Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #11 *ARRESTS*

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Yep, can you ever imagine No Case Norm issuing the statement that Midler made about the events of today:

"Midler said in an email, “Be advised that it is the policy of our law office that we do not discuss substantive issues outside of the confines of the pleadings which we file and the presentations which we make in the Courtroom.”"

All I can say is its a blessing to have one less blowhard attorney on this case. I do wonder at what point we might see FD turn on Pattis for ineffectual representation? My guess is it might take awhile but FD might just get there. MOO
Like Ted Bundy and his attorney, and then wacko Bundy defending himself. I can almost see FD doing this. Maybe he will jump out a window in a desperate escape attempt too. Only to come crawling back because he's not man enough to rough it out in the woods.
Next court date 7/15

9:30 AM - 509.00 MOTION FOR ORDER

I am a man, and trust me, you would never hear me say that about FD. Just sayin'.
He’s a classic sociopath. He doesnt care one iota for those children. If he did he wouldn’t be subjecting them to abuse and woundnt have been making a dumpster run on Albany ave with their mothers bloody clothes and sponge
My thoughts. JD father was somewhat taken in by FD. I will bet that GF saw things a lot more clearly. JD was a stepping stone for FD. The 5 children were a way of keeping her tied to him. That's all. This whole situation is sickening. I really don't care what JD psych evaluation is. I don't care if it says she was unstable. When faced with the knowledge that everything you ever believed in is built on quicksand, a house of cards, see what happens. Peace, Jennifer. I understand.
All true but my understanding this document was previously sealed at that didn't stop No Case Norm from talking about it with the press. I'm not sure atty's not having a hard copy of the report does much when extensive note taking seems to be permitted and no gag order issued.

We can then have the entire report released in drips and drabs to the public. If this is allowed (I'm honestly not sure based on the fact that the report was sealed before and it was widely quoted by Pattis) I'm not sure how the missing victim and children/family are well served as it gives Pattis the opportunity to create a 'picture' of the missing person that could be virtually of his own creation based on tidbits from the report. If he were allowed to do this at a time when the person under discussion is missing I'm not sure that is serving justice on any level.

Frankly the statement from Judge Heller seemed weak about the entire report and the situation with how it was released in the first place and was a huge disappointment to me in that she did zero to reprimand the individuals charged with safeguarding the report and discussing it with the press.

Actually think entire situation regarding a confidential evaluation being released to the public is shameful in my mind. MOO
I think releasing that eval is a HIPAA violation
He’s goading and taunting GF into dropping the lawsuits, giving him back his kids and access to their trust funds as their only “living parent.” FD will shut it and go away, once she backs down and LE backs down and he takes the kids and their trust funds .. and FD and MT and her child live together off Jennifer forever .. even after she died (because he killed her) ...

This is his fantasy ... and I really really hope it’s not possible ..
That’s right. Wasn’t he the one having revenge fantasies towards people who wronged him?
The kids will be showered with sympathy and affection for years, they have all the good privileges life has to offer affluent families, there are untold millions without a small fraction of that. They will be traumatized and that is terrible but I see a lot of missing person cases, decimated families with so much less attention than this one that all the locals are asked to "pray about" in church.

On the absurdist "revenge suicide" theory I have a few questions: Has there ever been a revenge suicide with such circumstances? Ex-husband found with presumed dead wife's blood in clean up bags? All types of incriminating evidence and probable cause? MOTIVES? And with a short time window, ie same day, presumed dead/killed and DNA 70 miles away by ex?? Ok maybe they were on drugs together, playing Russian roulette with LSD and then the mess happened?

It's true, this case has caught the attention of the press because of the wealth, location, scenario of the players...but to imply that the 5 children will be showered with sympathy and affection, plus good privileges, as if this matters right now to these small children, isn't fair. Those 5 kids don't care about their privilege. They just want their mom and dad. We hear plenty about the other cases too. These 5 children are traumatized rich or poor.
It these evals are confidential. The psychiatrists who do them are health care providers

You could be right. I still think they are confidential in the sense that if someone goes to the courthouse and asks for documents regarding the divorce, they are sealed from the general public. Not convinced that it is a federal violation. MOO.
He’s growing out his hair again. Notice he only cut it short right before he planned to kill his wife.

