Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #88

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Thanks for pointing this out. Sometimes, depending on what you read, it would seem as if the US is the *only* country that can’t seem to get it together with this virus. All of the “omg, the world is looking at us in horror” makes it seem (to me, anyway) that we are the only ones struggling with non-compliance or mixed messaging. And we aren’t. It’s good to be reminded of this.

The reason that the world is looking at the US in horror and pity (and it is) is that the country's leadership is doing nothing about it. Yet the country's leadership is televised for other reasons, and never one word about the plague that is sweeping the nation.

Other countries leaders are trying to deal with their covid mess.

It seems apparent that the US leadership stance is to sit back and wait until a vaccine magically fixes everything.
And the deaths and sickness that happen before then? Not worth mentioning.
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To keep your glasses from fogging...pinch mask nosepiece at narrowest part of nose. Glasses will then sit on the mask. :)
Thanks for that tip, never knew but have seen people do that not knowing why! I just
dug through some of my Mother in laws items we haven't sorted yet and found face shields, knew she had those but wasnt sure where they were packed with so many of us packing her things up. Might use those.
“Elsewhere, there are growing concerns that the U.S. testing and contact tracing system is breaking down under the weight of steadily growing new case numbers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seemed to acknowledge the challenge this week, when it released new guidance on Monday.

The agency is now advising states to prioritize people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past six days and focus on their immediate household contacts, people living, working or visiting “congregate living facilities, high density workplaces or other settings (or events) with potential extensive transmission.”

People who test positive should self-quarantine immediately and notify their own contacts, the guidelines say.“

Hospital workers called exhausted as U.S. records highest number of COVID deaths since May

Speaking of contact tracing, in 4 days time my state is introducing mandatory QR code check-in for many places. Hospitality, swimming pools, other places of community gathering.
Our little crisis is making us tighten up and make easier our contact tracing system, so the health dept can go to a database and download the contacts, as opposed to speaking with everyone and trying to work out who was at that location at the relevant potentially-infectious times.

South Australia will introduce QR code check-in from 1 December - CityMag
Industry Update - QR Code Tracking
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I’m two days behind in the thread so this may already have been posted but same thing happened w/Denver’s Mayor. He pleaded that everyone should spend Thanksgiving w/their immediate household members only. Went on to say how he wasn’t spending Thanksgiving w/the usual huge group, instead they’d be getting together over Zoom. On Wed he tweeted a reminder for people to stay home then 20 minutes later boarded a flight to Houston. After landing he drove for hours to spend Thanksgiving with his wife and daughter. He’s since issued a statement explaining that he did it because he missed them.

I could write paragraphs on his hypocricy, on the millions of people who stayed away from people they love and miss because people like the Mayor insisted it’s what needs to be done to corral the virus and safeguard our community. But hopefully there will be plenty of others doing it for me.

So instead I want to comment on his apparent lack of awareness as to the ramifications this decision would cause. Virus aside, this is an example of abominable planning and decision making. If our leaders can’t make decisions better than this we’re in a world of hurt. I don’t much care about political affiliation. I just want leaders who care about what’s best for their constituents and have enough spine/resolve to be transparent and honest and make sound decisions when things get tough. I might as well wish for a pony.


Agreed. I think it would also be great if instead of boldly lecturing, our leaders would be super honest, talk about how hard these decisions are, what they’re grappling with themselves and how they fall short at times or how they weigh the risks when making decisions, and maybe turn it over to health officials to provide some guidance as to how to lower the risk.

I had a super small Thanksgiving. Just three of us. It was one of the nicest ones I’ve spent though! Food was great. Clean up was much easier. Conversation was great. And the tension of having so many personalities in the room and trying to balance that, wasn’t there. It was awesome.

But I think everyone has to make decisions on what’s best for them. I mean we all have the knowledge at this point, whether we accept it or not, right? I know some people had those who have a lot of contact with others test before getting together. Others had some stay away from a lot of others for a week before the holiday.

In my neighborhood I saw most people had family over but it seemed a bit smaller than usual (based on cars, traffic) and a few had elaborate set ups in their open garages or in their yards.

For some the risk is lower. So they just carry on as usual.

