Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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I just got finished reading the short manual on the very high tech bracelets being worn by MT and FD.

These bracelets have the capability of real time satellite GPS tracking and monitoring of the person out on parole.

With all this high tech tracking, I'm wondering why then its taking so long to figure out that MT had returned to CT after 1 day in NY and FD isn't charging his bracelet?

All I have to say after reading the manual is that the issue IMO we are dealing with has ZERO to do with the device technology as its equipped to do exactly what needs to be done and MORE!

We must be seeing some kind of 'system error' that seems to befall the State of CT bureaucracy in getting basic information from Pt A to Pt B to Pt C. I'm curious if the Parole staff are empowered to do anything or if all decisions have to come back to the court? It appears all the FD tracking data is online so how hard can it be for someone in a decision making capacity to review the data and decide the appropriate time to impose punishment for non compliance? What is going on with communication between Parole and States Atty Office and the Judge?

The facinating thing I learned about the bracelet is that Judge Blawie I believe has any number of options available to restrict the movements of FD. If the model is the same one as the manual I read, its possible to set a 7 day schedule for FD and either restrict him to a specific location (eg. house arrest) or possibly multiple locations on a set schedule or only allow him to leave the house during certain hours (daylight for instance). The bracelet also allows for geographic restrictions too which offers some interesting restriction options as well.

Knowing what we know about FD 'love' of rules and restrictions the imposition of a 7 day schedule bracelet schedule with precisely 1 hour of time available outside of 4Jx for a period of 2 months might just be an interesting experiment for the State to test FD commitment to freedom IMO. This has to be done with a perfect charging schedule as well and no 'side trips' to NY!

It was encouraging to see the various options available to monitor and restrict the movements of FD and other dangerous people that have been released. I did not unfortunately see any option on the device to 'shock' or 'stun' the device wearer that is not in compliance. There probably are some pesky constitutional issues with using a bracelet as a weapon on a person out on parole that are above my pay grade.

Personally IMO if someone can't figure out how to charge their device and doesn't appreciate their freedom then its hard to argue that they belong anyplace else other than BPT jail. But, Judge Blawie can also 'lock down' FD via the bracelet options if he doesn't want to put FD back in jail and perhaps this might be an adequate 'wake up' call for FD? Doubt it.

This post got me thinking. Is there a level of alerts, based on a individuals bond amount? The higher the bond, the higher the alert on ankle security device. Is security device company monitored by real people? Just wondering whose doing the monitoring, and how an alert goes off. Restrictions are fun, and would sure mess with FD head! Adding a shock feature would just be for shi*s and giggles, IMO!
Is anyone else other than NP saying "On Sept 20, family court judge tossed psych report that favored FD"

If they are sealed, and he knows they are sealed, could he just blurt out that the report favored FD, and that is not correct. Where else are we seeing that it favored FD?

I believe that it is only from his mouth-nobody else is saying that as far as we know.
This post got me thinking. Is there a level of alerts, based on a individuals bond amount? The higher the bond, the higher the alert on ankle security device. Is security device company monitored by real people? Just wondering whose doing the monitoring, and how an alert goes off. Restrictions are fun, and would sure mess with FD head! Adding a shock feature would just be for shi*s and giggles, IMO!
I had students who wore those ankle bracelets and from what I remember, they had to be in their house by 6:00 pm and could not leave their house before 6:00 am.

If they were one minute late, an alert would go off (on both ends) and they would have to call in and explain. I don't know if they had to call their probation officer or whoever was doing the monitoring but from what they said it was a pretty big deal if they were late. I never had anyone say that it happened four times and there weren't any consequences, though. Or that there were any problems with charging it.

It's probably different for every situation, and my students usually had been charged with theft, assault, or drugs so it may depend on the severity of the crime. Imo
The judge did rule that they couldn’t use it. I was answering Dixiegirl’s question about whether or not we had seen anyone other than NP defining the report as favorable to FD.
Oh, ok. I imagine it was, or at least the evaluation and testing materials were not considered to be adequate.
That would be my guess. Imo
Ok! It’s CFB Saturday so I am a wee distracted. Same for the NFL tomorrow.

But the way I see it most of us WS’ers are divided up into different camps of thought regarding where JD may be found/remains even though this case hasn’t been classified as a murder investigation as of yet.

