Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #34

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Whatever happened to the crazy allegation made by NP on FD’s behalf that Jennifer stole scads of Fd’s money? That never came up in the civil hearing. I guess that is what gag orders are made for-the lies that NP and FD are inclined to tell; this, if NP asks again why one is necessary, should be the response.

For a while I tried to keep track of the "stories" that NP created since he became "counsel" to Fd. Besides the one about stolen money, NP floated the heroin addict story, the serious mental problems suggestions (continuing), the serious medical illness, and the best, she received medical care in July. If NP were "ungagged," I can't imagine the number of "stories" that he could have created at this point. UGH!

In an early article about advocacy for Fd published in the Stamford Advocate, an attorney Maddox stated the following:

“But being a zealous advocate does not mean being an irrational advocate. There is a balance between the two. I believe that truly dedicated and competent lawyers are required to be the narrators of our client’s story, but you better be sure your narrative is consistent and it can be substantiated. Not just in the immediate sense, but when you go before a jury, because jurors remember,” said Maddox, who is not involved in the Dulos case. “You have to be very careful about what you put out there and theorizing about a missing mother who has mimicked a piece of fiction and has abandoned her children to live some other life is ultimately not something that is going to favor your client.”
Jennifer Dulos case: Norm Pattis tells author to ‘be gone, girl’

NP and team have fallen into the irrational advocate category. I don't know why Judge Blawie or Attorney Colangelo haven't filed bar complaints against him. I'll be surprised if the Supreme Court upholds the gag order, but hopefully they will offer guidance to the Judge and State's Attorney about helping NP follow the rules. The problem with bar complaints, however, is the length of time it takes to review and settle such claims. The powers that be will just need to have a ream of complaints filled out and ready to send into the State Bar.

And, FWIW, the idea that one is advocating for a client by telling a "story" is offensive to me as a rational adult. Stories are lies that small children tell to explain broken lamps and missing cookies.

P.S. NP always looks for the juror who doesn't remember or hasn't any knowledge of the case at hand. Where in CT will he find that juror?

What IF Fd/MT did not travel directly to Albany Avenue in the Hartford Area FROM 4JC on Friday, May 24 at 7:10 pm?

We do Not know what Time Fd/MT Actually Left 4JC for their Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity Date Night.

AW1 says that their phones traveled to Albany Ave at 7:10 pm and does Not say from Where the trip Originated. Did it Originate from 4JC or a body disposal location?
Nothing here says that Fd/MT Stayed at 4JC during this time.

This is 1 Hour and 36 minutes of Unaccounted For time.
What was Fd and MT doing during that 96 minutes of Unaccounted For time?
You would think they wanted to get rid of the bloody contractor bags as quickly as possible, but yet, they waited 96 minutes? AT 4JC?

In Addition.
Any chance we Know Which Direction the CCTV footage shows Fd's Ford Raptor was traveling on it's Albany Ave extra curricular activities on the evening of Friday, May 24th?

The Jamaican Bakery is on the North side of Albany Ave and therefore the flow of traffic would be West toward Avon instead of toward Hartford.

IF Fd/MT returned from a body disposal, north or east of Hartford, they would then be facing the correct direction of West when they stopped in front of the Jamaican Bakery on Albany Ave.

Otherwise, IF they were traveling East Toward Hartford when they stopped, Fd would have had to walk across the street or turn left into a side street so as to have the truck facing the correct direction for the traffic flow. You know, because Fd did not want to get a ticket for breaking the law.

Is it Possible that Fd/MT turned their phones Off when they arrived at 4JC at 5:34 pm and then turned them back on at 7:10 pm on Albany Ave?

That is 96 minutes and a heck of a Lot can happen in 96 minutes.

IMO, they Both were disposing of the body during that 96 minutes.

