Crimewatch redux

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"The innocent dad came forward in 2007 to say he was the person seen carrying a child in Portugal at the time the three-year-old vanished.


Following Madeleine’s disappearance, *Leicestershire police* were responsible for collating all UK-based inquiries at the request of the Portuguese authorities."

"The innocent dad came forward in 2007 to say he was the person seen carrying a child in Portugal at the time the three-year-old vanished.


Following Madeleine’s disappearance, *Leicestershire police* were responsible for collating all UK-based inquiries at the request of the Portuguese authorities."

How the HELL is this happening?

The McCann's suppressed the efits THEMSELVES yet now it is the Leicestershire police who are at fault?????!!!:

This was never properly investigated because of Tanners LIES.


Ones things for sure the UK media are still playing the McCann's tune...they might have gone too far this time.

You can fool most of the people, most of the time...but even the British public will smell a big fat rat after this latest load of carp?!

Happy New Year !

It really is shocking.
The thing with this story is Leicestershire Police were the Mccanns liaison's (?) & as we know they knew about everything that was going on, so then does that mean they were aware of Tanner / Crecheman's statement in 2007 ???
I strongly suggest folks watch the Documentary based on Amarals book.

It is in Spanish but has subtitles.

He states very clearly that Tannerman COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED.

In view of this I guess Team McCann cannot blame the PJ for the missing efits so the next best option is to blame the UK police.

Disgusting - and more and more UNBELIEVABLE that the UK media has fallen for the bs hook line and sinker.

There's going to be some splainin to do....and
Three prime suspects for the abduction of Madeleine McCann have been identified by Scotland Yard officers.

Analysis of mobile phone data suggests a burglary gang was operating very near to where she vanished in Portugal in May 2007.

The three men made an unusually high number of calls to each other in the hours after Madeleine was reported missing from her holiday flat in the Algarve.

Police believe the thieves, including at least one Portuguese man, had already carried out one raid in the resort of Praia da Luz, disturbing a child.

That child’s parents, who had been drinking outside the property, rushed inside to find the intruders had fled.

During their bungled investigation Portuguese police attached no significance to the break-in, which came a few days before Madeleine disappeared.

British detectives said this oversight was a ‘disgrace’.

Following the Yard phone breakthrough, informal discussions have taken place about arresting the three burglars and searching their homes and other sites.

OK if these three are serious suspects, it doesn't seem intelligent in the extreme to give them advance warning of the impending search and arrest.
Dunno, if I had been operating a burglar gang in PdL at the time and I had evidence of Madeleine's abduction at home I'd get rid of it.

OK if these three are serious suspects, it doesn't seem intelligent in the extreme to give them advance warning of the impending search and arrest.
Dunno, if I had been operating a burglar gang in PdL at the time and I had evidence of Madeleine's abduction at home I'd get rid of it.

Just PR and spin, the rubbish in this article comes from "an informed source" which in the past has been one Clarence Mitchell.
Wow, so basically if those articles are all true Jane Tanner's sighting is completely unrelated and the McCann's suppressed the release of the Smith's e-fits for 5 years?! Yeah nothing suss at all...:facepalm:
The only mysterious part of Madeleines disappearance is why the British public are still allowing their media to p!ss on their heads and tell them its raining.

I know the rags have unreasonable influence on Joe Public over there but surely even the densest of readers are starting to smell the bs by now.

The planted slanted stories are almost farcical. Its LE's fault Tanner lied and the McCann's suppressed the e fit?

Please, we have working brains !

I wouldnt take much notice of the rubbish in the newspapers, its all spin, and more spin just to sell papers.

As a point about the alleged nearly snatched baby whilst burglary is going on I believe this happened a YEAR before the McCanns.

Anyway its all a load of Who Shot John. Dont forget the trail with Amaral is due to finish tomorrow coincidence I hardly think so.

Scotland Yard would NEVER have let this stuff out if it was true, no way.

Anyway this is the statement:

I would like to remind those new to our page that Gerry and Kate will only comment on the investigation to find Madeleine when and if any updates FROM THE POLICE warrant a statement.

Please allow the police to do their jobs and not speculate or fuel rumours. We will not answer questions related to unfounded and speculative press articles and we ask that you not post them on our page.

Thank you for understanding.

~FM Webmaster (on behalf of Gerry and Kate)

Was it to resume today? The mirror claims the mccans were banned from testifying.

~n/t~ Here is a link to the McCann v Amaral court reports from Thus far there is no update on today's activity, but this site is usually kept current. If you've not used the mccannfiles site, there is a ton of stuff on there, but you have to look hard to find the right part of it sometimes!
Was it to resume today? The mirror claims the mccas were banned from testifying.

Ah got to love the Mirror....

They werent "banned", it is Portugese law that they not testify. Amaral was not able to take the stand either.

It is hysterical to watch these antics and the timing is just precious.

At the exact time SY are revealing that Tannerman was a blatant lie and the McCanns themselves suppressed the e-fit, Team McCann are attempting to prove AMARAL damaged the investigation.

The delusions never end. :sick:

You run into trouble when you genuinely believe you are smart and everyone else is stupid.

I personally would love to see Kate and Gerry on a witness stand...but predict they will spend every last cent to avoid sitting in one, despite the latest spin in the rags.

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