Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #23

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'Take the time to talk it through. Explain what it all means': The helpline demystifying Covid-19 for older people

A helpline set up to address the concerns of older people in Ireland set up just six days ago as the coronavirus outbreak began to escalate in this country has already received hundreds of calls.

Now, as the country moves into the delay phase of how it responds to the outbreak, older persons charity Alone says it will be scaling up the supports it gives through this helpline in the coming weeks.
I posted on Wednesday or Thursday about my nurse friend having a patient - neg. for flu with pneumonia and DHEC refusing to test. This morning he told me the patient is still in serious condition, multiple Drs. have requested testing and DHEC still refuses. One Dr. went to administration and was told to look else where for the cause of her pneumonia because DHEC said no and to pray.
Well the birds are still singing at least...that’s a good thing...

Upon further thought, they don’t seem to be all that worried about the coronavirus, kind of like some people I know...they must be young...

Oh the mockingbird, was that you the other day mocking me to my face telling me “it’s just the flu”?

I guess for you birds it really is “just the flu”...o_O
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Test or no test, if you've got fever or cough, stay home until you're well and if you're well, stay home and avoid non-essential contact with others. It will save lives. Really.

Jeffrey Duchin on Twitter

I was just looking at that thinking how great that would be on T-shirt.

Kind of like the one I said I wanted to design a few weeks ago:

By the way, yesterday I posted about all of the concerts going on, parade, plays...I put a comment under the "Community Events" in the newspaper, that it was absolute madness to advertise or attend these events when our governor declared a state of emergency due to the Coronavirus.

And today, in the same paper, there is a notice, that every single event was cancelled.

The travel to Idaho commercials on tv last night seemed odd.

Pressure to Close NYC Schools

Coronavirus in N.Y.C.: Pressure to Close School System, Nation’s Largest

Quotes from Article:

Across the country, school districts have shut down to curb the spread of coronavirus. But in New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo have resisted doing so, despite facing mounting demands.

The pressure has come from elected officials like the City Council speaker, Corey Johnson, who on Friday called on the city to temporarily close it schools. “It is not time to panic,” he wrote on Twitter. “But it is time to act.” It has come from Michael Mulgrew, the president of the city’s teachers’ union, who on Friday afternoon called on Mr. de Blasio to close the schools.

It has come from public health experts; three dozen infectious disease experts in New York signed a letter on Thursday calling on the mayor to close all schools.

And it has come from the collective actions of other school leaders: On Friday, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn said that its Catholic elementary schools in Brooklyn and Queens will be closed next week, affecting more than 41,000 students at 228 elementary schools. Hours earlier, Success Academy, New York City’s largest charter school network, announced it would close its schools to its 18,000 students and transition to online learning.

Yet the vast majority of the city’s 1,800 public schools are still up and running, and leaders here have insisted that they will remain open as long as possible.

“We are going to fight tooth and nail to protect our school system,” Mr. de Blasio said on Thursday, adding, “we are going to do our damnedest to keep the schools open.”

On Friday evening, he doubled down on his pledge to not close schools, despite a significant drop in student attendance.

“We shut down the school system, we might not see it for the rest of the school year, we might not see the beginning of the new school year. And that weighs heavily on me,” he said, noting that experts have found that short-term closures have little impact on flattening the curve of the outbreak.

Addressing his critics, Mr. de Blasio said, “This isn’t a popularity contest, this is war.”

Mr. Cuomo, who is responsible for schools across the state, including New York City, said on Thursday that evidence from other countries was unclear about whether children were carriers of the virus, and said schools would remain open. Still, both leaders have said the city and state were planning for all potential scenarios, including mass closure.

Shutting city schools would likely lead to a broader shutdown of the city, and the decision would be more far-reaching in New York than in any other major American city.

But New York’s public school system dwarfs that of any other in the country: With 1.1 million children, it enrolls over 350,000 more students than the second-largest school district, Los Angeles Unified. The city also has a highly vulnerable student population, with about 750,000 students living at or below the poverty line, including roughly 114,000 who are homeless. [BBM]

One bright spot--all over twitter this excellent news from the WHO:

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that dogs cannot get Covid-19. Dogs can be released from quarantine. I guess you could say that "WHO let the dogs out"
Veterans Affairs' staffing shortage raises concerns amid coronavirus outbreak - CNNPolitics

A chronic staffing shortage across the Department of Veterans Affairs is fueling new concerns that lives could be put at risk as the country's largest integrated health care system confronts the growing coronavirus pandemic.

Data released in August revealed 49,000 vacant positions across the department, which employs more than 390,000 people. While the agency's budget has since increased, tens of thousands of jobs remain unfilled.

"It could end up killing people," one VA official who works for a regional system said, referring to the likelihood that medical personnel at its 1,243 health care facilities across the country will be overwhelmed by a significant rise in patients.

Earlier this month, the VA confirmed the first case in its system. That veteran is currently being treated for coronavirus at a VA facility in Palo Alto, California.

Fifteen other cases, either confirmed or presumed to be positive, have since surfaced at VA facilities in Nevada, Louisiana, Washington state, Georgia, South Dakota and Colorado.

As of Friday, the VA says it has administered 140 tests nationwide, up from 70 just two days prior. That means roughly 9% of those tests have registered indications of coronavirus, a staggering result considering the VA provides care for millions of veterans.

The VA has 3,000 test kits available, 1,000 of which were provided by the CDC and will be used first. An additional 2,000 VA-developed tests will only be used if necessary, a VA spokesperson said.
Thank you all for the updates! Have been reading all night. Work conference call re:COVID starting in 3 minutes and I’m the 184th person to join. Know I’m going to be called on to speak for Colorado, nervous but I think I’m prepared...hopefully.

