Could Terri's friends do time in JAIL too... interference or accessory..??

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May 12, 2010
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I would think with the batphones and (per Desire) telling each other not to talk would be an interference with an investigation... an accessory to a felony would be trying to cover for someone or something...
I really wonder if these "friends" realize that they may also be taken away from their children, and their families.....or maybe they do. Not really sure... but the LE knows... and I have a fealling that this little circle of friends are going to face charges....
I have no insight.. Just a BIG feeling....:angel:

Maybe, a whole different investigation..
yes I understand what you are saying frogintTown any lawyers on board?
Is that aiding and abbetting???
I think the first to talk will have a deal. No Jail time a less it hiding Kyron...
I really think someone else had to have been involved in some way. Unless Terri has been "goofing up" in public to make us think she is too "messy" to commit this crime (crime as in kidnapping because I just don't want to believe otherwise), someone else was clever enough to pull it off whereas Kyron was not seen being abducted or leaving with anyone, has been missing for over 6 months, and has not left us with much of a clue as to where he is or who was behind his disappearance. I don't know if it was a group of friends or just one other person but I also wonder what they would be charged with for their involvement.
I hope so. It's ridiculous that they can just go on with their lives without some kind of repercussions.

I wouldn't cover for my own mother and I love her dearly. I don't understand people who are willing to do that kind of thing.
I believe that if Terri had help with kidnapping and/or killing Kyron (assuming she's guilty), then it was one person who helped her not an entire group. Accomplices seem to be pretty rare in murder cases (which I unfortunately think this is) and getting a group of friends to help you would be very rare and risky. How would she even obtain their help? I think there would be a much higher possibility that one of her friends would run to LE than would agree to help her. We are talking about kidnapping and/or killing a child here; this isn't slashing the tires of the ex-boyfriend's car. Also, before Kyron went missing, Terri seemed like a normal woman so I am going to assume that her friends were normal too just like Kaine was a normal guy who married her. It's not like she was a convicted sex offender who found out about the other sex offenders in town and they all became friends. If Terri is guilty, I think she acted alone.
If any of her friends helped in some way with a crime, absolutely they could and should face charges. If any of them know where Kyron is, they will be punished. Unfortunately, if all they did was buy phones under an alias, I don't believe that's against the law. :(
It may be hard to prove that any of her friends knew anything about Kyron; they can't be charged for staying friends with her or wanting to talk to her without LE listening in. They can't even be charged for not wanting to take lie detector tests or for possibly not being seen for a while at their job on that day. Whoever is charged in this case, LE will need some evidence. As much as we may think it is wrong, it is not against the law to refuse to talk to LE.
I hope that my initial comment didn't seem snarky, I really just wanted more information. I do apologize if it was.

I have no idea what the fate of Kyron is, but this whole situation is so so odd. I will find it to be strange if it is just the case where she ended his life and buried him or dumped him in the water. I just feel like the dogs would have hit on the truck, or the area, or some physical evidence would have popped up, or something.

Which make me wonder- was he trafficked, which leads me to more questions- how does one infiltrate the human trafficking world- how woudl she find such a person to arrange that with? Would her internet activities lead to this? Could this be what was so unbelieveable that the police discovered?

There are so many different scenerios, I'm glad that I am not LE and the prosecutors, trying to decide who should get a break and who shouldn't, and also wanting the misled to come forward.

Somebody knows something. If they do one thing in this life, coming forward would make all a difference.
......I'll bet Terri's friends have or will talk.
I personally think that anyone who is found decieving the LE upon their questioning should face jail time... not a fine either... Flat out put them in jail as a criminal... I would bet people would be talking alot more, and many tax dollars would be saved from fruitless and relentless searches that lead the LE in circles... I'm talking about Haleigh's case too... I am fed up with people lying there a$$es off, as the cost of a child that has not had a proper burial... If someone close to me seemed to be involved, I would rat that person out... Actually, I would play along until I thought I got all I could get out of that person..
It sickens me that thousands of our children are missing.. far more than we ever hear about on tv.. and where are they...??? anyone...??
Some laws need to change... I feel if you lie/decieve the police in a missing child case.. you need to go to jail for a little bit... not a max.. but a little bit... not a fine either...

