Could Lee Anthony face charges for obstruction of justice?

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Lee's attorney is given big hints that Lee may be charged. Could be why he didn't want to give DNA or prints. Accessory? I don't know but it seems something big is coming down.
Lee's attorney is given big hints that Lee may be charged. Could be why he didn't want to give DNA or prints. Accessory? I don't know but it seems something big is coming down.
Does anyone remember the "keys" that Lee was talking with Casey about?

I can't remember where I read or may have watched this, but there was something about duplicate keys that he says he got rid of, in a conversation with her.

Can someone help on this??:waitasec:

From listening to everything about Lee's possible involvement, here's maybe one thing he could end up being charged with. In Tony's interview he stated Casey was on her laptop when Cindy and Amy showed up. Then when Lee talked to the investigators he said the laptop was blue and everything had been erased. Very possible that Lee erased everything on the laptop or caused it to crash after talking to Casey at the house, she might have told him to get rid of what was on the laptop. Tony didn't even know at that time what was going on so he would not have any reason to tamper with the laptop but Lee certainly could have when he went to Tony's at midnight to "pick" up Casey's things. The police may know that he could have been the one to cause the computer to crash, therefore aiding and abetting his sister.

Does anyone remember the "keys" that Lee was talking with Casey about?

I can't remember where I read or may have watched this, but there was something about duplicate keys that he says he got rid of, in a conversation with her.

Can someone help on this??:waitasec:


Amy H's car key.,0,5422703.mp3file

The first call...are there others? I don't hear the part "is this like the last time". I thought that was a comment made between Lee and his mom, but the memory could be going.

There was the very first call she made from the jail...the one that "was a waste. a HUGE waste". All she wanted was Tony's number. I listened to that one again and didn't hear anything like "was this like last time?" though.
Hi all. This is my first post, so please be gentle :) I noticed that when LA first starts discussing the laptop in his interview (page 54) he says "...actually when I got there originally it was, it was still, it was off at that point. But it was set up...It was set up, plugged in, on the kitchen countertop. Uhm, and when I turned it on so I can just try to see if I can get on the desktop there because I was curious..." Then later in the interview (page 57), the officer (Edwards) says "You said it was sitting there running on the 15th when you went to get it?" And LA answers "Exactly." Edwards says again further on about the laptop sitting there "running"--even talking about how it could have been sitting there running from the 9th to the 15th. Does it matter that LA first says he turned it on and tried to get to the desktop, but later says it was already running, and agreed that it could have been running for days? The only reason this bugs me is that I think he forgot what he had already said (that he had turned it on) which tells me he's lying. Why would he lie about it if he hadn't done anything? JMO
Welcome, Humen! I interpreted this to mean the computer was in standby mode, in which case, turning it on would mean simply running a fingertip over the touchpad to rouse it from its sleep, so to speak.
From listening to everything about Lee's possible involvement, here's maybe one thing he could end up being charged with. In Tony's interview he stated Casey was on her laptop when Cindy and Amy showed up. Then when Lee talked to the investigators he said the laptop was blue and everything had been erased. Very possible that Lee erased everything on the laptop or caused it to crash after talking to Casey at the house, she might have told him to get rid of what was on the laptop. Tony didn't even know at that time what was going on so he would not have any reason to tamper with the laptop but Lee certainly could have when he went to Tony's at midnight to "pick" up Casey's things. The police may know that he could have been the one to cause the computer to crash, therefore aiding and abetting his sister.


I don't know though Angelfire. I thought LE pulled stuff off of her laptop....did they not? If so - the hard drive was not erased. Didn't someone else just say he told LE it was turned off - plugged in but turned off? Hmmmm.

A blue "screen of death" will cause you to lose something you are in the middle of doing...but it doesn't necessarily erase your hard drive. I have had those before and just re-booted and everything was fine. What she might have done was lock down her laptop when she left Tony's with her mom. When you do that it automatically locks and shows you the log-in screen. Maybe that is what he meant? It was locked and he couldn't get on it?
There was the very first call she made from the jail...the one that "was a waste. a HUGE waste". All she wanted was Tony's number. I listened to that one again and didn't hear anything like "was this like last time?" though.

No, it was a different call.
It has just come out that a PI working for the A's filmed the spot here Caylee's body was a month ago. LE wants to talk to him and JB is stepping in because the guy used to do some work for the defense and he "does not want him to divulge privileged info". Even LP is now suggesting someone tipped the PI to where the body was, then also tipped the meter reader on where to find it. Not sure I buy the last part...but if the PI was really there filming the spot a month ago...that is suspicious to me. Could it be that Casey told Lee where the body was...and he didn't say anything? And that is why they might charge him? I have a hard time believing he would not say anything for a month could you stomach knowing your niece was dumped like that for over a month!
Lee's attorney is given big hints that Lee may be charged. Could be why he didn't want to give DNA or prints. Accessory? I don't know but it seems something big is coming down.

