Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #63

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This is what social distancing looks like at a football game. My state allowed 2,000 fans (chosen by ballot) to attend a usually-packed-out stadium to watch a very popular grudge match between my state's two teams.

The stadium usually holds a capacity of 53,500 people.


They left an empty row behind and in front of everyone, and spaced the people at least two seats apart. Things went very well. This weekend they are allowing 5,000 fans to attend.

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My husband's church is online. But he wants the full "experience". With the incense, chanting, whatever they do for mass. He has missed it terribly. It was his life. He used to go to church three times a week. Bible study, Typica, mass, whatever they do. His ministry at the jail.

Online, just not the same.

Yes, I understand. That’s hard.
Vaccine news.

This one is moving forward in Wuhan and is consistently producing antibodies. It remains to be seen how long these last - but it's very good news.

Here's a good theory about why men are having a rougher time with CoVid.

Women have two copies of the ACE-2 gene, and usually, our own RNA reads and produces either a mix of the two genes or choose the "better" of the two genes. It's a pre-print.

Studies show that children and young people aren't forming significant antibodies This one is from a town where 95% of the population got CoVid, and about 92% of those participated in the study.

More on age: Americans are an outlier, our average age of death from CoVid is lower than elsewhere.

Stay safe; wear masks; physically distance yourselves - and remember, many more people are vulnerable than many realize, including some of the vulnerable. A mask shows that you care.
Some good news.

Tests Confirm Israeli Startup's Antiviral Masks More Than 90% Effective Against Coronavirus

Earlier this year, CBN News told you about Sonovia, an Israeli startup producing innovative, reusable anti-viral masks that don’t just block viruses and bacteria but kill them on contact.

Researchers at the Microspectum (Weipu Jishu) lab in Shanghai have finally tested Sonovia’s anti-viral material against the novel coronavirus and the results are in – Sonovia’s fabric neutralized more than 90% of the virus.

How does it work? The material used to create the company’s “SonoMasks” is coated with zinc oxide nanoparticles that kill viruses and bacteria.


When the outbreak began, Sonovia donated masks. Now they are working to bring their technology across the world. Their clients include hospitals in Germany and the United States.

“Bolstered by this result we can now expand the production even further to reach particularly in Brazil where there is now a very large COVID-19 issue,” said Migdal. “We can design more personal protective equipment such as gloves with the same treatment and the same type of fabrics. This is going to provide even greater security.”

Sonovia’s masks were “widely well-received” in New York and Florida and the company is now working to receive medical FDA approval in America.

Once that happens, Migdal said Sonovia will expand its efforts at making sure those on the frontlines of America’s battle with COVID-19 are protected while working to save lives.

“We’ll work with the hospitals in America to have the physicians [wear] the mask as part of their daily routine in the hospital and medical situations,” he explained.

They hope to produce other protective garments, drapes, and gowns that hospitals and the public can use.

Has anyone been able to find the original studies related to these fabric masks?
My mother had surgery last Thursday, hernia. It had been delayed from March and she finally got it fixed. She is 80 and is in very good health except high blood pressure. I've been taking care of her and she does live alone. She did go to church twice I believe after many months of it being closed to indoor services.

Today I stressed to her that the virus has hit the nursing home the next county over, 48 cases within 3 days this week, 1 case so far at our nursing home here. I cautioned that the virus seems to be spreading quickly and that she shouldn't go out for While, I will get what she needs.

She proceeds to tell me that she'll be going back to church soon, as soon as her strength is back, 2 weeks she thinks. I tried to reason that it just isn't wise right now but if she sneaks off to go, wear a mask. Then she says, I'd be the only one and her faith is strong. (Beating my head against a wall!) I told her if she gets this virus, in this weakened state and her age it wouldn't be good and we wouldn't be able to visit her, nor would her church friends.

