Could you sit on this jury?

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I live in Pinellas County, just about a 15 minute drive from the courthouse and I would love to serve but would never be picked. I would have to tell the truth and I know too much about this case and don't think that I could sit there and look at her day in and day out without thinking about what she did.

Funny story, but true. I got a jury summons on the 17th. When I opened it, I almost had a heart attack. It said to report on the 18th for jury duty. Then I read it again and it said June 18 not May 18. I have been waiting to get jury duty for years and when I finally do, it is for the wrong month.
I have really young kids (and one old one) - I can't imagine that it would be good for their psyche for me to disappear for 8 weeks. I'm a stay-at-home Mom who lives out of state from my family so I am not all that sure who would watch them while my husband works. I think the sequestration would be what would make the hardship for me. I might be able to handle my small business issues after hours.
I live in Pinellas County, just about a 15 minute drive from the courthouse and I would love to serve but would never be picked. I would have to tell the truth and I know too much about this case and don't think that I could sit there and look at her day in and day out without thinking about what she did.

Funny story, but true. I got a jury summons on the 17th. When I opened it, I almost had a heart attack. It said to report on the 18th for jury duty. Then I read it again and it said June 18 not May 18. I have been waiting to get jury duty for years and when I finally do, it is for the wrong month.

lol...I kept checking my mail too...

I think I would be one of those women that when questioned would start with the first thing I heard and then ramble on, listing it all :) I would love to have been on there and thrown in a few exact quotes. When they asked me how I was doing today, I would have said "just sitting on a rainbow"
Nope-- health. Stress and disgust are extremely bad for me (that, and I have a medical condition).
I doubt that any of us would be allowed to sit on the jury simply because we read and post at Websleuths! However, I really do think that even though I've read almost all the docs and everyone's comments and insights that I could decide the case based on what's presented at trial because even though I've followed this case from the beginning, I have not reached a conclusion about whether or I not KC should be convicted of murder 1 and am hoping the trial will convince me one way or another.

However, it would be very difficult to sit on any jury for 2 months. My job would not pay me and I don't get that much vacation time - but - because I believe that the only way we can make our justice system work is for us to participate and that sometimes that means we have to make sacrifices, I would be willing to take an unpaid leave of absence to serve. It would certainly hurt for me to miss 2 months of income but I wouldn't lose my house or go hungry or anything. My biggest issue would be that I am the primary caregiver for my mother. She is not an invalid and does not need constant care, so I can and do work a full time job, but she does need someone to see to her meds and fix her meals and help her bathe and dress and such and has some days that she cannot be left alone at all. It would not be impossible to arrange for someone to do this for two months with enough notice - but my goodness, some of these jurors are only going to have about 3 days to make arrangements to be gone - between mom and work, it takes me 3 days to make arrangements to be gone overnight!
We could all be the stealths..............lmbo. They would toss me quicker than you could say "cart before the horse". I couldn't put aside what I know, I would NOT take her age into consideration, I don't really believe in the death penalty - except I can make an exception here, lol. And I would prolly say something about her mama needing to be charged too. But, hey I am more than willing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could, but ......

I am a journalist
I am a writer
I am opinionated
I have watched and seen every step of this case and have formed opinions
Those opinions would be difficult to change but I could
I am married to a cop and yes I believe their testimony more than the average Joe, they were there originally, they have seen more than we ever need too.
Crime has been my life for about 20 years (not committing it, seeing it lol)

That's just a couple of things ... I just cannot get past the 31 days, I would sit and burn holes through her with my eyes for that reason alone and I would like to punch Baez in the <insert fave spot here> for his embellishing of the truth with a bedazzler time and time again ... (not unlike Casey) :)

I think I would make a good jury memeber though, reporting for so many years I want the truth
We could all be the stealths..............lmbo. They would toss me quicker than you could say "cart before the horse". I couldn't put aside what I know, I would NOT take her age into consideration, I don't really believe in the death penalty - except I can make an exception here, lol. And I would prolly say something about her mama needing to be charged too. But, hey I am more than willing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol...don't forget you would have to be able to consider mercy :)
I could not sit on this jury for financial reasons. I am single and live on my own paycheck to paycheck, I know my job would only pay whatever vacation I have and that is 2 weeks right now as I have already used a week. No way I could do it and miss six weeks of pay.

Aside from that, I know some have said they could put aside their feelings and sit on Casey's jury, but I know I could not. And even if I could, I could not also set aside all the things I know that won't be put out at trial, I couldn't help but factor those things in.
We could all be the stealths..............lmbo. They would toss me quicker than you could say "cart before the horse". I couldn't put aside what I know, I would NOT take her age into consideration, I don't really believe in the death penalty - except I can make an exception here, lol. And I would prolly say something about her mama needing to be charged too. But, hey I am more than willing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT what you know is the truth (as far as you know) ... I think if you were presented first hand with the evidence and that was different to what you have seen on a TV show you would accept it. I don't know anyone well on this site but you seem honest enough for me. Casey convicted herself on day 31

.... have you ever wondered ..... Had Cindy NOT gone and got her that night ... just how long would it have been before she said something to someone?
Barring my health issues, if they didn't flare up, I could probably sit on the jury. I have no small children. My adult daughter and I live together with our animals. I have a steady income that's not work-dependent, while my work would be put on hold because I use the computer for it (no computer access unless supervised!) I just would make sure I was up to date in my projects and not take on anything before the trial.

