GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #71

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New Canaan Advertiser: It also has a new address — 71 Welles Lane. The property, which was previously known as 69 Welles Lane, was purchased in 2005 for $1.6 million with the home built in 2016. Requests for address changes are often made to conceal that a crime once occurred on the property.
However, Karp said that’s not why he requested the address change. Karp said it was a “personal preference.”
A few weeks ago, Karp applied to the Department of Public Works and “it was pretty instant” that the number was changed, he said.
“I’ve changed numbers before,” Karp said. “It’s kind of a feng shui kind of thing. It has always bothered me. It bothered me when I bought it.”
#71 is the house I saw in particular. I guess I was just surprised at how relatively close to each other the houses were. I wish I’d had time to see the neighborhood behind her house, but based on the close proximity of the homes, there is zero doubt in my mind that he approached hers from behind, sneaking through the backyard.
I haven’t had time to read through it. It is a 4 pg document titled “Preliminary Statement of the Issues”

MT's itemized issues 1-20 that they intend to pursue in the Appeal

Thanks -- I commented on this link on Tuesday -- 20 items MT intends to pursue in her appeal. IMO, all have been argued before by JLS to no avail. IMO, her conviction will be affirmed by the appellate, end of story.
I haven’t had time to read through it. It is a 4 pg document titled “Preliminary Statement of the Issues”
Spaghetti‘a not sticking!
I haven’t had time to read through it. It is a 4 pg document titled “Preliminary Statement of the Issues”
Spaghetti's not sticking! Good try but Bye Bye for a few years!
I haven’t had time to read through it. It is a 4 pg document titled “Preliminary Statement of the Issues”
Spaghetti’s not sticking! See you in 14 years when you try to get out!
#71 is the house I saw in particular. I guess I was just surprised at how relatively close to each other the houses were. I wish I’d had time to see the neighborhood behind her house, but based on the close proximity of the homes, there is zero doubt in my mind that he approached hers from behind, sneaking through the backyard.
This is from an article on a new CT SC decision in another family case. (The author incorrectly says JFD disappeared in 2021)

…”The 2021 disappearance and presumed murder of Jennifer Dulos by her husband Fotis Dulos during an ongoing divorce and custody battle has been highlighted by women in Connecticut as an example of how tragic these proceedings can become and claim that Connecticut’s family court system often ignores domestic abuse, or even enables it further, by allowing these proceedings to stretch on for years…”
This is from an article on a new CT SC decision in another family case. (The author incorrectly says JFD disappeared in 2021)

…”The 2021 disappearance and presumed murder of Jennifer Dulos by her husband Fotis Dulos during an ongoing divorce and custody battle has been highlighted by women in Connecticut as an example of how tragic these proceedings can become and claim that Connecticut’s family court system often ignores domestic abuse, or even enables it further, by allowing these proceedings to stretch on for years…”
Another sad but typical case in CT. The quote imo was way too kind. I would change it to, " court system routinely ignores domestic abuse....

Its sad because Judges don't have adequate training and neither do the GALs. Sadly Jennifer lost her life because of both an incompetent and poorly trained Judge Heller and GAL Meehan. Neither took any responsibility for their actions in the 2 yr case of Dulos v Dulos which ended in a mistrial. I hope the case is turned into a training case on high conflict divorce and how malignant narcissists behave when undergoing a stressful and high conflict situation. Looking back at the record its unfortunate that the divorce case had multiple Judges before Judge Heller but none of them did anything to provide consequences for FD lying, manipulation, firing attorneys and ongoing games that never seemed to end.

Judge Heller was a standout in that she had zero experience in family law prior to becoming a Judge (her background was corporate law) and even though she called out FD ongoing lying on the record she never imposed any jail time on him and she never required him to pay any child support. No words for GAL Michael Meehan as he too seemed poorly trained and seemed to follow the agenda promoted by 'fathers rights' activists that have gained prominence in CT. Judge Heller also seemed to never give credence to JF claims of FD abuse and was the Judge that denied JF protective order request. I don't thnk a protective order would have stopped FD and MT and KM murdering JF, but there was a dismissiveness in the Judge Heller approach that came through even in the court documents.

