Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #52

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I mean it does not take a law enforcement agent to clearly see how weird this all is. Wife goes missing May 2020...weeks later husband purchases land .... roughly 5 months later husband puts home up for sale.... Feb 2021 land sold , March 2021 home sold. If this doesn’t have guilty as anything written all over it , I don’t know what does IMO .

you can bet this has definitely made some people start talking again!

Wow thank you , I didn’t realize that was one of the areas that they searched also. So those dogs are good, and they probably hit on a scent but it could’ve been from her being previously there too, Or they just missed her .The dogs could’ve been absolutely wrong which I believe they rarely are though. Surely LE would see that he was there , if they went back and thoroughly looked through his gps and phone history .

Search dogs also alerted on the beach site job but LE found nothing there, either. And yes, I would think LE would have had some evidence that he had been at the Longhorn property around the time of Suzanne's disappearance.
IMO, I think it's important to note the handler/dog that alerted, was NOT there by invitation of LE. Some folks in the working dog community call them ambulance chasers. Most don't belong to any SAR team and reach out directly to victim families. That's a big no no for most teams that do get LE call outs and are also trusted by LE.

I think LE were very good sports about that nonsense.

Suzanne Morphew - Chaffee County Sheriff
OK, this is going to be a long post of my thoughts and musings, after following Suzanne’s case since the beginning, and is MOO. Some of it’s been said already, so feel free to scroll on by, but here goes:
Wow, so the love of his life (his words) has been missing for less than a year, and in addition to some other wheeling & dealing real estate sales and purchases early on, BM’s now managed to sell the PP family home a mere 10 months after Suzanne, his wife and partner of over 3 decades, vanished without a trace.
When it’s all said and done, I wonder if the proceeds of the sale will net him at the very least, $500,000.00, you know, Suzanne’s inheritance. And perhaps now he can afford :rolleyes: to pay the people back who donated to the sham ********, nah, that.will.never.happen.

I wonder what BM did with all of Suzanne’s possessions, belongings, and mementos when he moved out
of the home months ago. I suppose anything of Suzanne’s that had substantial monetary value is probably long gone, or were sold off, like her house was.

I’d venture to guess the majority of people whose loving Spouse suddenly vanishes off the face of the earth, don’t sell the family home less than a year (put on the market 4-5 months post SM disappearance) later, because they usually cling to hope that their Spouse is alive and will one day come home to them and the home they know. Never mind that, most don’t even have time to think of such things let alone take action so soon after their Spouse goes missing, because the majority of their focus and time is spent/devoted to working with LE trying to determine what happened to their Spouse, pleading for them, searching for them until they are located and can be brought home, but I digress.

IMO, last Mother’s Day, Suzanne wasn’t attacked on her bike, dragged away and eaten by a Mountain Lion. (no blood, drag marks at scene, LE agree this didn’t happen). Suzanne didn’t crash her bike, got disoriented, fell in river and/or started roaming trails and forest and succumbed to injuries or the elements. (No blood at scene, LE searches, AM searches unsuccessful in finding Suzanne).

IMO, Suzanne wasn’t ambushed and abducted from her home last Mother’s Day by a home invader/burglar, unknown stalker, or someone she knows well that either ambushed her or she let inside her home. And Suzanne didn’t leave for greener pastures willingly on her own, and/or with someone she knows well. In any of these scenarios, a bike ride and abandoned bike at the bottom of a ravine makes zero sense. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Are we to believe that a home invader abductor, unknown stalker abductor, or known acquaintance abductor, or Suzanne herself before leaving of her own accord for greener pastures, grabbed the bike on their way out the door, and made a pit stop to toss it down a ravine?
Stating the obvious, the only reason Suzanne would take her bike with her if she decided to leave for greener pastures is because she planned to ride it, not toss it down a ravine on her way out of town lol. And someone abducting her from her home, has no reason to grab the bike on their way out the door and toss it down a ravine. Ludicrous.
Also IMO, none of the above broke in to her home, ambushed and killed her in the home, took her to another location to kill her, nor do I believe that she left her home to go meet someone she knows well and they killed her at meet up spot or some other location, because again, the bike thrown down the ravine makes zero sense. And no, Suzanne didn’t go out on a bike ride near her home or anywhere else on Mother’s Day with someone she knew well, something went sideways, and this person got off their bike, grabbed her off her bike, threw it down the ravine and abducted her from the scene, and/or attacked and killed her, threw her bike down the ravine and absconded with her body. Unless that someone she knew well was her husband, but I don’t think BM & SM were out for a bike ride (“have to go home and make the wife happy and do some hiking or biking”), when the “event” happened.

