Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #63

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Tell me more about this air bridge delivery of goods?

Now that some nations (e.g. China) are unhappy about shipping goods via water, some nations are starting to try and work out ways to use freight airplanes to go back and forth to central airports in Asia, picking up goods. This means having a place to store the goods at both ends, of course. Right now, it's all geared toward water.

Air bridges are expensive, of course. I don't know the ecological impacts. But there's only so much that can be transported via this method and other nations are lining up to arrange it with the various Asian companies. The EU may negotiate as a bloc, then once the goods are in the EU, use their regular distribution methods.

Other nations are going to have to figure out how to do this (whose planes to use, how to get them to airports without disrupting passenger traffic, possibly using air fields away from the coast, etc).

But the planes would go back and forth, just like trucks over a bridge. When I first read it, I actually thought that CEO's were talking about a physical bridge (doh). Some would be refrigerated etc.

It's not just Asia, either. This all started because China is afraid of the virus coming back in - even from nations with very low numbers of cases. The idea is that no one from those planes will be allowed out of the transport area, there will be no mixing of ordinary people with the plane people. I assume the nations will work out the logistics of testing pilots, offloading goods, etc.

Naturally, costs will go up as a result. And it will work better for nations who have something to put in the planes that go back to Asia - like Germany.
My mother had surgery last Thursday, hernia. It had been delayed from March and she finally got it fixed. She is 80 and is in very good health except high blood pressure. I've been taking care of her and she does live alone. She did go to church twice I believe after many months of it being closed to indoor services.

Today I stressed to her that the virus has hit the nursing home the next county over, 48 cases within 3 days this week, 1 case so far at our nursing home here. I cautioned that the virus seems to be spreading quickly and that she shouldn't go out for While, I will get what she needs.

She proceeds to tell me that she'll be going back to church soon, as soon as her strength is back, 2 weeks she thinks. I tried to reason that it just isn't wise right now but if she sneaks off to go, wear a mask. Then she says, I'd be the only one and her faith is strong. (Beating my head against a wall!) I told her if she gets this virus, in this weakened state and her age it wouldn't be good and we wouldn't be able to visit her, nor would her church friends.

Hoping she will listen to reason but she'll do what she wants to. So she's in the if I get it, I get it. *sigh*
Church is definitely not a good idea for someone her age. It's indoor, and people don't wear masks. Churches contributed quite a lot to virus spread.
Church is definitely not a good idea for someone her age. It's indoor, and people don't wear masks. Churches contributed quite a lot to virus spread.

I have told her a hundred times for the past month making sure she quarantined before surgery. Her test was negative before surgery so hoping I can reach her somehow.
Now that some nations (e.g. China) are unhappy about shipping goods via water, some nations are starting to try and work out ways to use freight airplanes to go back and forth to central airports in Asia, picking up goods. This means having a place to store the goods at both ends, of course. Right now, it's all geared toward water.

Air bridges are expensive, of course. I don't know the ecological impacts. But there's only so much that can be transported via this method and other nations are lining up to arrange it with the various Asian companies. The EU may negotiate as a bloc, then once the goods are in the EU, use their regular distribution methods.

Other nations are going to have to figure out how to do this (whose planes to use, how to get them to airports without disrupting passenger traffic, possibly using air fields away from the coast, etc).

But the planes would go back and forth, just like trucks over a bridge. When I first read it, I actually thought that CEO's were talking about a physical bridge (doh). Some would be refrigerated etc.

It's not just Asia, either. This all started because China is afraid of the virus coming back in - even from nations with very low numbers of cases. The idea is that no one from those planes will be allowed out of the transport area, there will be no mixing of ordinary people with the plane people. I assume the nations will work out the logistics of testing pilots, offloading goods, etc.

Naturally, costs will go up as a result. And it will work better for nations who have something to put in the planes that go back to Asia - like Germany.

I think that Australia has decided to reduce imports from China. We are rekindling previous suppliers and seeking new suppliers from other places. The govt is staying fairly quiet about this, but I have also heard smatterings about our govt strategy on TV news.
My thought is that this will improve manufacturing in some other countries (and maybe in my own country) and help their employment numbers.

Australian companies are being encouraged to ditch Chinese suppliers to reduce the risk to supply chains as trade tensions escalate.