Sadly JF had zero support from the CT Family Court Judiciary in the divorce action and the results of the inept handling of the case imo speak for themselves. Both Judge Heller and GAL Michael Meehan have direct responsibility for allowing the divorce case to escalate to the point that it did without resolution for such a long time. FD was allowed to lie and not follow rules for 2 years in Family Court and other than losing access to his children (which he used MT daughter NIcole Begue to circumvent communication guidelines) there were no consequences such as jail or fines or other penalties imposed.

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A video from University of New Haven with interviews of both Colangelo and Horn on the Troconis case. I haven't had time to watch the video but it looks interesting. Will watch and comment later but I wanted to share it for those here that might be interested.

TROCONIS TRIAL/TROCONIS APPEAL-Interviews-Analysis - University of New Haven News Reporting Class​

A video from University of New Haven with interviews of both Colangelo and Horn on the Troconis case. I haven't had time to watch the video but it looks interesting. Will watch and comment later but I wanted to share it for those here that might be interested.

TROCONIS TRIAL/TROCONIS APPEAL-Interviews-Analysis - University of New Haven News Reporting Class​

Colangelo is sure likable, credible, conversational...

And now I'm listening to Schoenhorn.


A video from University of New Haven with interviews of both Colangelo and Horn on the Troconis case. I haven't had time to watch the video but it looks interesting. Will watch and comment later but I wanted to share it for those here that might be interested.

TROCONIS TRIAL/TROCONIS APPEAL-Interviews-Analysis - University of New Haven News Reporting Class​

I just came here to post this. It really is very interesting-at least, Rich Colangelo’s part is; I found that I could not endure watching Jon Schoenhorn’s part for too long. What I found interesting, was when Colangelo said that when Dulos died, Schoenhorn asked Colangelo what comes next-do they drop the charges on Troconis or take her to trial…It was abundantly clear that Troconis expected to walk, once Dulos was gone.
Colangelo is sure likable, credible, conversational...

And now I'm listening to Schoenhorn.


I couldn’t listen to, or look at, Schoenhorn. I just couldn’t. And-since his perspective is skewed, don’t think his part in the video can be illustrative in any way. But Colangelo dropped a few interesting bits of information.
Where to start with Horn....impossible but will try. As an aside I find his 'repositioning' himself as a 'civil rights and criminal attorney from Hartford' highly amusing as he seems to have come a 'long way' since his website initially described him as 'specializing in dog bites'!

Fact checking Horn could be a full time job and its sadly not good for my personal mental health as its just a black hole! I was going to compile my own list of questions that I wish the students or even the Professor had asked Colangelo and Horn but it would be endless so will just do random thoughts on the Horn Word Salad to the students and will come back later on the comments of Colangelo....Onward......

After listening to 'shoehorn' as the Student called him (best laugh of the video), I have to wonder if clients that have a convenient grasp of the truth simply manage to find like minded attorneys? FD brilliantly found such like minded attorneys and I do think MT found her perfect for her (but imo absolutely inept and unethical) attorney in Horn and Mini Horn. But, imo MT paid a very significant price both in terms of $$$$ and her lifetime for choosing Horn but I doubt she sees it this way unfortunately.

Neither the client/MT nor the attorney/Horn seem to be wired to tell the truth and stay on the 'straight and narrow' and given the fact that the record is now quite clear and absolutely well documented imo it makes it even more stunning that Horn continues to spin and to ungrad students. It just seems like when the 'integrity gene' was distributed that both Horn and Mini Horn simply were overlooked imo. I do think Horn is the type of person where if the sky were a pitch perfect blue and clear that Horn would say it wasn't! Simply exhausting imo but also so counterproductive for his clients and its sad but I don't think he has the self awareness to see how his mindset impacts his courtroom outcome stats (so far as I can tell he routinely loses on behalf of his clients). Tenacity I guess is a virtue except when its inappropriately focused or directed at the legal system and in the pre trial period we saw this over and over again from Horn. It was an endless series of motions to distract and delay and it went on forever. I do think his delay tactics were intentional as MT wanted to stay in CO with her daughter for as long as possible but I do hope that when the appeal Judges hear Horn on the topic of 'trial delay' that they look at all that he filed and what impact (little) it had on the trial process other than as Judge Randolph said, "WASTING TIME"!