RSBM: Too much to respond to and still too much, LOL! Hope you don't mind.
1. Looked at AW again. Yes, is vague about the 7:10 phone traveling to Hartford. No mention of surveillance on video from neighbor like when they returned back to 4JC.
2. There was actual description of what FD was wearing. I wonder if EE was able to recall what FD was wearing at MS. I think it's possible they did go home to shower and change clothes. You know, that whole DNA thing that FD is so(not)careful about.
3. Is the bakery where the license plates were found at the corner of Garden St?
4. That is GREAT observation on your part about the direction and that FD should be traveling west at that point.
5. However, even if FD initially entered Albany heading East, he would have at some point swung around and headed back.
6. Yes, is possible they turned off their phones at 5:34 and on again at 7:10. Until we find out what time neighbor surveillance sees vehicles come in and out, we can only surmise. BUT, LE knows!
7. By the same token, AW only says that the phones traveled to 4JC at 5:34. As you say, 2 vehicles at MS. AW does not say whether both vehicles went back to 4JC. Mmmmm. MT could have went there by herself and had possession of both phones. Probably not turned off because, you know, LE is too stupid to know that people don't always carry their phones when they are committing a crime. FD could have left directly from MS with JD body and then returned to do the garbage run with MT.
8. Also interesting that the AW says the run took place between Biltmore and Edwards streets and that the disposal was done along a 4 mile stretch. It is only 2 miles one way between those locations so maybe there was dumping done in both directions accounting for the 4 miles given in the AW.
9. Biltmore is the first street that would have been encountered if FD was driving directly from 4JC. Something tells me that's where it started but like you say, who knows where the vehicles were between 5:34 and 7:10? LE knows!
10. Your theory could well be right. JD could also have been disposed of directly after FD left MS whenever that was(and MT returning to 4JC with both phones). The neighbor's surveillance will tell all.
Hope that all made sense!
Also, don't forget that there are cameras at MS. LE will know when all vehicles departed. And if any other unknown vehicles arrived after 5:34. Like a third party who may have assisted with disposal.
ETA: If FD didn't return to 4JC at 5:34 and instead went somewhere else, does it make sense for him to be driving around in the Raptor with both the garbage bags AND JD? If in fact MT did return to 4JC by herself, it seems she would have gone in the Raptor with garbage bags in tow. I don't think FD wanted to keep JD around any of his properties for very long. He had to know LE was coming and that the garage was a mess. I mean, visible blood was spotted on one of the bags on camera at Albany. Would love to know if GF called him and if so, what time it was, asking if he had heard from JD. I am pretty sure she knew right away though that Jennifer was never coming home. Sad.
He never wanted the divorce or it would have happened. There is an angle here. Dismissal doesn't mean "heir". She would have to be declared dead. That usually takes 7 years unless there is evidence like violent assault in a garage that results in too much blood loss to survive. He was hoping she would kill herself and settle matters. I guarantee she had severe mental issues after what she went thru. He claims she is "Gone Girl". Now he would have to claim she is deceased and provide evidence to convince a court. Oh wait, FD has been charged with disposing of bloody items with JD DNA. Doesn't fit very well with "Gone Girl". He has boxed himself in. Also, I believe custody of the children is a very separate issue. JMO.
Gotta love it when Fd 'lies' get stacked on top of 'lies' to the point where it become impossible to make any credible legal argument about anything!!!!!!!

Not that presenting credible arguments has ever stopped Pattisville before unfortunately!

Love your summary of all the word salad that has been spewed by Pattisville in this sorry case.

Yep, the Petite Prince has his sorry petite self in a bit of bind as he is no doubt rolling the dice that he is entitled to something/anything/even a penny of any assets of JFd.

Is Fd pursuing any JFd assets simply to torment GF or is he really in desperate need of funds to fuel his ongoing hobby of litigation?

Most days I wish Fd had some other hobby/obsession other than litigation and tormenting GF and his 5 children but he seems to be a one trick pony with no interests other than self destruction and tormenting an 85 yo woman that has better things to do than waste her time and resources on feeding his constant need for attention and revenge.

Interesting dilemma for Petite Prince and Pattisville given their total lack of cohesive litigation strategy from 'jump' in this case. Because they have been all over the map (literally) with their specious arguments, they are left with few options as others here have pointed out.

Hard to explain all the blood at 69/71 Welles, New Canaan, CT, EE Truck Cleaning and the bloody items in trashcans on Albany Avenue unfortunately.

This all might be a cautionary tale of 'be careful what you wish for' Fd and the "Greek/Turkish Grifters"!

If the Probate Court did award permanent custody to GF as at least one Press article suggested, then it appears that no doubt the next stage of this pathetic legal last hurrah by Fd and Pattisville might just be ongoing appeals to that ruling. The reference in one of the articles to Fd not showing up to the Probate Hearing didn't make sense to me, given the serious nature of the proceedings. But, we've seen Fd not show up for depositions and hearings previously as he seems to treat them as 'optional'. IDK.
RSBM: The best attorneys know how each judge operates. In my own experience, my lawyer knows how each judge operates as well as the opposing attorney. Yes, my attorney knows every judicial assistant, judge and magistrate. He's likable, speaks softly and carries a big stick. Yes, there is a network going. Crossing state lines is probably a whole different ballgame. IME. IMO.
Totally agree.