But I think the do as I say, not as I do thing really backfires. It doesn’t inspire confidence in the message.
Colorado Springs Mayor takes “sobering” tour of Memorial Hospital

“COLORADO SPRINGS — As COVID-19 patients continue to surge into the city’s hospital beds, Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers toured the hospital and took part in its daily briefing in order to understand the problems health care providers are facing.

“It’s so sad to see people isolated, on ventilators, and, in many cases, in their last days with virtually no communication with their families. It is a very, very sobering sight,” Mayor Suthers said in a press conference after his tour.”

Thanksgiving celebrations could double U.S. COVID-19 death rate to 4,000 a day, professor predicts

“Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine at George Washington University, has predicted that the daily death rate connected to new COVID-19 infections will double in the next 10 days, bringing the national rate to over 4,000 deaths a day.

"It takes about five to seven days to become symptomatic," Reiner told CNN on Wednesday. "Usually, it takes about another week to be sick enough to be hospitalized so that's two weeks at least, and then it takes usually another week for folks to succumb to the illness."

Over the last month, the number of daily COVID-19 deaths has trended upwards. On November 25, 2,313 deaths were reported, the highest daily toll in five months and the second-highest daily toll in six months.“

Illinois surpasses 12,000 COVID-19 deaths and 700,000 cases

ICU Doctor Simulates the 'Last Moments' COVID-19 Patients See Before Death as Plea to Take Virus Seriously
"This is not fear-mongering. This is real," Dr. Kenneth Remy, a physician for Washington University-BJC Health System in St. Louis, tells PEOPLE

“"This is what it looks like when you breathe 40 times a minute, have an oxygen level that's dipping well below 80. This is what it's going to look like," Dr. Kenneth Remy, a pediatric and adult critical care physician for the Washington University-BJC Health System in St. Louis, says in the clip — which has been viewed over 121,000 times since it was uploaded on Twitter last week.

"I hope that the last moments of your life don't look like this," he continues, holding up a laryngoscope and endotracheal tube used for intubation. "Because this is what you'll see at the end of your life if we don't start wearing masks when we're out in public."

Remy, 43, tells PEOPLE on Thursday that he created the video after seeing a "pretty high mortality in people dying" of COVID-19 in the intensive care unit.“


“The doctor says he's concerned another spike will sicken healthcare workers and put a strain on his already "fatigued" colleagues.

"This disease is quite rampant and surging. I fear that it will surge even more," he says. "Our hospitals are going to get more full than they currently are right now."“


“Remy is also afraid of contracting the novel virus at work and bringing it home to his wife Allison and their four children...”


“"The truth is every time I intubate or perform CPR on a person with COVID, I'm a little nervous of getting the disease," he says. "I can't tell you enough how that fear is real for me and all of my colleagues. It seems odd, but the thought of potentially transmitting the disease inadvertently to those that I love the most in this world [while] doing the job that I have wanted to do since I was five years old is frankly terrifying."“

Hospital workers called exhausted as U.S. records highest number of COVID deaths since May
Parts of Europe are reporting declining cases and Sicily has asked Cuba to send doctors and nurses

“The U.S. recorded the highest number of deaths from the coronavirus illness COVID-19 since May on Tuesday, and continues to average close to 200,000 new cases a day, with hospitals across the nation reporting exhausted health-care workers and steadily filling intensive-care units.

The U.S. added 176,439 new cases on Tuesday, according to a New York Times tracker, and at least 2,203 patients died, the most since early May, and close to the record of 2,603 fatalities recorded on April 15. Nine states — Ohio, Washington, Indiana, Missouri, Wisconsin, Oregon, Maine, Alaska and North Dakota — had record fatalities, according to a Washington Post analysis. The U.S. has averaged 175,270 cases a day for the past week.

The U.S. continues to lead the world by case numbers at 12.6 million and fatalities at 260,591, according to data aggregated by Johns Hopkins University. By comparison, the regular flu season has caused between 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010, according to CDC data.

