Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #19

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This is beyond awful. Cry me a river. Let’s hear more about the Greek military title.
Well, uh hum. I'm starting to get bothered that any puny little statement by FD, his lawyers, or his family members are being quoted and put into headlines of MSM or twitter or whatever. It's like these 'personal opinion' headlines MSM is giving equal weight to as legitimate news on the court cases / filings / motions / LE statements surrounding JD's disaster of a marriage, acrimonious divorce and custody battle (that she won long ago for physical custody of their five children), and disappearance after a 'serious physical assault'.

I will have to 'get over it' and accept the sensationalist side of a news story is going to pique people's interest, and in the long run, that interest should serve in 'bringing justice for Jennifer' as her family statement read this week.

But it really bothers me that they are not one and the same, and are not vetted as accurate in any case. MOO
I'm with you on wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt and especially family members that are far away and from a totally different culture and environment.

But IMO the Greek family brought themselves into something that did not directly involve them.

What precisely are they upset about? Someone is not allowing a child to return a phone call or send an email or open a letter? These children are emotionally fragile and traumatized IMO and they are in the care per the State of GF.

To get from this level of pettiness and bickering with GF to openly and publicly questioning a woman of GF stature and integrity all the while questioning her mental capacity to handle her current affairs is quite the leap IMO and absolutely inappropriate.

Do they think that FO is where he is with 2 serious charges against him and he did zero to deserve this?

I think they do.
Well, uh hum. I'm starting to get bothered that any puny little statement by FD, his lawyers, or his family members are being quoted and put into headlines of MSM or twitter or whatever. It's like these 'personal opinion' headlines MSM is giving equal weight to as legitimate news on the court cases / filings / motions / LE statements surrounding JD's disaster of a marriage, acrimonious divorce and custody battle (that she won long ago for physical custody of their five children), and disappearance after a 'serious physical assault'.

I will have to 'get over it' and accept the sensationalist side of a news story is going to pique people's interest, and in the long run, that interest should serve in 'bringing justice for Jennifer' as her family statement read this week.

But it really bothers me that they are not one and the same, and are not vetted as accurate in any case. MOO
Totally hear you on this. Sucked it up and wrote to the HC Publisher today on DA story reference to psych report draft that was stolen by FD which was reported by DA as being 'favorable' to FD.

The report is sealed so IMO DA couldn't have seen it to verify the context unless he saw a previously stolen copy that was not correctly returned to Judge Heller or he was merely repeating heresay from Pattis/Rochlin. IMO this entire story was Pattis driven and I sadly thought the HC was better than this. Hugely disappointing. MOO
Sorry for going off a bit. I don't usually name call and such, try to stay professional or neutral at the very least in my diatribes, but it gives me a bit of relief in the angst and sorrow I feel for Jennifer and her loved ones to think that FD and status quo crew are checking in here once in awhile, and maybe saying "hey, they're making light of us!" Yes, because youse guys are not to be taken seriously! No ways, no hows....
One more thought... I wonder when FD DID cut his hair. Is it possible JD pulled some of it out in the attack so he had to cut it all? MOO.
I think we figured it out that he cut his hair 2-3 weeks in advance when he also had some water skiing event. So it wasn't like it was the day before (highly suspicious)
A nationally prominent criminal defense attorney's retainer in a first degree murder case runs into the millions. Yes, millions, which is why most defendants in such cases have either 1.public defender/appointed lawyers, 2. subpar private attorneys trying to keep the lights on, 3. lawyers seeking the notoriety of a high profile case (NP?), 4. high quality lawyers, usually from big firms who have agreed to take the case pro bono, or 5. one of a very, very small cadre of experienced defenders who believe it is their moral obligation to handle capital cases, usually because of their opposition to the death penalty.

For the big guns, $750 per hour is considered low in big cities, plus there is the hourly rate charged for paralegals, investigators, and expert witnesses (whose hourly rates can be higher than that of the lawyer). Plus, of course, hourly fees for electronic research, costs of depositions (if allowed by state law), costs of independent forensic testing, and all the other miscellaneous things lawyers bill clients for like travel costs, postage, copy costs; the list goes on and on. To give you some idea, in one case in the state of Washington, the mitigation expert bill alone was six MILLION dollars. Now, that was a high-profile death penalty case with six victims, but you get the idea.

Even in states where the average hourly fee is lower, NP would lose money at $250,000 and maybe break even at half a million. Do I believe NP can command such fees? Let's just say I wouldn't pay him that kind of money and IMO he isn't part of the millionaire's club. IMO, NP believes this case will rocket him into rock star category and he may be right. There a are lot of "TV lawyers" who get lots of business from their pandering to the cameras. Such lawyers are universally reviled by those lawyers who know the truth about their actual legal abilities. Some of the very best lawyers know better than to chase the cameras-it may help the lawyer; it affirmatively harms the client. IMO!

NP is making a lot of classic mistakes in the way he has "handles" the press. These mistakes appear to be the result of his need for publicity, which makes me think he is trying to go from a Category 1 lawyer (mostly appointed) to a Category 3. He will never make land fall at a Category 4 or 5.
I love how you delineate these tiers, @oceancalling . On the press-chasing, Mickey Sherman comes to mind. Enamoured more with the limelight than the day-to-day work (and perhaps focusing on revenue-generating business). MOO! We know how well that worked for him. (He's a fun, entertaining guy, though, IMO.)
If you were female and did not have greek counsel or assistance from the US Consulate my guess is you wouldn't even be acknowledged.

Why did today's letter have to come from the Rear Admiral and NOT FD Sister?