NY Courts might IMO be a total game changer to this sorry case. No State has a perfectly functioning judicial system but IMO much of what has bothered so many here about CT Judges and Courts wouldn't be as much of an issue in NY. I do wonder though if the reason Pattisville brought a NY atty on board the 'gang' was possibly for this reason. IDK?

I'm not sure though whether there are grounds to move any of the litigation to NY yet as Custody seems to have been handled in Probate Court in CT based on the recent Press report and JFd disappeared in CT and she and her children were no doubt residents of CT at the time of her disappearance.

I also don't know the answer to the question of whether GF can file Civil Litigation for wrongful death against MT and Fd in NY based simply on the fact that she is a NY Resident? Perhaps one of the attys can weigh in on that as IDK. We are probably a long way from Civil Litigation but my guess is that we will see it happen eventually.

Sadly though we are left with the sorry CT Courts which seem subject to easy manipulation and noncompliance by Fd and Pattisville.

Also, don't forget that there are cameras at MS. LE will know when all vehicles departed. And if any other unknown vehicles arrived after 5:34. Like a third party who may have assisted with disposal.
ETA: If FD didn't return to 4JC at 5:34 and instead went somewhere else, does it make sense for him to be driving around in the Raptor with both the garbage bags AND JD? If in fact MT did return to 4JC by herself, it seems she would have gone in the Raptor with garbage bags in tow. I don't think FD wanted to keep JD around any of his properties for very long. He had to know LE was coming and that the garage was a mess. I mean, visible blood was spotted on one of the bags on camera at Albany. Would love to know if GF called him and if so, what time it was, asking if he had heard from JD. I am pretty sure she knew right away though that Jennifer was never coming home. Sad.
I'm with you on wondering if or how each of the various FORE houses, including 4Jx might have played a role in Fd and MT plans.

I wish information regarding the MIRA findings was forthcoming as it might present evidence to support those here that believe that JFd remains did in fact go through MIRA and were not disposed of separately either on the trip back to Farmington from New Canaan or somehow after spending some time at 80MS.

We have seen other 'no body' cases prosecuted successfully in other States (and in CT). But I do wonder at this point why there has been a delay in AW3 for MT and Fd, given that the forensic work has no doubt been completed and all the houses involved (that we are aware of) have been returned to Fd or landlord (in the case of 69 71 Welles Lane, New Canaan, CT). We haven't seen LE bar Fd from 80 MS or any of the FORE properties that we are aware of and other than being out of 4Jx, it doesn't appear LE held this property either.

The search warrants will remain sealed for another 30 days I believe so perhaps that will be a critical date in terms of further action for this tragic case?

Well, if you are deemed unfit to have legal custody of your children, I don't think dismissal of a divorce case is going to help. Two people who are NOT going thru divorce can get their children taken away. Again, why not just ask for a default judgment and then fight for custody. He is in legal no-man's land right now. What would a judge rule on a default motion? She has not been declared deceased. She is not showing up for court. Interesting info here about dismissal:

Divorce Source: Dismissing a Divorce Case
The petitioner should verify that the other spouse did not respond to the divorce petition. If the defendant has filed no documents other than a notice of appearance, the petitioner may unilaterally withdraw the divorce petition. However, if an answer or a counterclaim has been filed, the divorce will continue on unless the petitioner also withdraws.


The spouse who has been served a petition for divorce (the one who is being sued for divorce) has no legal power to interrupt the process. He or she may only file an answer and defend himself or herself in the proceedings. However, if both parties are open to stopping the divorce process, the spouse who filed may take steps to halt legal action.

JD is the petitioner. Even if FD actually made a counterclaim, JD HAS to agree to dismissal. Dismissal usually happens when people reconcile. It seems like legally, default is the only way to go. Why is that not happening instead? Maybe because in default, you still have to explain your claims to a judge before you get your settlement. You can't just make stuff up. I think FD would have to set a Final Hearing somehow since JD is not to be found. Maybe the judge would make him go the Divorce by Publication route before issuing final orders.