Wow. Wow. I'm at a loss for words.
My heart aches for the exhausted hospital workers. My sister is putting together around a dozen simple Nurse care packages for her co workers on just her floor, they rotate having to care for Covid patients. Usually they each bring in treats to the lounge but that won't happen. I think I will work on a surprise package for her too.
My heart aches for the exhausted hospital workers. My sister is putting together around a dozen simple Nurse care packages for her co workers on just her floor, they rotate having to care for Covid patients. Usually they each bring in treats to the lounge but that won't happen. I think I will work on a surprise package for her too.

They are the ones I worry about, too. Maybe I am more attuned to what they go through (even on a 'normal' day) because DD is a nurse.
I see their faces, hear their pleas, and wonder "why aren't people listening to them?? why do they have to carry the whole load?? why do their hearts have to break over and over again??"

Gov. Jared Polis begins quarantine after exposure to person with coronavirus

COVID In Colorado: Denver International Airport Explains 'Systematic' Testing Of Employees

Doctors React To News That COVID Vaccines Will Arrive At Denver Health In A Few Weeks

“DENVER (CBS4) – The COVID-19 vaccine is expected at Denver Health in just a few weeks. This comes on the same day that Colorado successfully completed a simulation to help prepare for the arrival of the coronavirus vaccine.

“We’re very excited. This is what we view as a solution, as our ‘out’ to this pandemic,” Dr. Connie Price, Denver Health Chief Medical Officer said.

CBS4’s Brian Maass confirmed the news with Dr. Price shortly after obtaining a bulletin sent out to employees this week. The vaccine is expected to be the Pfizer vaccine, which is still pending FDA approval but is expected to pass. Once that happens, the rollout is expected to be quick. It could arrive as soon as mid-December.“


“Once widely available, Dr. Price also said, those who have already had the virus may want to get the vaccine too.

“That’s because we don’t have a full understanding of COVID-19, of whether that previous infection allows you to have sustained immunity,” she said.“
They are the ones I worry about, too. Maybe I am more attuned to what they go through (even on a 'normal' day) because DD is a nurse.
I see their faces, hear their pleas, and wonder "why aren't people listening to them?? why do they have to carry the whole load?? why do their hearts have to break over and over again??"
Yup hearing my sisters emotions and feeling helpless as to stop what is going on, people would wake up if they were in the position of some of those patients or a family member on the outside of the hospital just not getting to visit. ALL AGES just to be clear is what these nurses try to help. Can not believe here in ND asymptomatic nurses keep working, no words to even express it.
North Korea Executed Coronavirus Rule-Breaker, Says South Korean Intelligence — NPR

“North Korea is taking increasingly harsh measures to stop the coronavirus from entering the country, including executing an official in August who violated anti-virus rules, South Korean intelligence officials told lawmakers on Friday.

In a closed-door briefing to a parliamentary intelligence committee on Friday, the officials told lawmakers that the executed North Korean had brought goods through customs in the city of Sinuiju on North Korea's border with China, in violation of coronavirus-related quarantine measures.”

This difficult year, we asked Chicagoans: What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving?

What Illinois Health Officials Say Could be Early Signs of a Post-Thanksgiving Surge
Nov. 25, 2020

“Despite guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, large crowds and lines formed for several days at O’Hare International Airport as travelers prepared to depart Chicago ahead of Thanksgiving.“


“Officials in both Chicago and the state used Wednesday press conferences to deliver last-minute warnings aimed at preventing Thanksgiving from becoming a "super-spreader" holiday that dangerously elevates hospitalizations and the number of coronavirus deaths.

"Let me put this as bluntly as I can: We are extremely concerned about Thanksgiving weekend becoming a super spreading event," Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said at a news conference Wednesday morning.

"The safest thing we can do for one another is stay within our own households – but if you are gathering with even just a few people, it’s a better idea to take Thanksgiving outside. This is not the year to have everybody over at Grandma’s house," Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said.“

Highest-risk Chicagoans could begin receiving coronavirus vaccine as early as mid-December: Lightfoot
Nov. 25, 2020

“Chicago’s top public health official, Dr. Allison Arwady, said the city has “very specific” plans for storage and distribution of a vaccine should the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approve one.

The Chicago Department of Public Health has already built up its “ultra-cold” storage in preparation for the arrival of a vaccine.

