Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #79

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Words to the wise -
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Words to the wise -
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I like that you wrote out specific "quotes" I'm going to bookmark this. Thanks !
I just love it when a pandemic brings everyone together

Hope this helps everyone understand how it is with the mask thing:

View attachment 265020

I always wear my mask when we go to any store- but today my hubby and i were driving around and decided to stop at Krogers because we needed something and it would be a quick stop and i didn't have a mask with me: we were in there only a couple minutes. It felt so odd not wearing a mask- it was just a bizarre feeling. i kept my head down and stayed away from people. Some lady walked by me and my husband (who was masked) said she gave me a dirty look-- we got out of there very quickly. But i just wanted to express how weird it was not to be masked. Wearing a mask now is just part of life-not wearing a mask-- just plain strange.

PS- i love your attachment but i would guess that there are lots of people who still won't get it!!!!
I live in GA. No one ever looked at the stuff on the floor and I think they are getting ready for Christmas stock. Most here wear a mask now in there my husband says. I don't go in- I sit in the car. I cannot handle a mask - sheer panic. I had to go to the Tag office yesterday to register my new car and had to wear one. It was absolutely PTSD/flashback causing. Thank goodness it was quick.

edited to answer your question: I am coping just as well as I think most are, albeit I think it is easier for me as I work from home and my kids are grown. The fact I was an only child until stepsiblings helps too- used to amusing myself :) I do not like the extra stress and anxiety my husband has right now as a teacher- although he handles all of it so well. My husband knows and understands why the mask causes me such distress; no problem him shopping. Our youngest still lives with us (21) who goes to both work and college and also picks up stuff as needed. I try and not overMomthink about my sons and husband out at work, school, etc. Some days that is easier than others. My nails look great- now that I started dipping them at home! How are you doing with this??

I stay in the car too, unless it’s someplace I have to go, like getting an X-ray the other day. I’m sorry about your mask PTSD. I just get hot and bothered with a little panic if I have to wear it too long. I sat outside our Safeway grocery store the other day and only saw one older lady waltz in without a mask. Perhaps she had a medical reason.

I’m doing fine here in OR. We’re long retired and it’s just the two of us. My husband is super-conscientious when he goes out. I think it would be really hard to have kids in and out. Our daughter was scheduled to move from CA to GA in April for a new job, which she is doing from home in CA waiting until her company makes some decisions in January. I’m really glad the move was postponed. Georgia was a mess at that point. We are both only children too, so it’s not as hard for us. Zoom is a big help. We are prepared for a long haul at home. We can’t and won’t take the risk just for a restaurant meal or seeing friends in person. Glad your nails look great! Don’t look at my hair! Not sure I trust my husband with the shears. :D
I always wear my mask when we go to any store- but today my hubby and i were driving around and decided to stop at Krogers because we needed something and it would be a quick stop and i didn't have a mask with me: we were in there only a couple minutes. It felt so odd not wearing a mask- it was just a bizarre feeling. i kept my head down and stayed away from people. Some lady walked by me and my husband (who was masked) said she gave me a dirty look-- we got out of there very quickly. But i just wanted to express how weird it was not to be masked. Wearing a mask now is just part of life-not wearing a mask-- just plain strange.

PS- i love your attachment but i would guess that there are lots of people who still won't get it!!!!

I'm surprised that you don't have to wear a mask at Kroger"s in your state, in Ohio masks are required in grocery stores, and Kroger's has a policy that customers have to wear face coverings.
I always wear my mask when we go to any store- but today my hubby and i were driving around and decided to stop at Krogers because we needed something and it would be a quick stop and i didn't have a mask with me: we were in there only a couple minutes. It felt so odd not wearing a mask- it was just a bizarre feeling. i kept my head down and stayed away from people. Some lady walked by me and my husband (who was masked) said she gave me a dirty look-- we got out of there very quickly. But i just wanted to express how weird it was not to be masked. Wearing a mask now is just part of life-not wearing a mask-- just plain strange.

PS- i love your attachment but i would guess that there are lots of people who still won't get it!!!!
Any reason you didn't wait in the car while your husband went in to pick up what you needed, since he had a mask and you didn't?

Were you surprised the lady gave you a dirty look?