Hoping she will listen to reason but she'll do what she wants to. So she's in the if I get it, I get it. *sigh*

It's very hard. My mother was the opposite and really worried about "germs" after her various surgeries. At some point, older people do get ready for the inevitable and about what truly makes them comfortable and happy (even if their kids are pulling out their hair). I will likely be in your mother's group if I survive to 80 and this is still going on - I'll have had enough of trying to live longer. My dad fully expected to die from his one surgery (after a fall) and he was disappointed to wake up from anesthesia.

He didn't know they called in specialists in geriatric anesthesiology just for him. One thing worth noting: after surgery, many older people aren't quite as strong, mentally, as they were before and the doctors told me that was normal - they just didn't tell me that before Dad had his surgery.
Has anyone been able to find the original studies related to these fabric masks?

One week ago on their official FB page, Sonovia told a commenter that they are working to finish and publish the independent trials as fast as they can. They wanted to emphasize that this time frame is common, and that they had studies available on similar products that coat their fabrics with metal oxide nanoparticles.

In response to another comment - three weeks ago - they mention that they are still testing the masks against the coronavirus and expect the results soon.
Israeli company Sonovia makes anti-viral, reusable masks
Well, I'm excited, for the first time in over 3 months I'm going out to breakfast.
The Hilton hotel next to where I am right now, is open and serving breakfast on their patios.
Their patios are pretty private. I do not anticipate crowds.
It will be nice to be served by somebody and, I'm looking forward to see how a big corporate hotel is handling their service.
That, and an omlete with a side of fruit ;-)
It's about time they added runny nose. Cause they were claiming for a longest time runny nose isn't a symptom.
Not a runny nose in my case, but congestion yes. Sinuses were v uncomfortable, nose v dry and sore inside. I can see how it might affect people with a runny nose tho, if it attacks the sinuses generally.
Well, I'm excited, for the first time in over 3 months I'm going out to breakfast.
The Hilton hotel next to where I am right now, is open and serving breakfast on their patios.
Their patios are pretty private. I do not anticipate crowds.
It will be nice to be served by somebody and, I'm looking forward to see how a big corporate hotel is handling their service.
That, and an omlete with a side of fruit ;-)
Hope you enjoy your brekkie Kali. As you say, will be v interesting to see how they run the operation.
I agree with you and the reason for the spikes. I have looked at the current cases hotspots eg two counties in Florida and if you look at the wiki link also for the gatherings the majority are in those two counties. We also had Memorial Day weekend. It is going to be difficult getting the genie back in the bottle now so social distancing and reduced capacities will have to suffice. Have we heard how Vegas are doing? I think Nevada is one of the states with increases. Vegas is open now right? MOO.
Houston and Seattle are spiking as well, coinciding with the protests. I have posted links previously. I haven’t done an in depth investigation, I just notice the headlines about spiking in cities where there have been a lot of protests. A lot of the protesters are from different towns and travel from city to city, which IMO further spreads the virus.
Our vet is now allowed to do non-essential visits, so popped by last night after her shift. There was a backlog of cats needing 6-month health checks here, and booster shots and claw clips. I mention this simply because it was such a surreal experience compared to our usual visit (which would normally include pizza and a glass of wine).
Both of us wore masks and gloves. Vet wore disposable shoe covers. We tried and failed to maintain a 2-metre distance but at least managed to stay a good foot or so apart. As she left, I sprayed vet with Safe4 and as soon as the door was shut, I jumped into the shower and threw my clothes in the washing machine.
I miss my pre-virus life, but am so grateful to have a friend like our vet.
White House coronavirus task force to hold first public meeting in close to two months as cases rise

The White House announced that Vice President Mike Pence would lead a public coronavirus task force briefing today at 12:30 ET, the first public meeting in almost two months.

