Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #2

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If she was in fact dismembered, and I believe that she was, I would hope the police would file murder charges as soon as they found body parts belonging to JD, no matter how small. I'd love for searchers to find all of her, of course, and preferably in one piece, but that may not happen.

Such a senseless, brutal crime. Horrific and evil.
I'd assume that desecration of a corpse charges could be added to murder charges if she was dismembered, but IANALTG.... @Mercedes, as the resident legal eagle, what are your thoughts about that?

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I think he spent the afternoon of the day she disappeared disposing of her in a body of water. There are so many in Connecticut that are within an hour of the home on Mt. Spring Road. There was no need to spend time dismembering her then disposing of her and then cleaning up the site. He could have submerged her by tying blocks to her and dropping in any of the ponds, lakes and reservoirs. He is a water skier and he knows the places and he knows the launches in the area.
Yeah, and I’d be shocked if that didn’t happen shortly after finding such evidence.

They could still file murder charges, while continuing recovery efforts.
IT seems to me they have something pushing them to search the garbage this long - so if MT isn’t talking and there aren’t text or emails referring to this- what can it be? The recovery of all those other bags ? What are the odds the 5 they did get only had blood ? And the other bags had tissue ? I’m thinking they have more than blood JMO
Bizarre. Often when I'm following a case, a body is found and discovered to be the body of someone other than the missing person I'm following. But a mannequin? That's a new one. May LE find JD very soon and may there be no further false alarms.

Seriously. I've heard of cases where bodies found were thought to be mannequins but were indeed dead or burned bodies, but not the other way around. Mannequins are really expensive, weird part of one is found in a body of water.
I think he spent the afternoon of the day she disappeared disposing of her in a body of water. There are so many in Connecticut that are within an hour of the home on Mt. Spring Road. There was no need to spend time dismembering her then disposing of her and then cleaning up the site. He could have submerged her by tying blocks to her and dropping in any of the ponds, lakes and reservoirs. He is a water skier and he knows the places and he knows the launches in the area.

This makes the most sense but then what the heck was in those 30 bags?
I think he spent the afternoon of the day she disappeared disposing of her in a body of water. There are so many in Connecticut that are within an hour of the home on Mt. Spring Road. There was no need to spend time dismember her then dispose of her and then clean up the site. He could have submerged her by typing blocks to her and dropping in any of the ponds, lakes and reservoirs. He is a water skier and he knows the places and he knows the launches in the area.
The afternoon seems accounted for in the warrant - cell phone puts him at the houses and Hartford now if they have the morning especially 9:30am through 1pm that would tell a whole other story IMO - I think we may be curious about the 2 hours at the spec house I know I am
The court is not to blame in this case. Family court can't guarantee safety outside of court. That is a fact in every state. I've seen no evidence that JD attempted to get a Protection Order and was denied.

When did police not take calls seriously in this case?

Women do have options such as getting security video/audio cameras to alert them when someone is near their home, carrying pepper spray, hiring a home security firm, etc.

I respect your opinion on the family courts not being responsible but I must personally disagree in general in CT and specifically as it relates to the JD case.

There is a history in CT with wealthy parties in particular that the time spent in family court is execessivly long as the court demands experts, GALs and other costly professionals. In cases where there is no money at stake the court rarely asks for these items.

The JD case had dragged on for nearly 2 years and STILL the court didn't have financial records from FD sufficient to determine financial issues relative to the divorce and custody. Think of the billable hours just for atty fees to get to the 2 year mark in this divorce that has 500 documents AND COUNTING!

JD had fought hard with her atty to button up the visitation and then what happens? A bit of a flip flop from the court with an opening for FD to visit for a longer period with the children and with relaxed supervision.

I wonder what the legal bills were for this disasterous case thus far? FD petitioned the court to have his wife pay his legal bills as he was unable. Imagine how JD felt having worked for 2 years, her STBX has no cash allegedly but they have no disclosure documents and SHE IS FORCED TO PAY FOR HIS Atty? It is madness IMO pure and simple. This madness is the result of a system that is built to prolong the agony for children and spouses that just want out of a marriage who happen to have money. I realize the great anger and frustration that JD no doubt felt about everything that had happend to her marriage complete with the situation with the mistress/SP moving into a house that she owned 50% that was paid for with her parents money. But still JD fought on and we are now where we are?

Could the courts have compelled financial compliance from FD earlier in the process rather than wrist slaps for contempt? Its an interesting question. But judges are never held accountable and so the hamster wheel of these big money divorces just keeps going round and round IMO and in this case it was JD that paid both the bills and possibly with her life IMO.