Because she is now a witness IMO. She was going to be his "Greek alibi" and his cadre of clowns now realize her testimony is worthless as the result of this fabricated story. So anything she says will further hurt FO's so-called "defense". They do not want any more statements by her that can be used during her cross-examination by the State to impeach her credibility at trial.

FD truly thought LE was going to believe his ridiculous claims. There is no way he avoids a murder indictment. I am sure GF knows even more about the status of the investigation than we do. She is in for the long haul. Her beloved husband and daughter are gone, but her grandchildren need her more than probably anyone ever has in her long life. Stay strong GF, we are rooting for you and your family.
I mentioned it as women’s rights bc that is what I recall reading. Might be battered women, but that exact description I don’t recall reading.

Even "women's rights" could be telling. In exactly what type of cases? It was posted that she is a corporate attorney, who volunteers her pro bono time to help women. That sounds like she provides free legal services through a legal aid clinic or women's shelter.

IMO she will be an important person to talk to, if for no other reason than to give LE a full picture who FD is. You never know what someone knows about a person and background is important. LE is going to leave no stone unturned in this investigation; if, as we have theorized, FD targeted JD as wife 2, first wife may know about that, too. LE will explore this question IMO.
Here are some nice words about GF

Liz Claiborne
Such an accomplished woman. A PhD in education and the former head of Head Start? How dare that little pip squeak and his band of bottom feeders question her love of children and clarity of mind. These worms are not worth the powder to blow them to h***!
Poor FD....the desparation is setting in and driving him mad mad I say. If it weren't so enjoyable to watch it unfold, I would beg it to stop. GF & Co. must be laughing as she watches these clowns running around in a fit of madness. Sit back and watch as they execute a cunning plan to lure these ship of fools into a drunken stupor---then sink them all! The fight almost doesn't seem fair to watch. GO GF! GO GF!
If looks could kill, whomever the poor souls Mr. Dulos is aiming his sinister gaze at would be dropping like flies.
They do look like The Three Stooges / Banditos, or Three of The Seven Dwarves V 2.0 -- Creepy, Scary, and Dumpy....
In keeping with our Letter P theme, is there no dwarf named Poopy?
Kibosh. What a GREAT word.
Let’s just kibosh old FD, shall we? That would settle everything.

I wonder if FD could be a target of a hit? Not joking. Seriously.
Do any of you think that someone in his group of “friends” or MT’s for that matter, want him to be silenced bc of all of this maneuvering? Maybe getting too close or even exposing their clandestine operations?
Odd thought. Just popped into my head.

Whoah, MWMom! For a minute there I thought you were calling for a hit and I knew this thread would also not be long for this world!
I really hope and pray that GF understands that this onslaught she is now under is to try and break her. To truly make her break emotionally as it is exhausting to be a target of these narcopaths! She needs to not allow the stress of all these pleadings, motions and accusations give her a stroke or heart attack as that is exactly what FD wants!!!
Stay in faith GF and watch your back! IMO

She knows-GF is a ball buster. Don’t worry
Seeing this Greek Family angle play out though in public takes me back to thinking about the Civil Case and where things are at the moment.

Again its about the money, how much was made, how much was spent and on what.

FD rejected GF request for a forensic analysis of his accounts JUST since 2017 when the divorce action was filed. In light of the fact that FD is now asking for 2 attys for his 2 oldest sons, has stated in family court he has $50,000 annual income and net worth of $341,000 (est.), has a personal group of 3-4 attys working for him virtually full time (Pattis said in his last 'exclusive' interview that FD is a 'full time job'), I think it is entirely reasonable to ask how the FD lawyers are being paid and how FD has managed to support himself and MT for over 2 years? Judge Heller confirmed his status as a "deadbeat dad" that has paid zero child support and we know know that he owes GAL Meehan $64,000.

THE FD FINANCIALS HAVE NEVER ADDED UP, NEVER. But so far as I have seen not one Judge that has touched this case (neither Heller nor Shapiro) have been able to compel compliance on any issue relating to FD financials to put the entire puzzle together. We have random pieces at best. No signed tax returns since 2016. Huge red flag just there IMO. 5 large white elephant houses with no buyers on the horizon. How has he been keeping these houses maintained and operating expenses covered on $50,000/yr income? Trade liens stacking up at NC and MS houses. At what point is FD cited for contempt and either fined or put in jail?

Why allow FD more time to move and spend more cash when time is of the essense in figuring out the financial situation. How much did FD appropriate from JD cash over the 12 years of marriage? Also, why have no CT authorities or NY authorities followed the money of the "Greek Benefactor" to find out who is paying FD attys? If the money can't be identified then it should be reclaimed and escrowed pending investigation IMO. I'd like to see the Pattis Crew filing all these motions to waste court time if they weren't getting paid. IMO it wouldn't happen.

To me, its no mystery that a tempest in the teapot has happened over the Greek Family and visitation contact. Its a sideshow and irrelevant to the real issue which is as it always has been the MONEY. JD MONEY and where is it. The Greek Family aren't worth discussion IMO UNLESS they are complicit in the theft of JD MONEY and/or illegal transfer of FORE GROUP funds and if they are complicit in these illegal activities then they will get a crash course in the full pain and fury of the US legal system IMO courtsey of GF and perhaps the State of CT (not holding my breath for this though as Colangelo wasn't even willing to go to bat on the issue of the Greek relatives although he did bring it up in court).

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I would write it in Greek if I knew how.

But here it is via Google translate and apologies in advance to the greek speakers out there as I know Google doesn't do greek well:

οι άνθρωποι σε γυάλινα σπίτια δεν πρέπει να ρίξουν πέτρες

Bravo! Always a pleasure reading your comments.
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