Condom found in Burger King sandwich

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Jul 4, 2006
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Vermont man sues, claiming he bit into unwrapped condom in sandwich

A man who says he bit into a Burger King sandwich and found an unwrapped condom inside has sued the owner of the restaurant. Van Miguel Hartless, 24, of Fair Haven, said Friday he bought the Southwestern Whopper at a Burger King in Rutland on June 18 and made the discovery when he got home and started eating it.

Was it an actual condom? In our college days, my husband worked at a fast-food place. He cut his finger and needed a bandage. To cover that, he was required to wear a "finger condom," which was a small piece of rubber that fit over his finger. It slipped off when he was making sandwiches, and a customer found it in her sandwich.

This would seem more likely than the other kind of condom.
Was it an actual condom? In our college days, my husband worked at a fast-food place. He cut his finger and needed a bandage. To cover that, he was required to wear a "finger condom," which was a small piece of rubber that fit over his finger. It slipped off when he was making sandwiches, and a customer found it in her sandwich.

This would seem more likely than the other kind of condom.

I thought the same thing, Mr. E.
The news here reported that the worker at BK really hassled him about his "custom" order. He wanted it made "his way" and the cashier was not helpful or nice about it. The guy thinks the workers put it in there becuase they were bothered by him.
Some times you have to wonder....remember the woman with the finger in her chili?? Was it at Wendy's? It just seems fishy.
The news here reported that the worker at BK really hassled him about his "custom" order. He wanted it made "his way" and the cashier was not helpful or nice about it. The guy thinks the workers put it in there becuase they were bothered by him.

"Have It YOur Way". That's the BK mantra so what were they so miffed at? I worked in a BK back in the day and people would come in singing that song to me "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset us". That old adage is true "Never screw with your food handlers". Plus who just happened to have a condom they decided to slap on that sandwich? I mean if it was used? YUCK!
"Have It YOur Way". That's the BK mantra so what were they so miffed at? I worked in a BK back in the day and people would come in singing that song to me "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset us". That old adage is true "Never screw with your food handlers". Plus who just happened to have a condom they decided to slap on that sandwich? I mean if it was used? YUCK!

Another message board I post on had a thread in general about people who work in the food industry. Many people who posted in the thread were line cooks and chefs in chain restaurants and they essentially said:

"Yep, making all sorts of substitutions and requests at anything but a fancy restaurant or one well-regarded for its professional cooking staff is a bad idea. I would say a good 80% of eateries run on very close specs for all their dishes, and the chefs are often not well trained enough or have the time to make all sorts of weird modifications to the same dish they've made 100 times every single night. And by 'well trained' I mean having a professional attitude that is sensitive to customer requests and not deciding to mess with the food [like putting a condom] in the dish because they're too immature to deal with the situation rationally."

The same goes for sending food back. This really pisses off a cooking staff (although in most cases it shouldn't).
I would thank them that it was not a used one, not sue them!! LOL I kid of course, it is disgusting but I do not feel it is sue-worthy, unless it was used! I do think it could possibly be one of those things to cover a bandage...who knows.
Why did this guy wait 3 weeks to file a lawsuit?
I'm not sure i'm buying this one, even if this guy took a lie detector test, there are ways to beat the test. If i had bit into a condom, you can bet i would be contacting the police, the newspaper, lawyers right away not waiting 3 weeks.
I doubt anyone would cart around a used condom with them to stick in a customer's food. It's possible, highly doubtful.
That finger in the chili incident at Wendy's was another fraud case.
I am not buying it. I can not imagine someone being so dumb as to put a condom on a sandwich. I could be wrong though.
I'm not buying it either. I think the customer planted it.
Wow - you've got way more confidence in the intelligence of the average human than I do!!!!:)
LOL...I agree! I am shocked by the crap people do daily. :waitasec: Just when I think that I have seen it all....somebody shows me that "I ain't seen nothing yet!":eek: ;)
Wow - you've got way more confidence in the intelligence of the average human than I do!!!!:)
I just can't wrap my mind around doing something so gross, mean and dumb. I just can't inagine it. I am pretty naieve at times though :)
I think this guy ordered his sandwich and put the condom in it !!!!!!!
The same goes for sending food back. This really pisses off a cooking staff (although in most cases it shouldn't).

I have to disagree because I have worked in restaurants for many years. If the food is sent back with a complaint that it was too well done when it was ordered WELL or too rare when it was ordered RARE then yes - the cook gets a little po'd. But if the food was truly not good the kitchen and management need to know that. They want to know if food is coming out bad - that is their livelihood and they do not want it screwed up.

I can't tell you how many times people have eaten an entire mean then complained it "tasted funny" or they weren't satisfied in some way. If the meal is not to your satisfaction (after all you are paying for it) tell your server right away. If you eat the whole thing then complain it looks like you're trying to get a free meal - and that happens a lot.

My best waitress experience was with a woman that ordered her steak well done because her doctor advised her not to eat red meat. Honest to God truth!!
I am not buying it. I can not imagine someone being so dumb as to put a condom on a sandwich. I could be wrong though.

I'm not buying it either. Ever look in back of one of those kitchens? There are like 6+ people working back there so someone would have seen that happening.
I haven't decided whether I believe the guy or not. I have heard some real horror stories from friends who worked at fast food places and stuff they did to food. Just for the heck of it, not even counting the times they got mad at somebody. It keeps from eating too much junk, though!

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