AND, what if she IS declared deceased. Are there safeguards in effect, according to law, that a murder suspect does not inherit any spousal assets? I'm pretty sure with life insurance there is, but what about other things? Does a murder charge equal deceased or is a conviction required? I am guessing this is where a wrongful death lawsuit brought by GF comes in.
With all the legal complexities associated with JFd estate matters my only hope is that the interests of the 5 children are safeguarded as it appears that Fd and Team Pattisville have zero interest in safeguarding anything of a financial nature for the children.

Given his absolutely abysmal well documented record in Family Court as a father and as a human being I also very much hope that the Family Court or Juvenile Court or Probate Court in CT spends the time to look at the well documented records in place and also look to to the very clear wishes of the mother of the 5 children as to what is eventually decided.

In so much of the coverage from the Press (and Dave Altimari and the Hartford Courant in particular IMO) the wishes and views of missing (and now presumed dead) Jennifer Dulos has absolutely been lost. The Dulos children blessedly had a mother who cared about them greatly and so to see the ongoing coverage of Fd lamenting his lost access to his 5 children played on repeat by the Press is something that IMO can only be coming from Pattisville Press Operations directly.

Fd EARNED THE RIGHT IMO to NOT have access to his 5 children and there is zero in his file in Family Court that IMO supports his ability to parent his children, particularly as he seemed to offload all parenting tasks to JFd. Today I read again the Judge Heller decision regarding not allowing the 5 Dulos children to attend Greek Orthodox dinner at 4Jx with the 15 members of the Troconis clan and up to 30 other invited guests.

Judge Heller deemed the environment at 4Jx with the Fd 'guest list' to not be in the best interests of the children and she also cited how in the past children 'had been lost' at 4Jx under Fd care. UNSAFE, NOT IN BEST INTERESTS and LOST. Sounds like a dangerous cocktail of issues for any child to face and it seems like Fd didn't care about the welfare of his children at all such that he was willing to change the mix of his guest list such that he would have a smaller group and could give total attention to his 5 children and safeguard them completely. Nope, Fd made no offer to adjust his 'party' and instead just complained bitterly to Judge Heller about no Greek Orthodox meal with the children. It was typical whining and whinging from Fd but it was clear to see in the commentary that he didn't make any attempt to understand where Judge Heller was coming from as her focus was on the well being of the children.

Any bio-dad/sperm donor (sorry I simply cannot call him a parent as he has demonstrated zero capability in this regard based on what we have seen in Family Court documents) IMO who can't even see the basics of what was wrong with his planned Greek Orthodox Easter meal and adjust accordingly, has me seriously wondering whether he even has the capacity to deal with any very serious and tough parenting issues? No doubt in my mind that the answer on this would be a clear No, as IMO to be a good parent would mean to think about someone other than himself 24/7 and thus far he seems absolutely incapable of such a mind shift in his perspective.

I was going back through some of the Dave Altimari and Hartford Courant 'reposting' today to refresh my recollections on some of the Family Court testimony. I have to say that the Dave Alitimari 'reposting' on the issue of Fd fitness as a parent and his direct quoting from Fd Atty's and Atty Rochlin in particular was probably about the absolute worst and absolutely irresponsible reporting I have ever seen on a divorce or custody case ever.

I'm not sure anymore what exactly the purpose of a print press is given the meltdown of the print media world, but I do think Dave Altimari and his ilk of doing little to no direct investigation of anything and simply serving up their column inches to attorneys to spew forth their private agendas is IMO totally unacceptable and despicable. Yet, we see Dave Altimari on an ongoing basis simply offloading his column inches to the various members of the Pattisville team with no questions asked. Dave Altimari was one of the first to spew forth on characterization of the divorce trial "moving in the favor of Fd" when there is no proof (other than the questionable words IMO) other than statements from various members of Pattisville and Fd. What I believe is so irresponsible about this kind of reporting is that it is taking comments from Pattisville attorneys and presenting as 'facts' when in most if not all cases they are anything but. These Pattisville attorney statements are opinions usually, yet Dave Altimari never presents them in this light so readers are led to believe something very different from what really might be the case.