( Hey neighbor. :wave: )

Thank you to some of the members here who are doing a great job of keeping the rest of us informed.

Marines in Da House!!!


Hold me, FD!! :eek:


Seems we’ve got a little bit of a situation here, (coughs) (into tissue)(runs to biocontain)...

I/we have been monitoring the situation since this all unfolded.

How’s the situation in Indiana? Other than, well you know...(coughs again, but not a CV cough, knock on wood)...

Can you believe this? I know National Guard has been deployed in NY and Denver...maybe other places.

FD, there have been some military related articles you may find of interest.

Let me grab those for you and I will add as an ETA to this post.

I’m SO glad to have you as a Marine here, friend.


ETA1: Taking a look at Indiana now. Will add as ETA.

ETA2 / @Falling Down / Looks like, from yesterday:

Nine more people tested for COVID-19 in Indiana

I wonder if they can run the DNA while they’re at it

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I grew up without toilet paper, but now I want the darn thing! Once you get accustomed to comforts, you don't to lose them.

I went to the local Wal-Mart yesterday and there was no toilet paper or paper towels. The shelves were bare. Baby wipes were also sold out. These items are out of stock online also. I finally found a store online (Rite-Aide)and was able to order the items.
We ordered thousands of dollars of food for our restaurant yesterday. Normal type of order.
I did call my chef and ask her to really watch her ordering.
Last night "thursday" sales were $320.00.
We sell a lot of seafood at our restaurant. Tomorrow, I'm going in to inventory and place 85% of that beautiful fresh fish into a freezer.
Our monthly lease for our restaurant is $5,200.00. I've not sent them a dime yet for this month.
I'm not even sure WHAT I'm going to send them. I have to keep my employees paid, the lights on and my food vendors paid. No food, no electricity, no employees= bankruptcy.
We've been at this location for 17 years. I told my husband this morning. "What are they going to do? Throw us out? Then what? Find another experienced restaurant to take over? Give the new tenant, if they can find one, 4 months of free rent and $20,000.00 or more in build out costs"?
All of this just sucks.
We've been planning on selling our restaurant this summer. Hubby is 73 and had major open heart surgery 1 year ago this month.
He's working double shifts 6 days a week.
His doctor told him to slow down, that he's "fresh off the table."
Neither hubby or myself have ever seen anything like this in our lives.

BTW. I was in banking for many years. The only way you can get a Small Business Loan from the Small Business Administration (SBA) is if you don't NEED one.
It's always been a big joke in the banking industry.

We're pretty screwed.

Best wishes from me, KALI.

Beginning March 16, all Atlanta Public Schools students can received a daily free bagged meal from Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at five school sites.

The locations are:

Douglass High School
Cleveland Elementary
Bunche Middle School
Sylvan Middle School
Phoenix Academy (formerly Crim High School)

After that, all APS families can report to the above locations from Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to receive a bag of shelf stable grocery store items.

Real-time updates: Coronavirus in Georgia
hospitals here are often at capacity in normal times. 4-5 hr. wait from ER to getting room is not unusual- in good times.
Same here in Atlanta....
Thank you all for the updates! Have been reading all night. Work conference call re:COVID starting in 3 minutes and I’m the 184th person to join. Know I’m going to be called on to speak for Colorado, nervous but I think I’m prepared...hopefully.

Apologies for quoting myself but as of now we have 22 countries represented. I’m dumbfounded and never imagined I’d ever be connecting with colleagues so globally. No one knows of the agenda but as one of the worlds largest employers who knows what going to happen...policy changes, drive thru only, etc etc

ETA: will post again after the call in about 2 hours with any non confidential info I can share. Hope to hear something that may help or be of interest.
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I posted on Wednesday or Thursday about my nurse friend having a patient - neg. for flu with pneumonia and DHEC refusing to test. This morning he told me the patient is still in serious condition, multiple Drs. have requested testing and DHEC still refuses. One Dr. went to administration and was told to look else where for the cause of her pneumonia because DHEC said no and to pray.
Ask them to send info to the media.....we all suspected that SC wasn't testing based on posture of Governor....
We know what they know.....some Americans choose to discount it. China has lived it and knows the truth and why Wuhan is still locked down.
Because we have been so slow to act, I predict we will have at least 3 Wuhan type environments or more...Seattle, San Francisco, and New York. I hold EVERYONE IN OUR GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR LACK OF ACTION. They had this info 2 months ago.


  • 4.8 million hospitalizations associated with the novel coronavirus
  • 96 million cases overall in the US
  • 480,000 deaths
  • Overall, the slide points out that hospitals should prepare for an impact to the system that's 10 times a severe flu season.
Presentation: US hospitals preparing for millions of hospitalizations - Business Insider

CDC worse case ESTIMATES:

infect between 160 million and 214 million people over a period of more than a year
Deaths 200,000 to 1.7 million people

CDC’s Worst-Case Coronavirus Model: 214 Million Infected, 1.7 Million Dead

estimated that if half of Americans contract COVID-19, anywhere from 163,500 to 1.6 million people could be killed. The lower value assumes fatality rate similar to the flu, which we already know its higher than that.

CDC’s Worst-Case Coronavirus Model: 214 Million Infected, 1.7 Million Dead

You are so good with links and explaining stuff Henry! Thank you as you are so invaluable on this thread. This is why NPIs are so important to not reach the potential infection levels that were projected, and the sooner the better as has been shown.
Apologies for quoting myself but as of now we have 22 countries represented. I’m dumbfounded and never imagined I’d ever be connecting with colleagues so globally. No one knows of the agenda but as one of the worlds largest employers who knows what going to happen...policy changes, drive thru only, etc etc
Feel free to quote yourself anytime....:)
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