1. JD was disposed of in or near NC. Even near the CT/NY border. This means that either on May 24th this occurred between 10:25 am and 11:12 am when the TT was seen driving away from NC on Merritt Parkway and passing the NC rest area. Tacoma is then seen passing the Fairfield rest area at 11:25 am. And then at 11:40 am on Route 8, in Derby. Then at noon on Interstate 84, Waterbury and finally captured at 12:22 pm entering 80 Mountain Spring Road.
This theory dictates to me that her remains were dealt with between 10:25 am and 11:12 am. After that the Tacoma was headed like a laser to Farmington.
The caveat to this is that her remains were placed somewhere in that area initially and then moved sometime Later. Not sure when later is but we have heard FD possibly had an LE tail as soon as May 25th so sometime before 2:47 Pm on May 25th unless someone else moved the remains that is not FD.
2. Her remains were deposited sometime between 10:25am and 11:12am and not moved again. This could also be a dumpster close to the area.
3. Her remains were deposited sometime between 12:22pm and 4:30 pm on May 24th near Farmington or surrounding areas.
4. Her remains were deposited sometime after the EE left 80 Mountain Spring with his Tacoma (like 5:34 pm) and before 7:10 pm near Farmington OR Hartford or Avon areas.
5. Her remains were in the trashbags on Albany. And deposited between 7:10 pm and 7:41 pm. And did indeed go through MIRA.
6. Her remains were deposited sometime after 7:41 pm but before 8:10 pm somewhere near Hartford, Avon or Farmington areas.
7. Her remains were deposited after 8:10pm on May 24th but before 2:47 pm on May 25th.
8. Her remains were deposited sometime after 2:47 pm on May 25th.
9. JD is not missing at all. She is in hiding. Ala Gone Girl.
10. JD committed revenge suicide. Somewhere near NC.

9. And 10. Are clearly not my theories but as they have been posed by the defense I mention them. There maybe posters lurking who believe 9 or 10 but are afraid to post for fear of retribution.

Anywho my idea is that we all decide which of 1-10 is our best theory (closest to what we think is the most possible) and then work with other posters who believe similarly and share our ideas and then present our best possible theory and location based on that.

Because of the gag order until new charges are filed we have to sharpen our theories.

I freely admit to believing it’s 3 or 4. JMO ofcourse.

What do y’all think?
Do you think it’s outlandish to consider a pre1 scenario? From 8:05-10:25am -a theory that JD was killed, and her remains were moved and deposited during this time frame as well. I’m still weighing “risk” (of discovery) as a heavy decision factor. Things I flag as highest risk in disposing of her remains are the body being seen in a vehicle, and transferred from one vehicle to another. Every time I look at the proximity of the Tacoma and Suburban to the road at the park, I cant imagine thinking no one would observe my movements.
FD could easily have carried her into woods behind the house, or used the car mat to drag her. I am also still holding on to the thought that her resting place holds some meaning.
Am I missing some evidence that would negate this theory? I think the blood in both vehicles could be explained by transfer from FD, mat or cleaning items. The amount of time at 80 MS and noise at Sturbridge does push the idea that he still had her body with him, but he could have been cleaning, disposing of or destroying other evidence.
Just a muddled thought. MOO
I see no legal way for FD to possess and open those statements/bills. Even if it was addressed to JD at 4JX. And I doubt that it was addressed that way. My hunch is that he took a stack of personal papers out of her house when he was there, killing her, abd sorted through some of it with NP-and that statement is what NP decided was something that they could use for FD’s defense. But, MOO!! When is someone official going to ask where they came into possession of such a thing? Are we the only people who’ve thought of it?
He may have removed them from her car or purse. We know she had 2 appointments in the city that day, and she may have been taking them with her- in purse, tote, briefcase? I know when mine were little, in making lunches and packing my things up, I would often put my case, school needs etc, in the car the night before, so I wouldn’t be bothered with it in the morning. With 5 other people to feed, help dress, and get out the door, I’m betting she did an awful lot the night before, while they were asleep.
I know we’ve discussed JDs phone, but I don’t recall hearing anything about her purse.
HIPAA is very specific about health organizations not sharing personal information with anyone without your specific consent. (I had to go that online training on this this summer, and this is probably the only time I will use that knowledge!)

is there any possibility that he, as a husband/parent was listed somewhere as an emergency contact or as a co-owner of the house and some medical bill collection service just sent him the bill? they were not legally divorced, so maybe some database never got updated?
I started searching here and then tried Zillow; Photo 13 showed some blue pillows and other photos showed some with patterns. Those are attached. I’ll keep looking for the closeup you recall here.
I’m just catching up in thread, a little while back when this pillow convo started, I thought it said pillows “found”. Were pillows actually ever “found”? I mentally put the pillow with DD, Mr Fudge and the knife in my bizarre items room of DA and HC.
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It almost seems like Pattis is trying to frame this as some sort of an intimate dinner.