“We are working with multiple hospitals that also have built up some of that ultra-cold storage capacity,” Arwady said.”

Widow of Chicago 911 dispatcher who died of COVID-19 now hospitalized in ICU on ventilator, son says
Nov. 24, 2020

Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 7,574 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases, 66 deaths reported Friday as state tops 12,000 fatalities
Nov. 27, 2020

“Meanwhile, Illinois health officials on Friday announced 7,574 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 and 66 additional fatalities, bringing the total number of known infections in Illinois to 705,063 and the statewide confirmed death toll to 12,029 since the start of the pandemic.

The holiday comes at a precarious time for Chicago and Illinoisin the battle against the virus, although increases in both new cases and positivity rates have leveled off in recent days after rapid gains throughout October and early November.”
North Korea Executed Coronavirus Rule-Breaker, Says South Korean Intelligence — NPR

“North Korea is taking increasingly harsh measures to stop the coronavirus from entering the country, including executing an official in August who violated anti-virus rules, South Korean intelligence officials told lawmakers on Friday.

In a closed-door briefing to a parliamentary intelligence committee on Friday, the officials told lawmakers that the executed North Korean had brought goods through customs in the city of Sinuiju on North Korea's border with China, in violation of coronavirus-related quarantine measures.”
WOW just WOW!!!

This difficult year, we asked Chicagoans: What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving?

What Illinois Health Officials Say Could be Early Signs of a Post-Thanksgiving Surge
Nov. 25, 2020

“Despite guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, large crowds and lines formed for several days at O’Hare International Airport as travelers prepared to depart Chicago ahead of Thanksgiving.“


“Officials in both Chicago and the state used Wednesday press conferences to deliver last-minute warnings aimed at preventing Thanksgiving from becoming a "super-spreader" holiday that dangerously elevates hospitalizations and the number of coronavirus deaths.

"Let me put this as bluntly as I can: We are extremely concerned about Thanksgiving weekend becoming a super spreading event," Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said at a news conference Wednesday morning.

"The safest thing we can do for one another is stay within our own households – but if you are gathering with even just a few people, it’s a better idea to take Thanksgiving outside. This is not the year to have everybody over at Grandma’s house," Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said.“

Highest-risk Chicagoans could begin receiving coronavirus vaccine as early as mid-December: Lightfoot
Nov. 25, 2020

“Chicago’s top public health official, Dr. Allison Arwady, said the city has “very specific” plans for storage and distribution of a vaccine should the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approve one.

The Chicago Department of Public Health has already built up its “ultra-cold” storage in preparation for the arrival of a vaccine.

“We are working with multiple hospitals that also have built up some of that ultra-cold storage capacity,” Arwady said.”

Widow of Chicago 911 dispatcher who died of COVID-19 now hospitalized in ICU on ventilator, son says
Nov. 24, 2020

Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 7,574 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases, 66 deaths reported Friday as state tops 12,000 fatalities
Nov. 27, 2020

“Meanwhile, Illinois health officials on Friday announced 7,574 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 and 66 additional fatalities, bringing the total number of known infections in Illinois to 705,063 and the statewide confirmed death toll to 12,029 since the start of the pandemic.

The holiday comes at a precarious time for Chicago and Illinoisin the battle against the virus, although increases in both new cases and positivity rates have leveled off in recent days after rapid gains throughout October and early November.”
Our nieces police officer husband Chicago IL just got over Covid before Thanksgiving. She said she made way too much food due to stress since it made her feel good. They have two small children and a big dog so no big family eating, lol! They also did a surprise outside visit to her Dads house and put up some Christmas decorations!
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Our nieces police officer husband Chicago IL just got over Covid before Thanksgiving. She said she made way too much food due to stress since it made her feel good. They have two small children and a big dog so no big family eating, lol! They also did a surprise outside visit to her Dads house and put up some Christmas decorations!

Does "got over" COVID mean that he had a couple of negative tests? Or was it just that he was feeling better?

I'm always curious what these phrases mean to people.
Does "got over" COVID mean that he had a couple of negative tests? Or was it just that he was feeling better?