» Connecticut General Statutes 45a-478 – Appointment of trustee when person has disappeared. Trustee’s rights and duties. Procedure if person reappearsLawServer
2018 CT Statutes regarding a missing person:
(a) When any person having property has disappeared so that after diligent search his whereabouts cannot be ascertained, the court of probate in the district in which he resided or had his domicile at the time of his disappearance or, if such person resided outside of this state, then in the district in which any of his property is situated, upon the application of the spouse, or a relative, creditor or other person interested in the property of such person, or the selectmen of the town where such person last resided, or in which such property is situated, shall, after public notice and a hearing thereon, appoint a trustee of the property of such person.

Has GF already done this? I thought I read that JD is being represented by GF attorneys in court? Has GF been appointed trustee? Why had FD not tried to do this? I am guessing this gives control of JD trust to the trustee. Or was GF already given this power by JD before she disappeared?

(c) Such trustee, upon giving a probate bond, shall have charge of such property, and he shall have the same powers, duties and obligations as a conservator of the estate of an incapable person. With the approval of the court of probate, such trustee may use any portion of the income or principal of such property for the support of the spouse and minor children of such person.

(e) The court of probate may continue such trustee in office until satisfactory proof of the death of such person is furnished, until proceedings are taken to settle his estate on the presumption of his death under the provisions of section 45a-329, or for a period of seven years from the time of the disappearance of such person if he remains unheard of.

I also skimmed google and found a little about actually have a death declared sooner than 7 years but don't have a good enough cite yet.
» Connecticut General Statutes 45a-478 – Appointment of trustee when person has disappeared. Trustee’s rights and duties. Procedure if person reappearsLawServer
2018 CT Statutes regarding a missing person:(a) When any person having property has disappeared so that after diligent search his whereabouts cannot be ascertained, the court of probate in the district in which he resided or had his domicile at the time of his disappearance or, if such person resided outside of this state, then in the district in which any of his property is situated, upon the application of the spouse, or a relative, creditor or other person interested in the property of such person, or the selectmen of the town where such person last resided, or in which such property is situated, shall, after public notice and a hearing thereon, appoint a trustee of the property of such person.

Has GF already done this? I thought I read that JD is being represented by GF attorneys in court? Has GF been appointed trustee? Why had FD not tried to do this? I am guessing this gives control of JD trust to the trustee. Or was GF already given this power by JD before she disappeared?


Woo-hoo! IMHO financial pro Hill Farber would indeed prepare trusts from this possibility!

What we've seen of Atty. Weinstein & Dranginis, a Trustee to protect the children's financial interest is certainly likely.

Thanks so much for looking that up, BellaVita!!!


Call in the Ankle Bracelets!
» Connecticut General Statutes 45a-478 – Appointment of trustee when person has disappeared. Trustee’s rights and duties. Procedure if person reappearsLawServer
2018 CT Statutes regarding a missing person:
(a) When any person having property has disappeared so that after diligent search his whereabouts cannot be ascertained, the court of probate in the district in which he resided or had his domicile at the time of his disappearance or, if such person resided outside of this state, then in the district in which any of his property is situated, upon the application of the spouse, or a relative, creditor or other person interested in the property of such person, or the selectmen of the town where such person last resided, or in which such property is situated, shall, after public notice and a hearing thereon, appoint a trustee of the property of such person.

Has GF already done this? I thought I read that JD is being represented by GF attorneys in court? Has GF been appointed trustee? Why had FD not tried to do this? I am guessing this gives control of JD trust to the trustee. Or was GF already given this power by JD before she disappeared?

(c) Such trustee, upon giving a probate bond, shall have charge of such property, and he shall have the same powers, duties and obligations as a conservator of the estate of an incapable person. With the approval of the court of probate, such trustee may use any portion of the income or principal of such property for the support of the spouse and minor children of such person.

(e) The court of probate may continue such trustee in office until satisfactory proof of the death of such person is furnished, until proceedings are taken to settle his estate on the presumption of his death under the provisions of section 45a-329, or for a period of seven years from the time of the disappearance of such person if he remains unheard of.

I also skimmed google and found a little about actually have a death declared sooner than 7 years but don't have a good enough cite yet.
Yes, I believe some version of this has been done as it relates to the proceeds from the civil case and I believe for 4Jx foreclosure action. Beyond these 2 items I don't believe we have any visibility as to what the attys have done but given the focus on the children by Atty Weinstein and GF I do have faith that the interests of the 5 children are being safeguarded from Fd and 'Greek Grifters' greed and manipulation.