The bike, that darned bike.
For arguments sake, let’s say Suzanne did go for a bike ride last Mother’s Day and was knocked off her bike by one of the following in broad daylight, mind you, not witnessed by a single soul, and amazingly left no signs of a struggle behind at the scene, but ok, perhaps they’re magicians too:rolleyes::
1.) random abductor that just happened to be driving by at the right time, snuck up behind her, bumped her off bike, got out of car, picked up/dragged Suzanne to vehicle, threw her in, raced away from the scene, threw bike helmet out window a little ways up the highway to leave a clue for LE :rolleyes:
2.) *unknown stalker lying in wait in the forest, 3.) *those nasty sex traffickers lying in wait in the forest. *hmmmm, wonder where the unknown stalker or sex traffickers would’ve parked their vehicles to go hide in the forest. Maybe they parked on the side of the road somewhere along Suzanne’s bike route, and weren’t seen by anyone going into or jumping out of the forest and hauling Suzanne over to their vehicle after knocking her off the bike. Maybe the stalker/sex trafficker weren’t hiding in the forest, maybe they just decided to sit in their vehicle, and when they saw Suzanne approaching on her bike, opened their car door causing her to crash and fall off her bike, jumped out of car, picked her up/dragged her to their vehicle, threw her in and raced away from the scene. Threw bike helmet out window a little ways up the highway to leave a clue for LE. :rolleyes:
Fast forward 9 months. Say someday in the not too distant future, Suzanne miraculously manages to escape from her captors lair- imagine it: she arrives home anxious to see those she loved dearly welcome her back home with open arms, only to find strangers living in her house. I’d imagine she’d be shocked and devastated to say the least. And how will she know where to find her Husband, her belongings/possessions/momentos? Did BM tell the new homeowner(s), LISTEN, my wife is missing, I don’t know if she’s dead or alive, but if she happens to show up here, no biggie, just let her use your phone to call me and I’ll swing by and pick her up, k? :rolleyes:

Actually in all seriousness, it’d be much better if any of the 3 knocked off bike and abducted scenarios happened and eventually Suzanne escaped, even though it would have been a horrific experience for her to have gone through, at least she’d still be alive. But honestly, after following Suzanne’s case since day one, for me, there’s just too many red flags surrounding BM which have been discussed at length on these 52 threads. I won’t list them all again here, this post is long enough lol, but in a nutshell, the bizarre things BM’s said/done/not done, the ridiculous circumstances surrounding the Broomfield “job”, his “alibi”, noises heard late at night area of BM worksite, LE digging up BM worksite, his worker’s statements, LE’s overall stance/handling of Suzanne’s case since day 1, it’s the totality of all these things considered, that leads me to the conclude that Suzanne never went for a bike ride last Mother’s Day. I believe the bike was staged by her perpetrator after Suzanne was fatally harmed (I think she was strangled) somewhere in her home on one of the 2 days preceding Mother’s Day. (I’m still not sure if it was Fri. or Sat., I lean towards Saturday because of the BFF wedding convo, but some of our great sleuths have made good arguments for Friday being plausible), that BM has first-hand knowledge and knows Suzanne is not going to be showing up alive. Anywhere. Ever. Because he knows exactly where she is, which is to say, he know she’s no longer of this earth and that her remains are hidden very well, in fact, made sure to hide them so well, they may never be found. I think he left his and SM’s phones at home, and in the late night/wee hours of morning, used some form of non-GPS transportation to bury SM, or disposed/dumped her in an abandoned mine.

I think there is someone(s) else who might have some guilty knowledge and aren’t speaking up/talking, and have a hunch that there *might* be a twist, if so, whatever it is, BM is still involved in a big way.

I suppose there’s a 0.0000001% chance BM is innocent, and if it turns out he is innocent of any wrongdoing, suffice it to say I’ll be more than beyond shocked. But I won’t feel bad about suspecting him because he brought it on himself for many reasons which have been discussed all over these threads, not least of which are being a deplorable husband for not stepping up to the plate/not showing up for Suzanne, and for being disrespectful to her/her memory.