Based on where they were with the divorce I can easily see wasting another year+ and not making much progress from where the case is today if JD were here to fight on. My main issue with this process is HOW DOES IT SUPPORT THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN? IMO the welfare of children were the last thing on the GALs mind or the infamous Judge Heller.

I realize the family atty's that are on thread are so used to this circus and dysfunction that they are surprised that others not part of this world are outraged. IMO more people should be outraged as I am hard pressed to see how this system works for women and children?

I wonder if JD didn't have money and there weren't assets at stake whether this divorce/custody matter wouldn't have been resolved by now? The other thing that baffles me is that by allowing non compliance in financial disclosure from FD for so long it effectively facilitated his abilty to hide assets and move money which in theory belonged at the end of the day to his 5 children and partially to his spouse. At what point do you toss someone in jail or call in the marshals to sieze computers and records in order to protect the interests of children? So far as I can see the Family Court system in CT did zero to protect either JD or the interests of her 5 children.

As always WS is great because we can agree to disagree and still keep it moving!
She’ll talk, I’m convinced of it.

I’m not sure what the sentencing guidelines are in CT, but she’s looking at potential“conspiracy to commit murder” charges.

That brings a heavy sentence.

Perhaps she will strike a deal, and plead guilty to accessory after the fact or something.

They already have her dead to rights on the tampering charge, and you can bet that more serious charges are coming down the pike.
I keep hearing this. She will talk. She will get a plea.
IMO, it's too late for that. She has held her ground not giving one iota when in custody. Clearly she has issues knowing she is disposing of evidence while 5 children are home worrying about their mother. She has no heart and she should go to prison for a long, long time. She was all in and she should pay the price. No mercy.
Do they have felony murder?
Yes, I believe they do have felony murder.



Connecticut and most other states have felony murder provisions in their statutes. Under CGS § 53a-54c, a person is guilty of murder when, acting either alone or with others, he (1) commits or attempts to commit robbery, burglary, kidnapping, sexual assault in the first degree, aggravated sexual assault in the first degree, sexual assault in the third degree, sexual assault in the third degree with a firearm, or escape in the first or second degree and (2) in the course of and in furtherance of such crime or of flight from it, he or another participant in the underlying crime causes the death of a person other than one of the participants. The penalty for this crime depends on whether the person is convicted of a capital felony, murder, or arson murder.

If the defendant was not the only participant in the underlying crime, it is an affirmative defense that he: (1) did not commit the homicidal act or in any way solicit, request, command, importune, cause, or aid its commission; (2) was not armed with a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; (3) had no reasonable ground to believe that any other participant was armed with such a weapon or instrument; and (4) had no reasonable ground to believe that any other participant intended to engage in conduct likely to result in death or serious physical injury. By law, defendants must prove an affirmative defense by a preponderance of the evidence.

In State v. Cobbs, 203 Conn. 4 (1987), the Supreme Court noted that a person can be convicted of felony murder even though he did not intend to kill the victim and did not personally do so. However, the court held that it is not enough that the defendant committed the underlying felony and caused the death of the victim unless the death was a part of the felony and directly involved in it. It explained that, at trial, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

1. the defendant and others (if applicable) committed or attempted to commit the felony,

2. the defendant or one of the other participants caused the victim's death, and

3. the defendant or one of the other participants caused the death in the course of and in furtherance of the felony

In State v. Young, 191 Conn. 636 (1983), the defendant had been convicted under the statute for an arson for hire that killed one person in the building. The court noted that the statute had been taken from the New York Penal code. Following a New York case, (People v. Wood, 8 N.Y.2d 48, 1960), it held that the phrase “in furtherance of” imposes a proximate cause requirement beyond that of mere causation in fact. The New York court had ruled that felony murder does not include killings that are incidentally coincident with the underlying felony, but only those committed by one of the criminals in the attempted execution of the unlawful act. The Connecticut court upheld the conviction, finding that the jury instruction adequately conveyed this limitation of liability.
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IT seems to me they have something pushing them to search the garbage this long - so if MT isn’t talking and there aren’t text or emails referring to this- what can it be? The recovery of all those other bags ? What are the odds the 5 they did get only had blood ? And the other bags had tissue ? I’m thinking they have more than blood JMO

Was girlfriend's bond lower than husband's, or is she just wealthy?

I'm sure LE's surveiling her around the clock and tapping her phones.
IT seems to me they have something pushing them to search the garbage this long - so if MT isn’t talking and there aren’t text or emails referring to this- what can it be? The recovery of all those other bags ? What are the odds the 5 they did get only had blood ? And the other bags had tissue ? I’m thinking they have more than blood JMO

I agree. What makes me question that a bit, is that I would have expected a leak by now.