Right. He cut his hair before the crime so as not to leave evidence at the crime scene. Plus, if he was doing drugs then they can tell by examining your hair... and it also changes his looks to reduce people from recognizing him from day of crime!

While admittedly I am not fully familiar with this GAL’s history, I don’t know that we can assume GAL gave FD a copy of the report.

I am familiar with a situation years ago from another jurisdiction where the FD-type litigant in family court forged his spouse’s signature on a document, got his hands on a notary stamp (almost certainly without the knowledge or permission of the notary) and notarized the forged signature, then officially filed the document with the court — all without the court or the victimized spouse realizing this had fraudulently occurred. Brazen is the word used, I believe, by an upthread poster to describe FD’s conduct. ITA.

In a sociopath’s mind and worldview, the rules, laws, standards, ethics, values and principles of government, court, business, civil society and personal relationships simply do not concern them and do not apply to them. They seldom if ever give any thought to potential or actual consequences of their standard default operating violations, especially any long term or downstream negative impacts on others. It’s always about advancing their own objectives in the short term until a better prize presents itself, eliciting another con.

So ironic that FD’s lawyer is named Norm. If there’s one thing we know about FD, it’s that he couldn’t care less about norms.
Agreed. I do t e er recall an Atty giving client a copy. I wouldn’t put it past FD in the least to get his hands on the report.
Nope. Appointed by former gov. his history and it will tell you all you need to know IMO. He was a former prosecuter from Stamford but was able to accomplish little to help the sad state of CT during his tenure IMO.
And now onto Maine to screw up their college system.
Read as many of the court documents I could find today and all I can think about is that the person about whom FD and No Case Norm are talking about is still missing and not here to defend herself in court and that years from now her children will read about this on the internet.

A psych exam is a highly personal and oftentimes difficult and invasive process and the document that contained the information was sealed for a very specific reason by the court. But FD and Pattis didn't care about that and Pattis as an officer of the court didn't even check to see if the document was sealed. All he cared about was that a reporter was going to issue a 'kill story' on his client and he needed to respond swiftly and strongly. IMO totally inexcusable and completely pathetic for any member of the bar to behave in such a manner.

It remains to be seen what the court will do to Pattis to punish him but frankly the damage has been done to the missing victim and I'm not sure other than removing Pattis from the case entirely that there is much else that can be done other than severe financial penalties and/or disbarment. I feel that similar consequences should exist for the GAL in this case and that he should be removed and financially punished as well and lose the ability to be a GAL in the State of CT as he has proven to be incapable of doing his job and following basic court procedure. Strong words yes, but what this group did was invasive and certainly a type of assault IMO.

Having a report like this released to the public to me at least represents a form of attack not much different from a physical attack but actually its worse as it cuts to the core of what makes a person a person and potentially shows parts of the person that perhaps that person doesn't even acknowledge themselves. In short, the document is deeply personal and has zero business being made public for any number of reasons including specific professional language used that many laypeople (including atty's) are not equipped to evaluate IMO.

This wasn't FD directly releasing the report to the public but rather it was so much worse as this attack against a missing mother who isn't here to defend herself was made by an officer of the court and this person not only demonstrated zero care or caring for JD but more importantly didn't uphold the laws they are charged to follow (ditto for the GAL that allegedly provided the report to FD atty).

I realize we live in a culture where 'winning' is important but what Pattis did in my opinion was take the concept of winning at all costs to a whole different level and a level which I believe to be 'beyond the law' and this is something I find deeply disturbing. I don't believe anyone is 'beyond the law' and in this case I hope Pattis is severely punished for thinking that the law and the rules of court don't apply to him or his firm. Cannot believe that quashing a potential 'kill article' is more important than following the law or understanding basic human decency. Shameful. MOO
Fotis Dulos sends message to kids, attorney claims Jennifer Dulos orchestrated ‘revenge suicide’
Quotes from article:

"Midler is also asking for Meehan to be removed as the court-appointed guardian ad litem for the Dulos children. The motion accuses Meehan of wrongly releasing the evaluation to Fotis Dulos and his attorneys".