My daughter would make sure the house and animals are taken care of and I'd give her instructions for the lawn care service. I'd tell her to be sure to move the cars around so batteries don't go dead from lack of use. :crazy:

For a longtime I thought I would never be able to sit on this jury because I know too much, but after listening to the jury selection process, I'm thinking I definitely could be fair and impartial, even if it killed me, as long as they don't bring out the infamous OJ glove, I'd be okay. Would I consider the death penalty? You betcha. A tiny little girl's life was snuffed out and she couldn't defend herself. THAT's injustice.

Justice for Caylee

I forgot to add I probably wouldn't be chosen for this jury anyway. I have relatives who are LE, I've had friends who were brutally murdered, I know the pain of losing a child to death, I'm a writer, I belong to national writers organizations, I've been a guest speaker, I love to read mysteries, some of my deceased husband's relatives spent time in the slammer and rightly so, etc....Since they questioned the juror's about all this, I'm sure I would have gotten the boot, and quick!
I would love to be on that jury but 1. I live in NJ 2.No way would they want me IMO she is 100% guilty. I bet juror 3131 felt good saying all she got to say looking at ICA. I read newspapers and watched NG but what convinced me of her guilt was the 31 days,lying to police and reading the evidence against her from the document drops.
I would love this opportunity. I would consider this a double=paid vacation. Hotel, meals, activities free and I would get to watch and hear every piece of evidence we have been waiting for. I would take my Sundays off and rest, relax, order up a pizza and some Miller Lite, and soak up the sun, maybe get a tattoo, enter a hot body contest, shop at Target, go to the Ritz, order a steak and crabpuffs, order me some Star War action figures on Ebay...walk around with a hammer, look for any reason to call into work and say I can't be there, fall in a hole, sue my employer for worker's comp, play on the computer, check out the escort sites in FL and in Ohio, go to Universal and pretend I work there...then on Monday, I would be front and center to watch the biggest bunch of hooey ever spit forth from a defense team.
And I would wear purple, but for the right reason.
I would love this opportunity. I would consider this a double=paid vacation. Hotel, meals, activities free and I would get to watch and hear every piece of evidence we have been waiting for. I would take my Sundays off and rest, relax, order up a pizza and some Miller Lite, and soak up the sun, maybe get a tattoo, enter a hot body contest, shop at Target, go to the Ritz, order a steak and crabpuffs, order me some Star War action figures on Ebay...walk around with a hammer, look for any reason to call into work and say I can't be there, fall in a hole, sue my employer for worker's comp, play on the computer, check out the escort sites in FL and in Ohio, go to Universal and pretend I work there...then on Monday, I would be front and center to watch the biggest bunch of hooey ever spit forth from a defense team.
And I would wear purple, but for the right reason.

OMGosh, LancelotLink, you could be in a hot body contest? I guess I've just gotten used to looking at your avatar too long.

Reminds me of the time DH and I were bickering back and forth when the children were younger and he said out of frustration, "Well, I guess I should just go out and start smoking and drinking and having affairs." . . . and, with great anguish, DD said, "Oh, Daddy, please don't smoke!" :cheerful:
I would love this opportunity. I would consider this a double=paid vacation. Hotel, meals, activities free and I would get to watch and hear every piece of evidence we have been waiting for. I would take my Sundays off and rest, relax, order up a pizza and some Miller Lite, and soak up the sun, maybe get a tattoo, enter a hot body contest, shop at Target, go to the Ritz, order a steak and crabpuffs, order me some Star War action figures on Ebay...walk around with a hammer, look for any reason to call into work and say I can't be there, fall in a hole, sue my employer for worker's comp, play on the computer, check out the escort sites in FL and in Ohio, go to Universal and pretend I work there...then on Monday, I would be front and center to watch the biggest bunch of hooey ever spit forth from a defense team.
And I would wear purple, but for the right reason.

You'd try to follow in the Anthonys footsteps just one day per week for 6 to 8 weeks. Um, it took Casey 31 days to do all her partying, and look how long it took the As to fight with protesters, swing their hammer, hose, and bat, and all that other stuff. It took the As months to go from hammer/hose/bat to the Ritz.

Let us know what happens when you go to Universal pretending you work there. :wink: I want to know if you get dragged into the Security office and frisked. :floorlaugh:
I was wondering what it would be like to be interviewed by the attorneys for this. My fantasy would be to sit in the jury room and make sure nobody would fall for the 'tragic accident' or George did it" scenario. But of course I would sound like some of the PT's:
"No, I NEVER watch NG, Is Geraldo still on? I hate the news, I just read the sports page,
I think I may have heard the name, but don't know much about the case, did a child die or something?"
So it makes me wonder if there might be a stealth juror in there somewhere already, lurking and
OMGosh, LancelotLink, you could be in a hot body contest? I guess I've just gotten used to looking at your avatar too long.

Reminds me of the time DH and I were bickering back and forth when the children were younger and he said out of frustration, "Well, I guess I should just go out and start smoking and drinking and having affairs." . . . and, with great anguish, DD said, "Oh, Daddy, please don't smoke!" :cheerful:

That is hilarious!!!!!!

I would have to send Mata Hairi. She would win while i looked for anyone who ever saw ZFG.
No way! I am infuriated by all the smoke & mirrors * bull snit. The AHA'S are simply HA HA'S. It's all about the mighty GRANDOLLAR. May they all rot where it's hot.
I would love to sit on this jury! That way I could render my guilty verdict and recommend the death penalty!

Not logging in to WS while sequestered would be a challange, though!

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