Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #23

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What coronavirus does to the body: COVID infection process, symptoms

According to the CDC, the virus can spread person-to-person within 6 feet through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

It’s also possible for the virus to remain on a surface or object, be transferred by touch and enter the body through the mouth, nose or eyes.

Dr. Martin S. Hirsch, senior physician in the Infectious Diseases Services at Massachusetts General Hospital, said there’s still a lot to learn but experts suspect the virus may act similarly to SARS-CoV from 13 years ago.

It’s a respiratory virus and thus it enters through the respiratory tract, we think primarily through the nose,” he said. “But it might be able to get in through the eyes and mouth because that’s how other respiratory viruses behave.”

When the virus enters the body, it begins to attack.

Fever, cough and other COVID-19 symptoms

It can take two to 14 days for a person to develop symptoms after initial exposure to the virus, Hirsch said. The average is about five days.

Once inside the body, it begins infecting epithelial cells in the lining of the lung. A protein on the receptors of the virus can attach to a host cell's receptors and penetrate the cell. Inside the host cell, the virus begins to replicate until it kills the cell.

This first takes place in the upper respiratory tract, which includes the nose, mouth, larynx and bronchi.

The patient begins to experience mild version of symptoms: dry cough, shortness of breath, fever and headache and muscle pain and tiredness, comparable to the flu.

Some patients have reported gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea, however it's relatively uncommon.

Symptoms become more severe once the infection starts making its way to the lower respiratory tract.

The lungs are the major target,” Hirsch said.

As the virus continues to replicate and journeys further down the windpipe and into the lung, it can cause more respiratory problems like bronchitis and pneumonia.

When pneumonia occurs, the thin layer of alveolar cells is damaged by the virus. The body reacts by sending immune cells to to the lung to fight it off.

"And that results in the linings becoming thicker than normal," he said. "As they thicken more and more, they essentially choke off the little air pocket, which is what you need to get the oxygen to your blood."

Restricting oxygen to the bloodstream deprives other major organs of oxygen including the liver, kidney and brain.

However, if too much of the lung is damaged and not enough oxygen is supplied to the rest of the body, respiratory failure could lead to organ failure and death.
Some of the latest developments:

Spain's cabinet meets to declare two-week state of emergency as 1,500 new cases are reported.
One bright spot--all over twitter this excellent news from the WHO:

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that dogs cannot get Covid-19. Dogs can be released from quarantine. I guess you could say that "WHO let the dogs out"

This is a very very important gift from the Universe. We were sweatin it BADLY there for a while.

I can not even TELL YOU what a bullet we dodged on that one. There are epic, epic ramifications of this which was another very dark potential alternate reality that we very very thankfully avoided.

If they were known to carry the virus, then elderly and others who are hospitalized, well their dogs wouldn’t have fared well. Let’s say that.

We can not tell you how bad the pet situation was in Wuhan...

Long story. :(

(Did we blast this tweet all over Hong Kong yet? That dogs can’t get it?)


Trying to get my thoughts together this morning before I go to check if Denver has fallen off the planet yet.

I am not expecting the Denver situation to be good at all.

Here’s what we can expect, moo:

Overloaded health facilities.

Front lines will be the first ones to take a very hard hit - Moo - Top of the list is medical workers.

We have had time to prepare.

One must know how to properly use PPE otherwise improper usage can have converse effects.

Hopefully we have had the time for medical workers to protect against themselves against this.

Secondly, first responders are especially at risk, imo. Police, Fire Department.

Third, MOO IMO some Americans are not used to the government telling them what to do, as China is.

Serious containment measures are needed. Some people may not follow recommendations and I’m expecting several idiots and mentally unwell are going to exacerbate the situation, as we’ve seen already and as I already predicted.

I’m expecting mass social chaos (think Katrina) but hoping I am wrong about that JMO. This is where our police, etc are going to have to deal with this, potentially exposing themselves.


Somehow I’m hoping the gift of time, the “window of opportunity” that my beloved Dr. Tedros has been trying to drill in our heads, has given us time to learn from China, S.Korea, Iran and Italy.

Know that this virus is highly highly contagious. Nobody has immunity to it. It is more way more deadly than the flu. There is no vaccine.

Familial transmission is very high moo.


Did we get any more information about the homeless guy who jumped on a bus? Northbound yesterday in Kent county, iirc? We need to find him. Has his name been released?
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Someone last night suggested DHGate in ordering face masks (THANK YOU!). It takes about a month but I was able to get some of the disposable ones, 10 for $8 shipped but it will take a month (about the time this virus will be full blown in the US), and they are coming from China:rolleyes: but I am desperate. I have been unable to find them anywhere in stores or online. I realize they are disposable but I wanted to get my hands on them before I decide to switch to one that washes and has replaceable filters.

I feel I am going to need them for my commute to/from work and anytime I step into a store or where I might run into lots of people. I don’t plan on going out much anyway.