You can’t keep the discovery of body parts a secret for long.

I’m perplexed.
One approach might be to offer lesser charges to one of them in exchange for spilling the beans on the other.

But...I think they both were involved with the entire thing, so prosecutor might want to see both of them go down for murder, not just one of them.

The only leverage one of them has, imo, is giving up the location of the body. That is a valuable asset, imo. But only one of them can use it - and I don't think it's even a temptation for them until they officially face murder charges.

Just my armchair opinion.
Operative words .... give up the body. I get the sense that ain't gonna happen. She is in pieces. MOO.
I respect your opinion on the family courts not being responsible but I must personally disagree in general in CT and specifically as it relates to the JD case.

There is a history in CT with wealthy parties in particular that the time spent in family court is execessivly long as the court demands experts, GALs and other costly professionals. In cases where there is no money at stake the court rarely asks for these items.

The JD case had dragged on for nearly 2 years and STILL the court didn't have financial records from FD sufficient to determine financial issues relative to the divorce and custody. Think of the billable hours just for atty fees to get to the 2 year mark in this divorce that has 500 documents AND COUNTING!

JD had fought hard with her atty to button up the visitation and then what happens? A bit of a flip flop from the court with an opening for FD to visit for a longer period with the children and with relaxed supervision.

I wonder what the legal bills were for this disasterous case thus far? FD petitioned the court to have his wife pay his legal bills as he was unable. Imagine how JD felt having worked for 2 years, her STBX has no cash allegedly but they have no disclosure documents and SHE IS FORCED TO PAY FOR HIS Atty? It is madness IMO pure and simple. This madness is the result of a system that is built to prolong the agony for children and spouses that just want out of a marriage who happen to have money. I realize the great anger and frustration that JD no doubt felt about everything that had happend to her marriage complete with the situation with the mistress/SP moving into a house that she owned 50% that was paid for with her parents money. But still JD fought on and we are now where we are?

Could the courts have compelled financial compliance from FD earlier in the process rather than wrist slaps for contempt? Its an interesting question. But judges are never held accountable and so the hamster wheel of these big money divorces just keeps going round and round IMO and in this case it was JD that paid both the bills and possibly with her life IMO.

Based on where they were with the divorce I can easily see wasting another year+ and not making much progress from where the case is today if JD were here to fight on. My main issue with this process is HOW DOES IT SUPPORT THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN? IMO the welfare of children were the last thing on the GALs mind or the infamous Judge Heller.

I realize the family atty's that are on thread are so used to this circus and dysfunction that they are surprised that others not part of this world are outraged. IMO more people should be outraged as I am hard pressed to see how this system works for women and children?

I wonder if JD didn't have money and there weren't assets at stake whether this divorce/custody matter wouldn't have been resolved by now? The other thing that baffles me is that by allowing non compliance in financial disclosure from FD for so long it effectively facilitated his abilty to hide assets and move money which in theory belonged at the end of the day to his 5 children and partially to his spouse. At what point do you toss someone in jail or call in the marshals to sieze computers and records in order to protect the interests of children? So far as I can see the Family Court system in CT did zero to protect either JD or the interests of her 5 children.

As always WS is great because we can agree to disagree and still keep it moving!

No, you are right on. The system is absolutely, fundamentally broken.
Yes, and there's actually been studies done on this phenomenon-
that the weaker, more vulnerable women do hook up with the
extremely masculine aggressive men. On a spectrum neither is
in the 'normal range' rather both are the extremes.
Maybe JD was somewhat 'protected' her whole life and lived in
a safe bubble while single. And money helps.
I'll guarantee you FD's first wife is sadly nodding that she knew
he was capable of this act. these guys don't go through life
undetected, people just move away from them.
Yes - and kind of on that note, has anyone come across mention of anyone in FD's life speaking up regarding the charges, arraignment, general situation? MT's family showed up in court yesterday and posted bond, but I've seen nary a peep or appearance from FD's "camp." Radio silence. Well, aside from one neighbor who said they were friendly.
I keep hearing this. She will talk. She will get a plea.
IMO, it's too late for that. She has held her ground not giving one iota when in custody. Clearly she has issues knowing she is disposing of evidence while 5 children are home worrying about their mother. She has no heart and she should go to prison for a long, long time. She was all in and she should pay the price. No mercy.

It’s not about if we like the idea or not; probably none of us do.

I still think there will be a deal of some sort though. It doesn’t mean that she won’t serve substantial jail time.
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