I'm always curious what these phrases mean to people.
Not sure on that one as I was simply told he was quarantined the full time and felt good but still used caution wearing a mask when he came out around family. Maybe gets tested at work?
President-elect Biden Discusses Unity and COVID-19

This is the kind of consistent messaging that needs to come from the top down. It's refreshing to see a leader trying to galvanize and unite everyone to fight this common, invisible and yet deadly enemy.

Pence is meant to be the leader of the Coronavirus Task Force. He should be (at bare minimum) holding weekly public briefings, if not daily, to inform the American people what the Federal government is actively doing to fight the pandemic. Also keeping them informed of vaccine progress, new pertinent data with regards to research or treatments, pledging support to stricken communities and reminding everyone to the point of AD NAUSEUM to wear masks, maintain social distancing, stay at home if you can, wash hands frequently, don't touch your face, eyes, mouth.

In NZ, when the national alert was higher than 1, we had daily press briefings. From our Prime Minister and from our head of Public Health. We were also sent emails from our COVID-19 reponse taskforce, detailing the days events. We were kept informed of any new developments and the govt was held accountable for any difficulties which arose, too. The amount of transparency was reassuring and helped keep us focused on the task at hand, which was trying to keep ourselves and our community safe.
As thousands of athletes get coronavirus tests, nurses wonder: What about us? — The Washington Post

“On her day off not long ago, emergency room nurse Jane Sandoval sat with her husband and watched her favorite NFL team, the San Francisco 49ers. She’s off every other Sunday, and even during the coronavirus pandemic, this is something of a ritual. Jane and Carlos watch, cheer, yell — just one couple’s method of escape.

“It makes people feel normal,” she says.

For Sandoval, though, it has become more and more difficult to enjoy as the season — and the pandemic — wears on. Early in the season, the 49ers’ Kyle Shanahan was one of five coaches fined for violating the league’s requirement that all sideline personnel wear face coverings. Jane noticed, even as coronavirus cases surged again in California and across the United States, that Levi’s Stadium
was considering admitting fans to watch games.

But the hardest thing to ignore, Sandoval says, is that when it comes to coronavirus testing, this is a nation of haves and have-nots.

Among the haves are professional and college athletes, in particular those who play football. From Nov. 8 to 14, the NFL administered 43,148 tests to 7,856 players, coaches and employees. Major college football programs supply dozens of tests each day, an attempt — futile as it has been — to maintain health and prevent schedule interruptions. Major League Soccer administered nearly 5,000 tests last week, and Major League Baseball conducted some 170,000 tests during its truncated season.

Sandoval, meanwhile, is a 58-year-old front-line worker who regularly treats patients either suspected or confirmed to have been infected by the coronavirus. In eight months, she has never been tested. She says her employer, California Pacific Medical Center, refuses to provide testing for its medical staff even after possible exposure.”

Perhaps they should switch salaries and testing availability for 30 days.
The system is out of whack when we revere pro athletes over our front line health care workers fighting the Covid war.
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The reason that the world is looking at the US in horror and pity (and it is) is that the country's leadership is doing nothing about it.
Yet the country's leadership is televised for other reasons, and never one word about the plague that is sweeping the nation.

Other countries leaders are trying to deal with their covid mess.

It seems apparent that the US leadership stance is to sit back and wait until a vaccine magically fixes everything.
And the deaths and sickness that happen before then? Not worth mentioning.

Not so long ago the U.S. was the country the world looked to in a crisis, for better or for worse, whether it was for guidance, help or comfort. The world looked to the U.S. to do things right in a crisis, to show strength and compassion.

For the world to now look at the U.S. in horror and pity is a sudden sea change on the world scene. Yes, other countries like Sweden may be struggling with Covid-19 too, but the big difference is that no one ever looked to Sweden or other countries for guidance, help or comfort in a time of crisis. The comparison doesn’t fly.

Now the U.S. is essentially in Covid free-fall because those with responsibility abdicated from the beginning. When someone asks “Where’s Pence?” it’s not because people will suddenly start listening to him and he can turn this around at this late date. It’s because he is MIA at a time when he could at least offer comfort and, as a matter of principle and integrity maaaaybe beg people to wear masks and stay home. Crickets. Sorry world. :(
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