P.S. as many have suggested, I will spray the box with Lysol and leave it outside for a day or two before I open the packaging and do the same with the contents.
Taking a guess Trino. For this thread. No politics. None.
Even without politics, we are going through a new thread daily, and sometimes two.
If we discussed politics on this thread, it would probably blow up to 10 or more threads a day.
I've been on this thread since it's beginning.
We all have so much to talk about, just dealing with this virus and it's effects on each of us.
You could contact the owner of this website, and ask her if she would be willing to start a new thread that has to deal with politics.
I have no idea what her answer would be.
In the meantime. I'm sure that there are about a zillion political threads about this virus on the web.
Well, I have been a WS member for around 20 years. Criticizing someone because of a political affiliation is political, but criticizing someone’s behavior, despite political affiliation, to me seems completely different.
Now on to the Senate. On Monday, unless they return from recess.

Trump, Pelosi agree on coronavirus relief bill. Next hurdle: the Senate. — NPR

Morning Ze, and all!

I think it will pass in the Senate.

<modsnip: removed political comment>

Everything needs to only pertain to combating the virus while financially helping those who may be affected.

So hopefully the unnecessary stuff is out. McConnell already knew President Trump wouldn't sign off with unnecessary things still in it.

If it's a clean bill concentrating fully on the coronavirus needs only then PT will sign it most likely Monday after it passes the Senate.

I was in the hospital for over a week and just got a week ago, and three days later after I left this same hospital from hell they had their first coronavirus patient. :(

May everyone know how important it is to socially distance themselves. My husband, and I are 73, and 74 so it's been quite a traumatic time for us, but we are taking all precautions the federal doctors, and experts are advising.

Take care everyone.

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Someone last night suggested DHGate in ordering face masks. It takes about a month but I was able to get some of the disposable ones, 10 for $8 shipped but it will take a month (about the time this virus will be full blown in the US), and they are coming from China:rolleyes: but I am desperate. I have been unable to find them anywhere in stores or online. I realize they are disposable but I wanted to get my hands on them before I decide to switch to one that washes and has replaceable filters.

I feel I am going to need them for my commute to/from work and anytime I step into a store or where I might run into lots of people. I don’t plan on going out much anyway.
A respirator used for painting etc can also be used. Plenty of those around

A respirator used for painting etc can also be used. Plenty of those around

I have not found ANY mask (painting, medical, grass cutting, etc) ANYWHERE online or in stores. I am done now and refuse to go to any more stores for anything.

If you have a link to any masks in stock please post.
Apologies for quoting myself but as of now we have 22 countries represented. I’m dumbfounded and never imagined I’d ever be connecting with colleagues so globally. No one knows of the agenda but as one of the worlds largest employers who knows what going to happen...policy changes, drive thru only, etc etc

ETA: will post again after the call in about 2 hours with any non confidential info I can share. Hope to hear something that may help or be of interest.

Feel free to quote yourself anytime....:)

I’m going to report it.

You know, kind of like the coronavirus conference cancelled because of coronavirus.
8. Schools: Kids generally won’t get very ill, so the govt can use them as a tool to infect others when you want to increase infection. When you need to slow infection, that tap can be turned off – at that point they close the schools. Politically risky for them to say this.

9. The same for large scale events - stop them when you want to slow infection rates; turn another tap off. This means schools etc are closed for a shorter period and disruption generally is therefore for a shorter period, AND with a growing immune population. This is sustainable.


Just adding to this post about the UK, I had to read this a few times as I thought I was reading it wrong. UK police can force schools to stay open.

The Times reported the laws could also give police and immigration officers to detain people if they are suspected of being infected and the ability to direct schools to stay open. The newspaper said the laws could remain in place for two years.

UK’s 'herd immunity' approach over coronavirus called into question
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@Auntie Cipation I checked all three local Jackson County TV station FB pages and didn’t see anything...yet. But thanks for the heads up. I will keep checking. Lake County is pretty isolated, and not on the I-5 corridor like most of the other cases, so I would be surprised. But with this virus, nothing should surprise me anymore!

Thank you! I looked on the Lake County website which apparently has the local hospital cover health issues, and their page about COVID-19 says nothing about a case there, so I'm hoping it was a false rumor (though I'm sure it will get there soon enough, remote or not...)

Strange. I just received a 'We are hiring, Immediate Openings Available' email from Ralphs (grocery store). I'm a member so I do receive their advertisement email time to time but this out of the blue email makes me wonder if their employees are quitting fast due to Coronavirus worries.

I wonder if stores and restaurants will start hiring drivers and offering delivery service?

I hope somebody somewhere is formulating a plan on what to do if the outbreak is not contained before hurricane season starts.
This worries me too! I'm not in hurricane country but the idea of other crises hitting while this one is taking all our resources is a serious concern to me...

PS I hate to be a Debbie Downer but I thought that comment about WHO "letting the dogs out" was just a wordplay joke?
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