One that would lend itself to FD having access to the house.

From what we have heard thus far, it seemed like an informal barbecue on the back patio.

I don’t for a second believe he set foot in that house, nor do I believe Jennifer would allow this.

I imagine they kept their distance, and merely kept up appearances for the kids.
The court order gave him supervised visitation IN NC on Wednesdays. He was not allowed to have them at his home. I imagine JD went out of her way to make these visits as easy and “normal” for the children as possible.. Having Dad part of their normal routine is often advised. She probable planned the bbq for their comfort. FD also stated he played basketball with the kids. It sounds like she arranged a nice evening and left to let them share it alone.
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The thing about restraining orders, at least in my state, is that there has to be a direct and immediate threat. For example, he has to say, “I am going to kill you.” Manipulators are smarter than this. It doesn’t matter how afraid the woman feels. And it doesn’t matter if they’ve physically intimated her. There has to be a threat of immediate harm.
I'm curious what her counsel would have told her about a restraining order.
I think this is an opportunity for the news to start a conversation about restraining orders and their effectiveness and purpose. Look how he taunted her about not having one.

To deal with this guy, this LEECH, must have been hell. Abusers, they are like leeches, they don’t let you go or move on with your life. Even though he had already moved on with his with MT.
This was, and is, a beautifully written article. Of course, the writer is NOT our friend DA.
I don't know when their first child born but I do know that FD & JD had a 17+- year history before marrying (1987 - 2004)-- having first met at Brown University as undergraduates. After graduation, their paths would often cross, but it was about 17 years later that they married (within months of his divorce).

Chemistry and calm, then loneliness and turbulence in the marriage of missing New Canaan mother Jennifer Farber Dulos
I don't think he'd be able to get her health info from a lawyer, or even from the website. The way health info is now, only the individual can get the information from the insurance website - even if on a family plan - unless given explicit permission by the individual, which I'm sure he didn't have.

The video posted a few pages back by @afitzy makes it clear it was newly obtained by FD/NP, and when NP refers to Family court it makes it sound like he was NOT able to get the same info from them (though I couldn't hear all of it as well as I'd like). He even admits he doesn't know what the coding is for - which shows he didn't seem to have access to it from the website where it might explain all that.

The insurance paperwork conveniently popped out after her murder.

It seems most reasonable to me that he stole the health paperwork from her house on the morning of the murder. That's what took him longer, along with cleaning up.

I assume LE went through her desk/papers for fingerprints, but then again, he probably wore gloves.

edit: part about video
My 2cents on this -don’t know if it varies state to state, IME as a retired healthcare provider and divorce court user:

To set up a ‘my chart’ type acct, a code is usually given to the patient after appt for them to log on and set up username and password. Even if FD had known her Dr, he couldn’t go on and create acct just so he could view her info. However, since we know JD was going to unknown appts that morning, as I said before, she may have been carrying a medical file with her. If FD nabbed it out of her car, and that code was on paperwork, then he could have very easily set up an acct for her.

On EOBs: they are ONLY mailed to titled insurance holder. Ie, if FD were carrying insurance for the family, he would get EOBs. Even in a divorce, this holds. But IIRC, FD was not carrying insurance for the family. Therefore, any EOBs for in’s JD had purchased would go directly to her. MOO

Edit: now that I’m thinking more about this, I wonder if LE has checked her medical online accounts to see when and from what device they were set up. Seems too obvious. They must have.....
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Everything you've ever wanted to know about Sentinel GPS tracking devices. Sentinel is the company monitoring FD.
Pages 36-38 are particularly interesting! It talks about how and when the device tracks, stores, and sends info.
Oh, this is good! I've got to believe that his monitoring device is on "Active" tracking mode. In which case, any infraction is reported immediately. question is what is the penalty for an infraction? FD has had 4, so maybe he was warned 3 times and the 4th is a hearing before a Judge? I'm just surprised that the court's time has to be tied up with a housekeeping issue like this, which is so administrative/rudimentary IMO. I guess we'll find out tomorrow! I've gotta believe that it's more than the judge explaining how to charge the battery at the same time everyday for one hour, right? Hopefully, a probational consequence and not just a warning.
Oh, ok. I imagine it was, or at least the evaluation and testing materials were not considered to be adequate.
That would be my guess. Imo

