Could you sit on this jury?

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This is really a good thread. It has made me realize state would probably reject me even though I think she's so guilty that I wouldn't be able to put it aside. If I hadn't been so personally involved in the TES searches and horrendous aftermath by the defense's PIs (and I didn't have to disclose those facts) they would strike me simply because I have a dear one who was a crime survivor that did not receive proper justice. The state would think that I would carry that prejudice into this case and, obviously, I haven't. I think LE has done an outstanding job here.
It tells me that no matter what facts either the defense or state uncover, by internet searches or the PJ's own disclaimers, they can never really tell what's inside the PJs' heads.
No method can be perfect no matter how much thought is put into it.
I could be a juror. I can base my decision on evidence because I have read the discovery so I'm not worried. Oops, forgot about 'presumed innocent'...never mind.
We could all be the stealths..............lmbo. They would toss me quicker than you could say "cart before the horse". I couldn't put aside what I know, I would NOT take her age into consideration, I don't really believe in the death penalty - except I can make an exception here, lol. And I would prolly say something about her mama needing to be charged too. But, hey I am more than willing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whenever AF gets up to give her speal, I imagine myself asking her to clarify if I was considering the defendants age or the victims? Then I ask her if weighing the victims age against the defendants age is what BP means when he says we should arrive at our verdict by weighing rather than counting facts.
After watching AF babysit the accused for ~11 days, I'm starting to think she may become a DP proponent herself soon. If only to make ICA stop talking, talking, talking, talking......................
I would love to sit as a juror on this trial, but unfortunately, I would not be allowed to...I would've also loved to have been questioned as a "potential juror", look into those evil eyes and tell little Ms. KC just exactly how I felt about this poor, innocent child...and how she deserved to be protected & loved, not brutally murdered and thrown into the woods in garbage bags! How the lies of her mother and grandparents have diminished the life that "could have been" because of their selfish, manipulative ways...that KC is not SPECIAL, Caylee was SPECIAL, and I hope that KC spends the remaining days of her life remembering the look in her child's eyes when mommy dearest applied the duct tape to her FACE! So, I think that would be enough for me..."dismissed for cause"....

I would love to sit on this jury, but I don't think I could be fair and impartial at this point. I've watched, read and followed everything regarding this case and have a very strong opinion that KC is very guilty and I don't think I could set those feelings aside.

I know she's entitled to a fair trial and I hope she gets it, but I myself could not be fair. :gavel:

Great thread!!
If I knew little or nothing about this case, I could maybe sit as a juror but probably not.
I have a problem with the death penalty. It's not a huge problem borne of religious belief's etc..but I am a very sensitive person and I don't know how my emotional health would hold up once we decided guilty of murder in the first degree.
Also, years back I watched a movie "The Life Of David Gale", and it did have an impact on me.

I'm going to go OT just for a sec. Would it be possible for someone to start a thread naming it something like "which juror concerns you" and why. I did notice we have a juror thread but there is no discussion. If I've missed a juror discussion thread, apologies in advance. We would need to follow all of the rules and keep it so that no real names or information about the jurors is revealed, and we of course could not sleuth the jurors. I'm very interested in other members opinions regarding the jury, once one is finally seated. If it's a silly idea then nevermind LOL. :)

~sorry for spelling and improper grammer, I'm rushing so I can go over to the new thread for today~

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