Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16

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I don't think you're likely to see FD and MT being given the benefit of the doubt here.

One doesn't earn that once he has tormented his wife for years and then distributed her blood in garbage cans.

It would almost be an act of mercy to attribute their actions to mind-altering drugs but if they were cold sober, it seems all the more evil.

As the evidence grows you might protect yourself by not reading along as we're probably just going to get lots more angry.
I agree that the drug accusations almost let him a tiny bit off the hook. I don't mind the speculation but I do find it somewhat absurd, I have to say - based on how his and MT's eyes looked after a night in jail? And that he is getting skinnier? But was also muscular? I don't see the drug use aspect at all. I mean, it is surely possible, to me main argument being projection, when NP accused JD. But FD and his paramour seem like stone cold sober evil manipulators to me. MOO.
I don't think we know what Pattis knows at this point but we can guess and probably be wrong but here goes with my attempt to list what Pattis knows and doesn't know:

What we know is that he has had long conversations with his client FD over many weeks. What all this has revealed who knows but its certainly more than we know about what FD has done. Pattis talked about this process in his first interview on the courthouse steps in Stamford if you want to go back and take a listen. It was interesting because he had just been on the case a short time at the time that convo happened with the press.

We don't know if Pattis is an atty that cares whether his client committed the crime (my guess is not based on looking at many of the cases that Pattis has worked on but this is my personal point of view-MOO). A person that has committed a crime is entitled to legal representation just like anyone else.

We know that the State has sent him 20+ CD's with evidence and video on them as part of the process of sharing information known as 'discovery process'. We know this because Pattis claimed that the video resolution on the CDs was poor and it was reported in MSM.

We know that Pattis/FD has hired or is getting pro bono the services of a private investigator and so it seems they are conducting their own investigation on behalf of their client. We know this because Pattis in effect did a press release by announcing the name of the person as being an addition to their team.

Pattis has access to all the media and court records that we have seen.

Hope this helps.
I’ll never forget seeing NP in court next to FD when FD was wearing his orange jumpsuit. When NP was speaking FD kept turning his head looking at NP and then the cameraman like where’d ya come up with that one or what a great response! FD was astonished IMO at his defense and explanation of the situation. It was unbelievable to watch because you could see FD was like then what happened NP...and I never thought to say that! And good one NP! FD had a horrible poker face IMO
I apologise for the naive questions...does Patti's know the crime committed or is he discovering as we are? If attrny knows perp committed a heinous crime, aren't they bound to a set of ethics?
Lawyers are indeed bound by a set of ethics, but even the guilty are entitled to representation. Attorneys cannot knowingly use perjured testimony. If FD confessed the crime to NP, his lawyer could not then put him on the stand and affirmatively a different set of "facts" from him.

So it is not unethical to represent a guilty person, but it is unethical to commit a fraud on the court. NP has not done that. Some of us, myself included, have commented previously about aspects of NP's public pronouncements which appear to cross the bounds of professional conduct. I don't think any of us believe FD is not entitled to an attorney of his choice or that NP has done anything wrong in agreeing to represent him, though.
I recall this as well, and agree JD's father probably did whatever he could to help 'float the boat' for their family, probably with the in-person check-ins due to concerns, but doing what he could to smoothe things over financially for them all, and hoping that it would all work out. Then he passed away, and shortly thereafter JD left FD with the children and filed for divorce, even though she knew it 'would enrage' FD.

She was in such a terrible situation. She probably faced a lot of difficulty and strain and stress dealing with the dawning reality of what a terrible person her husband was over the last few years of their 13 years of marriage (at the time she filed for divorce), at the same time raising their five children and pursuing her dreams of being a writer. Maybe even being there more for her father before he died, who knows how much she was hobbled by FD. Justice for Jennifer is all that's left to hope for at this juncture it seems, for such a wonderful woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. It's heart breaking. MOO

I do not know when HF passed away but part of me can't help but wonder if it was a turning point for FD, as in that's when he went off the rails? When he no longer was being watched so intently? When he became so brazen? When he mistakenly thought GF would be a pushover compared to HF? When he thought he could do whatever he wanted with money? When he got the side piece? When he threw all caution to the wind? Moo.
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I guess I just don't understand what drugs, even if he was on them, truly have anything to do with him likely murdering her. I know we look for answers and reasons, but they had a long, protracted battle in the courts before any of this occurred. I know drugs complicate things, but I don't think they really CAUSE these things to happen. IMO, this is more about domestic violence. I agree, FD is a bad man. Awful. MOO.
I agree. Whether these two were drug users, while perhaps part of their lifestyle in the days before JD's death (although I agree, the evidence is thin), is not relevant to whether the two of them committed first degree murder. Voluntary intoxication is not a defense to murder. IMO, FD did not kill JD because he was under the influence of drugs. He killed her because he is a bad person, who knew exactly what he was doing.
Ok, if/when the spirit moves you it would be good to know.