What was always amazing to see though was that Horn was routinely unprepared at hearing, complained of being overworked or had missing papers or had forgotten to bring something and it was an unending game of 'dog ate Horns homework'! His 'Mr Magoo' act got old quick and my guess is that it was deliberate as it was so consistent through the pretrial period. I don't know how the Judges dealt with his behavior even though they sometimes complained about it but I put it into the category of being not only inept but unprofessional disrespectful of the Judicial time and the States Attorneys. His behaviour imo was consistently unprofessional and frankly deplorable and when tasked by the Judge or State to do anything specific (such as preparing an inventory of seized items) that Horn and his client never followed up. Horn just wanted to show up at pretrial sessions and 'horn on and on' with little in the way of substance. Watching him for so long (until I gave up around the time of his personal case against the Family Court Clerk as I needed a personal time out away from his pure abuse of the CT Judicial system with no consequences) it was clear that he just wants to speak and not follow through with action.

I did find his 'take' or 'spin' on the evidence that sat in a box in his office for OVER A YEAR to be quite an offensive LIE as was his mischaracterization of what was found on the sweatshirt. The whitewash of withholding evidence in a murder trial is something that in most jurisdictions would result in disbarment but this being Corrupticut it is instead spun as Prosecution 'seeking to remove me from the trial'! Lies, Lies and more lies imo by Horn and none of the students even batted an eye and the Professor for the class didn't step in either to even ask Horn "where did the box come from and what else was in the box?". The sweatshirt had a hair from MT on it and so tied her directly to the Tacoma where the sweatshirt and other items in the evidence box most likely had been or in some other vehicle (White Jeep perhaps?) owned by FD. Horn and the other attorneys that had the box (Pattis and Bowman and who knows who else in their offices touched it) should have been reported by the State to the CT Bar but per usual nothing was done even by the Judges hearing this sorry case (Randolph, White and Blawie) about withholding evidence by attorneys.

Another good laugh was had by me with the reference to the "Greenwich Country Club juror with the plaid pants" who was shaded by Horn. I truly think Horn has a massive inferiority complex such that he felt compelled to revert to stereotypes and shade a juror in such a petty and vile way. He continued to push to have the case moved to Hartford (his legal swamp of choice and no doubt full of cronies that owe him favors etc. and god knows how a trial for MT might have gone in Hartford but my guess is that it would have been on par with the cesspit experience of the FD Civil Trial where Judges don't even put up all their Orders on the website as they are obligated to do as I found the administrative aspects of Hartford highly 'lacking') and he is going to continue to appeal on this basis even though it was clearly heard and denied at the trial court level. Horn said he speaks spanish (si corecta) and that MT needed an interpreter even though Colangelo said langauge was never an issue. But, I'm glad the loud translators were offered so this issue can be put to bed for purposes of appeal and the trial videos clearly see MT pulling out her earpiece to listen in english (I truly think the only person that used the translator consistently was Papi Troconis!).

It truly cracks me up that Horn was speaking with undergrads and still felt compelled to shade the truth, slime and shade the facts and generally reinvent so much of the history of this tragic case and shade Atty Bowman. Sadly none of them called him on his convenient grasp of the facts. But, I think it was his 'complaints' about the pretrial publicity and the press coverage etc. that ground my last nerve because he spent 4 years leaking evidence via motions, supporting his clients efforts on social media to promote mis/dis information, talking to any press person with a mike or pencil or camera and generally imo doing everything in his power to taint the jury pool and discredit and dishonor the victim. The speedy trial argument by Horn imo was also another 'whopper lie' as he did everything in his power to delay the trial for as long as he could so that MT could be with her daughter and this is clearly seen the volume of frivolous pretrial motions that honestly seemed endless.