All of the above IMHOO.


ETA-I agree with others that think BM likely will leave the state of CO. Where he absconds to with Suzanne’s money is anyone’s guess.
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Tax on Puma Path Home Sale?
...I think OP meant the house sold for less than the asking price, but he did sell it for more than he and SM paid for it and he will be paying capital gains on that. JMO.
[COLOR=#000000] Hold on a sec, where's H&R Block when we need 'em?
[B]1st, is there a cap gain[/B] on which Seller is obligated to pay fed inc taxes?*[/COLOR]
If someone b[COLOR=rgb(64, 64, 64)][SIZE=5]uys home for $ 1,575,000, and sells for $ 1,625,000,
the [B]$50,000[/B] [B]difference[/B] =[/SIZE][/COLOR][I][COLOR=rgb(64, 64, 64)][SIZE=5] [COLOR=#404040][B]not[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][COLOR=rgb(64, 64, 64)][SIZE=5][B] the seller's capital gain[/B]/profit, [/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(64, 64, 64)]because
fed law allows Seller to subtract certain exp's from selling price, for gain/loss calculation. [/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(64, 64, 64)]Example, adjusting seller's basis,** if 5% r/e agent comish & no other sales expenses:
Sales price which 2021 buyer pays ...................$ 1,625,000.
R/E agent's sales commission ......................... - [U] 81,250.[/U]
Seller's adjusted basis ................................... = $ 1,543,750.
[COLOR=#000000]Then, fed inc tax calculation:**
Seller's purchase price................ $ 1,575,000.
Seller's adjusted basis............... - [U] 1,543,750[/U]
Seller's cap gain/loss ................ =[B] $ 31,250 loss [/B][/COLOR]
[SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(64, 64, 64)]
Per Fed inc tax law, no cap gain, so[B] no cap gain tax[/B].
Also[B] no[I] deducting this loss*[/I][/B] on Schedule D to offset any other gains this Seller may have to reduce taxes in 2021. Sorry, Charlie.

Btw, if house sold for
- More & Seller had $31,250 [I]gain[/I], yes, Seller could [I]exclude[/I] gain, [I]no tax[/I] on amt of gain.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
- Waaaay crayyyzzzy more & Seller had $ 499,000 [I]gain[/I], yes, Seller could exclude gain, no tax on that amt of gain.*** my2ct.
ETA: Ink color & formatting went rogue, I cannot fix. My apologies.

ETA 2: As @Diddian posted, and per links below, fed law also imposes other requirements on exclusion eligibility, like 2 yr holding period, etc, but in ^case, irrelevant as Seller had no gain, so no exclusion is applicable.
*[SIZE=4] [COLOR=#000000]Fed inc tax treatment, per [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]IRS Publication 523,*[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] titled rather unimaginatively[/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3], [/COLOR][/SIZE][I][COLOR=rgb(0, 89, 179)][SIZE=4]Selling Your Home[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][COLOR=rgb(0, 89, 179)][SIZE=4].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[I][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0059b3][URL='']About Publication 523, Selling Your Home | Internal Revenue Service[/URL], updated Dec 2020.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]**[/B][/COLOR] [/SIZE][COLOR=rgb(0, 89, 179)][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0059b3]"Figuring Gain or Loss"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
[SIZE=4][COLOR=rgb(0, 89, 179)][I][I][COLOR=#0059b3][SIZE=4]"Selling price − Selling expenses Amount realized − Adjusted basis Gain or loss"[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][SIZE=4]Page 11: Worksheet w more detail re ^ calculation.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=#000000][SIZE=4]*** Page 7: Table.[/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0059b3][I] "Status: Married filing jointly"[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] and[/COLOR] [/SIZE][I][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0059b3]"[B]Maximum exclusion: $500,000."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I]
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I don’t follow a ton of true crime but I’m curious for those that do; Is fight or flight something that applies to these investigations?

It seems like BM was in fight mode but is now shifting to flight mode. I wonder if that is because he feels everything closing in on him and his attempt to fight wasn’t successful.