Brett Kelly, chief executive of ASX-listed accounting network Kelly+Partners, has called on his (7,500) clients to look for alternative suppliers for manufactured and primary products.
'We are assisting many of our clients to move their product sourcing to other countries and Australia, where certified, high quality and cost-competitive raw materials and finished products are available without the spectre of illegal work and political practices.'

He said the move away from China would be a major benefit to Australian suppliers.

(DM article but it references the paywalled Financial Review article)
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I wonder why it is always the blame game ... "You have to resign - even though you have been an esteemed public health professional for many years - because you reported some incorrect numbers to me". (This is not a quote, it is my interpretation of the article.)

It is not like anyone is doing much about the numbers anyway. It seems as though many have just thrown their hands in the air and put the coronavirus issues in the 'too hard basket'.

yet the gov didn’t ask the public safety secretary to resign over the 50,000 counterfeit N95 masks purchased for first responders with taxpayer money.
My mother had surgery last Thursday, hernia. It had been delayed from March and she finally got it fixed. She is 80 and is in very good health except high blood pressure. I've been taking care of her and she does live alone. She did go to church twice I believe after many months of it being closed to indoor services.

Today I stressed to her that the virus has hit the nursing home the next county over, 48 cases within 3 days this week, 1 case so far at our nursing home here. I cautioned that the virus seems to be spreading quickly and that she shouldn't go out for While, I will get what she needs.

She proceeds to tell me that she'll be going back to church soon, as soon as her strength is back, 2 weeks she thinks. I tried to reason that it just isn't wise right now but if she sneaks off to go, wear a mask. Then she says, I'd be the only one and her faith is strong. (Beating my head against a wall!) I told her if she gets this virus, in this weakened state and her age it wouldn't be good and we wouldn't be able to visit her, nor would her church friends.

Hoping she will listen to reason but she'll do what she wants to. So she's in the if I get it, I get it. *sigh*

Same mindset as my husband. Completely fatalistic. They think that it is only a matter of time anyway. So, why stay under the bed? Roar into heaven, skidding sideways on the Harley. That is how my Marine Corps husband has always lived his life, and he won't change now.
Hoping she will listen to reason but she'll do what she wants to. So she's in the if I get it, I get it. *sigh*

Maybe she will listen if you explain that she could pass it on to you by going to church. It’s not just about her life. It’s about the lives of everyone she comes in contact with.

And please forgive me, but shouldn’t it be up to her church to make an effort to protect its congregation by making accommodations? We haven’t met in person since mid-March. Zoom works just fine, even for friends in their 90’s.
Maybe she will listen if you explain that she could pass it on to you by going to church. It’s not just about her life. It’s about the lives of everyone she comes in contact with.

And please forgive me, but shouldn’t it be up to her church to make an effort to protect its congregation by making accommodations? We haven’t met in person since mid-March. Zoom works just fine, even for friends in their 90’s.

She did watch it online while it was closed and you would think they would provide. It just is what it is, maybe I'll get my brother to talk to her - he's the favorite. :)
Looks like we beat the record today for a number of covid cases. Our first wave just rolled into a second wave. Or maybe we can just count it as one really big wave.

When it's all said and done, and you look at a graph, it will look like a single wave. The duration of the dip was insignificant, and will be dwarfed by the initial increase, and the unknown increase we're on right now.
I wanted to make a separate post for this.

What's being lost in the mix, is that the States which had the largest outbreaks, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, have gotten their outbreaks under control, and truly flattened their curves.

At this point, we're going to probably at least challenge the totals from a couple of months ago, when NY, NJ & MA were experiencing giant #'s. And that's without their contributions right now.

So if you really want to hope for something. Hope to God that 1 or more of those states doesn't experience another outbreak. I think at this point there is little doubt that for At Least the month of July, there are going to be many states where the #'s are spiking exponentially. States like NY & NJ are effectively what will remain of any Dam to stop the deluge.
Maybe she will listen if you explain that she could pass it on to you by going to church. It’s not just about her life. It’s about the lives of everyone she comes in contact with.

And please forgive me, but shouldn’t it be up to her church to make an effort to protect its congregation by making accommodations? We haven’t met in person since mid-March. Zoom works just fine, even for friends in their 90’s.

