Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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Took a 5-mile walk today with DH. More people are out, taking walks, runs, etc. We came back with clearer heads and reduced worries.

Stay sane and healthy, Everyone!


That's what I'm doing this weekend with my husband, going out for a hike.
Since he works from home already (IT), being able to spend more time with him has been a special treat for me.

International travellers returning to Canada are under mandatory 14 day isolation. They will be told when they cross the border into Canada what they are allowed to do. Too many people think that the rules don't apply to them, or that if they don't get caught then it's okay, but hopefully that will not happen. They can arrange for family and friends to drop off keys and mail, deliver groceries for the first few days. Many people are happy to help out if it means reducing the number of infected people.

What I find frightening is that the public was warned about travelling way in advance about COVID-19, yet some people continued to travel overseas.


States across the US are investigating thousands of reports of coronavirus price gouging, from a $50 bottle of Purell to $10 for a single toilet roll

States across the US are investigating thousands of reports of coronavirus price gouging, from a $50 bottle of Purell to $10 for a single toilet roll

These re-selling hoarders need to have their accounts shut down and all profits confiscated from them. Jail time might help, too.
The coronavirus’s trajectory is putting us on a course of many, many more cases and many, many more deaths unless we do something drastic.

In other words, there’s a simple answer to the question: No, we’re not overreacting.

Why we’re not overreacting to the coronavirus, in one chart

Any idea of when the 'surge' is supposed to hit the Toronto area?? I think we are one week in, and it hits at the end of the second week?? <modsnip> Thank you and stay well.
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Well, as much as I like to look out the window and see deer while I am working, I actually miss going to work. At home I let my hair air dry (scary looking), no make-up (really scary looking) and just really let myself go. I don't think I have ever stayed home this long before ( a whole week). Some people that I work with are still going to work. I do take my pups for a walk each day and their daily car ride - so I do get out of the house for that.

The realization is hitting and the realization that the end is not in sight is upsetting. I have cut my purse strings since I really don't know how long my job will last.
Anyway, I am getting down in the dumps. This time my favorite cure , Ice Cream, is not working.

I have a big project due at work on Monday and I am behind on it. It is not a life/death type of project. Hard to burn the midnight oil on a project that is needed (but can wait a week or two with little to no impact) and not a life saving project when the world is shutting down.

Kensie, I’ve been working for home for many years. It was fantastic when my children were home, still in middle school and high school. It forced me to get up, get dressed and face the day. Once they left, I began just going from the bed to the couch to my office and back the same way. Became super depressed. Try to make yourself get up, shower and put on some type of decent clothing. Fix your hair; Put your make up on (if your wear any) and get outside during breaks. It takes some effort but I promise it helps. Take care my dear...we are all in this together.

Edited to correct auto text
I don't want to alarm anyone. I'm not usually a person who panics. But stay home as long as you possibly can. If you can have something delivered to you-- do that instead. If someone offers to shop for you and leave the groceries on your doorstep with no contact, accept their help and wipe everything down when you bring it in. I meant to fill my car with gasoline but I was so freaked out by the behavior of others that I completely forgot. I have 1/4 tank and usually stay full for emergency situations. I suppose I'll have to go out tomorrow and fill up. At least I can pump my own gas with gloves on my hands and use the car and pumps as a physical barrier to avoid anyone getting near. People are acting strange and there's this eerie feeling in the air out there. I don't like it. I want nothing more than to wake up tomorrow and find out this has all been a bizarre dream.

ETA: And I hope you feel better soon. I'll say a prayer for you.


Yeah, NYC is releasing (?) homeless people who should in fact not be released from wherever they are in care, IMO; based upon what I see when I walk down the local streets on my daily constitutional.

I'm thinking the next time I go out to walk I'm pocketing my self-protect alarm and eye-poker (seems odd to call it "brass knuckles" as it really isn't, but then again functionally it is, lol. It's shaped like a cat's head, so it looks less like brass knuckles. The "eye poker" is the peaks that form his ears).

I actually saw a man crossing the street the other day, who was legit roundhousing with himself. It was pretty scary. He literally went across the street corner windmilling and punching the air with his whole body. I kept too far away to determine if/that he was "really" homeless; but if he's not homeless, then he's one of those people whom the current situation is clearly pushing over the edge, if he wasn't.