The flight move might tend to make one more sloppy in covering all their tracks and relationships.
I think "fight or flight" refers more to a sudden surge of adrenaline and a person's automatic response to a traumatic event.

I think it would only apply in an investigation when considering the actions of a perpetrator during the actual crime, such as a crime of passion or self defense. I don't think it would apply to the actions of someone covering up a crime, especially over a certain period of time. The fight or flight reaction usually lasts for seconds or minutes.

I think "fight or flight" refers more to a sudden surge of adrenaline and a person's automatic response to a traumatic event.

I think it would only apply in an investigation when considering the actions of a perpetrator during the actual crime, such as a crime of passion. I don't think it would apply to the actions of someone covering up a crime, especially over a certain period of time. The fight or flight reaction usually seconds or minutes.


I’m so sorry for the double post, I know it’s annoying.


Yes, you are correct. It’s a primal instinct that kicks in when something happens that startles are scares you.

IE: someone jumps out at you from behind a tree. Do you jump and run or do you punch them in the throat? Fight or flight?

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MAR 4, 2021
Suzanne Morphew’s home sold, Chaffee County mother missing for nearly 10 months | FOX21 News Colorado

In addition to the Puma Path house selling, Suzanne’s husband Barry Morphew also recently sold another property in Salida, Colorado. The land was a 2-acre vacant lot in Longhorn Ranch Subdivision which he purchased in June of 2020 for $165,000. In February of 2021, the property was sold for $150,000.

@PommyMommy :)Thank you for your post w link & images.

Puma Path deed dated March 3, 2021, Grantors = Barry & Susanne,
Grantee = Mountain Renewal LLC. I wonder how it was signed? :confused:
Deed states amt of consideration paid, $1,625,000.

The Longhorn Drive deed dated Feb 17, 2021, Grantor= Barry; Grantees = K-- T-- & J-- T -- also states consideration paid, $150,000. I haven't bought or sold R/E in Colorado, but I've not seen deeds (in 3 other states where I've B &S) showing amt of consideration, except the legal fiction amt of one dollar or ten dollars. Hmm.

Both are titled Special Warranty Deed, not General Warranty Deed as is more common. Wondering about significance in these transfers. Anyone?
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OK, this is going to be a long post of my thoughts and musings, after following Suzanne’s case since the beginning, and is MOO. Some of it’s been said already, so feel free to scroll on by, but here goes:
Wow, so the love of his life (his words) has been missing for less than a year, and in addition to some other wheeling & dealing real estate sales and purchases early on, BM’s now managed to sell the PP family home a mere 10 months after Suzanne, his wife and partner of over 3 decades, vanished without a trace.
When it’s all said and done, I wonder if the proceeds of the sale will net him at the very least, $500,000.00, you know, Suzanne’s inheritance. And perhaps now he can afford :rolleyes: to pay the people back who donated to the sham ********, nah, that.will.never.happen.

I wonder what BM did with all of Suzanne’s possessions, belongings, and mementos when he moved out
of the home months ago. I suppose anything of Suzanne’s that had substantial monetary value is probably long gone, or were sold off, like her house was.

I’d venture to guess the majority of people whose loving Spouse suddenly vanishes off the face of the earth, don’t sell the family home less than a year (put on the market 4-5 months post SM disappearance) later, because they usually cling to hope that their Spouse is alive and will one day come home to them and the home they know. Never mind that, most don’t even have time to think of such things let alone take action so soon after their Spouse goes missing, because the majority of their focus and time is spent/devoted to working with LE trying to determine what happened to their Spouse, pleading for them, searching for them until they are located and can be brought home, but I digress.

IMO, last Mother’s Day, Suzanne wasn’t attacked on her bike, dragged away and eaten by a Mountain Lion. (no blood, drag marks at scene, LE agree this didn’t happen). Suzanne didn’t crash her bike, got disoriented, fell in river and/or started roaming trails and forest and succumbed to injuries or the elements. (No blood at scene, LE searches, AM searches unsuccessful in finding Suzanne).