But your idea about searching FL for MT for other issues is brilliant as I don't think its been done yet here.

I think I've been so fixed on all the CT based news that beyond the early searching on MT real estate in FL it fell by the wayside. I still am curious if she claims CT residency for tax purposes or is she sliding by as FL resident 'visiting' CT etc. We also only have 1 weak (NYP) source for MT citizenship as being Venezuela.

Did anyone happen to notice her license plates that day at 4 JC? Many, many people here have Florida license plates because our taxes are so high.
That is so very indicative of his need for risk, to control the world around him, and the cheap thrill of stressing out his wife. What a piece of work.
Very familiar behavior to me and unfortunately people like this don't change. I still cringe every time I hear secondhand about the latest rude and selfish behavior my poor daughters have had to witness.
It occurred to me, while reading these blog posts, that Jennifer felt safe to “criticize” him there. She usually veiled it in humor or jest, but there was often a ‘read between the lines’ subliminal message. I’m wondering if she felt protected and was able to do this because she knew he was so dismissive of her that he didn’t even bother to read her blogs?
Agree - at one point she included a test comment trying to see if he was indeed actually reading anything. The period of her blogging didn't seem to last for even a year so I'm guessing at some point he did read something or hear about something she'd written and that was enough.
Alright, I guess I'm just confused as to where the lines are drawn sometimes. I found an article with Baden discussing the possibility of dismemberment as well. But what I cannot find reported in MSM is anyone saying FD was/is on drugs. I'm not trying to get in a huge argument here. I am questioning when a MSM source is considered a source, then.
I am not sure how you discuss this investigation without discussing how FD might have disposed of JD's body. After all, it is the question that LE has been seeking seek the beginning of its investigation. I am hopeful LE already has the answer to that question, but it has been a continuing topic of discussion in this case. It is a subject I brought up early on, based upon the evidence released to date.

Is is speculation to discuss the possibility that the reason LE had not located JD's body was because he took steps to alter it? Sure, but so is almost everything we have been discussing here-possible routes FD took, potential accomplices, suspected motive, and the manner in which FD may have concealed JD's body. That's kind of what we do here. There can be little doubt that LE is also exploring the very possibilities we have speculated about.

So long as the discussion is respectful, based on information released, and draws reasonable conclusions from that information, I cannot imagine why it would be offensive.

I was gobsmacked by this quote as my loved one is in the midst of divorce from a small-man-manipulator who was schooled by the military and in a business master's program. He must have this on a cheat sheet in his pocket!

It makes me pray even harder that FD pays the price for what he's done to Jennifer, his children and her family.

There can't be a dark enough cell for him in Connecticut!

I hope your loved one's divorce works out ok. Mine didn't yield what I was hoping for financially but at this point I'm gratefully alive and well. With or without reading this book, this is an unfortunately common and very familiar playbook - from love bombing on to gas lighting, diminishing, confidence shaking, etc. Any naturally empathetic person starts to questions their own judgment and then it becomes a herculean effort to make the decision and plans to leave - she did it anyway and didn't deserve any of this!
I think the issue is that if you are stating your opinion you have to make it clear by saying MOO. So, the comments about the video were mainly MOO but then we had that great article a few weeks ago where the experts weighed in on what they thought about the FD interview so those comments can come in w/o a MOO as they are experts quoted in MSM.

I haven't been on the thread that much today but reading through the posts I'm not seeing OT convo as the posts consistently were chatting about the same topics based mainly on the news reports and videos. But it might have gotten a bit confusing as the MOO wasn't being used the same by everyone I think. Anyone can have a view but if you don't quote MSM or other approved document or source then it has to be a MOO. Going to read TOS again now and will check back later.
Just chuckling at your comment that you haven't been on this thread that much today. I'm new to this community but in my observation you are the most consistent, diligent, regular contributor ever! I can't figure out how you have time to keep up as much as you do but your insights and observations are all so helpful; thanks for everything you contribute!
Even being able to read just the tiny's heartbreaking...every time she mentions the Greek names for the kids, it makes me angry for her, as its ludicrous to deny her Jewish heritage and her wants to appease this tiny dictator. I am not a Greek woman and would NEVER EVER allow a man to name all my children Greek names, maybe ONE of 5 kids but, that's a HARD NO on all 5 kids.