I, too, give dirty looks to people who aren't wearing masks in stores.
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Today I sat opposite a friend in full sunlight. I saw many tiny droplets flying forth from his mouth as he spoke. This was made all the more brilliant by the afternoon sun. He is not a moist-speaker but this experience drove it home for me again...spittle is EVERYWHERE.
It just makes sense...if you’ve ever caught a droplet on your face, smelled somebody’s bad breath...well, then you know that masks are doing something...yeah, they are not comfortable, your face gets steamy and all, BUT, I really think that they stop the spread.
Today I sat opposite a friend in full sunlight. I saw many tiny droplets flying forth from his mouth as he spoke. This was made all the more brilliant by the afternoon sun. He is not a moist-speaker but this experience drove it home for me again...spittle is EVERYWHERE.
It just makes sense...if you’ve ever caught a droplet on your face, smelled somebody’s bad breath...well, then you know that masks are doing something...yeah, they are not comfortable, your face gets steamy and all, BUT, I really think that they stop the spread.

It is common sense that masks prevent spread of the virus: a mask is a barrier so spittle doesn't project from your mouth when you breathe, talk, laugh, etc.
Today I sat opposite a friend in full sunlight. I saw many tiny droplets flying forth from his mouth as he spoke. This was made all the more brilliant by the afternoon sun. He is not a moist-speaker but this experience drove it home for me again...spittle is EVERYWHERE.
It just makes sense...if you’ve ever caught a droplet on your face, smelled somebody’s bad breath...well, then you know that masks are doing something...yeah, they are not comfortable, your face gets steamy and all, BUT, I really think that they stop the spread.

At our local live theatre the stage lights illuminate the actors’ spittle and we call the front two rows the “splatter zone.” :D Of course they are projecting to the back row, but you can see the spray goes further than six feet.
At our local live theatre the stage lights illuminate the actors’ spittle and we call the front two rows the “splatter zone.” :D Of course they are projecting to the back row, but you can see the spray goes further than six feet.

Even when all this is over, I think the idea of and consciousness about “droplets“ and everything else will stick with me, at least for a while. But that’s just me.

Also, I’m not sure this is the last pandemic we will see in our lifetimes. Doctors and scientists have also mentioned this. When we look at what we’ve already seen with SARS, MERS, Ebola, etc., I don’t think it’s improbable. WHO is already talking about preparing for the next pandemic, taking what we’ve learned from this one over to the next one, for when it happens. They just did a whole conference on this.

I came across some old pre-COVID interviews with Dr. Fauci, in which he stated that a pandemic is inevitable. I also saw a video of Dr. Osterholm on a 2006 episode of Oprah where he said the same thing. They knew this was going to happen and predicted it. Dr. Fauci did a whole lecture and presentation on the subject.
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UK sees 132% spike in new coronavirus infections in space of two weeks.

The latest government statistics demonstrate how quickly the virus is spreading in the second wave, with 6,178 cases recorded on Wednesday.
It is also the highest daily figure since 1 May, nearly five months ago, when there were 6,201 infections.

Johnson later blamed the second wave of infections on rule breakers as he hinted at the possibility of a second lockdown if new cases do not fall.

Coronavirus cases spike 132% in a fortnight as daily toll tops 6,000
COVID will leave Australia with smaller economy and older population.

.... in a message designed to reassure Frydenberg (Treasurer of Australia) indicated the government’s focus would be economic recovery rather than budget repair until unemployment was back “comfortably” under 6%.
“Only through repairing the economy can we repair the budget,” he said

“Australia’s future population will be smaller, and older, than we previously assumed because of the sharp drop we are seeing in net overseas migration,” he said.
Population growth was expected to slow to its lowest rate in more than a century.

COVID will leave Australia with smaller economy and older population: Frydenberg
UK sees 132% spike in new coronavirus infections in space of two weeks.

The latest government statistics demonstrate how quickly the virus is spreading in the second wave, with 6,178 cases recorded on Wednesday.
It is also the highest daily figure since 1 May, nearly five months ago, when there were 6,201 infections.

Johnson later blamed the second wave of infections on rule breakers as he hinted at the possibility of a second lockdown if new cases do not fall.

Coronavirus cases spike 132% in a fortnight as daily toll tops 6,000

It sounds frightening and that we’re back to where we were all those months ago, but thankfully that’s not the case. During the peak people ONLY got tested on admission to hospital - so that was 6000 hospital admissions per day. Now we are on approx 150 admissions per day. The two sets of data (April and now) are not meaningfully comparable.

The numbers are indeed going up though, based on the last few weeks worth of data. I just hope we never, ever get back to those peak death figures.
It sounds frightening and that we’re back to where we were all those months ago, but thankfully that’s not the case. During the peak people ONLY got tested on admission to hospital - so that was 6000 hospital admissions per day. Now we are on approx 150 admissions per day. The two sets of data (April and now) are not meaningfully comparable.