Maybe that will give a wake-up call to those who enable the real perps...
I guess that is what I meant by : Can Terri's friends face charges...
I'm sorry for my rant... But I've been following to many cases, starting with Natalie Holloway, Caylee Anthony, Haliegh Cummings, Zahra Baker, Kyron Horman and now the 3 missing Morenci boys... and I guess the it's more than I can take... I haven't been on in awhile after Zahra's case... that was hard.... I'm sure we all agree on that...
I hope that if someone is purposely withholding info.. that they also see jail time... for the sake of the families too...
I would think with the batphones and (per Desire) telling each other not to talk would be an interference with an investigation... an accessory to a felony would be trying to cover for someone or something...
I really wonder if these "friends" realize that they may also be taken away from their children, and their families.....or maybe they do. Not really sure... but the LE knows... and I have a fealling that this little circle of friends are going to face charges....
I have no insight.. Just a BIG feeling....:angel:

Maybe, a whole different investigation..

froginTtown, the way you worded your post gave me an idea. =)

I have read your post and came close to replying a few times. The only reason I never replied was because Canadian Law is different than U.S. law. However, it is based on the same set of principles, so I'll try...

We keep hearing how Terri has received help, or there was another party/individual that was involved.

In Canada there is a conspiracy law.

'Conspiracy' (Canada)

In some situations, a charge of conspiracy can be made even if the primary offense is never committed, so long as the plan has been made, and at least one overt act towards the crime has been committed by at least one of the conspirators.

The punishment for this crime is up to 14 years in prison.

Please note that you do not even have to commit the crime, just had to have had a plan to commit the crime. One overt act towards the crime (even if you didn't do it, but the other conspirator did) and your getting some serious prison time.

I sat here and off the top of my head I can think of a few overt acts towards the crime that would apply.

Bottom line is I think the crime was planned and I think she had help. That's a conspiracy.

JMO, and I'm not a lawyer.

I know there is a conspiracy law in the U.S. but I'm not sure what has to be proven.

Any lawyers around?
If someone participated in a crime by assisting someone to do the crime, yes, absolutely they can be charged and face jail time. However, they do NOT have the legal obligation to incriminate themselves. Therein lies the difference.

I hear so much talk about obstruction of justice, but most people don't realize how hard that is to prove in court. They have to be able to prove that their intent was to obstruct... and that is not an easy task. A person might have knowledge of something and not realize it is crucial to the case. For instance, someone may have seen Terri someplace that morning, or have seen her doing something suspicious and still not realize that it was an important clue.. or they are not 100% certain that it was the day in question, or even that it was her. That's not obstruction of justice.

Cluciano was correct. They would have to be able to prove that these friends' intent and purpose was to cover for Terri and they had absolute knowledge that she was involved in Kyron's disappearance before they did whatever they did. Knowledge after the fact doesn't count, unfortunately.... meaning that they didn't know at the time they bought and used the bat phones that she was guilty of anything. They still don't have the obligation to incriminate themselves though. If they did knowingly help Terri cover up her crime, the state will have to prove it.
I watched the First 48 the other day. The case in a nutshell was 3 guys in a drug deal (1 being the dealer and the other 2 being the buyer(s) ). One of the 2 guys got shot. On the way to the hospital, they stopped by a cousin's house and gave him the marijuana and a gun (not the gun used in the shooting, but it had been waved around during the drug deal gone bad). The cousin was eventually charged with tampering with evidence even though he was not even there or involved at all.

Who knows to what extent DeDe is involved. Terri could have had her or others "hold on" to some items directly or indirectly related to the case. But, I think that if, for example, Terri asked DeDe to go to the first FM to pick up medications or coffee or whatever, DeDe gave her the items and receipt, and then Terri used that for an alibi, DeDe would not be charged with anything. In that scenario, DeDe acted in good faith doing something nice for a friend.
If someone participated in a crime by assisting someone to do the crime, yes, absolutely they can be charged and face jail time. However, they do NOT have the legal obligation to incriminate themselves. Therein lies the difference.

I hear so much talk about obstruction of justice, but most people don't realize how hard that is to prove in court. They have to be able to prove that their intent was to obstruct... and that is not an easy task. A person might have knowledge of something and not realize it is crucial to the case. For instance, someone may have seen Terri someplace that morning, or have seen her doing something suspicious and still not realize that it was an important clue.. or they are not 100% certain that it was the day in question, or even that it was her. That's not obstruction of justice.