I feel so so sorry for JD...

I just read the snippet that she told her parents she would never marry and live with them until she was 65 and I just talked to my computer and said, how I wish you would have...

The Greek names, the water skiing, FD quitting his job at Ernst and Young as his first order of marital business after marrying a wealthy woman, JD not being allowed to even have her own bathroom...this guy coming and going like a married bachelor, JD obviously paying for the homes via Dad and his loans and for the kids school likely. These are the things that really grind my gears, because of the duration of her's just awful..

I am local and I know NCCD costs 40+k per kid, know several children that go there (I have same age kids as JD)...I sure can't imagine FD cutting that whopper of a check to the school for 220k+ a year for 5 kids to go to private school. Especially since he cut off their medical insurance. FD knew JD and her family would cover all bills, school, housing, medical for the kids..he was footloose and carefree...

His arrest and conviction cannot come soon enough..
It came out in the most recent custody decision from the court that as you speculate FD did not pay for any of the private school in New Canaan; it was all funded by GF and just helped to prove that she has indeed had a true and responsible parent-like relationship with the kids for a long time now.
This description is spot-on. Having been in an on-again, off-again relationship with one, my therapist met with the both of us. After one hour, she telephoned me to say, “get away fast”. Therapist recognized traits as textbook narc and feared I would be killed. I took the advice. I did not have marriage or children with him so a clean break was easier. But I endured 3 straight months of love bombing followed by hatred and scary stuff. My heart breaks for JD, GF, and those 5 innocents. And MOO, it’s not mental illness, it’s a personality disorder. Can’t be fixed, JMO.
Wow, that sounds like one sharp and efficient therapist! You were lucky! I made the mistake of scheduling marriage counseling and being naive enough to do so on the premise of trying to "save" my horrible marriage - which was completely nonproductive as it should have been, but I was never informed of any personality disorders on my ex's part whatsoever - I sensed that the therapist ended up with confused loyalties and erred his services on the side of the one who was handing him the checks...
It occurred to me, while reading these blog posts, that Jennifer felt safe to “criticize” him there. She usually veiled it in humor or jest, but there was often a ‘read between the lines’ subliminal message. I’m wondering if she felt protected and was able to do this because she knew he was so dismissive of her that he didn’t even bother to read her blogs?

Maybe...but in MOO, JD was a deeply introspective writer, the kind who seems to process things through her writing, so that she herself might not have thought consciously of the specific words before writing them but instead wrote to find the truth and meaning for herself. At least in my experience, writing like that often reveals truths to the writer—and some to readers if the lines are shared—that the writer might never have expressed verbally to anyone including herself or himself because, as odd as it may sound, sometimes writers have to write about something to know what they truly believe or feel about a topic. While JD shared those posts with others through her blog, in MOO, her real audience was herself and having written them—and done so both beautifully and movingly, as she would have known she had when she finished—, she placed them out in the world to honor what they had cost her and what they had taught her. In MOO, what JD wrote wasn’t intended to change FD or garner sympathy from others; instead, she wrote to find and face her truths, stark as they must have felt to her when she read them herself. In my opinion, JD’s writing was a power FD couldn’t thwart or diminish—and indeed her words continue to speak to us. In MOO.
I think FD was on something all along, maybe even for years. Something to boost his metabolism to keep up with / boost his peak sports performance (waterskiing, running) from what it was when he was younger. He was turning 50 or was already or already is 50. Not an easy transition for alot of men, especially those whose physical prowess is especially important to their sense of self. Not sure if it was something like steroids or one of those human growth hormone or testosterone boosting type of things, but if he was taking something like that it could have made him feel jacked up, like some of the street drugs. JMO

While I have no idea either way, in my view, FD has acted consistently through all I’ve read about him from every source: intense, ruthless, self-centered, entitled, brutish, and rude. MOO.
I guess she stopped when none of it made sense any more. The beginning of the end.

I think I read somewhere in what she wrote or a friend did that FD didn’t like her writing, which is not surprising since it was a power he couldn’t thwart—MOO. Also once she had all the kids, her writing for publication may have been put out on hold.

Finally, while I like what you wrote and agree it may be so, as odd as this may sound, I rather see it the opposite way—as she may have stopped once it all did make sense to her. Just from my experience, it seems to me that writers often can’t hide their truths from themselves when they write. The beginning of the end, yes. Also MOO but I imagine she continued to write if not to publish than to write for herself and if not on paper or computer screen, then in her head. MOO.
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