The numbers are indeed going up though, based on the last few weeks worth of data. I just hope we never, ever get back to those peak death figures.

I think that medical staff are getting more experienced at treating the virus-ill now, and have learned what treatments seem to work better. As long as the relevant medications and equipment are available to them, one would hope that the death rate would not soar again.

One of my 2nd cousins (in Kent) has been posting pics of how to wear a mask properly etc. She has young children, and I am hoping this may signify that the message is getting through to a good portion of the younger ones.

‘Community spread’ is driving Ontario’s second wave — here’s why that leaves more questions than answers

Ontario’s public data on the COVID-19 epidemic includes a case-by-case record of where each patient became infected when the source is known — by travel, by close contact with another person, or in an outbreak, like in a nursing home — and noting when it’s not known. These unknown cases are listed as having “no epidemiological link” to another case, which means contact tracers can’t pin down where the person caught the disease.

This is what experts refer to as “community spread.” And it’s these cases, in particular, that have been spiking since August. Early that month, the province was reporting about 21 community cases a day, or less than 30 per cent of all new infections. As of this week, it’s more than half; over the past seven days, the data says an average of about 130 Ontarians a day are getting COVID-19 through community spread — the most at any point in the pandemic so far.

This is a problem because when large numbers of cases start appearing from unknown origins, it makes stopping a second wave much more difficult, said Dionne Aleman, an expert in pandemic modelling and an industrial engineering professor at the University of Toronto.
I think that medical staff are getting more experienced at treating the virus-ill now, and have learned what treatments seem to work better. As long as the relevant medications and equipment are available to them, one would hope that the death rate would not soar again.

One of my 2nd cousins (in Kent) has been posting pics of how to wear a mask properly etc. She has young children, and I am hoping this may signify that the message is getting through to a good portion of the younger ones.


Yes, we should all be much better placed to deal with it this time round with medical advances and (hopefully) less chaos and urgency.

We just need to sort the testing out, it’s all gone a bit awry with so many wanting one. Pleased to say I know of about 10 kids who’ve been sent home from school with various coughs and colds (therefore plunging their whole household into isolation) and they have all tested negative, so it’s clear the usual winter colds are here already, just to add to the confusion.

Fingers crossed all our countries get through the next few weeks and months without the numbers getting too much more horrible.

Stay safe, everyone!!
‘Community spread’ is driving Ontario’s second wave — here’s why that leaves more questions than answers

Ontario’s public data on the COVID-19 epidemic includes a case-by-case record of where each patient became infected when the source is known — by travel, by close contact with another person, or in an outbreak, like in a nursing home — and noting when it’s not known. These unknown cases are listed as having “no epidemiological link” to another case, which means contact tracers can’t pin down where the person caught the disease.

This is what experts refer to as “community spread.” And it’s these cases, in particular, that have been spiking since August. Early that month, the province was reporting about 21 community cases a day, or less than 30 per cent of all new infections. As of this week, it’s more than half; over the past seven days, the data says an average of about 130 Ontarians a day are getting COVID-19 through community spread — the most at any point in the pandemic so far.

This is a problem because when large numbers of cases start appearing from unknown origins, it makes stopping a second wave much more difficult, said Dionne Aleman, an expert in pandemic modelling and an industrial engineering professor at the University of Toronto.

"This is a problem because when large numbers of cases start appearing from unknown origins, it makes stopping a second wave much more difficult"

It does make it more difficult, and more severe measures might be needed if it continues.
That was one of Victoria's big problems. Too many cases wth unknown origins.
Whereas NSW has been able to contact trace just about every single case, and they have been much more successful at controlling any spread.

Two weeks ago, Victoria's rolling average for unknowns was 154 in Melbourne and 8 for the rest of the state. And that was much better than it had been.
Now it is down to 37 unknowns in Melbourne (not averaged, but total for 14 days) and zero for the rest of the state.

As you know, it took lockdown to get it there.


Department of Health and Human Services Victoria | Coronavirus update for Victoria - 10 September 2020
Department of Health and Human Services Victoria | Coronavirus update for Victoria - 24 September 2020
Coronavirus: Chancellor's 'winter plan' will support wages of people in work from November

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has revealed a successor to the furlough scheme as he bids to avert a winter jobs crisis following tougher restrictions to combat coronavirus.

Wage subsidies form part of a package of new measures to support the economy through the latest phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The chancellor told MPs the Job Support Scheme would support wages for viable jobs, where employees are working at least one-third of regular hours.
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