IMO, Suzanne wasn’t ambushed and abducted from her home last Mother’s Day by a home invader/burglar, unknown stalker, or someone she knows well that either ambushed her or she let inside her home. And Suzanne didn’t leave for greener pastures willingly on her own, and/or with someone she knows well. In any of these scenarios, a bike ride and abandoned bike at the bottom of a ravine makes zero sense. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Are we to believe that a home invader abductor, unknown stalker abductor, or known acquaintance abductor, or Suzanne herself before leaving of her own accord for greener pastures, grabbed the bike on their way out the door, and made a pit stop to toss it down a ravine?
Stating the obvious, the only reason Suzanne would take her bike with her if she decided to leave for greener pastures is because she planned to ride it, not toss it down a ravine on her way out of town lol. And someone abducting her from her home, has no reason to grab the bike on their way out the door and toss it down a ravine. Ludicrous.
Also IMO, none of the above broke in to her home, ambushed and killed her in the home, took her to another location to kill her, nor do I believe that she left her home to go meet someone she knows well and they killed her at meet up spot or some other location, because again, the bike thrown down the ravine makes zero sense. And no, Suzanne didn’t go out on a bike ride near her home or anywhere else on Mother’s Day with someone she knew well, something went sideways, and this person got off their bike, grabbed her off her bike, threw it down the ravine and abducted her from the scene, and/or attacked and killed her, threw her bike down the ravine and absconded with her body. Unless that someone she knew well was her husband, but I don’t think BM & SM were out for a bike ride (“have to go home and make the wife happy and do some hiking or biking”), when the “event” happened.

The bike, that darned bike.
For arguments sake, let’s say Suzanne did go for a bike ride last Mother’s Day and was knocked off her bike by one of the following in broad daylight, mind you, not witnessed by a single soul, and amazingly left no signs of a struggle behind at the scene, but ok, perhaps they’re magicians too:rolleyes::
1.) random abductor that just happened to be driving by at the right time, snuck up behind her, bumped her off bike, got out of car, picked up/dragged Suzanne to vehicle, threw her in, raced away from the scene, threw bike helmet out window a little ways up the highway to leave a clue for LE :rolleyes:
2.) *unknown stalker lying in wait in the forest, 3.) *those nasty sex traffickers lying in wait in the forest. *hmmmm, wonder where the unknown stalker or sex traffickers would’ve parked their vehicles to go hide in the forest. Maybe they parked on the side of the road somewhere along Suzanne’s bike route, and weren’t seen by anyone going into or jumping out of the forest and hauling Suzanne over to their vehicle after knocking her off the bike. Maybe the stalker/sex trafficker weren’t hiding in the forest, maybe they just decided to sit in their vehicle, and when they saw Suzanne approaching on her bike, opened their car door causing her to crash and fall off her bike, jumped out of car, picked her up/dragged her to their vehicle, threw her in and raced away from the scene. Threw bike helmet out window a little ways up the highway to leave a clue for LE. :rolleyes:
Fast forward 9 months. Say someday in the not too distant future, Suzanne miraculously manages to escape from her captors lair- imagine it: she arrives home anxious to see those she loved dearly welcome her back home with open arms, only to find strangers living in her house. I’d imagine she’d be shocked and devastated to say the least. And how will she know where to find her Husband, her belongings/possessions/momentos? Did BM tell the new homeowner(s), LISTEN, my wife is missing, I don’t know if she’s dead or alive, but if she happens to show up here, no biggie, just let her use your phone to call me and I’ll swing by and pick her up, k? :rolleyes:

Actually in all seriousness, it’d be much better if any of the 3 knocked off bike and abducted scenarios happened and eventually Suzanne escaped, even though it would have been a horrific experience for her to have gone through, at least she’d still be alive. But honestly, after following Suzanne’s case since day one, for me, there’s just too many red flags surrounding BM which have been discussed at length on these 52 threads. I won’t list them all again here, this post is long enough lol, but in a nutshell, the bizarre things BM’s said/done/not done, the ridiculous circumstances surrounding the Broomfield “job”, his “alibi”, noises heard late at night area of BM worksite, LE digging up BM worksite, his worker’s statements, LE’s overall stance/handling of Suzanne’s case since day 1, it’s the totality of all these things considered, that leads me to the conclude that Suzanne never went for a bike ride last Mother’s Day. I believe the bike was staged by her perpetrator after Suzanne was fatally harmed (I think she was strangled) somewhere in her home on one of the 2 days preceding Mother’s Day. (I’m still not sure if it was Fri. or Sat., I lean towards Saturday because of the BFF wedding convo, but some of our great sleuths have made good arguments for Friday being plausible), that BM has first-hand knowledge and knows Suzanne is not going to be showing up alive. Anywhere. Ever. Because he knows exactly where she is, which is to say, he know she’s no longer of this earth and that her remains are hidden very well, in fact, made sure to hide them so well, they may never be found. I think he left his and SM’s phones at home, and in the late night/wee hours of morning, used some form of non-GPS transportation to bury SM, or disposed/dumped her in an abandoned mine.