I think that the reason the report was tossed was because the hearing wasn’t completed, maybe because the Dr walked out, so it was considered a mistrial, and then I suppose the report no longer had relevance-regardless of whom it was favorable to. NP will continue to blab about this “favorable” report being thrown out as soon as he has an opportunity to without a gag order governing him.
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Do you think it’s outlandish to consider a pre1 scenario? From 8:05-10:25am -a theory that JD was killed, and her remains were moved and deposited during this time frame as well. I’m still weighing “risk” (of discovery) as a heavy decision factor. Things I flag as highest risk in disposing of her remains are the body being seen in a vehicle, and transferred from one vehicle to another. Every time I look at the proximity of the Tacoma and Suburban to the road at the park, I cant imagine thinking no one would observe my movements.
FD could easily have carried her into woods behind the house, or used the car mat to drag her. I am also still holding on to the thought that her resting place holds some meaning.
Am I missing some evidence that would negate this theory? I think the blood in both vehicles could be explained by transfer from FD, mat or cleaning items. The amount of time at 80 MS and noise at Sturbridge does push the idea that he still had her body with him, but he could have been cleaning, disposing of or destroying other evidence.
Just a muddled thought. MOO
I agree with your thought that her resting place holds some meaning. While being followed by RadarOnline after being released after spending 10 days stewing in prison, FD meaningfully, meticulously and "bizarrely" swept and inspected the front doorway of 61 Sturbridge Hill, the house that is presently listed for sale for $4mm. Smirking into the camera - why? Revenge accomplished? Body still in place, right under our noses? Perhaps in the very house that caused FORE's insolvency and brought down his real estate empire? After FIL passed, did FD have to scramble to borrow from hard money lenders, mafia types that will break FD's legs, to finish the back patio and put down the sod out front? FD has not taken this property off the market although he did remove the broker from 4 JX so he has got business on his mind. 4 JX is under foreclosure and, if not soon arrested for bail violations, then FD will have to move - but wouldn't moving into 61 Sturbridge Hill be the final act of self-implosion? Another open house today, Sunday September 22, 2019, just like the one held earlier this month, search "61 Sturbridge Hill, New Canaan" on Delusional, this listing, and that is an understatement. FD dropped a brick on this house, on New Canaan and the families who live there. I'm shocked and outraged that this farce is allowed to continue. Yet, the FBI may be behind the telescopic lens today. And freezing all incoming wires to FORE/FD accounts as ill-gotten gains from a criminal enterprise. MOO.
I agree with your thought that her resting place holds some meaning. While being followed by RadarOnline after being released after spending 10 days stewing in prison, FD meaningfully, meticulously and "bizarrely" swept and inspected the front doorway of 61 Sturbridge Hill, the house that is presently listed for sale for $4mm. Smirking into the camera - why? Revenge accomplished? Body still in place, right under our noses? Perhaps in the very house that caused FORE's insolvency and brought down his real estate empire? After FIL passed, did FD have to scramble to borrow from hard money lenders, mafia types that will break FD's legs, to finish the back patio and put down the sod out front? FD has not taken this property off the market although he did remove the broker from 4 JX so he has got business on his mind. 4 JX is under foreclosure and, if not soon arrested for bail violations, then FD will have to move - but wouldn't moving into 61 Sturbridge Hill be the final act of self-implosion? Another open house today, Sunday September 22, 2019, just like the one held earlier this month, search "61 Sturbridge Hill, New Canaan" on Delusional, this listing, and that is an understatement. FD dropped a brick on this house, on New Canaan and the families who live there. I'm shocked and outraged that this farce is allowed to continue. Yet, the FBI may be behind the telescopic lens today. And freezing all incoming wires to FORE/FD accounts as ill-gotten gains from a criminal enterprise. MOO.

61 Sturbridge Hill Rd, New Canaan, CT 06840 -®


When radaronline was there taking photographs. I wonder if he thought he was being surveilled by law enforcement. He saw them through the windows, and just had to go outside to get a better look so he used the excuse of sweeping the front porch?


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