"The judge on Wednesday asked the lawyers in the case to schedule other days over the next two months for hearings on those motions".

"Last weekend, Pattis made comments to the media — suggesting Jennifer Dulos staged her own disappearance to frame her husband — that have been criticized and refuted"".

"A spokeswoman for Jennifer Dulos’ family said Pattis’ “attacks and ludicrous” theories are hurting the Dulos children".

"Pattis has also filed motions this week, requesting the evaluation be unsealed because he feels it will help his client’s criminal defense and for Fotis Dulos to get custody of his children".

"Pattis said the evaluation could establish Fotis Dulos had “no motive to cause the disappearance of Mrs. Dulos,” and that “Mrs. Dulos had the motive to cast aspersion and suspicion on Mr. Dulos as a personal vengeance.”"

"The evaluation would also rebut claims that Fotis Dulos “was violent, controlling or menacing to Mrs. Dulos,” Pattis wrote in the motion".

"Pattis said his client also plans to “seek visitation with, and custody of, the children.”"

"In the latest motions filed on Tuesday, Midler wants Fotis Dulos and his counsel held in contempt and for the court to impose sanctions for violating the judge’s order sealing the evaluation" [BBM].

'Midler is also asking for Meehan to be removed as the court-appointed guardian ad litem for the Dulos children. The motion accuses Meehan of wrongly releasing the evaluation to Fotis Dulos and his attorneys' [BBM].

The judge on Wednesday asked the lawyers in the case to schedule other days over the next two months for hearings on those motions.

Last weekend, Pattis made comments to the media — suggesting Jennifer Dulos staged her own disappearance to frame her husband — that have been criticized and refuted.

A spokeswoman for Jennifer Dulos’ family said Pattis’ “attacks and ludicrous” theories are hurting the Dulos children.

Pattis has also filed motions this week, requesting the evaluation be unsealed because he feels it will help his client’s criminal defense and for Fotis Dulos to get custody of his children.

Pattis said the evaluation could establish Fotis Dulos had “no motive to cause the disappearance of Mrs. Dulos,” and that “Mrs. Dulos had the motive to cast aspersion and suspicion on Mr. Dulos as a personal vengeance.”

The evaluation would also rebut claims that Fotis Dulos “was violent, controlling or menacing to Mrs. Dulos,” Pattis wrote in the motion.

Pattis said his client also plans to “seek visitation with, and custody of, the children.”

Simply no words for the alleged behavior of the GAL, Pattis and FD. Inexcusable behavior IMO all around.
@gitana1 hearing today a lot of maneuvering by FDs attorney regarding his use of a sealed document - @afitzy summarizes in this list - also do you know if a non party can file a bar complaint ?
Thanks for injecting a bit of optimism here as I had lost mine for today.

I guess I've been going through the public divorce documents slowly (nowhere near done) and just see more of Judge Hellers indecision and inaction being played out and it truly hit me hard today given how Pattis has been able to use confidential information meant for the court to paint a picture of a missing person that is not here to defend herself. I just wonder if Judge Heller is not comfortable in her role as Family Court Judge given her entire work history is in corporate litigation? IDK but these worlds are very far apart. I am in no way doubting her credentials but she seems out of her depth in Family Court. We can only watch and wait on the situation.

I do appreciate your optimism as its been totally dishearting to see the CT Judiciary/GAL etc. in action on the divorce/custody matter and under the microscope of the national press. Why would the GAL even give a copy of the report to FD to begin with? Do we know? Did JD atty. receive the same treatment with regards to the report from the GAL? This GAL has a history and IMO bears close scruitny.

Once again, as a family law attorney I do not see one thing the judge has done here that's wrong. Most family law judges do not come from a family law litigation background. Almost none.

The custody report or GAL report would've been given to his attorney and would not have been allowed to be copied. He would be able to review it though.

However, once he no longer has an attorney (and I think he no longer had his general family law attorney), the whole file including the report would've been given to him more have likely.
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