physical altercations of any kind. This might be due to the types of companies where I’ve worked. My most recent employer is DoD contractor where ANY type of illegal behavior, and many legal behaviors too, will result in termination and revocation of your clearance.
IMO, I’d say not necessarily. They might also be trying to disprove something. Or fill in a gap in the timeline they’re constructing. Let’s say, for example, during the excavation they found a bit of duct tape that, upon analysis, had SM’s DNA on it. They could return to search for a roll of tape of the same brand to do matching analysis on it. Which still wouldn’t be conclusive evidence but might prove to be another piece of the puzzle. (Granted, that may not be the best example, since tape would likely pick up his DNA too. But I’m sure you catch my drift.)
They could be looking for any linens that went missing (Chris Watts and the missing bed sheets and Mark Hacking and the missing sheets and mattress pad.)
RBBM shut the front door, he is trying to list their CO for sale now? Oh my.
And other words as well.

Not saying that it's wrong for people to move on quickly.
Years ago my friend's HS principal remarried 2 weeks after his wife died in a car accident.
Of course tongues wagged but maybe he couldn't stand to be alone ?

Except Suzanne is still just 'missing'.
Wonder how long it'll take for BM to 'move on' in his personal life ??
Sorry to be OT but this is not something I've seen before and I follow Gannon's case.
I was of the belief all of him was in the suitcase located in Florida.
Can you share a link that mentions how you describe his remains?
@Ontario Mom Thank you, I agree 100%. I read every post on Gannon Stauch case, some posts numerous times, I certainly dont remember “parts of Gannon’s body” found in separate locations. I’m curious and will be watching for an answer.

edited by me for clarity
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Clearly it is my ignorance since so many others have mentioned viewing altercations while at work. So perhaps it is not as big of a red flag as I had originally thought. I am not quick to anger at all.. so I guess it is very foreign to me. Live and learn.


It's absolutely a red flag.

Emotionally mature, balanced, responsible adults don't physically attack others in the workplace.

If someone will go off in public at a job, I guarantee you they'll go off in the privacy of their own home.

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Sorry to be OT but this is not something I've seen before and I follow Gannon's case.
I was of the belief all of him was in the suitcase located in Florida.
Can you share a link that mentions how you describe his remains?
I was reading his thread and there was a discussion about his jawbone being found separately, but it was indeed in FL.
My first guess would be animal predation.

Back to Suzanne, I'm thinking LE are looking for remains but I wish it wasn't that and that she'd fled and was in hiding.

Smh about the financial actions of the husband-- not that it's wrong to sell something, but what about putting forth that much effort to find your missing spouse ??

Because the husband does not seem to be a lazy type of person but rather a "Get-er done" sort of guy.

So why not use that energy --at least for now-- to find Suzanne or bring someone to justice if harm's been done ?
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If this was a limited PoA, he would only be able to sign for the specific transaction(s) SM designated within.

That's what I wondered- could it have been an ad hoc document so they both didn't have to travel back to Indiana for closing or something. I know lots of closings are done by fedex these days but if there was a subdivision of property occurring, perhaps he had to physically visit the deed recording office or something.
It appears that BM’s kind of private grieving entails selling, buying, making arrangements for property improvements, phone calls with his attorney, well drillers, paving contractors and shuffling around $$$ (likely SM’s $$$). Not to mention biting at the bit to list their house and get on outta there! And, I just can’t envision him doing it with tears and a box of Kleenex at his side. Nope. Not seeing it.....AT ALL! I see him grieving for himself when the walls start closing in, when he realizes (if he hasn’t already) that LE didn’t buy the fictional narrative he has written in his imagination and his future accommodation is looking more like a 9 x 12 cell courtesy CCSO (sans hunting decor) than a posh luxury home in Salida.

That man hasn’t shown one morsel of genuine grief publicly and I doubt he’s capable of any heartfelt grief in private either. His acting skills are seriously wanting. JMHO

BBM I’m trying like crazy to catch up and not miss important info. Is BM seriously trying to sell their home? Oh my!
I think that is a possibility, but very low on my list. Why would they remove her body? What would the advantage of her remaining missing and not found deceased? If it was a hit, wouldn't they want her found?
I think this is a good point. If her body is not found BM cannot receive her life insurance for 5-7 years until she is declared dead. (If I understood our attorneys correctly.). So this might be an important question. What would the advantage be or what could be gained by BM or someone if she remains missing?? I don’t know but could all this buying & selling & guardianship due to SM being considered an incapacitated adult be clues? IMO
Clearly it is my ignorance since so many others have mentioned viewing altercations while at work. So perhaps it is not as big of a red flag as I had originally thought. I am not quick to anger at all.. so I guess it is very foreign to me. Live and learn.

I found this discussion quite refreshing.LOL
JMO, based on BMs one altercation, some quickly extrapolated to BM being physically abusive to SM. It’s quite possible BM is that mild and meek fellow who just snapped and lost patience, and has regretted it ever since.
We have nothing here about the other party. He may have deserved every bit of BMs anger.
I’ve also found that sometimes these things happen when someone else is mistreated, sort of anger on their behalf. Iow, our tolerance for ourselves is higher than if someone else is being mistreated.
I find it hard to judge w/o both sides, we have only one.
I think this is a good point. If her body is not found BM cannot receive her life insurance for 5-7 years until she is declared dead. (If I understood our attorneys correctly.). So this might be an important question. What would the advantage be or what could be gained by BM or someone if she remains missing?? I don’t know but could all this buying & selling & guardianship due to SM being considered an incapacitated adult be clues? IMO
Agreed that I think there could be a strong financial component at work here in regards to Suzanne going "missing" in the first place.
Sometimes one spouse will encounter great financial loss in a divorce.

Esp. if one spouse entered into the marriage with more than the other partner.
Who knows, I just don't think that Suzanne left of her own volition.
I've watched this case from the beginning, and there is one thought which is purely speculative on my part that keeps persisting. Is it possible this was a "murder for hire"?

interesting, because BM is in the field close to “construction”. (I remember another case I follow here, where the victim’s father was killed, 2 decades ago, by one of the hired workers he “imported“ from another country).

However, if it is “for hire”, one has to look for the traces of the “hire”, cash withdrawals, maybe, from certain accounts. In general, cryptocurrency could be used for hire, but I doubt it is the case. However, this is where one gets major surprises. Traces of any cryptocurrency transactions in BM could be very interesting.
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