The public meeting comes as President Trump has tried to declare the pandemic "over" despite the rising numbers, and has instead focused his administration's energy on reopening the economy. He has also resumed campaign rallies, despite warnings by health experts on his own task force that the events could be super spreaders of the virus. At his Tulsa rally, eight members of his advance staff tested positive for the virus. Since then, the Secret Service has announced that agents who attended the rally will be quarantining for two weeks. Campaign staffers who attended the rally are also quarantining.
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White House coronavirus task force to hold first public meeting in close to two months as cases rise

The White House announced that Vice President Mike Pence would lead a public coronavirus task force briefing today at 12:30 ET, the first public meeting in almost two months.

The public meeting comes as President Trump has tried to declare the pandemic "over" despite the rising numbers, and has instead focused his administration's energy on reopening the economy. He has also resumed campaign rallies, despite warnings by health experts on his own task force that the events could be super spreaders of the virus. At his Tulsa rally, eight members of his advance staff tested positive for the virus. Since then, the Secret Service has announced that agents who attended the rally will be quarantining for two weeks. Campaign staffers who attended the rally are also quarantining.
Hope he has a more realistic outlook to what he was supposedly telling this group.

Pence tries to assure GOP senators as coronavirus cases spike
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Same mindset as my husband. Completely fatalistic. They think that it is only a matter of time anyway. So, why stay under the bed? Roar into heaven, skidding sideways on the Harley. That is how my Marine Corps husband has always lived his life, and he won't change now.

If it wasn't for my influence my husband would not be taking this virus seriously. He wouldn't wear a mask and he would be living his life as normally. Even though we are in our 70's i think my husband thinks we are somehow immune from getting this virus: I have to bring him back to reality:. I make him wear a mask, wash his hands whenever we come back from outdoors or from the grocery store - and we wash every item that we bring in from the grocery store with soap and water. He would like to
go to restaurants but i won't dine in. ----he does golf which makes me nervous but i told him he cannot go into the clubhouse. I don't understand how anybody cannot comprehend the gravity of this virus and the things you have to do to attempt to avoid getting it. I certainly don't feel immune from getting this virus.

So what does your husband do to "roar into heaven skidding sideways"??
Some good news.

Tests Confirm Israeli Startup's Antiviral Masks More Than 90% Effective Against Coronavirus

Earlier this year, CBN News told you about Sonovia, an Israeli startup producing innovative, reusable anti-viral masks that don’t just block viruses and bacteria but kill them on contact.

Researchers at the Microspectum (Weipu Jishu) lab in Shanghai have finally tested Sonovia’s anti-viral material against the novel coronavirus and the results are in – Sonovia’s fabric neutralized more than 90% of the virus.

How does it work? The material used to create the company’s “SonoMasks” is coated with zinc oxide nanoparticles that kill viruses and bacteria.


When the outbreak began, Sonovia donated masks. Now they are working to bring their technology across the world. Their clients include hospitals in Germany and the United States.

“Bolstered by this result we can now expand the production even further to reach particularly in Brazil where there is now a very large COVID-19 issue,” said Migdal. “We can design more personal protective equipment such as gloves with the same treatment and the same type of fabrics. This is going to provide even greater security.”

Sonovia’s masks were “widely well-received” in New York and Florida and the company is now working to receive medical FDA approval in America.

Once that happens, Migdal said Sonovia will expand its efforts at making sure those on the frontlines of America’s battle with COVID-19 are protected while working to save lives.

“We’ll work with the hospitals in America to have the physicians [wear] the mask as part of their daily routine in the hospital and medical situations,” he explained.

They hope to produce other protective garments, drapes, and gowns that hospitals and the public can use.

That's very good news. I now find a lot of misinformation even in official sources about masks, their application, the real possibility of protection with their help and so on. It's very scary.
That's very good news. I now find a lot of misinformation even in official sources about masks, their application, the real possibility of protection with their help and so on. It's very scary.
I do too. I am amazed that to this day we (general public) are told to wear homemade masks. Wearing a homemade mask means I have to depend on everybody else wearing a mask. There is no mask mandate in my state. And I've seen plenty of people wearing a mask over the chin or over a mouth only (what exactly is that going to do?). Why haven't we still made enough N95s for everybody?
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