My husband's church is online. But he wants the full "experience". With the incense, chanting, whatever they do for mass. He has missed it terribly. It was his life. He used to go to church three times a week. Bible study, Typica, mass, whatever they do. His ministry at the jail.

Online, just not the same.
Some good news.

Tests Confirm Israeli Startup's Antiviral Masks More Than 90% Effective Against Coronavirus

Earlier this year, CBN News told you about Sonovia, an Israeli startup producing innovative, reusable anti-viral masks that don’t just block viruses and bacteria but kill them on contact.

Researchers at the Microspectum (Weipu Jishu) lab in Shanghai have finally tested Sonovia’s anti-viral material against the novel coronavirus and the results are in – Sonovia’s fabric neutralized more than 90% of the virus.

How does it work? The material used to create the company’s “SonoMasks” is coated with zinc oxide nanoparticles that kill viruses and bacteria.


When the outbreak began, Sonovia donated masks. Now they are working to bring their technology across the world. Their clients include hospitals in Germany and the United States.

“Bolstered by this result we can now expand the production even further to reach particularly in Brazil where there is now a very large COVID-19 issue,” said Migdal. “We can design more personal protective equipment such as gloves with the same treatment and the same type of fabrics. This is going to provide even greater security.”

Sonovia’s masks were “widely well-received” in New York and Florida and the company is now working to receive medical FDA approval in America.

Once that happens, Migdal said Sonovia will expand its efforts at making sure those on the frontlines of America’s battle with COVID-19 are protected while working to save lives.

“We’ll work with the hospitals in America to have the physicians [wear] the mask as part of their daily routine in the hospital and medical situations,” he explained.

They hope to produce other protective garments, drapes, and gowns that hospitals and the public can use.
Reality check for those who do not take Covid 19 seriously.

U.S.: 38,000+ new cases yesterday

Canada: 279 new cases yesterday

(Current border closure in place until July 21).

For per-capita comparison, Canada has a population of 37.7m, 1/10th of USA at 330m. Based on population, if Canada had 279 new cases, the States would be comparable with approximately 2790 new cases.

Why opening the Canada-U.S. border is unlikely

Every year our American and Canadian sides of the family have met on July 1st (Canada Day) or July 4th (alternating depending on people's work schedules), in Canada or the U.S. at a border city. This year we can't go into Canada, and our Canadian family can't come into the U.S. Both borders closed. So no visiting this summer. Also, reunion on mother's side of family in Nova Scotia is cancelled this August, and in Prince Edward Island in August on father's side. Hope next year we can see each other again in person.

Just caught up on posts from earlier today and thanks @Bravo for information on face shields, and also for information on why Windsor, Ontario may have higher infection rate than some other Canadian cities.
Same mindset as my husband. Completely fatalistic. They think that it is only a matter of time anyway. So, why stay under the bed? Roar into heaven, skidding sideways on the Harley. That is how my Marine Corps husband has always lived his life, and he won't change now.
You've got a way with words.
Btw, I loved your photo last night. Wondering who will play "the mayor of shark city" in the COVID 19 movie.
Congratulations New York, you're no longer Number 1. If the numbers at Worldometers are accurate you have been bumped into the Number 2 position by New Jersey.

Worldometers is now showing New Jersey with 1,690 deaths per million and New York with only 1,613 deaths per million.

But New York still hold the highest total deaths spot with 31,373 so far. That's more than twice the deaths of the next highest state.

Looks like we beat the record today for a number of covid cases. Our first wave just rolled into a second wave. Or maybe we can just count it as one really big wave.

I have seen it described as a forest fire.

The pandemic is showing no sign of weakening in the US, head of the Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, Michael Osterholm, told NBC.

“I think this is more like a forest fire. I don’t think that this is going to slow down,” he said.

“I think that wherever there’s wood to burn, this fire’s going to burn – and right now we have a lot of susceptible people. Right now, I don’t see this slowing down through the summer or into the fall. I don’t think we’re going to see one, two and three waves. I think we’re going to just see one very, very difficult forest fire of cases.”
Troubling figure in US cases
I went by one of the churches up the street last Sunday morning and saw they were having a service outside under several large trees. Lots of shaded area. People had brought their own chairs, social distancing and there was a keyboardist and a guitarist.
It looked like a good alternative, most had on masks surprisingly.
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