I think there is someone(s) else who might have some guilty knowledge and aren’t speaking up/talking, and have a hunch that there *might* be a twist, if so, whatever it is, BM is still involved in a big way.

I suppose there’s a 0.0000001% chance BM is innocent, and if it turns out he is innocent of any wrongdoing, suffice it to say I’ll be more than beyond shocked. But I won’t feel bad about suspecting him because he brought it on himself for many reasons which have been discussed all over these threads, not least of which are being a deplorable husband for not stepping up to the plate/not showing up for Suzanne, and for being disrespectful to her/her memory.

All of the above IMHOO.


ETA-I agree with others that think BM likely will leave the state of CO. Where he absconds to with Suzanne’s money is anyone’s guess.
Great post!
Imagine if she showed up, eh?
And he’s going to get crushed on short term capital gains tax on that sale, which to me points to wanting to get the heck away from that property or CO in general.

So he has a loss on the sale and will owe 22% tax on the proceeds. You only do that if you absolutely need to free up the cash or just want to cut out and be done with the property.
I may have my numbers wrong here, but I thought the home was purchased in April/May 2018 time frame and according to the real estate records the purchase price of the property was $1,575,000. To be sure we don't know if this was their actual basis, though, as we don't have the closing statement and there could be other expenditures the Morphews' paid in addition to that amount that would add to their basis. We also don't know of any capital expenditures between purchase and sale that add to the basis. The property was sold for $1,625,000 in 2021 (so the 24 month rule was likely met) per the real estate tax records, but again we don't have the closing statement so we don't know if BM paid certain items such as a real estate commission which reduces the gain for tax purposes. Because this is a primary residence, the Morphews' can exclude up to $500K of the gain and they are apparently well under that amount. The exclusion is GENERALLY only available once every 2 years. A property in Indiana was sold in 2020 and if this was their Indiana residence and BM took the exclusion for that it would USUALLY not allow him to take it on the CO property. However, if I was doing his taxes, I would argue the Unforeseeable Events/Other Facts & Circumstances on the CO property as an exception to the eligibility rules. That is, no taxes on the CO property. But to further muddy the waters we don't know the basis, sales and other facts on the Indiana property.
I really wonder if BM has an attorney. I would say I bet he does! He is pretty well off it seems now, money talks ... a lawyer could make it very easy for him to not have to talk to LE .....

.... I think every time BM opens his mouth, it makes his attorneys job harder. His attorney needs to tell him to keep quiet and stop contradicting himself.
Who, What, Where?
Suzanne Morphew’s home sold, Chaffee County mother missing for nearly 10 months | FOX21 News Colorado
... the deed - the purchasing entity, the LLC mentioned, is Nevada limited liability company but has an address in Golden Colorado -
@waldojabba bbm sbm
A Nevada LLC party to a real estate transaction using an address in state other than NV is not surprising, imo.
A NV LLC buying a property in CO may want to list an address to which county assessor/
collector mails property tax bills or receipts, just an example of reason for using that address.
Although organized under NV law, the LLC may not have HQ, or any employees, branches, stores, or offices in NV. Many LLCs are not businesses at all but are estate planning entities created for managing & transferring family wealth while avoiding federal income & gift tax and/or state inheritance taxes.*** my2ct.