The Professor imo could have had a good discussion with Horn about 'case media management' and misinformation and disinformation in support of clients but missed a huge opportunity unfortunately to do so. Not sure Horn would have come clean on what all he did in terms of mis/dis information for MT but it would have been interesting to see him continue to shade the truth. Its all quite sad because Horn did all that he did with the media and victim blamed and shamed with no impunity and there was no counter ever from the State and the only counter came from social media and NEVER from the MSM media who was simply his lapdog and partner in crime in this tragic case imo. Overall I'm not sure that students or the Professor had a great grasp of the complex case and I have hugely disappointed in the questions but did enjoy hearing from Colangelo.

What hit me was how Horn (other than how simply unlikeable and untrustworthy he appears even in a casual setting and how when dealing with a jury I think likeability and creditability are important - Horn imo lacks both!) walked into Colangelo office with a fixed mindset as to his desired outcome (dismissal) and seemed to do nothing to understand where Colangelo was coming from relative to the evidence in hand at the time. Stunning stuff imo. No real thinking about his clients best interests and my guess is that he was simply thinking of fees to be had and publicity to be had as well given the high profile nature of the case. I can now see why some people interview multiple defense attorneys to see their POVs on a case. But, its possible MT and Mama Troconis felt the case would never result in a conviction and so Horn simply facilitated their view of the situation? I do wonder though if MT lied to Mama Troconis and I also wonder at what point (if ever) Mama Troconis truly realized the extent of MT critical role in the murder of JF? I also wonder if Mama Troconis could ever come to terms with what MT had done in this case? But, my guess is that Mama Troconis had spent a lifetime cleaning up MT messes and seeing her lying and inability to accept the consequences for her actions etc. so perhaps MT knew from Day 1 in Atty Bowmans office that MT was guilty of the charges. Curious what others think as I go back and forth on how Mama Troconis had Bowman working with Colangelo for so long, charges against MT were stacking up and Mama Troconis had to see the inconsistencies in the MT story building over time as she sunk into quicksand in the law enforcement interviews. If I had any faith that Mama Troconis had the ability to tell the truth about anything (her legal history speaks for itself on this point imo), I do think seeing a hard hitting interview might be interesting. But, there are some folks that aren't wired to be truth tellers and I think both MT and Mama Troconis fall into this sad category. But, what is ironic about the Troconis crew turning on Bowman is that they chose to blame him for all that happened rather than MT ongoing 'lies about lies' in the interviews! Classic delusion seems to be how the entire Troconis crew is wired it seems!

Horn goes to great lengths imo to continue to denigrate Atty Bowman on many fronts but never seemed to step back and look at the big picture of what Bowman and Colangelo were attempting to offer to MT and how it might be in her best interest to take a deal. Horn also dismisses Bowman's relationship with Colangelo along with his history as a Federal Prosecutor negotiating deals and keeping many miscreants in Fairfield County out of jail and doing so for many many years! Also stunning stuff imo.

Just a guess but it seems like from the beginning that Horn was counting on the fact that any case of MT having knowledge of murder and why she was on Albany Avenue could never be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I do think it was this imo 'highly risky' assumption that made him ineffective as MT attorney and I think he was more interested in rolling the dice on proving the case rather than minimizing prison time for his client. IMO MT paid the price for this miscalculation with her 'not long enough imo' stay at York.

But, its impossible to say if rolling the dice was Horn choice or Mama Troconis/MT choice. However, it seems like it might have been more Horn choice given how both he and Colangelo described their initial meeting imo. Horn always seems like a bull in a china shop angling for a fight and doesn't seem at all strategic or focused on the big picture. IDK, the word 'putz' comes to mind when describing him as I do think a deal would have served MT well and certainly saved her a small fortune in legal fees but instead she is the "Duchess of York" for the next 14.5 years courtesy imo of both her mindset and her imo incompetent attorney Horn.

The issue of whether MT knew or didn't know JF was curious portion of the discussion as Horn I believe did mention the protective order filed (but denied by Court) by MT. I don't think JF gave MT the time of day and I do think her making sure that MT had zero access to the 5 children spoke volumes as to what she thought of MT. It was interesting to see confirmation that JF did hire a PI to follow MT as this issue didn't come up at trial unfortunately.