Cluciano was correct. They would have to be able to prove that these friends' intent and purpose was to cover for Terri and they had absolute knowledge that she was involved in Kyron's disappearance before they did whatever they did. Knowledge after the fact doesn't count, unfortunately.... meaning that they didn't know at the time they bought and used the bat phones that she was guilty of anything. They still don't have the obligation to incriminate themselves though. If they did knowingly help Terri cover up her crime, the state will have to prove it.

Just out of curiosity though, if there was no level of intent, why use a fake name?

EDIT: You have to prove two things. Mens Rea (intent) and Actus Reus (She actually used the phones or provided them.) There was definitely a consciousness of guilt. And there is no question that she provided the phones. "Proof of fault, culpability or blameworthiness both in behaviour and mind" is required. IMO they have problems....
froginTtown, the way you worded your post gave me an idea. =)

I have read your post and came close to replying a few times. The only reason I never replied was because Canadian Law is different than U.S. law. However, it is based on the same set of principles, so I'll try...

We keep hearing how Terri has received help, or there was another party/individual that was involved.

In Canada there is a conspiracy law.

'Conspiracy' (Canada)

In some situations, a charge of conspiracy can be made even if the primary offense is never committed, so long as the plan has been made, and at least one overt act towards the crime has been committed by at least one of the conspirators.

The punishment for this crime is up to 14 years in prison.

Please note that you do not even have to commit the crime, just had to have had a plan to commit the crime. One overt act towards the crime (even if you didn't do it, but the other conspirator did) and your getting some serious prison time.

I sat here and off the top of my head I can think of a few overt acts towards the crime that would apply.

Bottom line is I think the crime was planned and I think she had help. That's a conspiracy.

JMO, and I'm not a lawyer.

I know there is a conspiracy law in the U.S. but I'm not sure what has to be proven.

Any lawyers around?

You are so awesome... That is exactly what I'm trying to get at... and I think the LE are too....after all, the LE has already stated that they believe another person, if not two may be involved in this crime... If the US does not have that law, than they need to adopt it.. !!
I'm also very pleased to say, that Ohio is the 42nd state to adopt new laws regarding human trafficking... :dance:
Regarding DeDe... If Terri is brought up on charges, I think DeDe will be also... The LE didn't put her picture along with Terri's, on that poster on a whim... They know something... The LE were given search warrants to search several of Terri's friends homes... They had to have a good reason to do that... I don't think that they expected to find Kyron at those homes.. They wanted to confiscate the computers or any other things that would help them investigate this crime... I think that the LE is being very tight lipped because they are on to something that involves several people... It might not show directly what happened to Kyron that day... but Kyrons disappearance may have sparked a much bigger investigation...
Regarding DeDe... If Terri is brought up on charges, I think DeDe will be also... The LE didn't put her picture along with Terri's, on that poster on a whim... They know something... The LE were given search warrants to search several of Terri's friends homes... They had to have a good reason to do that... I don't think that they expected to find Kyron at those homes.. They wanted to confiscate the computers or any other things that would help them investigate this crime... I think that the LE is being very tight lipped because they are on to something that involves several people... It might not show directly what happened to Kyron that day... but Kyrons disappearance may have sparked a much bigger investigation...

I agree 100%.
Regarding DeDe... If Terri is brought up on charges, I think DeDe will be also... The LE didn't put her picture along with Terri's, on that poster on a whim... They know something... The LE were given search warrants to search several of Terri's friends homes... They had to have a good reason to do that... I don't think that they expected to find Kyron at those homes.. They wanted to confiscate the computers or any other things that would help them investigate this crime... I think that the LE is being very tight lipped because they are on to something that involves several people... It might not show directly what happened to Kyron that day... but Kyrons disappearance may have sparked a much bigger investigation...

Thank you for that post, although I try to very be very logical and keep emotions out of these cases, I tend to believe TH acted alone & you reminded me of why she probably didn't from what LE seemingly is putting out there. IDK I guess, I find it hard that she could have found other people to "get" involved. What is this world coming too?:slap: Thanks for the reminder. :blowkiss:

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