* Per below, NV statute (like many/most states) requires an LLC organized under laws of its state, to designate a registered agent & street address in that state, an agent upon whom service of process may be made for legal actions, etc. That's why the LLC lists a Carson City, NV address. Typically LLCs don't want 'regular' mail sent to the registered agent address, because some or all of its functions are handled outside NV. All mail going to the registered agent address, then being forwarded to other address would only delay handling.
* "NRS 86.231  Registered agent required; address of registered office.  A limited-liability company shall have a registered agent who must have a street address for the service of process. The street address of the registered agent is the registered office of the limited-liability company in this State."
*** Limited liability company - Wikipedia
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.... I think every time BM opens his mouth, it makes his attorneys job harder. His attorney needs to tell him to keep quiet and stop contradicting himself.
I doubt he has an attorney yet but he has certainly acquired the resources for a good one let alone a long trial. Also I hope he burns eventually. Let him speak because the more he does if and when he does, Barry will seal his fate. IMO
OK, this is going to be a long post of my thoughts and musings, after following Suzanne’s case since the beginning, and is MOO. Some of it’s been said already, so feel free to scroll on by, but here goes:
Wow, so the love of his life (his words) has been missing for less than a year, and in addition to some other wheeling & dealing real estate sales and purchases early on, BM’s now managed to sell the PP family home a mere 10 months after Suzanne, his wife and partner of over 3 decades, vanished without a trace.
When it’s all said and done, I wonder if the proceeds of the sale will net him at the very least, $500,000.00, you know, Suzanne’s inheritance. And perhaps now he can afford :rolleyes: to pay the people back who donated to the sham ********, nah, that.will.never.happen.

I wonder what BM did with all of Suzanne’s possessions, belongings, and mementos when he moved out
of the home months ago. I suppose anything of Suzanne’s that had substantial monetary value is probably long gone, or were sold off, like her house was.

I’d venture to guess the majority of people whose loving Spouse suddenly vanishes off the face of the earth, don’t sell the family home less than a year (put on the market 4-5 months post SM disappearance) later, because they usually cling to hope that their Spouse is alive and will one day come home to them and the home they know. Never mind that, most don’t even have time to think of such things let alone take action so soon after their Spouse goes missing, because the majority of their focus and time is spent/devoted to working with LE trying to determine what happened to their Spouse, pleading for them, searching for them until they are located and can be brought home, but I digress.

IMO, last Mother’s Day, Suzanne wasn’t attacked on her bike, dragged away and eaten by a Mountain Lion. (no blood, drag marks at scene, LE agree this didn’t happen). Suzanne didn’t crash her bike, got disoriented, fell in river and/or started roaming trails and forest and succumbed to injuries or the elements. (No blood at scene, LE searches, AM searches unsuccessful in finding Suzanne).

IMO, Suzanne wasn’t ambushed and abducted from her home last Mother’s Day by a home invader/burglar, unknown stalker, or someone she knows well that either ambushed her or she let inside her home. And Suzanne didn’t leave for greener pastures willingly on her own, and/or with someone she knows well. In any of these scenarios, a bike ride and abandoned bike at the bottom of a ravine makes zero sense. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Are we to believe that a home invader abductor, unknown stalker abductor, or known acquaintance abductor, or Suzanne herself before leaving of her own accord for greener pastures, grabbed the bike on their way out the door, and made a pit stop to toss it down a ravine?
Stating the obvious, the only reason Suzanne would take her bike with her if she decided to leave for greener pastures is because she planned to ride it, not toss it down a ravine on her way out of town lol. And someone abducting her from her home, has no reason to grab the bike on their way out the door and toss it down a ravine. Ludicrous.
Also IMO, none of the above broke in to her home, ambushed and killed her in the home, took her to another location to kill her, nor do I believe that she left her home to go meet someone she knows well and they killed her at meet up spot or some other location, because again, the bike thrown down the ravine makes zero sense. And no, Suzanne didn’t go out on a bike ride near her home or anywhere else on Mother’s Day with someone she knew well, something went sideways, and this person got off their bike, grabbed her off her bike, threw it down the ravine and abducted her from the scene, and/or attacked and killed her, threw her bike down the ravine and absconded with her body. Unless that someone she knew well was her husband, but I don’t think BM & SM were out for a bike ride (“have to go home and make the wife happy and do some hiking or biking”), when the “event” happened.