I think Lee's attorney will go on and say tomorrow that he has either "misspoke" or was "misinterpreted" and the spin will begin.
From listening to everything about Lee's possible involvement, here's maybe one thing he could end up being charged with. In Tony's interview he stated Casey was on her laptop when Cindy and Amy showed up. Then when Lee talked to the investigators he said the laptop was blue and everything had been erased. Very possible that Lee erased everything on the laptop or caused it to crash after talking to Casey at the house, she might have told him to get rid of what was on the laptop. Tony didn't even know at that time what was going on so he would not have any reason to tamper with the laptop but Lee certainly could have when he went to Tony's at midnight to "pick" up Casey's things. The police may know that he could have been the one to cause the computer to crash, therefore aiding and abetting his sister.


I recall reading this when it was revealed during the doc dump and I believe Lee deleted files from her laptop which caused it to crash, IMO.
I think Lee's attorney will go on and say tomorrow that he has either "misspoke" or was "misinterpreted" and the spin will begin.

I don't doubt there will be spin but he was skirting issues and the other attorney's were aghast. In other words, he knows something is going to happen and he would rather be the one to put it out there so he can control the spin. We just don't know what Lee could be charged with at this time. We can guess but LE has the scoop and maybe Lee's attorney.

The talking head attorney's don't know either and that is why they were aghast. They were thinking not in the client's best interest to be putting this out.The language spells something big to me. I could be wrong but that is my take. Tomorrow should be an interesting turn of events.
Does anyone remember the "keys" that Lee was talking with Casey about?

I can't remember where I read or may have watched this, but there was something about duplicate keys that he says he got rid of, in a conversation with her.

Can someone help on this??:waitasec:


Wasn't that the key to Amy's car that Casey had?
(sorry, that was already answered by whiteangora)
Welcome, Humen! I interpreted this to mean the computer was in standby mode, in which case, turning it on would mean simply running a fingertip over the touchpad to rouse it from its sleep, so to speak.

I work on computers and if one was to try to erase system files on a pc but not know what thet where doing then it would give you what we call the blue screen of death, this only happens mostly when there are damaged system files, but LE and FBI still can retrive all info off a pc even if it has been completely erased, sounds like someone tried but did not sucsessfully delete the system operating system
"Mr. Anthony, going under the assumption that his daughter, or mean his niece, was kidnapped or was some how held against her will.” He investigated that angle and that avenue first and foremost”.

Interestin statement, by Lee's attorney, Mr. Luka. Slip of the tongue?
"Mr. Anthony, going under the assumption that his daughter, or mean his niece, was kidnapped or was some how held against her will.” He investigated that angle and that avenue first and foremost”.

Interestin statement, by Lee's attorney, Mr. Luka. Slip of the tongue?
Very interesting. Don't subscribe to the incest angle (yet) myself but it certainly sounds like an ijut has hired and injut...Nothing surprising for this case and this family...

Very interesting. Don't subscribe to the incest angle (yet) myself but it certainly sounds like an ijut has hired and injut...Nothing surprising for this case and this family...


Creating confusion about charges to be filed by confusing pre-conceived notions is not unheard of. In this case, the goal might be to coax determination of the charges impending in the public prior to the real charges being brought. I think charges are coming, but they won't be for what everyone thinks they are. If enough people are convinced as to what the impending charges will be, especially those people that infrequent the news involving Caylee, then the charges will have less titillation and token.

Of course, I have been occasionally harping about Lee based on my thoughts and this type of situation would only serve my vindication on those thoughts.

I still think Lee is culpable in the demise of Caylee via Casey's mental disintegration. I think Lee is her defense against death and life in prison.
LA was gone for 2 hours, but do we know that he was at AL's for 2 hours. I'm sure LE has asked AL how long LA was at the apt. I will be surprised if LA actually did the deed to the puter in front of AL and his roomate, but then again-can anything an Anthony does surprise me anymore?:waitasec:

Lee may have stopped by his own house and done the necessary computer work, who knows, but a possibility.
I work on computers and if one was to try to erase system files on a pc but not know what thet where doing then it would give you what we call the blue screen of death, this only happens mostly when there are damaged system files, but LE and FBI still can retrive all info off a pc even if it has been completely erased, sounds like someone tried but did not sucsessfully delete the system operating system
That was my initial thought, but I've been reluctant to comment on LA. My feelings about him waver between guilty as hell to innocent dupe, often changing several times a day.

My reply to Humen was actually in reference to LA's ambiguous comments about the computer "running" and "turning on" the computer.

(Believe me, I know all about the BSOD. Been monkeying around with computers since long before they had blue screens. I love to mess'em all up just so I can fix them again. :crazy:)
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