Discussion of MT phone information was also interesting and the tidbit about the 'F bombs' sent to FD via text when he was visiting NC was something that confirmed so much of the discussion about the relationship between MT and FD here on WS I think. To see MT described as 'jealous' and 'controlling' were words that I wish had been heard more frequently at trial but I do think the jury saw the FD/MT relationship accurately and the law enforcement interviews saw MT herself saying she 'gave as good as she got' in the relationship and was no 'pushover'! What a toxic couple as I can only imagine the mind games the two played with each other!

Will continue to think about how Horn continues to spin things endlessly and how he avoids any discussion of substantive evidence and WHY he never presented and alternative theory for MT or presented exculpatory evidence. I find it ironic that one of his only 'pretrial' wins was the cell phone exclusion but that had MT been innocent that it could have told a story to exonerate her possibly. I do think the cell phone was damning for MT and there was zero on it to present an alternative theory on her behalf. By getting the MT phone excluded I think Horn made all of this quite clear to the jury imo.

I just came here to post this. It really is very interesting-at least, Rich Colangelo’s part is; I found that I could not endure watching Jon Schoenhorn’s part for too long. What I found interesting, was when Colangelo said that when Dulos died, Schoenhorn asked Colangelo what comes next-do they drop the charges on Troconis or take her to trial…It was abundantly clear that Troconis expected to walk, once Dulos was gone.
Yes, agree with you about the 'walking' but what was interesting too was that once Colangelo said he would bring it to trial that Horn and MT never followed up to turn on FD even though FD had never spoken with police and was dead. I would have loved to ask Horn this question as the opportunity to try this strategy existed but never seemed to be pursued imo. I do wonder if he decided not to pursue it after watching MT lie to law enforcement in 3 interviews? He will never tell the truth but I do wonder if MT and Mami Troconis have the capcity to self reflect on this choice as imo it SUNK THEM!
She's LUCKY she got the light sentence she got, she deserves every minute of it and then some.

She opted to stick to the (alibi) script to her own detriment, and once FD exited stage left, she chose poorly again.

Were she a sympathetic figure, she could have chosen a different defense. (Or for OUR sakes, a different pair of attorneys.) She could have postured herself as an unwittingly accomplice, duped by the velvet don juan, but it's an act I doubt she could pull off. Because you'd have to care. You'd have to care that your selfishness and entitlement and jealously provoked a landmine, and that give children are forever without a mother -- and a father -- and your hand was on that grenade.

Telling what she knew then, telling what she knows now could have been a way to appeal to jurors. And no, not that pitiable screed she delivered at sentencing. I mean a soul-baring confession, not to incriminate or spare herself, but to give five children a chance to know where their mother is, more than under bleach on a garage floor, more than misted across a pair of clear ponchos, more than what a saturated shirt and bra contains. The truth. As she knows it. What FD told her. What FD didn't tell her. How long it took, how far he went...

If she had at least that much dignity, she could have wept, broken down for all that loss

A sympathic jury might have been moved by that, the judge too. Reflected at sentencing.

But she didn't. She hasn't. And I suspect she cannot.

Because she's not sorry.

Mother Theresa, horse whisperer, friend to the downtrodden, she is full entirely of herself. Jennifer was in her way. FD was taking too long. Five children wouldn't choose her over their mother. FD managed to get caught. She's got a whole list of people who she no doubt feels done her wrong.

I'm sorry, appeal nothing, her sentence ought to be doubled, on account of being just straight despicable.

If she ever wants to know what class and mercy feel like, she should give JFd's loved ones the trove of information that will lead them to her.

A man's murdered wife's body was just found, sealed in a commercial tank, hiding in plain sight. I think Jennifer's body received the same. He had a plan that started before that day ... JFd is somewhere there IMO. Perhaps parceled out but in a place or places he could access from 80 MS. A defunct tank, buried. Entombed beneath a slab or within a foundation. Vertical in a horizontal space.

But here we are.

Of her own doing, MT warrants no mercy.

For she has shown none.

She's LUCKY she got the light sentence she got, she deserves every minute of it and then some.