The bike, that darned bike.
For arguments sake, let’s say Suzanne did go for a bike ride last Mother’s Day and was knocked off her bike by one of the following in broad daylight, mind you, not witnessed by a single soul, and amazingly left no signs of a struggle behind at the scene, but ok, perhaps they’re magicians too:rolleyes::
1.) random abductor that just happened to be driving by at the right time, snuck up behind her, bumped her off bike, got out of car, picked up/dragged Suzanne to vehicle, threw her in, raced away from the scene, threw bike helmet out window a little ways up the highway to leave a clue for LE :rolleyes:
2.) *unknown stalker lying in wait in the forest, 3.) *those nasty sex traffickers lying in wait in the forest. *hmmmm, wonder where the unknown stalker or sex traffickers would’ve parked their vehicles to go hide in the forest. Maybe they parked on the side of the road somewhere along Suzanne’s bike route, and weren’t seen by anyone going into or jumping out of the forest and hauling Suzanne over to their vehicle after knocking her off the bike. Maybe the stalker/sex trafficker weren’t hiding in the forest, maybe they just decided to sit in their vehicle, and when they saw Suzanne approaching on her bike, opened their car door causing her to crash and fall off her bike, jumped out of car, picked her up/dragged her to their vehicle, threw her in and raced away from the scene. Threw bike helmet out window a little ways up the highway to leave a clue for LE. :rolleyes:
Fast forward 9 months. Say someday in the not too distant future, Suzanne miraculously manages to escape from her captors lair- imagine it: she arrives home anxious to see those she loved dearly welcome her back home with open arms, only to find strangers living in her house. I’d imagine she’d be shocked and devastated to say the least. And how will she know where to find her Husband, her belongings/possessions/momentos? Did BM tell the new homeowner(s), LISTEN, my wife is missing, I don’t know if she’s dead or alive, but if she happens to show up here, no biggie, just let her use your phone to call me and I’ll swing by and pick her up, k? :rolleyes:

Actually in all seriousness, it’d be much better if any of the 3 knocked off bike and abducted scenarios happened and eventually Suzanne escaped, even though it would have been a horrific experience for her to have gone through, at least she’d still be alive. But honestly, after following Suzanne’s case since day one, for me, there’s just too many red flags surrounding BM which have been discussed at length on these 52 threads. I won’t list them all again here, this post is long enough lol, but in a nutshell, the bizarre things BM’s said/done/not done, the ridiculous circumstances surrounding the Broomfield “job”, his “alibi”, noises heard late at night area of BM worksite, LE digging up BM worksite, his worker’s statements, LE’s overall stance/handling of Suzanne’s case since day 1, it’s the totality of all these things considered, that leads me to the conclude that Suzanne never went for a bike ride last Mother’s Day. I believe the bike was staged by her perpetrator after Suzanne was fatally harmed (I think she was strangled) somewhere in her home on one of the 2 days preceding Mother’s Day. (I’m still not sure if it was Fri. or Sat., I lean towards Saturday because of the BFF wedding convo, but some of our great sleuths have made good arguments for Friday being plausible), that BM has first-hand knowledge and knows Suzanne is not going to be showing up alive. Anywhere. Ever. Because he knows exactly where she is, which is to say, he know she’s no longer of this earth and that her remains are hidden very well, in fact, made sure to hide them so well, they may never be found. I think he left his and SM’s phones at home, and in the late night/wee hours of morning, used some form of non-GPS transportation to bury SM, or disposed/dumped her in an abandoned mine.

I think there is someone(s) else who might have some guilty knowledge and aren’t speaking up/talking, and have a hunch that there *might* be a twist, if so, whatever it is, BM is still involved in a big way.

I suppose there’s a 0.0000001% chance BM is innocent, and if it turns out he is innocent of any wrongdoing, suffice it to say I’ll be more than beyond shocked. But I won’t feel bad about suspecting him because he brought it on himself for many reasons which have been discussed all over these threads, not least of which are being a deplorable husband for not stepping up to the plate/not showing up for Suzanne, and for being disrespectful to her/her memory.

All of the above IMHOO.


ETA-I agree with others that think BM likely will leave the state of CO. Where he absconds to with Suzanne’s money is anyone’s guess.
I agree with you re: the bike. Here's to hoping LE can prove the bike ride was staged and therefore, if so, that limits the possible scenarios significantly and hopefully (along with digital evidence and who knows what else they have gathered) builds a great circumstantial case against BM.

I don't know where BM will go, but I'll be surprised if he comes back to Indiana as i don't think he'd get a warm reception here. While he does have a small cadre of loyal supporters, I think the general sentiment is that he's guilty. JMO, MOO.
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