I'm also engaging the hotel lock addition on my apartment door (I have it up, but rarely use it). It's one of those that allows you to peek in, but won't let people force their way past it. My door and its jamb are both metal, thankfully; so not so easy to tear it out.

My birthday will be Wednesday. I'm thinking it won't be very festive. The current plan for celebration is a self-spiked Slurpee, if 7-11 stays open. I know people have a lot larger things to worry about right now, but I do like to have SOMEthing to show it's a celebration...

Also, the stockists at my local Whole Foods yesterday, based upon what they were saying in the aisles, were. not. happy. that they were still sitting on the job; and starting to feel that their doing so was a sign the company could give a dang about their well-being.

So just as a warning, I'd keep your local food stocks up as long as one feasibly can; because while they may find enough broke currently unemployed people to replace them in the jobs, I could certainly understand if they're not the only grocery chain store employees who also would like to be sheltering-in-place, instead of out in the open exposed to germs.

Seattle councilmember proposes extending eviction ban for six months after coronavirus emergency

The city already has an emergency order in place that says many residential tenants can’t be evicted for 60 days or until the emergency is over. The order covers all evictions other than those related to tenant actions that imminently threaten the health or safety of others.

González intends to introduce legislation Monday that would allow tenants to use the pandemic as a defense in eviction court. Landlords would be barred from evicting tenants able to prove a connection between their unpaid or late rent and their coronavirus struggles.

Her legislation would apply to tenants with unpaid or late rent due to a coronavirus-related illness; reduction in income; loss of employment; reduction in work hours; business or office closure; need to miss work to care without compensation for an immediate family member or child; or similar circumstance.

“I have heard from many renters who worry that even after the immediate crisis ends, they will be unable to immediately pay rent,” González said in a news release.


The legislation would cap the installments at one-third the monthly rent, unless agreed to by a tenant. It also would prohibit late fees and interest for six months after the emergency.

I want to mention "bartering".
I have done this most of my life.
Because of my cooking and vegetable gardening skills.
Usually, it's fun stuff, I'll make say, banana breads, give to my neighbor, and she'll give me lemons and avocados from her trees.
I'll give her my home grown tomatoes, and she'll give me oranges from her trees.
With my hairdresser, I'll bring him something I cooked, and he'll take $40.00 off my bill.
So, if your teenager needs some money, or, your family wants some of your neighbors apples, or, what not, send your teen over to do some picking or weeding, or dog walking, OR?
Ok I have a plastic tub I normally use for cleaning supplies.

Filled it with bleach and water.

Walking out to doorstep with gloves and will first put each delivered item in bleach bucket.

Better idea

It’s heavy. Next time use flower pot to transport water
Top National Guard general refutes nationwide coronavirus quarantine rumors

A top National Guard general on Friday refuted false rumors of martial law and a nationwide quarantine as troops continue to get called up amid the coronavirus pandemic.

"I hear unfounded rumors about #NationalGuard troops supporting a nationwide quarantine," tweeted Gen. Joseph Lengyel, chief of the National Guard Bureau. "Let me be clear: There has been no such discussion."

Yet, there should be discussion as such. MOO
High temps and High humidity are supposed to help to reduce the spread of this virus.
First good news that I have had today -- I live in a high humidity area and in the Summers it can get really hot. We have had endless rain all winter -been mild but rain almost every day. In fact the grass is getting super tall but cannot mow because of all the rain

Bring on the humidity. I can deal with super frizzy hair and feeling sticky.

Thanks for the article Margarita.
I wish! But that's not so, unfortunately. The cases across the world show that to NOT be so.

The virus does NOT care about the weather at all. We need to be prepared, not trust what some have said about warmer weather (or "April") bringing relief - it's simply not true.

Will heat kill the coronavirus? - ScienceDirect
I wish! But that's not so, unfortunately. The cases across the world show that to NOT be so.

The virus does NOT care about the weather at all. We need to be prepared, not trust what some have said about warmer weather (or "April") bringing relief - it's simply not true.

Will heat kill the coronavirus? - ScienceDirect

This is the article that Margarita posted about heat and humidity:

I am beginning to wonder if anyone really knows what is going on and I am beginning to wonder if I even want to know.
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