She opted to stick to the (alibi) script to her own detriment, and once FD exited stage left, she chose poorly again.

Were she a sympathetic figure, she could have chosen a different defense. (Or for OUR sakes, a different pair of attorneys.) She could have postured herself as an unwittingly accomplice, duped by the velvet don juan, but it's an act I doubt she could pull off. Because you'd have to care. You'd have to care that your selfishness and entitlement and jealously provoked a landmine, and that give children are forever without a mother -- and a father -- and your hand was on that grenade.

Telling what she knew then, telling what she knows now could have been a way to appeal to jurors. And no, not that pitiable screed she delivered at sentencing. I mean a soul-baring confession, not to incriminate or spare herself, but to give five children a chance to know where their mother is, more than under bleach on a garage floor, more than misted across a pair of clear ponchos, more than what a saturated shirt and bra contains. The truth. As she knows it. What FD told her. What FD didn't tell her. How long it took, how far he went...

If she had at least that much dignity, she could have wept, broken down for all that loss

A sympathic jury might have been moved by that, the judge too. Reflected at sentencing.

But she didn't. She hasn't. And I suspect she cannot.

Because she's not sorry.

Mother Theresa, horse whisperer, friend to the downtrodden, she is full entirely of herself. Jennifer was in her way. FD was taking too long. Five children wouldn't choose her over their mother. FD managed to get caught. She's got a whole list of people who she no doubt feels done her wrong.

I'm sorry, appeal nothing, her sentence ought to be doubled, on account of being just straight despicable.

If she ever wants to know what class and mercy feel like, she should give JFd's loved ones the trove of information that will lead them to her.

A man's murdered wife's body was just found, sealed in a commercial tank, hiding in plain sight. I think Jennifer's body received the same. He had a plan that started before that day ... JFd is somewhere there IMO. Perhaps parceled out but in a place or places he could access from 80 MS. A defunct tank, buried. Entombed beneath a slab or within a foundation. Vertical in a horizontal space.

But here we are.

Of her own doing, MT warrants no mercy.

For she has shown none.

I am clapping right now, because I am in complete agreement.
A video from University of New Haven with interviews of both Colangelo and Horn on the Troconis case. I haven't had time to watch the video but it looks interesting. Will watch and comment later but I wanted to share it for those here that might be interested.

TROCONIS TRIAL/TROCONIS APPEAL-Interviews-Analysis - University of New Haven News Reporting Class​

Gina (or Jeana) must have gotten tired of listening to Schoenhorn's word salad along with the rest of us! 1:04:50 to 1:05:16 :D lol
My day keeps getting interrupted, so haven't finished the facinating YT video (thank you very much for posting). Did anyone discuss KM's future trial or his involvement?
Not really-just that Colangelo said KM, in his as of yet unrevealed police interview, told the investigators some things that MT had to say about Jennifer. That would not have helped in her trial, and as we know now, they didn’t need his help.
Not really-just that Colangelo said KM, in his as of yet unrevealed police interview, told the investigators some things that MT had to say about Jennifer. That would not have helped in her trial, and as we know now, they didn’t need his help.

Very interesting interview given by Colangelo. I’ve always speculated, as does he, that Jennifer is somewhere near the Farmington property since he had those 2 lots with many acres of land backing up to the water company. Clearly, a spot that has a lot of poison ivy (remember FD had a bad case of poison ivy post murder)? I wonder if Kent did, too? Great video, although, I would have asked so many more specific questions than the students, but I understand they aren’t as involved as all of us here.
Very interesting interview given by Colangelo. I’ve always speculated, as does he, that Jennifer is somewhere near the Farmington property since he had those 2 lots with many acres of land backing up to the water company. Clearly, a spot that has a lot of poison ivy (remember FD had a bad case of poison ivy post murder)? I wonder if Kent did, too? Great video, although, I would have asked so many more specific questions than the students, but I understand they aren’t as involved as all of us here.
Right, you are-soooo many more questions to ask. Wouldn’t it be great to have a chance for us to ask Colangelo some of our burning questions, that the journalism students weren’t informed enough to ask?

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