Yes, I believe some version of this has been done as it relates to the proceeds from the civil case and I believe for 4Jx foreclosure action. Beyond these 2 items I don't believe we have any visibility as to what the attys have done but given the focus on the children by Atty Weinstein and GF I do have faith that the interests of the 5 children are being safeguarded from Fd and 'Greek Grifters' greed and manipulation.


I also believe that there is a reason that Attorney Weinstein is working so hard on the children's behalf. Part of me hopes it has been a diversion for FD while some things have are tidied up in the other courts. I'm stunned FD did not show up in probate court. Again, from a non-legal perspective, logically his actions implies he not interested in legal action concerning his children. A judge in juvenile court should be aware of Fd's past and current behavior concerning the welfare of his children. If the CT court "good old boy's" club operates in juvenile court as a buddy to Rich Rochlin, it's time for a shakeup in the CT court system, IMO. Hopefully, calmer jurists will prevail and not do anything about the custody issues until the criminal charges have been heard in criminal court and a verdict reached.

Rochlin is an experienced divorce attorney, and, from reading comments and media about him, it appears he has provided positive outcomes for his clients. This obvious "work around" the other jurisdictions is troubling. I wish I understood more about the ability of the juvenile court to supersede the family and criminal courts on matters pertaining to the children and the divorce action. I have faith in GF's attorney, Anne Dranginis, but don't trust Rochlin….

Just noticed 3 motions were filed in family court on December 26th...busy little bees: (I don't think these have been posted yet; apologies if they have been.)
539.00 12/26/2019 D MOTION TO DISMISS


If the CT court "good old boy's" club operates in juvenile court as a buddy to Rich Rochlin, it's time for a shakeup in the CT court system, IMO. Hopefully, calmer jurists will prevail and not do anything about the custody issues until the criminal charges have been heard in criminal court and a verdict reached.

Rochlin is an experienced divorce attorney, and, from reading comments and media about him, it appears he has provided positive outcomes for his clients.
The attorney you hire is SO important. The connections they have to everybody involved in the process. Even mediators. In my first divorce, I sat with the mediator and my attorney in one room. My ex and his attorney were in another room. I saw the easy banter and familiarity between my atty and the mediator. I was like wow, mediators are supposed to be impartial, but he's going to recommend for the ex to settle for what I want. It was blatant but not surprising because I did my due diligence on who to retain. I don't think there's a way to stop such connections. It must be hard coming across state lines. GF attorneys are up to the task and the facts are on her side. MOO...IMO...YEP!
The attorney you hire is SO important. The connections they have to everybody involved in the process. Even mediators. In my first divorce, I sat with the mediator and my attorney in one room. My ex and his attorney were in another room. I saw the easy banter and familiarity between my atty and the mediator. I was like wow, mediators are supposed to be impartial, but he's going to recommend for the ex to settle for what I want. It was blatant but not surprising because I did my due diligence on who to retain. I don't think there's a way to stop such connections. It must be hard coming across state lines. GF attorneys are up to the task and the facts are on her side. MOO...IMO...YEP!

Sorry you had to go through all of this yourself, but you bring a wealth of information to the forum. Many thanks for sharing. :)
WOW! Lots of good thought in this post. (and all the other excellent posts I've read the last two days!) You have really shifted the paradigm. I do hope LE has thought this through also.

As smug as FD has been about the fact he seems to know that JFd will never be found, I've feared she was under concrete or off Long Island or out in the Atlantic. It's so frustrating that her body hasn't been found.

I would love to see an arrest on January 8th...before the NP side show after the short hearing and the attempt to move the custody hearing, etc. to juvenile court. That, IMO, will be a fiasco.

Here's to miracles and movement in the investigation and prosecution of this case....and Justice for Jennifer and the her family and children. MOO..IMO
I am worried about how and why these two hearings are scheduled for the same day. What is the circus team really planning or expect to happen because of their network? Why would they attempt to inflict such horrors on those poor children and put them in danger? Is it because fd is going to say mt worked alone to kill Jennifer and he is innocent? fd’s history proves he is too dangerous to be around Jennifer’s children even if he wasn’t the murderer, What is going on with the timing of this custody hearing that seems so sinister and evil?is this all for the benefit of fd’s sister who thinks she is entitled to see the children. ? How much is just this one day in court costing in legal fees and who is the bill being sent to? A miracle is needed ! And strength and protection for gf and the children to hold up against the constant harassment and persecution by fd and his attys.
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